Romans 4:14
Romans 4:14
For if those who depend on the law are heirs, faith means nothing and the promise is worthless,

If God's promise is only for those who obey the law, then faith is not necessary and the promise is pointless.

For if it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void.

For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is nullified;

For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

If those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made empty and the promise is canceled.

For if those who were given the Law are the heirs, then faith is useless and the promise is worthless,

For if they become heirs by the law, faith is empty and the promise is nullified.

For if these who are of The Written Law were the heirs, faith would have been worthless and The Promise would have been void.

If those who obey Moses' Teachings are the heirs, then faith is useless and the promise is worthless.

For if those who are of the law are the heirs, faith is in vain, and the promise annulled,

For if they who are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

For if they that are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of none effect:

For if they who are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, the promise is made of no effect.

For if they which are of law be heirs, faith is made vain, and the promise made of no effect.

For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of none effect:

For if they who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of no effect.

For if it is the righteous through Law who are heirs, then faith is useless and the promise counts for nothing.

For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of no effect.

for if they who are of law are heirs, the faith hath been made void, and the promise hath been made useless;

Romakëve 4:14
Sepse nëse janë trashëgimtarë ata që janë të ligjit, besimi bëhet i kotë dhe premtimi anulohet,

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 4:14
لانه ان كان الذين من الناموس هم ورثة فقد تعطل الايمان وبطل الوعد.

Քանի որ եթէ Օրէնքէն եղողները ժառանգորդ ըլլային, հաւատքը պիտի փճանար, եւ խոստումը ոչնչանար:

Romanoetara. 4:14
Ecen baldin Leguetic diradenac, heredero badirade ezdeus bilhatu da fedea, eta iraungui da promessa.

D Roemer 4:14
Wenn nömlich die mit n +Gsötz Örbn wärnd, naacherd gältt dyr Glaaubn nix meer; und d Verhaissung kännt myn vergössn.

Римляни 4:14
Защото, ако са наследници тия, които [се облягат] на закона, то вярата е празна, и обещанието осуетно;

羅 馬 書 4:14
若 是 屬 乎 律 法 的 人 才 得 為 後 嗣 , 信 就 歸 於 虛 空 , 應 許 也 就 廢 棄 了 。

若 是 属 乎 律 法 的 人 才 得 为 後 嗣 , 信 就 归 於 虚 空 , 应 许 也 就 废 弃 了 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 4:14
Jer ako su baštinici oni iz Zakona, prazna je vjera, jalovo obećanje.

Římanům 4:14
Nebo jestližeť toliko ti, kteříž jsou z Zákona, dědicové jsou, zmařena jest víra a zrušeno zaslíbení.

Romerne 4:14
Thi dersom de, der ere af Loven, ere Arvinger, da er Troen bleven tom, og Forjættelsen gjort til intet.

Romeinen 4:14
Want indien degenen, die uit de wet zijn, erfgenamen zijn, zo is het geloof ijdel geworden, en de beloftenis te niet gedaan.

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

Εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις, καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι, κεκένωται ἡ πίστις, καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

εἰ γὰρ οἱ ἐκ νόμου κληρονόμοι κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία·

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι κεκενωται η πιστις και κατηργηται η επαγγελια

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι κεκενωται η πιστις και κατηργηται η επαγγελια

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι κεκενωται η πιστις και κατηργηται η επαγγελια

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι, κεκενωται η πιστις, και κατηργηται η επαγγελια·

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι κεκενωται η πιστις και κατηργηται η επαγγελια

ει γαρ οι εκ νομου κληρονομοι κεκενωται η πιστις και κατηργηται η επαγγελια

ei gar hoi ek nomou klēronomoi, kekenōtai hē pistis kai katērgētai hē epangelia;

ei gar hoi ek nomou kleronomoi, kekenotai he pistis kai katergetai he epangelia;

ei gar hoi ek nomou klēronomoi, kekenōtai hē pistis kai katērgētai hē epangelia;

ei gar hoi ek nomou kleronomoi, kekenotai he pistis kai katergetai he epangelia;

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klēronomoi kekenōtai ē pistis kai katērgētai ē epangelia

ei gar oi ek nomou klEronomoi kekenOtai E pistis kai katErgEtai E epangelia

Rómaiakhoz 4:14
Mert ha azok az örökösök, kik a törvénybõl valók, hiábavalóvá lett a hit, és haszontalanná az ígéret:

Al la romanoj 4:14
CXar se tiuj, kiuj estas laux la legxo, estas heredantoj, la fido nuligxis, kaj la promeso vantigxis;

Kirje roomalaisille 4:14
Sillä jos ne, jotka laista ovat, ovat perilliset, niin usko on turha ja lupaus on hukkaan tullut.

