Psalm 53:5
Psalm 53:5
But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, where there was nothing to dread. God scattered the bones of those who attacked you; you put them to shame, for God despised them.

Terror will grip them, terror like they have never known before. God will scatter the bones of your enemies. You will put them to shame, for God has rejected them.

There they are, in great terror, where there is no terror! For God scatters the bones of him who encamps against you; you put them to shame, for God has rejected them.

There they were in great fear where no fear had been; For God scattered the bones of him who encamped against you; You put them to shame, because God had rejected them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them.

Then they will be filled with terror-- terror like no other-- because God will scatter the bones of those who besiege you. You will put them to shame, for God has rejected them.

There the Israelis were seized with terror, when there was nothing to fear. For God scattered the bones of those who laid siege against you — you put them to shame, for God rejected them.

They are absolutely terrified, even by things that do not normally cause fear. For God annihilates those who attack you. You are able to humiliate them because God has rejected them.

There they feared a fear where there was no fear, because God would scatter the bones of those who are pleasing the children of men. They were ashamed because God despised them.

There they are-panic-stricken- [but] there was no reason to panic, because God has scattered the bones of those who set up camp against you. You put them to shame. After all, God has rejected them.

They were there in great fear where no fear was; for God has scattered the bones of him that encamps against thee: thou hast put them to shame because God has despised them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God has scattered the bones of him that encamps against you: you have put them to shame, because God has despised them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God has scattered the bones of him that encamps against you: you have put them to shame, because God has despised them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was; For God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: Thou hast put them to shame, because of God hath rejected them.

They have not called upon God: there have they trembled for fear, where there was no fear. For God hath scattered the bones of them that please men: they have been confounded, because God hath despised them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was; for God scattereth the bones of him that encampeth against thee. Thou hast put them to shame, for God hath despised them.

There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee; thou hast put them to shame, because God hath rejected them.

There they were in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them.

There they were in great fear, where no fear was, for God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you. You have put them to shame, because God has rejected them.

There they feared a fear -- there was no fear, For God hath scattered the bones of him Who is encamping against thee, Thou hast put to shame, For God hath despised them.

Psalmet 53:5
Sepse i ka zënë një frikë e madhe, aty kur nuk kishte arsye për frikë, sepse Perëndia i ka shpërndarë eshtrat e atyre që ngrihen kundër teje. Ti e mbulove me turp, sepse Perëndia i ka hedhur poshtë.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 53:5
‎هناك خافوا خوفا ولم يكن خوف لان الله قد بدد عظام محاصرك‎. ‎اخزيتهم لان الله قد رفضهم‎.

D Sälm 53:5
Ja, wisstß nit, ien bseert öbbs, so schröcklich wie nie. Dyr Herrgot zbätzt deine Pfrenger; er raeumt mit ien auf. Dyr Herrgot laasst s scheitern; verworffen haat s er.

Псалми 53:5
Там ги нападна голям страх, гдето нямаше страх; Защото Бог разпръсна костите на опълчаващите се против тебе; Посрамил си ги, защото Бог ги отхвърли.

詩 篇 53:5
他 們 在 無 可 懼 怕 之 處 就 大 大 害 怕 , 因 為   神 把 那 安 營 攻 擊 你 之 人 的 骨 頭 散 開 了 。 你 使 他 們 蒙 羞 , 因 為   神 棄 絕 了 他 們 。

他 们 在 无 可 惧 怕 之 处 就 大 大 害 怕 , 因 为   神 把 那 安 营 攻 击 你 之 人 的 骨 头 散 开 了 。 你 使 他 们 蒙 羞 , 因 为   神 弃 绝 了 他 们 。



Psalm 53:5
od straha će drhtat' gdje straha i nema jer Bog će rasuti kosti onih koji tebe opsjedaju, bit će posramljeni jer će ih Bog odbaciti.

Žalmů 53:5
Tuť se náramně strašiti budou, kdež není strachu. Bůh zajisté rozptýlí kosti těch, kteříž tě vojensky oblehli; zahanbíš je, nebo Bůh pohrdl jimi.

Salme 53:5
Af Rædsel gribes de da, hvor ingen Rædsel var; thi Gud adsplitter din Belejrers Ben; de bliver til Skamme, thi Gud forkaster dem.

