Numbers 35:15
Numbers 35:15
These six towns will be a place of refuge for Israelites and for foreigners residing among them, so that anyone who has killed another accidentally can flee there.

These cities are for the protection of Israelites, foreigners living among you, and traveling merchants. Anyone who accidentally kills someone may flee there for safety.

These six cities shall be for refuge for the people of Israel, and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them, that anyone who kills any person without intent may flee there.

'These six cities shall be for refuge for the sons of Israel, and for the alien and for the sojourner among them; that anyone who kills a person unintentionally may flee there.

These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither.

These six cities will serve as a refuge for the Israelites and for the foreigner or temporary resident among them, so that anyone who kills a person unintentionally may flee there."

that is, places of refuge for the Israelis, the resident alien, and any travelers among them. Anyone who kills a person inadvertently may flee there."

These six towns will be places of refuge for the Israelites, and for the foreigner, and for the settler among them, so that anyone who kills any person accidentally may flee there.

These six cities will be places of refuge for Israelites, foreigners, and strangers among you. Anyone who unintentionally kills another person may flee to these cities.

These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the sons of Israel and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them that anyone that kills another person unawares may flee there.

These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that kills any person unintentionally may flee there.

These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that kills any person unawares may flee thither.

For the children of Israel, and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them, shall these six cities be for refuge; that every one that killeth any person unwittingly may flee thither.

As well for the children of Israel as for strangers and sojourners, that he may flee to them, who hath shed blood against his will.

For the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them shall these six cities be a refuge, that one who smiteth a person mortally without intent may flee thither.

For the children of Israel, and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them, shall these six cities be for refuge: that every one that killeth any person unwittingly may flee thither.

These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither.

For the children of Israel, and for the stranger and for the foreigner living among them, shall these six cities be for refuge; that everyone who kills any person unwittingly may flee there.

To sons of Israel, and to a sojourner, and to a settler in their midst, are these six cities for a refuge, for the fleeing thither of any one smiting a person unawares.

Numrat 35:15
Këto gjashtë qytete do të shërbejnë si vende strehimi për bijtë e Izraelit, për të huajin dhe për atë që banon midis jush, me qëllim që ai që ka vrarë dikë pa dashje të mund të strehohet.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 35:15
لبني اسرائيل وللغريب وللمستوطن في وسطهم تكون هذه الست المدن للملجإ. لكي يهرب اليها كل من قتل نفسا سهوا

De Zalrach 35:15
Die Stötn sollnd sowol yn de Isryheeler wie Beisaessn und Fremdling offsteen, wo ayn Freium brauchend. Ayn Ieds kan daahin fliehen, wo ungedanks öbbern dyrschlagn haat.

Числа 35:15
Тия шест града да бъдат прибежище за израилтяните и за чужденеца, и за онзи, който е пришелец помежду им, за да може да прибягва там всеки, който би убил човек по погрешка.

民 數 記 35:15
這 六 座 城 要 給 以 色 列 人 和 他 們 中 間 的 外 人 , 並 寄 居 的 , 作 為 逃 城 , 使 誤 殺 人 的 都 可 以 逃 到 那 裡 。

这 六 座 城 要 给 以 色 列 人 和 他 们 中 间 的 外 人 , 并 寄 居 的 , 作 为 逃 城 , 使 误 杀 人 的 都 可 以 逃 到 那 里 。



Numbers 35:15
Tih šest gradova neka budu za utočište kako Izraelcima tako i strancu i došljaku koji među njima borave, kamo može pobjeći tko god ubije koga nehotice.

Numeri 35:15
Synům Izraelským i příchozímu, i podruhu mezi nimi bude těch šest měst k útočišti, aby tam utekl, kdož by koli ranil někoho z nedopatření.

4 Mosebog 35:15
Israeliterne, de fremmede og de indvandrede iblandt dem skal have Ret til at søge Tilflugt i de seks Byer, saa at enhver, der begaar et Drab af Vanvare, kan ty derhen.

