Obadiah 1:1
Obadiah 1:1
The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Sovereign LORD says about Edom-- We have heard a message from the LORD: An envoy was sent to the nations to say, "Rise, let us go against her for battle"--

This is the vision that the Sovereign LORD revealed to Obadiah concerning the land of Edom. We have heard a message from the LORD that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Get ready, everyone! Let's assemble our armies and attack Edom!"

The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard a report from the LORD, and a messenger has been sent among the nations: “Rise up! Let us rise against her for battle!”

The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord GOD concerning Edom-- We have heard a report from the LORD, And an envoy has been sent among the nations saying, "Arise and let us go against her for battle "--

The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord GOD has said about Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD; a messenger has been sent among the nations:" Rise up, and let us go to war against her."

Obadiah's vision: This is what the Lord GOD has to say about Edom. We have heard a report from the LORD, and a messenger has been dispatched among the nations to say "Get up! Let us rise up against her to fight!"

The vision that Obadiah saw. The Lord GOD says this concerning Edom: Edom's Approaching Destruction We have heard a report from the LORD. An envoy was sent among the nations, saying, "Arise! Let us make war against Edom!"

This is the vision of Obadiah. This is what the Almighty LORD says about Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD. A messenger was sent among the nations to say, "Get ready! Let's go to war against Edom."

The vision of Obadiah. Thus hath the Lord GOD said concerning Edom: We have heard the message from the LORD, and a messenger is sent to the Gentiles, Arise, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a message from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, Arise you, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus said the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumor from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise you, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from Jehovah, and an ambassador is sent among the nations,'saying , Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Abdias. Thus saith the Lord God to Edom: We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and he hath sent an ambassador to the nations: Arise, and let us rise up to battle against him.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning Edom: We have heard a report from Jehovah, and an ambassador is sent among the nations. Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard tidings from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumor from the LORD, and an embassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord Yahweh says about Edom. We have heard news from Yahweh, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, "Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle.

Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Edom, A report we have heard from Jehovah, And an ambassador among nations was sent, 'Rise, yea, let us rise against her for battle.'

Abdia 1:1
Vegimi i Abdias. Kështu thotë Zoti, Zoti, për Edomin: "Ne kemi dëgjuar një mesazh nga Zoti dhe një ambasador është dërguar midis kombeve për të thënë: "Lëvizni dhe të ngrihemi kundër tij për të luftuar".

ﻋﻮﺑﺪﻳﺎ 1:1
رؤيا عوبديا. هكذا قال السيد الرب عن ادوم. سمعنا خبرا من قبل الرب وأرسل رسول بين الامم. قوموا ولنقم عليها للحرب.

Dyr Obydies 1:1
Dö Schau haat dyr Obydies empfangen: Dös sait dyr Herr, mein Got, über d Roetem. Mir habnd von n Trechtein ghoert, däß bei de Haidn eingsagt werd: Auf geet s, kömpff myr ietz gögn d Roetem!

Авдий 1:1
Авдиевото видение:- Така казва Господ Иеова за Едом: Чухме известие от Господа И вестител се изпрати при народите [да каже]: Станете, и да се дигнем против него на бой.

俄 巴 底 亞 書 1:1
俄 巴 底 亞 得 了 耶 和 華 的 默 示 。 論 以 東 說 : 我 從 耶 和 華 那 裡 聽 見 信 息 , 並 有 使 者 被 差 往 列 國 去 , 說 : 起 來 罷 , 一 同 起 來 與 以 東 爭 戰 !

俄 巴 底 亚 得 了 耶 和 华 的 默 示 。 论 以 东 说 : 我 从 耶 和 华 那 里 听 见 信 息 , 并 有 使 者 被 差 往 列 国 去 , 说 : 起 来 罢 , 一 同 起 来 与 以 东 争 战 !



Obadiah 1:1
Viđenje Obadijino. Ovako govori Jahve Gospod Edomu! Čuli smo vijest od Jahve, glasnik bi poslan k narodima: Ustajte! Na nj u boj krenimo!

Abdiáše 1:1
Vidění Abdiášovo. Takto praví Panovník Hospodin o zemi Idumejské: Pověst jsme slyšeli od Hospodina, a legáta k národům vyslaného: Nuže, povstaňmež k boji proti ní.

Obadias 1:1
Obadias's Syn. Saa siger den Herre HERREN til Edom: Fra HERREN har jeg hørt en Tidende: Et Bud er sendt ud blandt Folkene: Rejs jer til Kamp imod det!