Psalmen 53:5
Aldaar zijn zij met vervaardheid vervaard geworden, waar geen vervaardheid was; want God heeft de beenderen desgenen, die u belegerde, verstrooid; gij hebt hen beschaamd gemaakt, want God heeft hen verworpen.

תהילים 53:5
שָׁ֤ם ׀ פָּֽחֲדוּ־פַחַד֮ לֹא־הָ֪יָה֫ פָ֥חַד כִּֽי־אֱלֹהִ֗ים פִּ֭זַּר עַצְמֹ֣ות חֹנָ֑ךְ הֱ֝בִשֹׁ֗תָה כִּֽי־אֱלֹהִ֥ים מְאָסָֽם׃

ו שם פחדו פחד--  לא-היה-פחד כי-אלהים--פזר עצמות חנך  הבשתה כי-אלהים מאסם

שם ׀ פחדו־פחד לא־היה פחד כי־אלהים פזר עצמות חנך הבשתה כי־אלהים מאסם׃

Zsoltárok 53:5
Ott félnek [nagy] félelemmel, a hol nincsen félelem; mert az Isten elszéleszti azoknak tetemeit, a kik tábort járnak ellened; megszégyeníted azokat, mert az Isten megveti õket.

La psalmaro 53:5
Tie ili forte ektimis, kie timindajxo ne ekzistis; CXar Dio disjxetis la ostojn de tiuj, kiuj vin siegxas; Vi hontigis ilin, cxar Dio ilin forpusxis.

Siellä he kovin pelkäsivät, kussa ei mitään peljättävää ollut; sillä Jumala hajoittaa niiden luut, jotka sinua ahdistavat: sinä saatat heitä häpiään, sillä Jumala hylkää heidät.

Psaume 53:5
Là où il n'y avait pas de sujet de frayeur ils ont été saisis de frayeur; car Dieu disperse les os de ceux qui se campent contre toi. Tu les as rendus confus, parce que Dieu les a méprisés.

Alors ils trembleront d'épouvante, Sans qu'il y ait sujet d'épouvante; Dieu dispersera les os de ceux qui campent contre toi; Tu les confondras, car Dieu les a rejetés.

Ils seront extrêmement effrayés là où ils n'avaient point eu de peur; car Dieu a dispersé les os de celui qui se campe contre toi. Tu les as rendus confus, parce que Dieu les a rendus contemptibles.

Psalm 53:5
Wollen denn die Übeltäter ihnen nicht sagen lassen, die mein Volk fressen, daß sie sich nähren? Gott rufen sie nicht an.

Da fürchten sie sich aber, wo nichts zu fürchten ist; denn Gott zerstreut die Gebeine derer, die dich belagern. Du machst sie zu Schanden; denn Gott verschmäht sie.

Daselbst erbebten sie, erbebten, wo kein Grund zum Erbeben war; denn Gott verstreute die Gebeine dessen, der sich wider dich gelagert hatte: du machtest sie zu Schanden, denn Gott hatte sie verworfen.

Salmi 53:5
Ecco là, son presi da grande spavento, ove prima non c’era spavento; poiché Dio ha disperse le ossa di quelli che ti assediavano; tu li hai coperti di confusione, perché Iddio li disdegna.

Là saranno spaventati di grande spavento, Ove però non sarà cagion di spavento; Perciocchè il Signore dissipa le ossa di coloro Che si accampano contro a te, o Sion; Tu li hai svergognati; perciocchè Iddio li sdegna.

Dalam sesaat juga mereka itu kedatangan takut amat sangat, jikalau tiada yang menakuti mereka itu sekalipun; karena Allah akan mencerai-beraikan tulang segala orang yang mengepung dikau, maka engkau akan melihat mereka itu mendapat malu, sebab telah dibuang Allah akan dia.

시편 53:5
저희가 두려움이 없는 곳에서 크게 두려워하였으니 너를 대하여 진 친 저희의 뼈를 하나님이 흩으심이라 하나님이 저희를 버리신고로 네가 저희로 수치를 당케 하였도다

Psalmi 53:5
(52-6) Deum non invocaverunt ibi timuerunt timore ubi non est timor quoniam Deus dispersit ossa circumdantium te confunderis quia Deus proiecit eos

Psalmynas 53:5
Jie drebėjo iš baimės, kai nebuvo ko bijoti. Dievas išsklaidė kaulus tų, kurie tave apgulė. Jie buvo sugėdinti, nes Dievas paniekino juos.

