Romans 8:20
Romans 8:20
For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope

Against its will, all creation was subjected to God's curse. But with eager hope,

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

For the creation was subjected to futility--not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it--in the hope

because the creation has become subject to futility, though not by anything it did. The one who subjected it did so in the certainty

For the creation was subjected to futility--not willingly but because of God who subjected it--in hope

For the creation has been subjected to futility, not by its choice, but because of him who subjected it upon hope.

Creation was subjected to frustration but not by its own choice. The one who subjected it to frustration did so in the hope

For the creatures were subjected to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected them,

For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope,

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope,

For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him that made it subject, in hope:

for the creature has been made subject to vanity, not of its will, but by reason of him who has subjected the same, in hope

For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope:

For the Creation fell into subjection to failure and unreality (not of its own choice, but by the will of Him who so subjected it)

For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope

for to vanity was the creation made subject -- not of its will, but because of Him who did subject it -- in hope,

Romakëve 8:20
sepse krijesa iu nënshtrua kotësisë, jo me vullnetin e vet, po për shkak të atij që e nënshtroi,

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 8:20
اذ أخضعت الخليقة للبطل. ليس طوعا بل من اجل الذي اخضعها. على الرجاء.

Որովհետեւ արարածները հպատակեցան ունայնութեան, (ո՛չ թէ իրենց կամքով, հապա անոր պատճառով՝ որ հպատակեցուց զիրենք,)

Romanoetara. 8:20
Ecen creaturác vanitatetara suiet dirade, ez bere nahiz, baina sperançaren azpian suiectionetan eçarri dituenaren causaz, hec-ere deliuraturen diradela corruptionearen suiectionetic, Iaincoaren haourrén gloriaren libertatean içateco.

D Roemer 8:20
De Bschaffenheit ist öbbs Vergönglichs, nit aus aignen Willn, sundern weil s dyr Herrgot yso anglögt haat. Er haat irer aber ayn Hoffnung göbn:

Римляни 8:20
Понеже създанието беше подчинено на немощ, не своеволно, но чрез Този, Който го подчини,

羅 馬 書 8:20
因 為 受 造 之 物 服 在 虛 空 之 下 , 不 是 自 己 願 意 , 乃 是 因 那 叫 他 如 此 的 。

因 为 受 造 之 物 服 在 虚 空 之 下 , 不 是 自 己 愿 意 , 乃 是 因 那 叫 他 如 此 的 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 8:20
stvorenje je uistinu podvrgnuto ispraznosti - ne po svojoj volji, nego zbog onoga koji ga podvrgnu - ali u nadi.

Římanům 8:20
Marnosti zajisté poddáno jest stvoření, nechtě, ale pro toho, kterýž je poddal,

Romerne 8:20
Thi Skabningen blev underlagt Forfængeligheden, ikke med sin Villie, men for hans Skyld, som lagde den derunder,

Romeinen 8:20
Want het schepsel is der ijdelheid onderworpen, niet gewillig, maar om diens wil, die het der ijdelheid onderworpen heeft;

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα, ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐφ’ ἑλπίδι

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐφ' ἑλπίδι

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐφ' ἑλπίδι

Tῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα, ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐπ’ ἐλπίδι·

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα, ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐπ’ ἐλπίδι

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐφ’ ἐλπίδι

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη, οὐχ ἑκοῦσα, ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα, ἐπ’ ἑλπίδι·

τῇ γὰρ ματαιότητι ἡ κτίσις ὑπετάγη οὐχ ἑκοῦσα ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸν ὑποτάξαντα ἐπ' ἑλπίδι

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη ουχ εκουσα αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα εφ ελπιδι

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη ουχ εκουσα αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα εφ ελπιδι

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη ουχ εκουσα αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα επ ελπιδι

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη, ουχ εκουσα, αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα, επ ελπιδι·

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη ουχ εκουσα αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα επ ελπιδι

