Numbers 6:7
Numbers 6:7
Even if their own father or mother or brother or sister dies, they must not make themselves ceremonially unclean on account of them, because the symbol of their dedication to God is on their head.

Even if the dead person is their own father, mother, brother, or sister, they must not defile themselves, for the hair on their head is the symbol of their separation to God.

Not even for his father or for his mother, for brother or sister, if they die, shall he make himself unclean, because his separation to God is on his head.

'He shall not make himself unclean for his father or for his mother, for his brother or for his sister, when they die, because his separation to God is on his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the consecration of his God is upon his head.

He is not to defile himself for his father or mother, or his brother or sister, when they die, because the hair consecrated to his God is on his head.

He is not to defile himself on account of his father, mother, brother, and sister when they die, because the crown of his consecration to God is on his head.

He must not defile himself even for his father or his mother or his brother or his sister if they die, because the separation for his God is on his head.

Even if their own father, mother, brother, or sister dies, they must not make themselves unclean by going near them. Nazarites show their vow to God with their long hair.

They shall not make themselves unclean for their father or for their mother, for their brother or for their sister, when they die because the consecration of their God is upon their head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the consecration of his God is upon his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the consecration of his God is on his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die; because his separation unto God is upon his head.

Neither shall he make himself unclean, even for his father, or for his mother, or for his brother, or for his sister, when they die, because the consecration of his God is upon his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister when they die; for the consecration of his God is upon his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because his separation unto God is upon his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the consecration of his God is upon his head.

He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die; because his separation to God is on his head.

for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister -- he is not unclean for them at their death, for the separation of his God is on his head;

Numrat 6:7
as sikur të ishte i ati apo e ëma, i vëllai ose e motra, ai nuk do të ndotet për ta kur vdesin, sepse mban mbi krye shenjën e shenjtërimit të tij Perëndisë.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 6:7
ابوه وامه واخوه واخته لا يتنجس من اجلهم عند موتهم لان انتذار الهه على راسه.

De Zalrach 6:7
Nit aynmaal an n Vatern older dyr Mueter, wenn s sterbnd, sollt yr si beflöcken, denn er haat ja seine Haar als Zaichen, däß yr gotgweiht ist.

Числа 6:7
да се не оскверни, заради баща си или майка си, брата си или сестра си, когато умрат; понеже назирейският обрек на Бога му е на главата му.

民 數 記 6:7
他 的 父 母 或 是 弟 兄 姊 妹 死 了 的 時 候 , 他 不 可 因 他 們 使 自 己 不 潔 淨 , 因 為 那 離 俗 歸   神 的 憑 據 是 在 他 頭 上 。

他 的 父 母 或 是 弟 兄 姊 妹 死 了 的 时 候 , 他 不 可 因 他 们 使 自 己 不 洁 净 , 因 为 那 离 俗 归   神 的 凭 据 是 在 他 头 上 。



Numbers 6:7
Neka se ne onečišćuje ni zbog svoga oca, ni zbog svoje majke, svoga brata ili svoje sestre ako bi umrli, jer na svojoj glavi nosi posvećenje svoga Boga.

Numeri 6:7
Nad otcem svým aneb nad matkou svou, nad bratrem svým aneb nad sestrou svou, kdyby zemřeli, nebude se poškvrňovati; nebo posvěcení Boha jeho jest na hlavě jeho.

4 Mosebog 6:7
selv naar hans Fader eller Moder, hans Broder eller Søster dør, maa han ikke paadrage sig Urenhed ved dem, thi han bærer sin Guds Indvielse paa sit Hoved.

Numberi 6:7
Om zijn vader of om zijn moeder, om zijn broeder of om zijn zuster, om hen zal hij zich niet verontreinigen, als zij dood zijn; want het Nazireerschap zijns Gods is op zijn hoofd.

במדבר 6:7
לְאָבִ֣יו וּלְאִמֹּ֗ו לְאָחִיו֙ וּלְאַ֣חֹתֹ֔ו לֹא־יִטַּמָּ֥א לָהֶ֖ם בְּמֹתָ֑ם כִּ֛י נֵ֥זֶר אֱלֹהָ֖יו עַל־רֹאשֹֽׁו׃

ז לאביו ולאמו לאחיו ולאחתו--לא יטמא להם במתם  כי נזר אלהיו על ראשו

לאביו ולאמו לאחיו ולאחתו לא־יטמא להם במתם כי נזר אלהיו על־ראשו׃

4 Mózes 6:7
Se atyjának, se anyjának, se fiú- se leánytestvéreinek holttestével meg ne fertõztesse magát, mikor meghalnak, mert az õ Istenének nazireussága van az õ fején.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 6:7
Ne cxe sia patro, nek cxe sia patrino, nek cxe sia frato, nek cxe sia fratino li malpurigxu, se ili mortis; cxar konsekro al lia Dio estas sur lia kapo.

Eikä saastuttaman itsiänsä isänsä taikka äitinsä, eikä veljensä eli sisarensa kuolleesen ruumiisen; sillä hänen Jumalansa eroitus on hänen päänsä päällä.

Nombres 6:7
Il ne se rendra pas impur pour son père, ni pour sa mère, ni pour son frère, ni pour sa soeur, quand ils mourront; car le nazaréat de son Dieu est sur sa tête.

il ne se souillera point à la mort de son père, de sa mère, de son frère ou de sa soeur, car il porte sur sa tête la consécration de son Dieu.

Il ne se souillera point pour son père, ni pour sa mère, ni pour son frère, ni pour sa sœur, quand ils seront morts; car le Nazaréat de son Dieu est sur sa tête.

