Psalm 20:7
Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Some take pride in chariots, and others in horses, but we take pride in the name of Yahweh our God.

Some boast in chariots, others in horses; but we will boast in the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots and others in horses, but we depend on the LORD our God.

These are in chariots and those in horses, and we will prevail in The Name of Lord Jehovah our God.

Some [rely] on chariots and others on horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will make mention of the name of Jehovah our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will call upon the name of the Lord our God.

Some make mention of chariots, and some of horses, but we of the name of Jehovah our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will make mention of the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust the name of Yahweh our God.

Some of chariots, and some of horses, And we of the name of Jehovah our God Make mention.

Psalmet 20:7
Disa kanë besim te qerret dhe të tjerë te kuajt, por ne do të kujtojmë emrin e Zotit, Perëndisë tonë.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 20:7
‎هؤلاء بالمركبات وهؤلاء بالخيل. اما نحن فاسم الرب الهنا نذكر

D Sälm 20:7
De Ainn vertraund auf Streitwagnmacht und verlaassnd si auf Pfär. Mir aber seind in n Trechtein starch, in n Nam von ünsern Got.

Псалми 20:7
Едни [споменават] колесници, а други коне; Но ние ще споменем името на Господа нашия Бог.

詩 篇 20:7
有 人 靠 車 , 有 人 靠 馬 , 但 我 們 要 提 到 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們   神 的 名 。

有 人 靠 车 , 有 人 靠 马 , 但 我 们 要 提 到 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们   神 的 名 。



Psalm 20:7
Jedni se hvale kolima bojnim, drugi konjima, mi imenom Jahve, Boga našega!

Žalmů 20:7
Tito v vozích, jiní v koních doufají, ale my jméno Hospodina Boha našeho sobě připomínáme.

Salme 20:7
Nogle stoler paa Heste, andre paa Vogne, vi sejrer ved HERREN vor Guds Navn.

Psalmen 20:7
Dezen vermelden van wagens, en die van paarden; maar wij zullen vermelden van den Naam des HEEREN, onzes Gods.

תהילים 20:7
אֵ֣לֶּה בָ֭רֶכֶב וְאֵ֣לֶּה בַסּוּסִ֑ים וַאֲנַ֓חְנוּ ׀ בְּשֵׁם־יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵ֣ינוּ נַזְכִּֽיר׃

ח אלה ברכב  ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו  בשם-יהוה אלהינו נזכיר

אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו ׀ בשם־יהוה אלהינו נזכיר׃

Zsoltárok 20:7
Ezek szekerekben, amazok lovakban [bíznak;] mi pedig az Úrnak, a mi Istenünknek nevérõl emlékezünk meg.

La psalmaro 20:7
Unuj fidas veturilojn, aliaj cxevalojn; Sed ni alvokas la nomon de la Eternulo, nia Dio.

Nämät uskaltavat rattaisiin ja oreihin; mutta me muistamme Herran Jumalamme nimeä.

Psaume 20:7
Ceux-ci font gloire de leurs chars, et ceux-là de leurs chevaux, mais nous, du nom de l'Éternel, notre Dieu.

Ceux-ci s'appuient sur leurs chars, ceux-là sur leurs chevaux; Nous, nous invoquons le nom de l'Eternel, notre Dieu.

Les uns [se vantent] de leurs chariots, et les autres de leurs chevaux, mais nous nous glorifierons du Nom de l'Eternel notre Dieu.

Psalm 20:7
Nun merke ich, daß der HERR seinem Gesalbten hilft und erhöret ihn in seinem heiligen Himmel; seine rechte Hand hilft gewaltiglich.

Jene verlassen sich auf Wagen und Rosse; wir aber denken an den Namen des HERRN, unsers Gottes.

Sie vertrauen auf Wagen und auf Rosse; wir aber rufen den Namen unseres Gottes an.

Salmi 20:7
Gli uni confidano in carri, e gli altri in cavalli; ma noi ricorderemo il nome dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio nostro.

Gli uni si fidano in carri, e gli altri in cavalli; Ma noi ricorderemo il Nome del Signore Iddio nostro.

Bahwa ada yang bermegah akan rata, ada yang bermegah akan kuda, tetapi kita juga hendak bermegah akan nama Tuhan, Allah kita.

시편 20:7
혹은 병거 혹은 말을 의지하나 우리는 여호와 우리 하나님의 이름을 자랑하리로다

Psalmi 20:7
(19-8) hii in curribus et hii in equis nos autem nominis Domini Dei nostri recordabimur

Psalmynas 20:7
Vieni pasitiki savo žirgais, kiti­kovos vežimais, o mes prisiminsime Viešpaties, savo Dievo, vardą.

Psalm 20:7
Ko ta etahi he hariata, ko ta etahi he hoiho: ko tatou ia ka whakahua i te ingoa o Ihowa, o to tatou Atua.

Salmenes 20:7
Hine priser vogner, hine hester, men vi priser Herrens, vår Guds navn.

Salmos 20:7
Algunos confían en carros, y otros en caballos; mas nosotros en el nombre del SEÑOR nuestro Dios confiaremos.

Algunos confían en carros y otros en caballos, Pero nosotros en el nombre del SEÑOR nuestro Dios confiaremos.

Éstos confían en carros, y aquéllos en caballos; mas nosotros del nombre de Jehová nuestro Dios tendremos memoria.

Estos confían en carros, y aquéllos en caballos: Mas nosotros del nombre de Jehová nuestro Dios tendremos memoria.

Estos confían en carros, y aquéllos en caballos; mas nosotros del nombre del SEÑOR nuestro Dios tendremos memoria.

Salmos 20:7
Alguns confiam em carros e outros em cavalos, mas nós confiamos no Nome do SENHOR, o nosso Deus.

Uns confiam em carros e outros em cavalos, mas nós faremos menção do nome do Senhor nosso Deus.   

Psalmi 20:7
Unii se bizuiesc pe carăle lor, alţii pe caii lor; dar noi ne bizuim pe Numele Domnului, Dumnezeului nostru.

Псалтирь 20:7
(19:8) Иные колесницами, иные конями, а мы именем Господа Бога нашего хвалимся:

(19-8) Иные колесницами, иные конями, а мы именем Господа Бога нашего хвалимся:[]

Psaltaren 20:7
De andra prisa vagnar, de prisa hästar, men vi prisa HERRENS, vår Guds, namn.

Psalm 20:7
Ang iba ay tumitiwala sa mga karo, at ang iba ay sa mga kabayo: nguni't babanggitin namin ang pangalan ng Panginoon naming Dios.

เพลงสดุดี 20:7
บ้างก็วางใจในรถรบ บ้างก็วางใจในม้า แต่เราจะระลึกถึงพระนามพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเรา

Mezmurlar 20:7
Bazıları savaş arabalarına,
Bazıları atlarına güvenir,
Bizse Tanrımız RABbin adına güveniriz.[]

Thi-thieân 20:7
Kẻ nầy nhờ cậy xe cộ, kẻ khác nhờ cậy ngựa, Nhưng chúng tôi nhờ cậy danh Giê-hô-va, là Ðức Chúa Trời chúng tôi.

Psalm 20:6
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