Philippians 3:8
Philippians 3:8
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ

What is more, I continue to consider all these things to be a loss for the sake of what is far more valuable, knowing the Messiah Jesus, my Lord. It is because of him that I have experienced the loss of all those things. Indeed, I consider them rubbish in order to gain the Messiah

More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things--indeed, I regard them as dung!--that I may gain Christ,

I also consider all these things a loss for the majesty of the knowledge of Yeshua The Messiah, my Lord, him for whose sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all as a dung heap, that I may gain The Messiah,

It's far more than that! I consider everything else worthless because I'm much better off knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. It's because of him that I think of everything as worthless. I threw it all away in order to gain Christ

And doubtless I even count all things as loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but rubbish, that I may win Christ,

Yes doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ,

Furthermore I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but as dung, that I may gain Christ:

But surely I count also all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all, and count them to be filth, that I may gain Christ;

Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may gain Christ,

Yes doubtless, and I count all things to be loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them to be dung, that I may win Christ,

Nay, I even reckon all things as pure loss because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And for His sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and reckon it all as mere refuse, in order that I may win Christ and be found in union with Him,

Yes most certainly, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and count them nothing but refuse, that I may gain Christ

yes, indeed, and I count all things to be loss, because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, because of whom of the all things I suffered loss, and do count them to be refuse, that Christ I may gain, and be found in him,

Filipianëve 3:8
Dhe me të vërtetë i konsideroj të gjitha këto një humbje në krahasim me vlerën e lartë të njohjes së Jezu Krishtit, Zotit tim, për shkak të të cilit i humba të gjitha këto dhe i konsideroj si pleh, që unë të fitoj Krishtin,

ﻓﻴﻠﻴﺒﻲ 3:8
بل اني احسب كل شيء ايضا خسارة من اجل فضل معرفة المسيح يسوع ربي الذي من اجله خسرت كل الاشياء وانا احسبها نفاية لكي اربح المسيح

Ու նոյնիսկ բոլոր բաներն ալ վնաս կը համարեմ՝ իմ Տէրոջս Քրիստոս Յիսուսի գիտութեան գերազանցութեան համար: Բոլոր բաներէն զրկուեցայ անոր համար, եւ աղբ կը համարեմ զանոնք, որպէսզի շահիմ Քրիստոսը

Philippianoetara. 3:8
Bayeta segur gauça guciac calte diradela estimatzén dut Iesus Christ neure Iaunaren eçagutzearen excellentiagatic: ceinagatic gauça hauçaz gucioçaz neure buruä billuci vkan baitut, eta gorotz beçala eduquiten ditut, Christ irabaz deçadançát.

D Filipper 3:8
Ja, non meerer: I schau allss als werdloos an, weil myr dös, däß i önn Iesenn Kristn kennenglernt haan, meinn Herrn, inzwischn über allss geet.

Филипяни 3:8
А още всичко считам като загуба заради [това] превъзходно нещо- познаването на моя Господ Христос Исус, за Когото изгубих всичко и считам [всичко] за измет, само Христа да придобия,

腓 立 比 書 3:8
不 但 如 此 , 我 也 將 萬 事 當 作 有 損 的 , 因 我 以 認 識 我 主 基 督 耶 穌 為 至 寶 。 我 為 他 已 經 丟 棄 萬 事 , 看 作 糞 土 , 為 要 得 著 基 督 ;

不 但 如 此 , 我 也 将 万 事 当 作 有 损 的 , 因 我 以 认 识 我 主 基 督 耶 稣 为 至 宝 。 我 为 他 已 经 丢 弃 万 事 , 看 作 粪 土 , 为 要 得 着 基 督 ;





Poslanica Filipljanima 3:8
Štoviše, čak sve gubitkom smatram zbog onoga najizvrsnijeg, zbog spoznanja Isusa Krista, Gospodina mojega, radi kojega sve izgubih i otpadom smatram: da Krista steknem

Filipským 3:8
Nýbrž i všecky věci pokládám škodou býti pro vyvýšenost známosti Krista Ježíše Pána mého, pro nějž jsem to všecko ztratil, a mám to jako za smetí, jedné abych Krista získal,

Filipperne 3:8
ja sandelig, jeg agter endog alt for at være Tab imod det langt højere, at kende Kristus Jesus, min Herre, for hvis Skyld jeg har lidt Tab paa alt og agter det for Skarn, for at jeg kan vinde Kristus

Filippenzen 3:8
Ja, gewisselijk, ik acht ook alle dingen schade te zijn, om de uitnemendheid der kennis van Christus Jezus, mijn Heere; om Wiens wil ik al die dingen schade gerekend heb, en acht die drek te zijn, opdat ik Christus moge gewinnen.

