Numbers 9:7
Numbers 9:7
and said to Moses, "We have become unclean because of a dead body, but why should we be kept from presenting the LORD's offering with the other Israelites at the appointed time?"

and said, "We have become ceremonially unclean by touching a dead body. But why should we be prevented from presenting the LORD's offering at the proper time with the rest of the Israelites?"

And those men said to him, “We are unclean through touching a dead body. Why are we kept from bringing the LORD’s offering at its appointed time among the people of Israel?”

Those men said to him, "Though we are unclean because of the dead person, why are we restrained from presenting the offering of the LORD at its appointed time among the sons of Israel?"

And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the children of Israel?

and said to him, "We are unclean because of a human corpse. Why should we be excluded from presenting the LORD's offering at its appointed time with the other Israelites?"

and asked, "Why can't we bring an offering to the LORD at the appointed time among the Israelis, even though we are unclean because we came in contact with a corpse?"

And those men said to him, "We are ceremonially defiled by the dead body of a man; why are we kept back from offering the LORD's offering at its appointed time among the Israelites?"

and said, "We are unclean because we touched a dead body. Why won't you let us bring our offerings to the LORD at the same time the rest of the Israelites bring their offerings?"

and those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man; why are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the sons of Israel?

And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: why are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in its appointed time among the children of Israel?

And those men said to him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: why are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the children of Israel?

and those men said unto him, We are unclean by reason of the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer the oblation of Jehovah in its appointed season among the children of Israel?

Said to them: We are unclean by occasion of the soul of a man. Why are we kept back that we may not offer in its season the offering to the Lord among the children of Israel?

And those men said to him, We are unclean by reason of the dead body of a man: why are we kept back, that we may not present the offering of Jehovah at its set time among the children of Israel?

and those men said unto him, We are unclean by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer the oblation of the LORD in its appointed season among the children of Israel?

And those men said to him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: why are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in its appointed season among the children of Israel?

Those men said to him, "We are unclean because of the dead body of a man. Why are we kept back, that we may not offer the offering of Yahweh in its appointed season among the children of Israel?"

and those men say unto him, 'We are defiled by the body of a man; why are we withheld so as not to bring near the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?'

Numrat 9:7
dhe i thanë Moisiut: "Ne jemi të papastër sepse kemi prekur trupin e vdekur të një personi; pse vallë na pengohet të paraqesim ofertën e Zotit në kohën e duhur, në mes të bijve të Izraelit?".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 9:7
وقال له اولئك الناس اننا متنجسون لانسان ميت. لماذا نترك حتى لا نقرّب قربان الرب في وقته بين بني اسرائيل.

De Zalrach 9:7
und gfraagnd: "Mir seind unrain, weil myr aynn Tootn anglangt habnd. Was künnend daa mir dyrfür; zwö sollnd mir nit aau mit de Andern feiern und yn n Herrn opfern, wie s auftrifft?"

Числа 9:7
и тия мъже му рекоха: Ние сме нечисти, поради мъртво човешко тяло, защо да ни спират да не принесем между израилтяните Господния принос на времето му?

民 數 記 9:7
說 : 我 們 雖 因 死 屍 而 不 潔 淨 , 為 何 被 阻 止 、 不 得 同 以 色 列 人 在 所 定 的 日 期 獻 耶 和 華 的 供 物 呢 ?

说 : 我 们 虽 因 死 尸 而 不 洁 净 , 为 何 被 阻 止 、 不 得 同 以 色 列 人 在 所 定 的 日 期 献 耶 和 华 的 供 物 呢 ?



Numbers 9:7
pa reknu: "Mrtvacem smo se onečistili; ipak, zašto bi nam bilo uskraćeno prinositi Jahvi žrtvu u njezino vrijeme usred Izraelovih sinova?"

Numeri 9:7
A promluvili muži ti k němu: My jsme se poškvrnili nad mrtvým. Nebude-liž nám zbráněno obětovati oběti Hospodinu v jistý čas spolu s syny Izraelskými?

4 Mosebog 9:7
og sagde til ham: »Vi er blevet urene ved et Lig; hvorfor skal det da være os forment at frembære HERRENS Offergave til den fastsatte Tid sammen med de andre Israeliter?«

Numberi 9:7
En diezelve lieden zeiden tot hem: Wij zijn onrein over het dode lichaam eens mensen; waarom zouden wij verkort worden, dat wij de offerande des HEEREN op zijn gezetten tijd niet zouden offeren, in het midden van de kinderen Israels?