Numberi 35:15
Die zes steden zullen voor de kinderen Israels, en voor den vreemdeling, en den bijwoner in het midden van hen, tot een toevlucht zijn; opdat daarheen vliede, wie een ziel onvoorziens slaat.

במדבר 35:15
לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וְלַגֵּ֤ר וְלַתֹּושָׁב֙ בְּתֹוכָ֔ם תִּהְיֶ֛ינָה שֵׁשׁ־הֶעָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה לְמִקְלָ֑ט לָנ֣וּס שָׁ֔מָּה כָּל־מַכֵּה־נֶ֖פֶשׁ בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃

טו לבני ישראל ולגר ולתושב בתוכם תהיינה שש הערים האלה למקלט--לנוס שמה כל מכה נפש בשגגה

לבני ישראל ולגר ולתושב בתוכם תהיינה שש־הערים האלה למקלט לנוס שמה כל־מכה־נפש בשגגה׃

4 Mózes 35:15
Izráel fiainak és a jövevénynek, és az õ közöttök lakozónak menedékül legyen az a hat város, hogy oda szaladjon az, a ki történetbõl öl meg valakit.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 35:15
Por la Izraelidoj kaj por la fremdulo kaj por la paslogxanto inter ili estu tiuj ses urboj por rifugxo, por ke forkuru tien cxiu, kiu mortigis homon senintence.

Sekä Israelin lapsille, että muukalaisille ja huonekuntalaisille heidän seassansa, pitää ne kuusi kaupunkia oleman pakoa varten, että sinne pakenis kuka ikänä jonkun sielun tapaturmaisesti lyö.

Nombres 35:15
Ces six villes serviront de refuge aux fils d'Israël, et à l'étranger, et à celui qui séjourne parmi eux, afin que quiconque aura, par mégarde, frappé à mort une personne, s'y enfuie.

Ces six villes serviront de refuge aux enfants d'Israël, à l'étranger et à celui qui demeure au milieu de vous: là pourra s'enfuir tout homme qui aura tué quelqu'un involontairement.

Ces six villes serviront de refuge aux enfants d'Israël, et à l'étranger, et au forain qui séjourne parmi eux, afin que quiconque aura frappé à mort quelque personne par mégarde, s'y enfuie.

4 Mose 35:15
Das sind die sechs Freistädte, beide den Kindern Israel und den Fremdlingen und den Hausgenossen unter euch, daß dahin fliehe, wer einen Totschlag getan hat unversehens.

Das sind die sechs Freistädte, den Kindern Israel und den Fremdlingen und den Beisassen unter euch, daß dahin fliehe, wer einen Totschlag getan hat unversehens.

Den Israeliten, sowie dem Fremden und dem Beisassen unter euch, sollen diese sechs Städte als Zuflucht dienen, damit jeder dorthin ziehe, der unvorsätzlich einen Menschen getötet hat.

Numeri 35:15
Queste sei città serviranno di rifugio ai figliuoli d’Israele, allo straniero e a colui che soggiornerà fra voi, affinché vi scampi chiunque abbia ucciso qualcuno involontariamente.

Sieno queste sei città per rifugio, a’ figliuoli d’Israele, a’ forestieri, e agli avveniticci che saranno fra loro; acciocchè vi si rifugga chiunque avrà percossa a morte alcuna persona disavvedutamente.

Maka keenam buah negeri ini akan menjadi tempat perlindungan, baik bagi bani Isrel baik bagi segala orang dagang yang menumpang di antara mereka itu, supaya boleh lari ke sana barangsiapa yang telah membunuh orang dengan tiada sengajanya.

민수기 35:15
이 여섯 성읍은 이스라엘 자손과 타국인과 이스라엘 중에 우거하는 자의 도피성이 되리니 무릇 그릇 살인한 자가 그리로 도피할 수 있으리라

Numeri 35:15
tam filiis Israhel quam advenis atque peregrinis ut confugiat ad eas qui nolens sanguinem fuderit

Skaièiø knyga 35:15
Tie šeši miestai bus prieglauda izraelitams, taip pat ateiviams ir svetimšaliams, kad kiekvienas, netyčia nužudęs žmogų, galėtų į juos atbėgti.

