Numbers 9:10
Numbers 9:10
"Tell the Israelites: 'When any of you or your descendants are unclean because of a dead body or are away on a journey, they are still to celebrate the LORD's Passover,

"Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: If any of the people now or in future generations are ceremonially unclean at Passover time because of touching a dead body, or if they are on a journey and cannot be present at the ceremony, they may still celebrate the LORD's Passover.

“Speak to the people of Israel, saying, If any one of you or of your descendants is unclean through touching a dead body, or is on a long journey, he shall still keep the Passover to the LORD.

"Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'If any one of you or of your generations becomes unclean because of a dead person, or is on a distant journey, he may, however, observe the Passover to the LORD.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.

Tell the Israelites: When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a corpse or is on a distant journey, he may still observe the Passover to the LORD.

"Instruct the Israelis that when any of you or your descendants becomes unclean due to contact with a corpse, or if he is on a long journey, he nevertheless is to observe the LORD's Passover.

"Tell the Israelites, 'If any of you or of your posterity become ceremonially defiled by touching a dead body, or are on a journey far away, then he may observe the Passover to the LORD.

Suppose you or any of your descendants is unclean from touching a dead body or is away on a long trip. You may still celebrate the Passover.

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your generations should be unclean by reason of a dead body or be on a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your descendants shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.

Speak to the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover to the LORD.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your generations shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be on a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto Jehovah.

Say to the children of Israel: The man that shall be unclean by occasion of one that is dead, or shall be in a journey afar off in your nation, let him make the phase to the Lord.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any one of you or of your generations be unclean by reason of a dead body or be on a journey afar off, yet he shall hold the passover to Jehovah.

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your generations shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD:

Speak to the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover to the LORD.

"Say to the children of Israel, 'If any man of you or of your generations is unclean by reason of a dead body, or is on a journey far away, he shall still keep the Passover to Yahweh.

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, Though any man is unclean by a body or in a distant journey (of you or of your generations), yet he hath prepared a passover to Jehovah;

Numrat 9:10
Folu bijve të Izraelit dhe u thuaj atyre: Në rast se dikush nga ju ose nga trashëgimtarët tuaj është i papastër për shkak të një trupi të vdekur, apo gjendet larg në udhëtim, do ta kremtojë njëlloj Pashkën për nder Zotit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 9:10
كلم بني اسرائيل قائلا. كل انسان منكم او من اجيالكم كان نجسا لميت او في سفر بعيد فليعمل الفصح للرب.

De Zalrach 9:10
Wenn von enk older enkerne Naachkemmen zwögns aynn Tootn ain unrain seind older eyn Ort auf dyr Rais, aber trotzdem s Oosterföst für n Herrn begeen wollnd,

Числа 9:10
Говори на израилтяните, казвайки: Ако някой човек от вас или от потомците ви бъде нечист, поради мъртво тяло, или е далеч на път, нека и той направи пасхата Господу;

民 數 記 9:10
你 曉 諭 以 色 列 人 說 : 你 們 和 你 們 後 代 中 , 若 有 人 因 死 屍 而 不 潔 淨 , 或 在 遠 方 行 路 , 還 要 向 耶 和 華 守 逾 越 節 。

你 晓 谕 以 色 列 人 说 : 你 们 和 你 们 後 代 中 , 若 有 人 因 死 尸 而 不 洁 净 , 或 在 远 方 行 路 , 还 要 向 耶 和 华 守 逾 越 节 。



Numbers 9:10
Ovako kaži Izraelcima: 'Kad se tko između vas ili vaših potomaka onečisti mrtvacem ili je na daleku putu, neka ipak slavi Pashu Jahvi.

Numeri 9:10
Mluv k synům Izraelským a rci: Kdož by koli byl poškvrněný nad mrtvým, aneb byl by na cestě daleké, buď z vás aneb z potomků vašich, budeť slaviti Fáze Hospodinu.

4 Mosebog 9:10
Tal til Israeliterne og sig: Naar nogen af eder eller eders Efterkommere er blevet uren ved et Lig eller er ude paa en lang Rejse, skal han alligevel holde Paaske for HERREN;

Numberi 9:10
Spreek tot de kinderen Israels, zeggende: Wanneer iemand onder u, of onder uw geslachten, over een dood lichaam onrein, of op een verren weg zal zijn, hij zal dan nog den HEERE het pascha houden.