τη γαρ ματαιοτητι η κτισις υπεταγη ουχ εκουσα αλλα δια τον υποταξαντα εφ ελπιδι

tē gar mataiotēti hē ktisis hypetagē, ouch hekousa, alla dia ton hypotaxanta, eph’ helpidi

te gar mataioteti he ktisis hypetage, ouch hekousa, alla dia ton hypotaxanta, eph’ helpidi

tē gar mataiotēti hē ktisis hypetagē, ouch hekousa alla dia ton hypotaxanta, eph' helpidi

te gar mataioteti he ktisis hypetage, ouch hekousa alla dia ton hypotaxanta, eph' helpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta ep elpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

tē gar mataiotēti ē ktisis upetagē ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

tE gar mataiotEti E ktisis upetagE ouch ekousa alla dia ton upotaxanta eph elpidi

Rómaiakhoz 8:20
Mert a teremtett világ hiábavalóság alá vettetett, nem önként, hanem azért, a ki az alá vetette.

Al la romanoj 8:20
CXar la kreitaro subigxis sub la vanecon, ne volonte, sed, pro la subiganto, kun espero,

Kirje roomalaisille 8:20
Että luontokappale on turmeluksen alle annettu, ei mielellänsä, vaan sentähden, joka ne alle antanut on,

Romains 8:20
Car la création a été assujettie à la vanité (non de sa volonté, mais à cause de celui qui l'a assujettie),

Car la création a été soumise à la vanité, -non de son gré, mais à cause de celui qui l'y a soumise, avec l'espérance

(Parce que les créatures sont sujettes à la vanité, non de leur volonté; mais à cause de celui qui les [y] a assujetties) [elles l'attendent, dis-je,] dans l'espérance qu'elles seront aussi délivrées de la servitude de la corruption, pour être en la liberté de la gloire des enfants de Dieu.

Roemer 8:20
sintemal die Kreatur unterworfen ist der Eitelkeit ohne ihren Willen, sondern um deswillen, der sie unterworfen hat auf Hoffnung.

Sintemal die Kreatur unterworfen ist der Eitelkeit ohne ihren Willen, sondern um deswillen, der sie unterworfen hat, auf Hoffnung.

Denn die Schöpfung war der Vergänglichkeit unterworfen, nicht freiwillig, sondern um deswillen, der sie unterwarf, auf Hoffnung dahin,

Romani 8:20
perché la creazione è stata sottoposta alla vanità, non di sua propria volontà, ma a cagion di colui che ve l’ha sottoposta,

Perciocchè il mondo creato è stato sottoposto alla vanità non di sua propria inclinazione, ma per colui che l’ha sottoposto ad essa,

ROMA 8:20
Karena segala makhluk sudah ditaklukkan kepada yang sia-sia, bukannya dengan kehendaknya sendiri, melainkan dengan kehendak Dia yang menaklukkan mereka itu, tetapi dengan pengharapan,

Romans 8:20
Axaṭer taxelqit teɣli seddaw leḥkum n lbaṭel, mačči s lebɣi-ines, lameɛna s lebɣi n win i ț-yesseɣlin.

로마서 8:20
피조물이 허무한데 굴복하는 것은 자기 뜻이 아니요 오직 굴복케 하시는 이로 말미암음이라

Romanos 8:20
vanitati enim creatura subiecta est non volens sed propter eum qui subiecit in spem

Romiešiem 8:20
Jo radība pakļauta iznīcībai ne savas patikas dēļ, bet tā dēļ, kas to pakļāva, dodams cerību,

Laiðkas romieèiams 8:20
Mat kūrinija buvo pajungta tuštybei,­ne savo noru, bet pavergėjo valia,­su viltimi,

Romans 8:20
Kua meinga hoki te tekateka noa hei rangatira mo te mea i hanga, ehara i te mea na tenei ake i whakaae, engari na ta te kaiwhakarite i pai ai, i runga i te tumanako,

