Numbers 32:19
Numbers 32:19
We will not receive any inheritance with them on the other side of the Jordan, because our inheritance has come to us on the east side of the Jordan."

But we do not claim any of the land on the other side of the Jordan. We would rather live here on the east side and accept this as our grant of land."

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan and beyond, because our inheritance has come to us on this side of the Jordan to the east.”

"For we will not have an inheritance with them on the other side of the Jordan and beyond, because our inheritance has fallen to us on this side of the Jordan toward the east."

For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward.

Yet we will not have an inheritance with them across the Jordan and beyond, because our inheritance will be across the Jordan to the east."

since our inheritance will not be with them across the Jordan River and beyond. Instead, our inheritance is on this side of the Jordan River, facing eastward."

For we will not accept any inheritance on the other side of the Jordan River and beyond, because our inheritance has come to us on this eastern side of the Jordan."

We won't take possession of any land on the other side of the Jordan River, to the west and beyond. We already have our land here, east of the Jordan."

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan or forward because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side of Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of Jordan, and beyond; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side of Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan, and forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side of the Jordan eastward.

Neither will we seek any thing beyond the Jordan, because we have already our possession on the east side thereof,

For we will not inherit with them on yonder side the Jordan, and further, because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side the Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on the other side Jordan, and forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance hath fallen to us on this side of Jordan eastward.

For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan, and forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side of the Jordan eastward."

for we do not inherit with them beyond the Jordan and yonder, for our inheritance hath come unto us beyond the Jordan at the sun -rising.'

Numrat 32:19
sepse nuk do të pranojë asnjë trashëgimi bashkë me ta matanë Jordanit dhe më tutje, sepse trashëgimia jonë na ra nga kjo anë e Jordanit, në drejtim të lindjes".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 32:19
اننا لا نملك معهم في عبر الاردن وما وراءه لان نصيبنا قد حصل لنا في عبر الاردن الى الشرق.

De Zalrach 32:19
Enter n Jordn verlang myr gar kainn Örbgrund wie sö, wenn myr non grad herenterhalb in n Oostn ainn kriegnd."

Числа 32:19
Защото ние няма да наследим с тях отвъд Иордан и по-нататък, понеже нашето наследство ни се падна отсам Иордан на изток.

民 數 記 32:19
我 們 不 和 他 們 在 約 但 河 那 邊 一 帶 之 地 同 受 產 業 , 因 為 我 們 的 產 業 是 坐 落 在 約 但 河 東 邊 這 裡 。

我 们 不 和 他 们 在 约 但 河 那 边 一 带 之 地 同 受 产 业 , 因 为 我 们 的 产 业 是 坐 落 在 约 但 河 东 边 这 里 。



Numbers 32:19
S njima nećemo dijeliti svoje posjede s onu stranu Jordana niti dalje, jer će nas zapasti naša baština s ovu stranu, na istok od Jordana."

Numeri 32:19
Aniž vezmeme jakého dědictví s nimi za Jordánem neb dále, když dosáhneme dědictví svého z této strany Jordánu, k východu slunce.

4 Mosebog 32:19
thi vi vil ikke have Arvelod sammen med dem paa den anden Side af Jordan og længere borte, eftersom vi har faaet vor Arvelod her paa denne Side af Jordan paa Østsiden.«

Numberi 32:19
Want wij zullen met hen niet erven aan gene zijde van de Jordaan, en verder heen, als onze erfenis ons toegekomen zal zijn aan deze zijde van de Jordaan, tegen den opgang.

במדבר 32:19
כִּ֣י לֹ֤א נִנְחַל֙ אִתָּ֔ם מֵעֵ֥בֶר לַיַּרְדֵּ֖ן וָהָ֑לְאָה כִּ֣י בָ֤אָה נַחֲלָתֵ֙נוּ֙ אֵלֵ֔ינוּ מֵעֵ֥בֶר הַיַּרְדֵּ֖ן מִזְרָֽחָה׃ פ

יט כי לא ננחל אתם מעבר לירדן והלאה  כי באה נחלתנו אלינו מעבר הירדן מזרחה  {פ}

כי לא ננחל אתם מעבר לירדן והלאה כי באה נחלתנו אלינו מעבר הירדן מזרחה׃ פ

4 Mózes 32:19
Mert nem veszünk mi részt az örökségben õ velök a Jordánon túl és tovább, mivelhogy meg van nékünk a mi örökségünk a Jordánon innen napkelet felõl.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 32:19
Ni ne prenos kun ili posedajxon transe de Jordan kaj plue; cxar ni ricevos nian posedajxon sur cxi tiu orienta flanko de Jordan.