4 Mose 6:7
Er soll sich auch nicht verunreinigen an dem Tod seines Vaters, seiner Mutter, seines Bruders oder seiner Schwester; denn das Gelübde seines Gottes ist auf seinem Haupt.

Er soll sich auch nicht verunreinigen an dem Tod seines Vaters, seiner Mutter, seines Bruders oder seiner Schwester; denn das Gelübde seines Gottes ist auf seinem Haupt.

Selbst wenn sein Vater oder seine Mutter, sein Bruder oder seine Schwester stirbt, darf er sich nicht an ihnen verunreinigen, denn die Weihe seines Gottes ist auf seinem Haupte.

Numeri 6:7
si trattasse anche di suo padre, di sua madre, del suo fratello e della sua sorella, non si contaminerà per loro alla loro morte, perché porta sul capo il segno della sua consacrazione a Dio.

Non contaminisi per suo padre, nè per sua madre, nè per suo fratello, nè per sua sorella, quando alcuno di loro sarà morto; perciocchè il Nazireato dell’Iddio suo è sopra il suo capo.

Jangan dinajiskannya dirinya, baik karena bapanya atau ibunya baik karena saudaranya laki-laki atau perempuan, jikalau mereka itu sudah mati, karena tanda nazirat bagi Allah adalah di atas kepalanya.

민수기 6:7
그 부모 형제 자매가 죽은 때에라도 그로 인하여 더럽히지 말것이니 이는 자기 몸을 구별하여 하나님께 드리는 표가 그 머리에 있음이라

Numeri 6:7
nec super patris quidem et matris et fratris sororisque funere contaminabitur quia consecratio Dei sui super caput eius est

Skaièiø knyga 6:7
net savo tėvu, motina, broliu ar seserimi nesusiteps, jei jie numirtų, nes įžado metu bus pasižadėjęs Dievui.

Numbers 6:7
Kaua ia e whakapoke i a ia mo tona papa, mo tona whaea, mo tona tuakana, teina ranei, mo tona tuahine, ina mate ratou; no te mea kei runga i tona matenga te wehenga a tona Atua.

4 Mosebok 6:7
Ikke engang om hans far eller mor eller bror eller søster dør, må han føre urenhet over sig for deres skyld; for han bærer på sitt hode tegnet på innvielsen til sin Gud.

Números 6:7
``Ni por su padre, ni por su madre, ni por su hermano, ni por su hermana se contaminará de ellos cuando mueran, pues su nazareato para Dios está sobre su cabeza.

'Ni por su padre, ni por su madre, ni por su hermano, ni por su hermana se contaminará a causa de ellos cuando mueran, pues su nazareato para Dios está sobre su cabeza.

Ni por su padre, ni por su madre, ni por su hermano, ni por su hermana, no se contaminará con ellos cuando murieren; porque consagración de su Dios tiene sobre su cabeza.

Por su padre, ni por su madre, por su hermano, ni por su hermana, no se contaminará con ellos cuando murieren; porque consagración de su Dios tiene sobre su cabeza.

Por su padre, ni por su madre, por su hermano, ni por su hermana, no se contaminará con ellos cuando murieren; porque consagración de su Dios tiene sobre su cabeza.

Números 6:7
nem por seu pai ou por sua mãe, nem por seu irmão ou por sua própria irmã se tornará impuro, caso venham eles a morrer, visto que traz sobre sua cabeça a consagração de seu Deus.

Não se contaminará nem por seu pai, nem por sua mãe, nem por seu irmão, nem por sua irmã, quando estes morrerem; porquanto o nazireado do seu Deus está sobre a sua cabeça:   

Numeri 6:7
să nu se pîngărească nici la moartea tatălui său, nici a mamei sale, nici a fratelui său, nici a sorei sale, căci poartă pe cap închinarea Dumnezeului lui.

Числа 6:7
прикосновением к отцу своему, и матери своей, и брату своему, и сестре своей, не должен он оскверняться, когда они умрут, потому что посвящение Богу его на главе его;

[прикосновением] к отцу своему, и матери своей, и брату своему, и сестре своей, не должен он оскверняться, когда они умрут, потому что посвящение Богу его на главе его;[]

4 Mosebok 6:7
Icke ens genom sin fader eller sin moder, sin broder eller sin syster får han ådraga sig orenhet, om de dö ty han bär på sitt huvud tecknet till att han är sin Guds nasir;

Numbers 6:7
Siya'y huwag magpapakarumi sa kaniyang ama o sa kaniyang ina, o sa kaniyang kapatid na lalake, o babae, pagka sila'y namatay: sapagka't ang pagtalaga niya sa Dios, ay sumasa kaniyang ulo.

กันดารวิถี 6:7
อย่าทำตัวให้มีมลทินด้วยบิดามารดาหรือพี่น้องชายหญิงที่ตาย เพราะที่เขาปลีกตัวออกมาถวายแด่พระเจ้านั้นเป็นพันธนะของเขา

Çölde Sayım 6:7
Annesi, babası, erkek ya da kız kardeşi ölse bile onlar için kendini kirletmeyecek. Çünkü kendini Tanrısına adama simgesi başı üzerindedir.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 6:7
Người chớ vì cha hoặc vì mẹ, vì anh hoặc vì chị đã chết, mà làm cho mình bị ô uế, vì dấu chỉ sự biệt riêng ra cho Ðức Chúa Trời vẫn ở trên đầu người.

Numbers 6:6
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