Romerne 8:20
skapningen blev jo lagt under forgjengelighet - ikke godvillig, men efter hans vilje som la den derunder -

Romanos 8:20
Porque la creación fue sometida a vanidad, no de su propia voluntad, sino por causa de aquel que la sometió, en la esperanza

Porque la creación fue sometida a vanidad, no de su propia voluntad, sino por causa de Aquél que la sometió, en la esperanza

Porque las criaturas fueron sujetadas a vanidad, no voluntariamente, sino por causa de Aquél que las sujetó en esperanza,

Porque las criaturas sujetas fueron á vanidad, no de grado, mas por causa del que las sujetó con esperanza,

Porque las criaturas sujetas fueron a vanidad, no de su voluntad, sino por causa del que las sujetó,

Romanos 8:20
Porquanto a criação foi submetida à inutilidade, não por sua livre escolha, mas por causa da vontade daquele que a sujeitou,

Porquanto a criação ficou sujeita à vaidade, não por sua vontade, mas por causa daquele que a sujeitou,   

Romani 8:20
Căci firea a fost supusă deşertăciunii-nu de voie, ci din pricina celui ce a supus -o-cu nădejdea însă,

К Римлянам 8:20
потому что тварь покорилась суете не добровольно, но по воле покорившего ее, в надежде,

потому что тварь покорилась суете не добровольно, но по воле покорившего ее, в надежде,

Romans 8:20
Ashφ Yus najanamia nuna Yßmankamtaik ti pΘnker najanamiayi. T·rasha yajauch ajasmiayi. Nusha Nφ neaskeka T·runachmiayi. Antsu Yus ukunam ataksha iwiarnartin Atφ tusa Tunßa wayamunam yajauch ajasat tusa tsankatkamiayi. Tuma asamtai iwiarnartin tsawantan Nßkawai.

Romabrevet 8:20
Skapelsen har ju blivit lagd under förgängligheten, icke av eget val, utan för dens skull, som lade den därunder; dock så, att en förhoppning skulle finnas,

Warumi 8:20
Kwa maana, viumbe viliwekwa katika hali ya kutojiweza kabisa, si kwa hiari yao, ila vilifanywa hivyo kwa mapenzi ya Mungu. Hata hivyo yapo matumaini,

Mga Taga-Roma 8:20
Sapagka't ang buong nilalang ay nasakop ng kawalang kabuluhan, hindi sa kaniyang kalooban, kundi dahil doon sa sumakop sa kaniya, sa pagasa

โรม 8:20
เพราะว่าสรรพสิ่งเหล่านั้นต้องเข้าอยู่ในอำนาจของอนิจจัง ไม่ใช่ตามใจชอบของตนเอง แต่เป็นไปตามพระองค์ผู้ทรงบันดาลให้เข้าอยู่นั้นด้วยมีความหวังใจ

Romalılar 8:20
Çünkü yaratılış amaçsızlığa teslim edildi. Bu da yaratılışın isteğiyle değil, onu amaçsızlığa teslim eden Tanrının isteğiyle oldu. Çünkü yaratılışın, yozlaşmaya köle olmaktan kurtarılıp Tanrı çocuklarının yüce özgürlüğüne kavuşturulması umudu vardı.

Римляни 8:20
Суетї бо твориво пїдневолидось не по волї, а через підневолившого, в надїї,

Romans 8:20
Apa' owi, dunia' toi pai' hawe'ea ihi' -na jadi' tetotowi-mi, alaa-na uma-pi mokalaua tuwu' -ra. Tohe'e majadi' uma ngkai konoa dunia' moto. Alata'ala to mpototowi dunia' toi, apa' wae-mi kabotu' -na.

Roâ-ma 8:20
Vì muôn vật đã bị bắt phục sự hư không, chẳng phải tự ý mình, bèn là bởi cớ Ðấng bắt phục.

Romans 8:19
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