Romains 4:14
Car si ceux qui sont du principe de la loi sont héritiers, la foi est rendue vaine et la promesse annulée;

Car, si les héritiers le sont par la loi, la foi est vaine, et la promesse est anéantie,

Or si ceux qui sont de la Loi sont héritiers, la foi est anéantie, et la promesse est abolie :

Roemer 4:14
Denn wo die vom Gesetz Erben sind, so ist der Glaube nichts, und die Verheißung ist ab.

Denn wo die vom Gesetz Erben sind, so ist der Glaube nichts, und die Verheißung ist abgetan.

Sind die vom Gesetz die Erben, so ist es nichts mit dem Glauben, es ist aus mit der Verheißung.

Romani 4:14
Perché, se quelli che son della legge sono eredi, la fede è resa vana, e la promessa è annullata;

Poichè, se coloro che son della legge sono eredi, la fede è svanita, e la promessa annullata;

ROMA 4:14
Karena jikalau orang yang melakukan syariat Taurat menjadi waris itu, niscaya sia-sialah iman itu, dan perjanjian itu pun batallah.

Romans 4:14
Lemmer d wid ittabaɛen ccariɛa ara iweṛten, iwumi ihi liman, iwumi lweɛd n Sidi Ṛebbi.

로마서 4:14
만일 율법에 속한 자들이 후사이면 믿음은 헛것이 되고 약속은 폐하여졌느니라

Romanos 4:14
si enim qui ex lege heredes sunt exinanita est fides abolita est promissio

Romiešiem 4:14
Jo ja tie ir mantinieki, pateicoties likumam, tad ticība būtu zaudējusi savu spēku, un solījums būtu atcelts.

Laiðkas romieèiams 4:14
Jei paveldėtojai būtų tie, kurie remiasi įstatymu, tai tikėjimas būtų tuščias, o pažadas netektų vertės.

Romans 4:14
Mehemea hoki ka riro i te hunga ture, kua tikangakore te whakapono, kua taka te kupu whakaari:

Romerne 4:14
For dersom de som holder sig til loven, er arvinger, da er troen blitt unyttig, og løftet blitt til intet;

Romanos 4:14
Porque si los que son de la ley son herederos, vana resulta la fe y anulada la promesa;

Porque si los que son de la Ley son herederos, vana resulta la fe y anulada la promesa.

Porque si los que son de la ley son los herederos, vana es la fe, y anulada es la promesa.

Porque si los que son de la ley son los herederos, vana es la fe, y anulada es la promesa.

Porque si los que son de la ley son los herederos, vana es la fe, y anulada es la promesa.

Romanos 4:14
Pois se os que vivem pela Lei são herdeiros, a fé não tem valor e a promessa é nula.

Pois, se os que são da lei são herdeiros, logo a fé é vã e a promessa é anulada.   

Romani 4:14
Căci, dacă moştenitori sînt ceice se ţin de Lege, credinţa este zădarnică, şi făgăduinţa este nimicită;

К Римлянам 4:14
Если утверждающиеся на законе суть наследники, то тщетна вера, бездейственно обетование;

Если утверждающиеся на законе суть наследники, то тщетна вера, бездейственно обетование;

Romans 4:14
Kame aya akupkamun umirniun S·satniuitkiuinkia nuikia Yus Enentßimtustin ßntraiti. Tura Yus Apraßman timia nusha ßntraiti.

Romabrevet 4:14
Ty om de som låta det bero på lag skola få arvedelen, så är tron till intet nyttig, och löftet är gjort om intet.

Warumi 4:14
Maana kama watakaopewa hayo aliyoahidi Mungu ni wale tu wanaoitii Sheria, basi, imani haina maana yoyote, nayo ahadi ya Mungu si kitu.

Mga Taga-Roma 4:14
Sapagka't kung silang nangasa kautusan ay siyang mga tagapagmana, ay walang kabuluhan ang pananampalataya, at nawawalang kabuluhan ang pangako:

โรม 4:14
ถ้าเขาเหล่านั้นที่ถือตามพระราชบัญญัติจะเป็นทายาท ความเชื่อก็ไม่มีประโยชน์อะไร และพระสัญญาก็เป็นอันไร้ประโยชน์

Romalılar 4:14
Eğer Yasaya bağlı olanlar mirasçı olursa, iman boş ve vaat geçersizdir.

Римляни 4:14
Коли бо ті, що з закону, наслїдники, то зникне віра, й обітуваннє обернеть ся в нїщо.

Romans 4:14
Apa' ane rapa' -na tauna to mpotuku' Atura Pue' mporata janci-na, batua-na pepangala' -ta hi Alata'ala uma ntoto ria tuju-na, pai' janci Alata'ala uma mpai' madupa'.

Roâ-ma 4:14
Vì, nếu bởi luật pháp mà được hưởng gia nghiệp, thì đức tin ra vô ích, lời hứa cũng bỏ rồi,

Romans 4:13
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