ἀλλὰ μὲν οὖν γε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου μου, δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω

ἀλλὰ μὲν οὖν γε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ κυρίου μου δι' ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω

ἀλλὰ μὲν ͜ οὖν ͜ γε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ κυρίου μου δι' ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω

Ἀλλὰ μὲν οὖν καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἴναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ κυρίου μου· δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα εἴναι, ἵνα χριστὸν κερδήσω,

ἀλλὰ μενοῦνγε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου μου, δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα εἶναι ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω

ἀλλά μενοῦνγε καί ἡγέομαι πᾶς ζημία εἰμί διά ὁ ὑπερέχω ὁ γνῶσις Χριστός Ἰησοῦς ὁ κύριος ἐγώ διά ὅς ὁ πᾶς ζημιόω καί ἡγέομαι σκύβαλον ἵνα Χριστός κερδαίνω

ἀλλὰ μενοῦνγε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ Κυρίου μου· δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην, καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα εἴναι, ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω,

ἀλλὰ μενοῦνγε καὶ ἡγοῦμαι πάντα ζημίαν εἶναι διὰ τὸ ὑπερέχον τῆς γνώσεως Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ τοῦ κυρίου μου δι' ὃν τὰ πάντα ἐζημιώθην καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα εἶναι ἵνα Χριστὸν κερδήσω

αλλα μενουνγε και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως χριστου ιησου του κυριου μου δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ινα χριστον κερδησω

αλλα μενουνγε και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως χριστου ιησου του κυριου μου δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ινα χριστον κερδησω

αλλα μενουνγε και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως χριστου ιησου του κυριου μου δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ειναι ινα χριστον κερδησω

αλλα μενουνγε και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως Χριστου Ιησου του Κυριου μου· δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην, και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ειναι, ινα Χριστον κερδησω,

αλλα μεν ουν και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως χριστου ιησου του κυριου μου δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ειναι ινα χριστον κερδησω

αλλα μενουνγε και ηγουμαι παντα ζημιαν ειναι δια το υπερεχον της γνωσεως χριστου ιησου του κυριου μου δι ον τα παντα εζημιωθην και ηγουμαι σκυβαλα ινα χριστον κερδησω

alla men oun ge kai hēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to hyperechon tēs gnōseōs Christou Iēsou tou Kyriou mou, di’ hon ta panta ezēmiōthēn, kai hēgoumai skybala hina Christon kerdēsō

alla men oun ge kai hegoumai panta zemian einai dia to hyperechon tes gnoseos Christou Iesou tou Kyriou mou, di’ hon ta panta ezemiothen, kai hegoumai skybala hina Christon kerdeso

alla men oun ge kai hēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to hyperechon tēs gnōseōs Christou Iēsou tou kyriou mou di' hon ta panta ezēmiōthēn, kai hēgoumai skybala hina Christon kerdēsō

alla men oun ge kai hegoumai panta zemian einai dia to hyperechon tes gnoseos Christou Iesou tou kyriou mou di' hon ta panta ezemiothen, kai hegoumai skybala hina Christon kerdeso

alla menounge kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala ina christon kerdēsō

alla menounge kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala ina christon kerdEsO

alla men oun kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdēsō

alla men oun kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdEsO

alla menounge kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdēsō

alla menounge kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdEsO

alla menounge kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdēsō

alla menounge kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala einai ina christon kerdEsO

alla menounge kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala ina christon kerdēsō

alla menounge kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala ina christon kerdEsO

alla menounge kai ēgoumai panta zēmian einai dia to uperechon tēs gnōseōs christou iēsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezēmiōthēn kai ēgoumai skubala ina christon kerdēsō

alla menounge kai Egoumai panta zEmian einai dia to uperechon tEs gnOseOs christou iEsou tou kuriou mou di on ta panta ezEmiOthEn kai Egoumai skubala ina christon kerdEsO

Filippiekhez 3:8
Sõt annakfelette [most] is kárnak ítélek mindent az én Uram, Jézus Krisztus ismeretének gazdagsága miatt: a kiért mindent kárba veszni hagytam és szemétnek ítélek, hogy a Krisztust megnyerjem,

Al la filipianoj 3:8
Kaj efektive mi rigardas cxion kiel malgajnon pro la supereco de la scio de Kristo Jesuo, mia Sinjoro, pro kiu mi suferis malgajnon de cxio, kaj rigardas cxion kiel rubon, por ke mi gajnu Kriston,

Kirje filippiläisille 3:8
Sillä minä luen kaikki vahingoksi sen ylönpalttisen Kristuksen Jesuksen, minun Herrani tuntemisen suhteen, jonka tähden minä olen kaikki vahingoksi lukenut, ja ne raiskana pidän, että minä Kristuksen voittaisin,

Philippiens 3:8
Et je regarde même aussi toutes choses comme étant une perte, à cause de l'excellence de la connaissance du Christ Jésus, mon Seigneur, à cause duquel j'ai fait la perte de toutes et je les estime comme des ordures, afin que je gagne Christ

