Numbers 5:30
Numbers 5:30
or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the LORD and is to apply this entire law to her.

or if a man becomes jealous and is suspicious that his wife has been unfaithful, the husband must present his wife before the LORD, and the priest will apply this entire ritual law to her.

or when the spirit of jealousy comes over a man and he is jealous of his wife. Then he shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall carry out for her all this law.

or when a spirit of jealousy comes over a man and he is jealous of his wife, he shall then make the woman stand before the LORD, and the priest shall apply all this law to her.

Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

or when a feeling of jealousy comes over a husband and he becomes jealous of his wife. He is to have the woman stand before the LORD, and the priest will apply this entire ritual to her.

When a man becomes under the control of an attitude of jealousy regarding his wife, he is to present her to the Lord, and the priest is to apply this entire statute to her.

or when jealous feelings come over a man and he becomes suspicious of his wife; then he must have the woman stand before the LORD, and the priest will carry out all this law upon her.

They also tell you what to do when a husband has a fit of jealousy and is suspicious of his wife. He will make his wife stand in the LORD's presence, and the priest will do everything these instructions tell him to do.

or of the husband upon whom a spirit of jealousy comes, and he is jealous over his wife; he shall then present the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute in her all this law.

Or when the spirit of jealousy comes upon him, and he is jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

Or when the spirit of jealousy comes on him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute on her all this law.

or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon a man, and he is jealous of his wife; then shall he set the woman before Jehovah, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

And the husband stirred up by the spirit of jealousy bring her before the Lord, and the priest do to her according to all things that are here written:

or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon a man, and he is jealous as regards his wife; then shall he set the woman before Jehovah, and the priest shall do to her according to all this law.

or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon a man, and he be jealous over his wife; then shall he set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he is jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

or when the spirit of jealousy comes on a man, and he is jealous of his wife; then he shall set the woman before Yahweh, and the priest shall execute on her all this law.

or when a spirit of jealousy passeth over a man, and he hath been jealous of his wife, then he hath caused the woman to stand before Jehovah, and the priest hath done to her all this law,

Numrat 5:30
ose në rastin kur ndjenja e xhelozisë e zë një burrë dhe ky bëhet xheloz për gruan e tij; ai do ta paraqesë gruan e tij para Zotit dhe prifti do të zbatojë me të plotësisht këtë ligj.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 5:30
او اذا اعترى رجلا روح غيرة فغار على امرأته يوقف المرأة امام الرب ويعمل لها الكاهن كل هذه الشريعة

De Zalrach 5:30
older wenn iednfalls dyr Man boeswaenig wordn ist. Dann laasst yr s vor n Herrn trötn, und dyr Priester verfart naach dönn Gsötz.

Числа 5:30
или когато дойде дух на ревнивост върху някой мъж и ревнува жена си, тогава нека постави жената пред Господа, и свещеникът нека постъпи с нея във всичко според тоя закон.

民 數 記 5:30
或 是 人 生 了 疑 恨 的 心 , 疑 恨 他 的 妻 , 就 有 這 疑 恨 的 條 例 。 那 時 他 要 叫 婦 人 站 在 耶 和 華 面 前 , 祭 司 要 在 他 身 上 照 這 條 例 而 行 。

或 是 人 生 了 疑 恨 的 心 , 疑 恨 他 的 妻 , 就 有 这 疑 恨 的 条 例 。 那 时 他 要 叫 妇 人 站 在 耶 和 华 面 前 , 祭 司 要 在 他 身 上 照 这 条 例 而 行 。



Numbers 5:30
ili kad kojega čovjeka obuzme duh ljubomore te postane ljubomoran na svoju ženu. Neka, dakle, postavi svoju ženu pred Jahvu, a svećenik neka nad njom izvrši sav ovaj obred.

Numeri 5:30
Aneb když by se pohnul duch veliké horlivosti v manželu, tak že by horlil velmi proti ženě své, aby postavil ji před Hospodinem, a aby vykonal při ní kněz všecko vedlé zákona tohoto.