Obadja 1:1
Het gezicht van Obadja. Alzo zegt de Heere HEERE van Edom: Wij hebben een gerucht gehoord van den HEERE, en er is een gezant geschikt onder de heidenen: Staat op, en laat ons opstaan tegen hen ten strijde.

עבדיה 1:1
חֲזֹ֖ון עֹֽבַדְיָ֑ה כֹּֽה־אָמַר֩ אֲדֹנָ֨י יְהוִ֜ה לֶאֱדֹ֗ום שְׁמוּעָ֨ה שָׁמַ֜עְנוּ מֵאֵ֤ת יְהוָה֙ וְצִיר֙ בַּגֹּויִ֣ם שֻׁלָּ֔ח ק֛וּמוּ וְנָק֥וּמָה עָלֶ֖יהָ לַמִּלְחָמָֽה׃

א חזון עבדיה  כה אמר אדני יהוה לאדום שמועה שמענו מאת יהוה וציר בגוים שלח--קומו ונקומה עליה למלחמה

חזון עבדיה כה־אמר אדני יהוה לאדום שמועה שמענו מאת יהוה וציר בגוים שלח קומו ונקומה עליה למלחמה׃

Abdiás 1:1
Abdiás látása. Így szól az Úr Isten Edomról: Hírt hallottunk az Úrtól! És hírnök küldetett a népekhez: keljetek fel és támadjunk reá haddal!

Obadja 1:1
Vizio de Obadja. Tiele diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo, pri Edom: Diron ni auxdis de la Eternulo, kaj kuriero estas sendita al la nacioj: Levigxu, ni iru milite kontraux lin.

Tämä on Obadjan näky. Näin sanoo Herra, Herra Edomista: me olemme Herralta sanoman kuulleet, että sanansaattaja on pakanain sekaan lähetetty: nouskaat, ja käykäämme häntä vastaan sotaan!

Abdias 1:1
La vision d'Abdias. -.-Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel, touchant Édom. Nous avons entendu une rumeur de par l'Éternel, et un ambassadeur a été envoyé parmi les nations: Levez-vous! et levons-nous contre lui pour la guerre.

Prophétie d'Abdias. Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel, sur Edom: -Nous avons appris une nouvelle de la part de l'Eternel, Et un messager a été envoyé parmi les nations: Levez-vous, marchons contre Edom pour lui faire la guerre! -

La vision d'Abdias. Ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel touchant Edom : Nous avons ouï une publication de par l'Eternel, et un Envoyé a été dépêché parmi les nations, [et elles ont dit] : Courage levons-nous contre lui pour le combattre.

Obadja 1:1
Dies ist das Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der HERR HERR von Edom: Wir haben vom HERRN gehöret, daß eine Botschaft unter die Heiden gesandt sei: Wohlauf, und laßt uns wider sie streiten!

Dies ist das Gesicht Obadjas. So spricht der HERR HERR von Edom: Wir haben vom HERRN gehört, daß eine Botschaft unter die Heiden gesandt sei: Wohlauf, und laßt uns wider sie streiten.

Die Offenbarung an Obadja. So spricht der Herr Jahwe über Edom: Eine Kunde haben wir vernommen von Jahwe her, und eine Botschaft ward unter die Völker gesandt: Auf! Laßt uns aufbrechen, es zu bekriegen!

Abdia 1:1
Visione di Abdia. Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno, riguardo a Edom: Noi abbiam ricevuto un messaggio dall’Eterno, e un ambasciatore è stato mandato alle nazioni: "Levatevi! Leviamoci contro Edom a combattere!"

La visione di Abdia. COSÌ ha detto il Signore Iddio ad Edom: Noi abbiamo udito un grido da parte del Signore, ed un ambasciatore è stato mandato fra le genti, dicendo: Movetevi, e leviamoci i contro a lei in battaglia.

Bahwa inilah khayal Obaja. Demikianlah firman Tuhan Hua akan hal Edom: Bahwa dari pada Tuhan juga kami sudah mendengar kabar dan bagaimana seorang utusan sudah disuruhkan di antara segala bangsa kafir; bangkitlah berdiri, biar kami berlengkap akan berperang dengan dia.

오바댜 1:1
오바댜의 묵시라 주 여호와께서 에돔에 대하여 이같이 말씀하시니라 우리가 여호와께로 말미암아 소식을 들었나니 곧 사자가 열국 중에 보내심을 받고 이르기를 너희는 일어날지어다 우리가 일어나서 그로 더불어 싸우자 하는 것이니라

Abdias 1:1
visio Abdiae haec dicit Dominus Deus ad Edom auditum audivimus a Domino et legatum ad gentes misit surgite et consurgamus adversum eum in proelium

Abdijo knyga 1:1
Abdijo regėjimas. Taip sako Viešpats Dievas apie Edomą: (Girdėjome žinią iš Viešpaties, pasiuntinys pasiųstas į tautas, ragina: “Pakilkime, eikime prieš jį į karą!”)