במדבר 9:7
וַ֠יֹּאמְרוּ הָאֲנָשִׁ֤ים הָהֵ֙מָּה֙ אֵלָ֔יו אֲנַ֥חְנוּ טְמֵאִ֖ים לְנֶ֣פֶשׁ אָדָ֑ם לָ֣מָּה נִגָּרַ֗ע לְבִלְתִּ֨י הַקְרִ֜ב אֶת־קָרְבַּ֤ן יְהוָה֙ בְּמֹ֣עֲדֹ֔ו בְּתֹ֖וךְ בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

ז ויאמרו האנשים ההמה אליו אנחנו טמאים לנפש אדם למה נגרע לבלתי הקריב את קרבן יהוה במעדו בתוך בני ישראל

ויאמרו האנשים ההמה אליו אנחנו טמאים לנפש אדם למה נגרע לבלתי הקרב את־קרבן יהוה במעדו בתוך בני ישראל׃

4 Mózes 9:7
És mondának azok az emberek néki: Mi tisztátalanok vagyunk holtember [illetése] miatt; miért tiltatunk meg, hogy ne vigyünk áldozatot az Úrnak a maga idejében Izráel fiai között?

Moseo 4: Nombroj 9:7
kaj tiuj homoj diris al li:Ni estas malpuraj pro ektusxo de mortinta homo; kial ni estu esceptataj, ke ni ne alportu la oferon al la Eternulo en gxia tempo inter la Izraelidoj?

Ja ne miehet sanoivat hänelle: me olemme saastaantuneet kuolleesta ihmisestä: miksi me niin ylönkatsottuna pidetään, ettemme saa uhrata lahjojamme aikanansa Israelin lasten seassa?

Nombres 9:7
Et ces hommes lui dirent: Nous sommes impurs à cause du corps mort d'un homme; pourquoi serions-nous exclus de présenter l'offrande de l'Éternel au temps fixé, au milieu des fils d'Israël?

et ces hommes dirent à Moïse: Nous sommes impurs à cause d'un mort; pourquoi serions-nous privés de présenter au temps fixé l'offrande de l'Eternel au milieu des enfants d'Israël?

Et ces hommes-là leur dirent : Nous sommes souillés pour un mort, pourquoi serions-nous privés d'offrir l'offrande à l'Eternel en sa saison parmi les enfants d'Israël?

4 Mose 9:7
und sprachen zu ihm: Wir sind unrein über einem toten Menschen; warum sollen wir geringer sein, daß wir unsere Gabe dem HERRN nicht bringen müssen zu seiner Zeit unter den Kindern Israel?

und sprachen zu ihm: Wir sind unrein geworden an einem toten Menschen; warum sollen wir geringer sein, daß wir unsere Gabe dem HERRN nicht bringen dürfen zu seiner Zeit unter den Kindern Israel?

und eben diese Männer sprachen zu ihm: Wir sind durch eine Leiche unrein; warum sollen wir verkürzt werden, daß wir die Opfergabe für Jahwe nicht zur festgesetzten Zeit inmitten der Israeliten darbringen dürfen?

Numeri 9:7
e quegli uomini dissero a Mosè: "Noi siamo impuri per aver toccato un morto; perché ci sarebb’egli tolto di poter presentare l’offerta dell’Eterno, al tempo stabilito, in mezzo ai figliuoli d’Israele?"

E dissero loro: Noi siamo immondi per una persona morta; perchè saremmo noi divietati di offerir l’offerta al Signore nella sua stagione, fra’ figliuoli d’Israele?

Maka sembah mereka itu kepadanya: Bahwa hamba ini telah najis oleh mayat orang; patutkah hamba ini diasingkan, supaya jangan hamba mempersembahkan korban Tuhan pada masa yang telah ditentukan di antara segala bani Israel?

민수기 9:7
그에게 이르되 `우리가 사람의 시체로 인하여 부정케 되었거니와 우리를 금지하여 이스라엘 자손과 함께 정기에 여호와께 예물을 드리지 못하게 하심은 어찜이니이까 ?'