4 Mosebog 5:30
eller naar en Mand gribes af Skinsygens Aand og bliver skinsyg paa sin Hustru, saa skal han fremstille Hustruen for HERRENS Aasyn, og Præsten skal handle med hende efter alt i denne Lov;

Numberi 5:30
Of als over en man die ijvergeest zal gekomen zijn, en hij over zijn huisvrouw zal geijverd hebben, dat hij de vrouw voor het aangezicht des HEEREN stelle, en de priester aan haar deze ganse wet volbrenge.

במדבר 5:30
אֹ֣ו אִ֗ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֨ר תַּעֲבֹ֥ר עָלָ֛יו ר֥וּחַ קִנְאָ֖ה וְקִנֵּ֣א אֶת־אִשְׁתֹּ֑ו וְהֶעֱמִ֤יד אֶת־הָֽאִשָּׁה֙ לִפְנֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה וְעָ֤שָׂה לָהּ֙ הַכֹּהֵ֔ן אֵ֥ת כָּל־הַתֹּורָ֖ה הַזֹּֽאת׃

ל או איש אשר תעבר עליו רוח קנאה--וקנא את אשתו והעמיד את האשה לפני יהוה ועשה לה הכהן את כל התורה הזאת

או איש אשר תעבר עליו רוח קנאה וקנא את־אשתו והעמיד את־האשה לפני יהוה ועשה לה הכהן את כל־התורה הזאת׃

4 Mózes 5:30
Vagy mikor valaki, a kiben felgerjed a féltékenység lelke annyira, hogy féltékenykedik a feleségére; az õ feleségét állatja az Úr elé. És cselekedjék vele a pap mind e törvény szerint.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 5:30
aux kiam viron atakos spirito de jxaluzo kaj li jxaluzos sian edzinon; tiam li starigu la edzinon antaux la Eternulo, kaj la pastro agu kun sxi laux la tuta tiu legxo.

Eli koska epäluulon henki kehoittaa miehen kiivoittelemaan vaimostansa, että hän asettaa hänen Herran eteen, niin papin pitää tekemän hänelle kaiken tämän lain jälkeen.

Nombres 5:30
ou si l'esprit de jalousie est venu sur un homme et qu'il soit jaloux de sa femme: il fera tenir la femme debout devant l'Éternel, et le sacrificateur lui appliquera toute cette loi;

et pour le cas où un mari saisi d'un esprit de jalousie a des soupçons sur sa femme: le sacrificateur la fera tenir debout devant l'Eternel, et lui appliquera cette loi dans son entier.

Ou quand l'esprit de jalousie aura saisi le mari, et qu'étant jaloux de sa femme, il l'aura fait venir devant l'Eternel, et que le Sacrificateur aura fait à l'égard de cette femme tout ce qui est ordonné par cette loi.

4 Mose 5:30
oder wenn einen Mann der Eifergeist entzündet, daß er um seinWeib eifert, daß er's stelle vor den HERRN, und der Priester an ihr tue alles nach diesem Gesetze.

oder wenn einen Mann der Eifergeist entzündet, daß er um sein Weib eifert, daß er's stelle vor den HERRN und der Priester mit ihr tue alles nach diesem Gesetz.

oder auch, wenn über einen Mann ein Geist der Eifersucht kommt und er eifersüchtig wird auf sein Weib, so stelle er das Weib vor Jahwe, und der Priester verfahre mit ihr ganz nach diesen Bestimmungen.

Numeri 5:30
e per il caso in cui lo spirito di gelosia s’impossessi del marito, e questi diventi geloso della moglie; egli farà comparire sua moglie davanti all’Eterno, e il sacerdote le applicherà questa legge integralmente.

Ovvero, quando lo spirito della gelosia sarà entrato nel marito, ed egli sarà geloso della sua moglie; facciala comparire davanti al Signore, e facciale il Sacerdote tutto quello ch’è ordinato per questa legge.

atau jikalau nafsu gairat telah berlaku atas seorang laki-laki dan cemburuanlah ia akan bininya; hendaklah dihadapkannya bininya itu kepada hadirat Tuhan dan diperbuat imam akan dia setuju dengan segala hukum ini.