Et même je regarde toutes choses comme une perte, à cause de l'excellence de la connaissance de Jésus-Christ mon Seigneur, pour lequel j'ai renoncé à tout, et je les regarde comme de la boue, afin de gagner Christ,

Et certes, je regarde toutes les autres choses comme m'étant nuisibles en comparaison de l'excellence de la connaissance de Jésus-Christ mon Seigneur, pour l'amour duquel je me suis privé de toutes ces choses, et je les estime comme du fumier, afin que je gagne Christ;

Philipper 3:8
Denn ich achte es alles für Schaden gegen die überschwengliche Erkenntnis Christi Jesu, meines HERRN, um welches willen ich alles habe für Schaden gerechnet und achte es für Dreck, auf daß ich Christum gewinne

Ja, ich achte es noch alles für Schaden gegen die überschwengliche Erkenntnis Christi Jesu, meines HERRN, um welches willen ich alles habe für Schaden gerechnet, und achte es für Kot, auf daß ich Christum gewinne

vielmehr, ich achte noch alles für Schaden gegen die überwältigende Größe der Erkenntnis Christus Jesus' meines Herrn, um dessentwillen ich alles preisgegeben habe, und achte es für Abraum, auf daß ich Christus gewinne,

Filippesi 3:8
Anzi, a dir vero, io reputo anche ogni cosa essere un danno di fronte alla eccellenza della conoscenza do Cristo Gesù, mio Signore, per il quale rinunziai a tutte codeste cose e le reputo tanta spazzatura affin di guadagnare Cristo,

Anzi pure ancora reputo tutte queste cose esser danno, per l’eccellenza della conoscenza di Cristo Gesù, mio Signore, per il quale io ho fatta perdita di tutte queste cose, e le reputo tanti sterchi, acciocchè io guadagni Cristo.

Bahkan, segala sesuatu pun kubilangkan menjadi rugi dibanding dengan kemuliaan makrifat akan Kristus Yesus Tuhanku itu, karena sebab Dialah aku deritakan kerugian segala sesuatu, dan semuanya kubilangkan menjadi sampah, supaya Kristus menjadi keuntunganku,

Philippians 3:8
Zemreɣ a d iniɣ : ḥesbeɣ kullec d lexṣara ɣef ddemma n wayen ifazen, yellan ț-țamusni n Ɛisa Lmasiḥ Ssid-iw. ?ef ddemma-s qebleɣ a yi-iṛuḥ kullec, ḥesbeɣ kullec d afṛaden, iwakken a d-rebḥeɣ Lmasiḥ

빌립보서 3:8
또한 모든 것을 해로 여김은 내 주 그리스도 예수를 아는 지식이 가장 고상함을 인함이라 내가 그를 위하여 모든 것을 잃어버리고 배설물로 여김은 그리스도를 얻고

Philippenses 3:8
verumtamen existimo omnia detrimentum esse propter eminentem scientiam Iesu Christi Domini mei propter quem omnia detrimentum feci et arbitror ut stercora ut Christum lucri faciam

Filipiešiem 3:8
Tiešām, es uzskatu par zaudējumu visu sava Kunga Jēzus Kristus pazīšanas dēļ, kas visu pārspēj; tās dēļ es visu esmu zaudējis un uzskatu par mēsliem, lai Kristu iegūtu

Laiðkas filipieèiams 3:8
O taip! Aš iš tikrųjų visa laikau nuostoliu dėl Kristaus Jėzaus, mano Viešpaties, pažinimo didybės. Dėl Jo aš praradau viską ir viską laikau sąšlavomis, kad laimėčiau Kristų

Philippians 3:8
Ae ra kiia iho e ahau nga mea katoa hei rukenga, i te mea ka whakaaro nei ki te pai whakaharahara o te matauranga ki a Karaiti Ihu, ki toku Ariki: he whakaaro nei ki a ia i riro ai ena mea katoa oku ki te kore, ae ra kiia iho e ahau hei paru, kia whiwhi ai ahau ki a te Karaiti;

Filippenserne 3:8
ja, jeg akter og i sannhet alt for tap, fordi kunnskapen om Kristus Jesus, min Herre, er så meget mere verd, han for hvis skyld jeg har lidt tap på alt, og jeg akter det for skarn, forat jeg kan vinne Kristus

Filipenses 3:8
Y aún más, yo estimo como pérdida todas las cosas en vista del incomparable valor de conocer a Cristo Jesús, mi Señor, por quien lo he perdido todo, y lo considero como basura a fin de ganar a Cristo,

Y aún más, yo estimo como pérdida todas las cosas en vista del incomparable valor de conocer a Cristo Jesús, mi Señor. Por El lo he perdido todo, y lo considero como basura a fin de ganar a Cristo,