Numbers 35:15
Hei whakaora enei pa e ono mo nga tama a Iharaira, mo te manene, mo te nohonoa i roto i a koutou: hei rerenga atu mo nga tangata i mate ai tetahi, otiia ehara i te mea ata whakaaro.

4 Mosebok 35:15
Både for Israels barn og for de fremmede og innflyttede som bor iblandt dem, skal disse seks byer være tilfluktsstæder, så hver den som av vanvare slår nogen ihjel, kan fly dit.

Números 35:15
``Estas seis ciudades serán por refugio para los hijos de Israel, y para el forastero y para el peregrino entre ellos, para que huya allí cualquiera que sin intención mate a una persona.

'Estas seis ciudades serán por refugio para los Israelitas, y para el extranjero y para el peregrino entre ellos, para que huya allí cualquiera que sin intención mate a una persona.

Estas seis ciudades serán para refugio a los hijos de Israel, y al peregrino, y al que morare entre ellos, para que huya allá cualquiera que hiriere de muerte a otro por yerro.

Estas seis ciudades serán para acogimiento á los hijos de Israel, y al peregrino, y al que morare entre ellos, para que huya allá cualquiera que hiriere de muerte á otro por yerro.

Estas seis ciudades serán para acogimiento a los hijos de Israel, y al peregrino, y al que morare entre ellos, para que huya allá cualquiera que hiriere de muerte a otro por yerro.

Números 35:15
Tanto para os israelitas como para o estrangeiro e para aquele que mora no meio de vós, essas seis cidades servirão de refúgio, onde possa se refugiar aquele que matar alguém involuntariamente.

Estas seis cidades serão por refúgio aos filhos de Israel, ao estrangeiro, e ao peregrino no meio deles, para que se refugie ali todo aquele que tiver matado alguém involuntariamente.   

Numeri 35:15
Aceste şase cetăţi să fie cetăţi de scăpare pentru copiii lui Israel, pentru străin şi pentru celce locuieşte în mijlocul vostru: acolo va putea să scape orice om care va ucide pe cineva fără voie.

Числа 35:15
для сынов Израилевых и для пришельца и для поселенца между вами будут сии шесть городов убежищем, чтобы убегать туда всякому, убившему человека неумышленно.

для сынов Израилевых и для пришельца и для поселенца между вами будут сии шесть городов убежищем, чтобы убегать туда всякому, убившему человека неумышленно.[]

4 Mosebok 35:15
dessa skola vara fristäder. Israels barn, såväl som främlingen och inhysesmannen som bor ibland dem skola hava dessa sex städer såsom tillflyktsorter, till vilka var och er som ouppsåtligen har dödat någon må kunna fly.

Numbers 35:15
Sa mga anak ni Israel, at sa taga ibang lupa, at sa makikipamayan sa kanila ay magiging ampunan ang anim na bayang ito: upang ang bawa't nakamatay ng sinomang tao, na hindi sinasadya, ay makatakas doon.

กันดารวิถี 35:15
ทั้งหกเมืองนี้ให้เป็นเมืองลี้ภัยของคนอิสราเอลและสำหรับคนต่างด้าว และสำหรับคนที่อาศัยอยู่ท่ามกลางเขา เพื่อคนหนึ่งคนใดที่ได้ฆ่าเขาโดยมิได้เจตนาจะได้หลบหนีไปที่นั่น

Çölde Sayım 35:15
Bu altı kent İsrailliler ve aralarında yaşayan yabancılarla yerli olmayan konuklar için sığınak kentler olacak. Öyle ki, istemeyerek birini öldüren kişi oraya kaçabilsin.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 35:15
Sáu thành nầy sẽ dùng làm chỗ ẩn náu cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, luôn cho khách ngoại bang và kẻ nào kiều ngụ ở trong dân đó, để ai vì vô ý đánh chết một người có thế chạy ẩn mình tại đó.

Numbers 35:14
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