Obadiah 1:1
Ko te kite a Oparia. Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, mo Eroma; Kua tae mai he korero i a Ihowa, kua oti ano he karere te unga ki nga tauiwi, hei mea, Whakatika, kia whakatika atu hoki tatou ki a ia ki te whawhai.

Obadias 1:1
Obadias' syn. Så sier Herren, Israels Gud, om Edom: En tidende har vi hørt fra Herren, og et bud er sendt ut blandt hedningefolkene: Stå op og la oss reise oss til strid mot det!

Abdías 1:1
Visión de Abdías. Así dice el Señor DIOS acerca de Edom: Hemos oído un mensaje del SEÑOR, y un mensajero ha sido enviado a las naciones, diciendo: Levantaos y alcémonos contra él en batalla.

Visión de Abdías. Así dice el Señor DIOS acerca de Edom: "Hemos oído un mensaje del SEÑOR, Y un mensajero ha sido enviado a las naciones, a decirles: "Levántense y alcémonos contra Edom en batalla."

Visión de Abdías. Así dice Jehová el Señor en cuanto a Edom: Hemos oído el pregón de Jehová, y mensajero es enviado a las gentes. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla.

VISION de Abdías. El Señor Jehová ha dicho así cuanto á Edom: Oído hemos el pregón de Jehová, y mensajero es enviado á las gentes. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla.

Visión de Abdías. El Señor DIOS dijo así a Edom: Oído hemos el pregón del SEÑOR, y mensajero es enviado a los gentiles. Levantaos, y levantémonos contra ella en batalla.

Obadias 1:1
Eis, pois, a mensagem que Yahweh, o SENHOR Deus, enviou a Obadias por meio de visão profética sobre a nação de Edom: “Ouvimos um aviso de Yahweh, e foi enviado um mensageiro por entre as nações para comunicar: ‘Levantai-vos! Unamo-nos para atacar Edom!’

Visão de Abdias. Assim diz o Senhor Deus a respeito de Edom: Temos ouvido novas da parte do Senhor, e por entre as nações foi enviado um mensageiro a dizer: Levantai-vos, e levantemo-nos contra ela para a guerra.   

Obadia 1:1
Proorocia lu Obadia. Aşa vorbeşte Domnul Dumnezeu despre Edom: -,,Noi am auzit o veste din partea Domnului, şi un sol a fost trimes cu ea printre neamuri, zicînd: ,,Sculaţi-vă, să mergem împotriva Edomului ca să ne războim cu el!`` -

Авдия 1:1
Видение Авдия. Так говорит Господь Бог об Едоме: весть услышали мы от Господа, и посол послан объявить народам: „вставайте, ивыступим против него войною!"

Видение Авдия. Так говорит Господь Бог об Едоме: весть услышали мы от Господа, и посол послан [объявить] народам: `вставайте, и выступим против него войною!`[]

Obadja 1:1
Detta är Obadjas syn. Så säger Herren, HERREN om Edom: Ett budskap hava vi hört från HERREN, och en budbärare är utsänd bland folken: »Upp, ja, låt oss stå upp och strida mot det!»

Obadiah 1:1
Ang pangitain ni Obadias. Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoong Dios tungkol sa Edom, Kami ay nakarinig ng mga balita na mula sa Panginoon, at isang sugo ay sinugo sa mga bansa, na nagsasabi, Magsibangon kayo, at tayo'y mangagtindig laban sa kaniya sa pakikipagbaka.

โอบาดีย์ 1:1
นิมิตของโอบาดีห์ องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้าตรัสเกี่ยวด้วยเรื่องเอโดมดังนี้ว่า เราได้ยินข่าวลือจากพระเยโฮวาห์ ทูตคนหนึ่งถูกส่งไปท่ามกลางบรรดาประชาชาติให้พูดว่า "จงลุกขึ้นเถิด ให้เราลุกไปทำสงครามกับเมืองเอโดม"

Ovadya 1:1

AÙp-ñia 1:1
Sự hiện thấy của Áp-đia. Chúa Giê-hô-va phán về Ê-đôm như vầy: chúng ta có nghe lời rao từ Ðức Giê-hô-va, và một sứ giả được sai đi giữa các nước rằng: Các ngươi hãy dấy lên! Chúng ta hãy dấy lên nghịch cùng dân nầy đặng đánh trận với nó!

Amos 9:15
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