Psalm 114:8
Psalm 114:8
who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water.

He turned the rock into a pool of water; yes, a spring of water flowed from solid rock.

who turns the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of water.

Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of water.

Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of water.

who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flinty rock into flowing springs.

who turned a rock into a pool of water, a hard rock into springs of water!

Who turned the flint into pools of waters and solid stone into springs of waters!

He turns a rock into a pool filled with water and turns flint into a spring flowing with water.

who turned the rock into a reservoir of water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

Who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of waters.

Who turned the rock into pools of water, and the stony hill into fountains of waters.

Who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

Which turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

Who turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of waters.

He is turning the rock to a pool of waters, The flint to a fountain of waters!

Psalmet 114:8
që e shndërroi shkëmbin në liqen, shkrepin në një burim uji.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 114:8
المحول الصخرة الى غدران مياه الصوان الى ينابيع مياه

D Sälm 114:8
er, wo Fölsn haat gwandlt in Stroem, hörte Stäiner zo Quellnen haat gmacht!

Псалми 114:8
Който превърна канарата във воден поток, Кременливия камък във воден извор.

詩 篇 114:8
他 叫 磐 石 變 為 水 池 , 叫 堅 石 變 為 泉 源 。

他 叫 磐 石 变 为 水 池 , 叫 坚 石 变 为 泉 源 。



Psalm 114:8
On hrid pretvara u slap vodeni i stijenu u izvor vode.

Žalmů 114:8
Kterýž obrací i tu skálu v jezero vod, a škřemen v studnici vod.

Salme 114:8
han, som gør Klipper til Vanddrag, til Kildevæld haarden Flint!

Psalmen 114:8
Die den rotssteen veranderde in een watervloed, den keisteen in een waterfontein.

תהילים 114:8
הַהֹפְכִ֣י הַצּ֣וּר אֲגַם־מָ֑יִם חַ֝לָּמִ֗ישׁ לְמַעְיְנֹו־מָֽיִם׃

ח ההפכי הצור אגם-מים  חלמיש למעינו-מים

ההפכי הצור אגם־מים חלמיש למעינו־מים׃

Zsoltárok 114:8
A ki átváltoztatja a kõsziklát álló tóvá, és a szirtet vizek forrásává.

La psalmaro 114:8
Kiu sxangxas rokon en lagon da akvo, Graniton en akvodonan fonton.

Joka kalliot muuttaa vesilammiksi, ja kiven vesilähteeksi.

Psaume 114:8
a changé le rocher en un étang d'eau, la pierre dure en une source d'eaux.

Qui change le rocher en étang, Le roc en source d'eaux.

Qui a changé le rocher en un étang d'eaux, [et] la pierre très dure en une source d'eaux.

Psalm 114:8
der den Fels wandelte in Wassersee und die Steine in Wasserbrunnen.

der den Fels wandelte in einen Wassersee und die Steine in Wasserbrunnen.

der den Felsen in einen Wasserteich verwandelt, den Kieselstein in einen Wasserquell.

Salmi 114:8
che mutò la roccia in istagno, il macigno in sorgente d’acqua.

Il quale mutò la roccia in guazzo d’acqua, Il macigno in fonte d’acqua.

MAZMUR 114:8
Yang telah mengubahkan batu gunung menjadi pancaran air, dan batu besipun menjadi mata air adanya.

시편 114:8
저가 반석을 변하여 못이 되게 하시며 차돌로 샘물이 되게 하셨도다

Psalmi 114:8
(113-8) qui convertit petram in paludes aquarum silicem in fontes aquarum

Psalmynas 114:8
Jis pavertė uolą vandeniu, iš akmens šaltiniai ištryško!

Psalm 114:8
I meinga ai te toka hei hopua wai; te kiripaka hei puna wai.

Salmenes 114:8
han som gjør klippen til en vannrik sjø, den hårde sten til en vannkilde!

Salmos 114:8
que convirtió la roca en estanque de agua, y en fuente de aguas el pedernal.

Que convirtió la roca en estanque de agua, Y en fuente de aguas el pedernal.

El cual cambió la peña en estanque de aguas, y en fuente de aguas la roca.

El cual tornó la peña en estanque de aguas, Y en fuente de aguas la roca.

el cual tornó la peña en estanque de aguas, y en fuente de aguas la roca.

Salmos 114:8
Que converte as pedras em lago, e o rochedo em manancial de água.

o qual converteu a rocha em lago de águas, a pederneira em manancial.   

Psalmi 114:8
care preface stînca în iaz, şi cremenea în izvor de ape.

Псалтирь 114:8
(113:8) превращающего скалу в озеро воды и камень в источник вод.

(113-8) превращающего скалу в озеро воды и камень в источник вод.[]

Psaltaren 114:8
för honom som förvandlar klippan till en vattenrik sjö, hårda stenen till en vattenkälla.

Psalm 114:8
Na pinapagiging tipunan ng tubig ang malaking bato. Na bukal ng tubig ang pingkiang bato.

เพลงสดุดี 114:8
ผู้ให้หินเป็นสระน้ำ หินเหล็กไฟเป็นน้ำพุ

Mezmurlar 114:8

Thi-thieân 114:8
Là Ðấng biến hòn đá ra ao nước, Ðổi đá cứng thành nguồn nước.

Psalm 114:7
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