Psalm 53:5
Wehi noa iho ratou i reira, i te wahi kahore he wehi, no te mea kua titaria e te Atua nga wheua o te tangata i whakapaea ai koe: kua whakama ratou i a koe; no te mea kua whakahaweatia ratou e te Atua

Salmenes 53:5
Da blev de grepet av stor frykt, de som ikke kjente frykt; for Gud spreder deres ben som leirer sig imot dig; du gjør dem til skamme, for Gud har forkastet dem.

Salmos 53:5
Donde antes no había terror, allí tiemblan de espanto, porque Dios esparció los huesos del que acampaba contra ti; tú los avergonzaste, porque Dios los había rechazado.

Donde antes no había terror, allí tiemblan de espanto, Porque Dios esparció los huesos del que acampaba contra ti; Tú los avergonzaste, porque Dios los había rechazado.

Allí se sobresaltaron de pavor donde no había miedo: Porque Dios ha esparcido los huesos del que acampó contra ti: Los avergonzaste, porque Dios los desechó.

Allí se sobresaltaron de pavor donde no había miedo: Porque Dios ha esparcido los huesos del que asentó campo contra ti: Los avergonzaste, porque Dios los desechó.

Allí se sobresaltaron de pavor donde no había pavor; porque Dios descoyuntó los huesos del que asentó campamento contra ti; los avergonzaste, porque Dios los desechó.

Salmos 53:5
Contudo, serão atingidos por um pavor horrível, porém, não existirá, de fato, motivo algum para temer! Porquanto, o Eterno espalhará os ossos dos que te sitiaram, ó Jerusalém. Ele os humilhará e os tornará objeto de desprezo!

Eis que eles se acham em grande pavor onde não há motivo de pavor, porque Deus espalhará os ossos daqueles que se acampam contra ti; tu os confundirás, porque Deus os rejeitou.   

Psalmi 53:5
Atunci vor tremura de spaimă, fără să fie vreo pricină de spaimă; Dumnezeu va risipi oasele celor ce tăbărăsc împotriva ta, îi vei face de ruşine, căci Dumnezeu i -a lepădat.

Псалтирь 53:5
(52:6) Там убоятся они страха, где нет страха, ибо рассыплет Бог кости ополчающихся против тебя. Ты постыдишь их, потому что Бог отверг их.

(52-6) Там убоятся они страха, где нет страха, ибо рассыплет Бог кости ополчающихся против тебя. Ты постыдишь их, потому что Бог отверг их.[]

Psaltaren 53:5
Jo, där överföll dem förskräckelse, varest intet förskräckligt var; ty Gud förströdde deras ben, när de lägrade sig mot dig. Så lät du dem komma på skam, ja, Gud förkastade dem.

Psalm 53:5
Doo'y nangapasa malaking katakutan sila na hindi kinaroroonan ng takot: sapagka't pinangalat ng Dios ang mga buto niya na humahantong laban sa iyo; iyong inilagay sila sa kahihiyan, sapagka't itinakuwil sila ng Dios.

เพลงสดุดี 53:5
เขาทั้งหลายอยู่ที่นั่นอย่างน่าสยดสยองยิ่งนัก ในที่ซึ่งไม่น่ามีความสยดสยอง เพราะพระเจ้าทรงกระจายกระดูกของคนที่ตั้งค่ายสู้เจ้า พระองค์ทรงให้เขาทั้งหลายได้อาย เพราะพระเจ้าทรงชังเขา

Mezmurlar 53:5
Ama korkulmayacak yerde korkacaklar,
Çünkü Tanrı seni kuşatanların kemiklerini dağıtacak,
Onları reddettiği için hepsini utandıracak.[]

Thi-thieân 53:5
Nơi chẳng có sự kinh khiếp, Chúng nó bị cơn kinh khiếp áp bắt; Vì Ðức Chúa Trời rải rắc cốt hài của kẻ đóng đối nghịch ngươi. Ngươi đã làm cho chúng nó hổ thẹn, vì Ðức Chúa Trời từ bỏ chúng nó.

Psalm 53:4
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