במדבר 9:10
דַּבֵּ֛ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לֵאמֹ֑ר אִ֣ישׁ אִ֣ישׁ כִּי־יִהְיֶֽה־טָמֵ֣א ׀ לָנֶ֡פֶשׁ אֹו֩ בְדֶ֨רֶךְ רְחֹקָ֜ה לָכֶ֗ם אֹ֚ו לְדֹרֹ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם וְעָ֥שָׂה פֶ֖סַח לַיהוָֽה׃

י דבר אל בני ישראל לאמר  איש איש כי יהיה טמא לנפש או בדרך רחקה לכם או לדרתיכם ועשה פסח ליהוה

דבר אל־בני ישראל לאמר איש איש כי־יהיה־טמא ׀ לנפש או בדרך רחקה לכם או לדרתיכם ועשה פסח ליהוה׃

4 Mózes 9:10
Szólj Izráel fiainak, mondván: Ha valaki holt[ember] illetése miatt tisztátalan, vagy messze úton leend közületek, vagy a ti utódaitok közül, mindazáltal készítsen páskhát az Úrnak.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 9:10
Parolu al la Izraelidoj, dirante:Se iu el vi aux el viaj estontaj generacioj estos malpura pro ektusxo de mortinta homo, aux se iu estos en malproksima vojiro, tamen li faru Paskon al la Eternulo.

Puhu Israelin lapsille, sanoen: kuka ikänä saastuttaa itsensä kuolleessa, elikkä on taampana kaukaisella matkalla teistä, taikka teidän lankoinne seassa, hänen pitää kuitenkin pitämän pääsiäistä Herralle.

Nombres 9:10
Parle aux fils d'Israël, en disant: Si un homme d'entre vous ou de votre postérité est impur à cause d'un corps mort, ou est en voyage au loin, il fera la Pâque à l'Éternel.

Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et dis-leur: Si quelqu'un d'entre vous ou de vos descendants est impur à cause d'un mort, ou est en voyage dans le lointain, il célébrera la Pâque en l'honneur de l'Eternel.

Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et leur dis : Quand quelqu'un d'entre vous, ou de votre postérité, sera souillé pour un mort, ou qu'il sera en voyage dans un lieu éloigné, il fera cependant la Pâque à l'Eternel.

4 Mose 9:10
Sage den Kindern Israel und sprich: Wenn jemand unrein über einem Toten, oder ferne von euch über Feld ist, oder unter euren Freunden, der soll dennoch dem HERRN Passah halten;

Sage den Kinder Israel und sprich: Wenn jemand unrein an einem Toten oder ferne über Feld ist, unter euch oder unter euren Nachkommen, der soll dennoch dem HERRN Passah halten,

Sage den Israeliten und sprich: Wenn irgend jemand von euch oder von euren Nachkommen unrein sein sollte durch eine Leiche oder sich auf einer weiten Reise befinden sollte, so soll er doch Jahwe Passah feiern.

Numeri 9:10
Parla ai figliuoli d’Israele, e di’ loro: Se uno di voi o de’ vostri discendenti sarà impuro per il contatto con un morto o sarà lontano in viaggio, celebrerà lo stesso la pasqua in onore dell’Eterno.

Parla a’ figliuoli d’Israele, dicendo: Quando alcun di voi, o delle vostre generazioni, sarà immondo per una persona morta, ovvero sarà in viaggio lontano, non lasci però di far la Pasqua al Signore.

Katakanlah olehmu kepada segala bani Israel ini: Barangsiapa di antara kamu atau di antara segala anak cucumu yang najis oleh mayat atau yang pada perjalanan yang jauh, boleh juga ia menyediakan Pasah bagi Tuhan.

민수기 9:10
이스라엘 자손에게 일러 고하여 이르라 너희나 너희 후손 중에 시체로 인하여 부정케 되든지 먼 여행 중에 있든지 할지라도 다 여호와 앞에 마땅히 유월절을 지키되

Numeri 9:10
loquere filiis Israhel homo qui fuerit inmundus super anima sive in via procul in gente vestra faciat phase Domino

Skaièiø knyga 9:10
“Jei kas iš izraelitų susiteptų mirusiu ar būtų kelionėje, tešvenčia Paschą

Numbers 9:10
Korero ki nga tama a Iharaira, mea atu, Ki te poke i te tupapaku tetahi o koutou, o o koutou uri ranei, ki te mea ranei kei tawhiti e haere ana, me mahi ano e ia te kapenga ki a Ihowa.