Numeri 9:7
dixerunt eis inmundi sumus super animam hominis quare fraudamur ut non valeamus offerre oblationem Domino in tempore suo inter filios Israhel

Skaièiø knyga 9:7
“Mes susitepę mirusiu. Ar dėl to mes neturime teisės aukoti Viešpačiui kartu su visais izraelitais?”

Numbers 9:7
A ka mea aua tangata ki a ia, Kua poke matou i te tupapaku: he aha matou te tukua ai ki te whakahere i te whakahere ma Ihowa i tona wa i rite ai, i roto i nga tama a Iharaira?

4 Mosebok 9:7
og sa til ham: Vi er blitt urene av et lik; hvorfor skal det være oss nektet å bære frem Herrens offer på den fastsatte tid sammen med de andre Israels barn?

Números 9:7
y aquellos hombres les dijeron: Aunque estemos inmundos por causa de una persona muerta, ¿por qué se nos impide presentar la ofrenda del SEÑOR en su tiempo señalado entre los hijos de Israel?

y aquellos hombres les dijeron: "Aunque estemos inmundos por causa de una persona muerta, ¿por qué se nos impide presentar la ofrenda del SEÑOR en su tiempo señalado entre los Israelitas?"

y le dijeron aquellos hombres: Nosotros estamos inmundos por causa de muerto; ¿por qué seremos impedidos de ofrecer ofrenda a Jehová a su tiempo entre los hijos de Israel?

Y dijéronle aquellos hombres: Nosotros somos inmundos por causa de muerto; ¿por qué seremos impedidos de ofrecer ofrenda á Jehová á su tiempo entre los hijos de Israel?

y le dijeron aquellos hombres: Nosotros somos inmundos por causa de muerto; ¿por qué seremos impedidos de ofrecer ofrenda al SEÑOR a su tiempo determinado entre los hijos de Israel?

Números 9:7
e os consultaram: “Estamos impuros devido a termos tocado num morto. Por que seremos excluídos e privados de fazer a oferenda de Yahweh no tempo estipulado, junto aos demais filhos de Israel?”

e aqueles homens disseram-lhes: Estamos imundos por havermos tocado o cadáver de um homem; por que seríamos privados de oferecer a oferta do Senhor a seu tempo determinado no meio dos filhos de Israel?   

Numeri 9:7
Şi oamenii aceia au zis lui Moise: ,,Noi sîntem necuraţi din pricina unui mort; de ce să fim nevoiţi să nu ne aducem la vremea hotărîtă darul cuvenit Domnului în mijlocul copiilor lui Israel?``

Числа 9:7
и сказали ему те люди: мы нечисты от прикосновения к мертвым телам человеческим; для чего нас лишать того, чтобы мы принесли приношение Господу в назначенное время среди сынов Израилевых?

и сказали ему те люди: мы нечисты от [прикосновения] к мертвым телам человеческим; для чего нас лишать того, чтобы мы принесли приношение Господу в назначенное время среди сынов Израилевых?[]

4 Mosebok 9:7
Och männen sade till honom: »Vi hava blivit orena genom en död människa; skall det därför förmenas oss att bland Israels barn bära fram HERRENS offergåva på bestämd?»

Numbers 9:7
At ang mga lalaking yaon ay nagsipagsabi sa kanila, Kami ay mga marumi dahil sa bangkay ng isang tao: bakit kami ay masasansala na anopa't kami ay huwag maghandog ng alay sa Panginoon sa kaniyang kaukulang panahon na kasama ng mga anak ni Israel?

กันดารวิถี 9:7
เขาเหล่านั้นกล่าวแก่ท่านว่า "เรามีมลทินเพราะได้ถูกต้องศพ ทำไมจึงห้ามมิให้เราถวายเครื่องบูชาของพระเยโฮวาห์ตามวันกำหนดท่ามกลางคนอิสราเอล"

Çölde Sayım 9:7
Musaya, ‹‹Ölüye dokunduğumuzdan kirli sayılırız›› dediler, ‹‹Ama öbür İsraillilerle birlikte belirlenen zamanda RABbin sunusunu sunmamız neden engellensin?››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 9:7
mà thưa cùng Môi-se rằng: Chúng tôi bị lây ô uế vì xác chết của loài người; sao tại trong dân Y-sơ-ra-ên chúng tôi phải bị cất phần dâng của lễ cho Ðức Giê-hô-va theo kỳ đã chỉ?

Numbers 9:6
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