Y ciertamente, aun estimo todas las cosas como pérdida por la excelencia del conocimiento de Cristo Jesús, mi Señor, por el cual lo he perdido todo, y lo tengo por estiércol, para ganar a Cristo,

Y ciertamente, aun reputo todas las cosas pérdida por el eminente conocimiento de Cristo Jesús, mi Señor, por amor del cual lo he perdido todo, y téngolo por estiércol, para ganar á Cristo,

Y ciertamente, aun aprecio todas las cosas como pérdida por el eminente conocimiento de Cristo Jesús, mi Señor, por quien lo he perdido todo, y lo tengo por estiércol, para ganar a Cristo,

Filipenses 3:8
Mais do que isso, compreendo que tudo é uma completa perda, quando comparado à superioridade do valor do conhecimento de Cristo Jesus, meu Senhor, por quem decidi perder todos esses valores, os quais considero como esterco, a fim de ganhar Cristo,

sim, na verdade, tenho também como perda todas as coisas pela excelência do conhecimento de Cristo Jesus, meu Senhor; pelo qual sofri a perda de todas estas coisas, e as considero como refugo, para que possa ganhar a Cristo,   

Filipeni 3:8
Ba încă, şi acum privesc toate aceste lucruri ca o pierdere, faţă de preţul nespus de mare al cunoaşterii lui Hristos Isus, Domnul meu. Pentru El am perdut toate şi le socotesc ca un gunoi, ca să cîştig pe Hristos,

К Филиппийцам 3:8
Да и все почитаю тщетою ради превосходства познания Христа Иисуса, Господа моего: для Него я от всего отказался, и все почитаю за сор, чтобы приобрести Христа

Да и все почитаю тщетою ради превосходства познания Христа Иисуса, Господа моего: для Него я от всего отказался, и все почитаю за сор, чтобы приобрести Христа

Philippians 3:8
Ashφ Enentßimpramnia ßkuisha winia Uuntur Jesukrφstu shiir Enentßimtustin nekas pΘnkeraiti. Nu asamtai Krφstunu ajakun wi takusmaj nu muijmiai ajasmatai N·naka iniaisamjai.

Filipperbrevet 3:8
Ja, jag räknar i sanning allt såsom förlust mot det som är långt mer värt: kunskapen om Kristus Jesus, min Herre. Ty det är för hans skull som jag har gått förlustig alltsammans och nu räknar det såsom avskräde, på det att jag må vinna Kristus

Wafilipi 3:8

Mga Taga-Filipos 3:8
Oo nga, at lahat ng mga bagay ay inaari kong kalugihan dahil sa dakilang kagalingan ng pagkakilala kay Cristo Jesus na Panginoon ko: na alangalang sa kaniya'y tiniis ko ang kalugihan ng lahat ng mga bagay, at inari kong sukal lamang, upang tamuhin ko si Cristo,

ฟีลิปปี 3:8
ที่จริงข้าพเจ้าถือว่าสิ่งสารพัดไร้ประโยชน์เพราะเห็นแก่ความประเสริฐแห่งความรู้ถึงพระเยซูคริสต์องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าของข้าพเจ้า เพราะเหตุพระองค์ ข้าพเจ้าจึงได้ยอมสละสิ่งสารพัด และถือว่าสิ่งเหล่านั้นเป็นเหมือนหยากเยื่อ เพื่อข้าพเจ้าจะได้พระคริสต์

Filipililer 3:8
Dahası var, uğruna her şeyi yitirdiğim Rabbim İsa Mesihi tanımanın üstün değeri yanında her şeyi zarar sayıyorum, süprüntü sayıyorum. Öyle ki, Mesihi kazanayım ve Kutsal Yasaya dayanan kişisel doğruluğa değil, Mesihe iman etmekle kazanılan, iman sonucu Tanrıdan gelen doğruluğa sahip olarak Mesihte bulunayım.

Филипяни 3:8
Так оце я все вважаю за втрату ради вищого розуміння Христа Ісуса, Господа мого, ради котрого я все втеряв, і вважаю все за сьміттє, аби придбати Христа,

Philippians 3:8
Meliu ngkai toe, butu nyala-na ku'uli' mepakarugi omea-wadi, apa' to meliu kalompe' -na, mpo'inca-ama Kristus Yesus Pue' -ku. Jadi', kubahaka-mi hawe'ea to ntani' -na, kuponcawa momo-damo, bona ma'ala-a mporata Kristus,

Phi-líp 3:8
Tôi cũng coi hết thảy mọi sự như là sự lỗ, vì sự nhận biết Ðức Chúa Jêsus Christ là quí hơn hết, Ngài là Chúa tôi, và tôi vì Ngài mà liều bỏ mọi điều lợi đó. Thật, tôi xem những điều đó như rơm rác, hầu cho được Ðấng Christ

Philippians 3:7
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