민수기 5:30
또는 그 남편이 의심이 생겨서 그 아내를 의심할 때에 그 여인을 여호와 앞에 두고 제사장이 이 법대로 행할 것이라

Numeri 5:30
maritusque zelotypiae spiritu concitatus adduxerit eam in conspectu Domini et fecerit ei sacerdos iuxta omnia quae scripta sunt

Skaièiø knyga 5:30
Jei vyras apimtas pavydo dvasios atvestų žmoną Viešpaties akivaizdon ir kunigas padarytų visa, kas čia parašyta,

Numbers 5:30
Ina tau iho ranei te wairua hae ki tetahi, a ka hae ia ki tana wahine; na me whakatu taua wahine e ia ki te aroaro o Ihowa; na ka mahia e te tohunga tenei ture katoa ki a ia.

4 Mosebok 5:30
eller når en skinnsykens ånd kommer over en mann, så han blir skinnsyk på sin hustru, så skal han stille kvinnen frem for Herrens åsyn, og presten skal gjøre med henne alt det som er sagt i denne lov.

Números 5:30
o cuando un espíritu de celos venga sobre alguno y esté celoso de su mujer, entonces hará que la mujer se presente delante del SEÑOR, y el sacerdote le aplicará a ella toda esta ley.

o cuando un espíritu de celos venga sobre alguien y esté celoso de su mujer, entonces hará que la mujer se presente delante del SEÑOR, y el sacerdote le aplicará a ella toda esta ley.

o del marido, sobre el cual pasare espíritu de celos, y tuviere celos de su esposa; la presentará entonces delante de Jehová, y el sacerdote ejecutará en ella toda esta ley.

O del marido, sobre el cual pasare espíritu de celo, y tuviere celos de su mujer: presentarála entonces delante de Jehová, y el sacerdote ejecutará en ella toda esta ley.

o del marido, sobre el cual pasare espíritu de celo, y tuviere celos de su mujer; la presentará entonces delante del SEÑOR, y el sacerdote ejecutará en ella toda esta ley.

Números 5:30
ou quando o ciúme se apoderar de um homem porque suspeita de sua esposa. O sacerdote a colocará diante de Yahweh e a fará passar por todo esse ritual.

ou no tocante ao homem sobre quem vier o espírito de ciúmes, e se enciumar de sua mulher; ele apresentará a mulher perante o Senhor, e o sacerdote cumprirá para com ela toda esta lei.   

Numeri 5:30
şi pentru împrejurarea cînd un bărbat, apucat de un duh de gelozie, are bănuieli asupra nevestei lui: preotul s'o pună să stea în picioare înaintea Domnului, şi să -i facă întocmai după legea aceasta.

Числа 5:30
или когда на мужа найдет дух ревности, и он будет ревновать жену свою, тогда пусть он поставит жену пред лицем Господа, и сделает с нею священник все по сему закону, –

или когда на мужа найдет дух ревности, и он будет ревновать жену свою, тогда пусть он поставит жену пред лицем Господа, и сделает с нею священник все по сему закону, --[]

4 Mosebok 5:30
eller när eljest misstankens ande kommer över en man, så att han misstänker sin hustru; han skall då ställa hustrun fram inför HERRENS ansikte, och prästen skall med henne göra allt vad denna lag stadgar.

Numbers 5:30
O pagka ang diwa ng paninibugho ay sumasaisang lalake, at naninibugho sa kaniyang asawa; ay pahaharapin nga ang babae sa Panginoon at gagawin ng saserdote sa kaniya ang buong kautusang ito.

กันดารวิถี 5:30
หรือเมื่อจิตหึงหวงสิงผู้ชาย และเขาหึงหวงภรรยาของเขา แล้วเขาต้องให้นางไปเข้าเฝ้าพระเยโฮวาห์ และปุโรหิตจะปฏิบัติต่อนางตามพระราชบัญญัตินี้ทุกประการ

Çölde Sayım 5:30
ya da bir koca karısını kıskanır, ona karşı yüreğinde kuşku uyanırsa, kâhin kadını RABbin önünde durduracak, bu yasayı ona uygulayacak.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 5:30
hoặc khi nào tánh ghen phát sanh nơi người chồng mà ghen vợ mình: người phải đem vợ đến trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va, và thầy tế lễ sẽ làm cho nàng hết thảy điều chi luật lệ nầy truyền dạy.

Numbers 5:29
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