4 Mosebok 9:10
Tal til Israels barn og si: Om nogen blandt eder eller blandt eders efterkommere er blitt uren av et lik eller er på langreise, skal han allikevel holde påske for Herren;

Números 9:10
Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: ``Si alguno de vosotros o de vuestros descendientes está inmundo por causa de un muerto, o anda de viaje lejos, puede, sin embargo, celebrar la Pascua al SEÑOR.

"Habla a los Israelitas y diles: 'Si alguien de ustedes o de sus descendientes (generaciones) está inmundo por causa de un muerto, o anda lejos de viaje, puede, sin embargo, celebrar la Pascua al SEÑOR.

Habla a los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Cualquiera de vosotros o de vuestras generaciones, que fuere inmundo por causa de muerto o estuviere de viaje lejos, hará pascua a Jehová.

Habla á los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Cualquiera de vosotros ó de vuestras generaciones, que fuere inmundo por causa de muerto ó estuviere de viaje lejos, hará pascua á Jehová:

Habla a los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Cualquier varón de vosotros o de vuestras generaciones, que fuere inmundo por causa de muerto o estuviere de viaje lejos, hará pascua al SEÑOR.

Números 9:10
“Fala aos filhos de Israel e dize-lhes: Se alguém do meio de vós ou dos vossos descendentes se achar impuro devido ao contato com um morto, ou estiver numa longa viagem, celebrará, ainda assim, o Pêssah ao Eterno, a Páscoa de Yahweh.

Fala aos filhos de Israel, dizendo: Se alguém dentre vós, ou dentre os vossos descendentes estiver imundo por ter tocado um cadáver, ou achar-se longe, em viagem, contudo ainda celebrará a páscoa ao Senhor.   

Numeri 9:10
,,Vorbeşte copiilor lui Israel, şi spune-le: ,Dacă cineva dintre voi sau dintre urmaşii voştri este necurat din pricina unui mort, sau este într'o călătorie lungă, totuş să prăznuiască Paştele în cinstea Domnului.

Числа 9:10
скажи сынам Израилевым: если кто из вас или из потомков ваших будет нечист от прикосновения к мертвому телу, или будет в дальней дороге, то и он должен совершить Пасху Господню;

скажи сынам Израилевым: если кто из вас или из потомков ваших будет нечист от [прикосновения] к мертвому телу, или будет в дальней дороге, то и он должен совершить Пасху Господню;[]

4 Mosebok 9:10
Tala till Israels barn och säg: Om någon bland eder eller edra efterkommande har blivit oren genom en död, eller är ute på resa långt borta, och han ändå vill hålla HERRENS påskhögtid

Numbers 9:10
Salitain mo sa mga anak ni Israel, na iyong sabihin, Kung ang sinomang tao sa inyo o sa inyong sali't saling lahi ay maging marumi dahil sa isang bangkay, o masumpungan sa isang malayong paglalakbay, ay kaniyang ipagdidiwang din ang paskua sa Panginoon:

กันดารวิถี 9:10
จงกล่าวแก่คนอิสราเอลว่า ถ้าผู้ใดในพวกเจ้าหรือในเชื้อสายของเจ้ามีมลทินเพราะถูกต้องศพ หรือไปทางไกลก็ให้ผู้นั้นถือปัสกาแด่พระเยโฮวาห์

Çölde Sayım 9:10
‹‹İsraillilere de ki, ‹Sizlerden ya da soyunuzdan ölüye dokunduğu için kirli sayılan ya da uzak bir yolculukta bulunan biri RABbin Fısıh kurbanını kesebilir.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 9:10
Hãy nói cùng dân Y-sơ-ra-ên rằng: Khi một người trong vòng các ngươi hay là trong vòng hậu đại các ngươi bị ô uế vì cớ xác chết, hoặc mắc đi xa, thì cũng buộc phải giữ lễ Vượt-qua cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Numbers 9:9
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