Sillä emme tahdo heidän kanssa periä toisella puolella Jordania eli etempää; vaan meidän perintömme olkoon tällä puolella Jordania itään päin.

Nombres 32:19
car nous n'hériterons pas avec eux au delà du Jourdain, ni plus loin, parce que notre héritage nous est échu, à nous, de ce côté du Jourdain, vers le levant.

et nous ne posséderons rien avec eux de l'autre côté du Jourdain, ni plus loin, puisque nous aurons notre héritage de ce côté-ci du Jourdain, à l'orient.

Et nous ne posséderons rien en héritage avec eux au delà du Jourdain, ni plus avant; parce que notre héritage nous sera échu au deçà du Jourdain vers l'Orient.

4 Mose 32:19
Denn wir wollen nicht mit ihnen erben jenseit des Jordans, sondern unser Erbe soll uns diesseit des Jordans gegen dem Morgen gefallen sein.

Denn wir wollen nicht mit ihnen erben jenseit des Jordans, sondern unser Erbe soll uns diesseit des Jordan gegen Morgen gefallen sein. {~}

Denn wir werden so ja nicht zusammen mit ihnen drüben über dem Jordan Erbbesitz erhalten, sondern uns ist die Gegend östlich vom Jordan als Erbbesitz zugefallen.

Numeri 32:19
e non possederemo nulla con loro al di là del Giordano e più oltre, giacché la nostra eredità ci è toccata da questa parte dei Giordano, a oriente".

Perciocchè, quant’è a noi, noi non possederemo nulla con loro di là dal Giordano; essendoci la nostra eredità scaduta di qua dal Giordano, verso oriente.

Kendatilah demikian hamba ini tiada akan mempusakai tanah bersama-sama dengan mereka itu di seberang Yarden dan lebih jauh lagi, jikalau kiranya hamba beroleh tanah yang di sebelah timur Yarden itu akan pusaka.

민수기 32:19
우리는 요단 이편 곧 동편에서 산업을 얻었사오니 그들과 함께 요단 저편에서는 기업을 얻지 아니하겠나이다'

Numeri 32:19
nec quicquam quaeremus trans Iordanem quia iam habemus possessionem nostram in orientali eius plaga

Skaièiø knyga 32:19
nieko nereikalausime anoje pusėje Jordano, nes mūsų dalis yra šiapus Jordano”.

Numbers 32:19
E kore hoki matou e tu tahi me ratou i te kainga i tawahi o Horano, i tua atu ranei; no te mea ka riro mai he kainga mo matou i tenei taha o Horano, i te taha ki te rawhiti.

4 Mosebok 32:19
for vi vil ikke ta arv med dem på den andre side av Jordan og lenger borte når vi har fått vår arv på denne side, østenfor Jordan.

Números 32:19
Porque no tendremos heredad con ellos al otro lado del Jordán y más allá, pues nuestra heredad nos ha tocado de este lado del Jordán, al oriente.

"Porque no tendremos heredad con ellos al otro lado del Jordán y más allá, pues nuestra heredad nos ha tocado de este lado del Jordán, al oriente."

Porque no tomaremos heredad con ellos al otro lado del Jordán ni adelante, por cuanto tendremos ya nuestra heredad a este lado del Jordán al oriente.

Porque no tomaremos heredad con ellos al otro lado del Jordán ni adelante, por cuanto tendremos ya nuestra heredad de estotra parte del Jordán al oriente.

Porque no tomaremos heredad con ellos al otro lado del Jordán ni adelante, por cuanto tendremos ya nuestra heredad de este lado del Jordán al oriente.

Números 32:19
Pois não possuiremos herança com eles do outro lado do Jordão e nem mais além, considerando que a nossa herança nos seja concedida no lado leste do Jordão!”

Porque não herdaremos com eles além do Jordão, nem mais adiante; visto que já possuímos a nossa herança aquém do Jordão, ao oriente.   

Numeri 32:19
şi nu vom stăpîni nimic cu ei dincolo de Iordan, nici mai departe, pentrucă noi ne vom avea moştenirea noastră dincoace de Iordan, la răsărit.``

Числа 32:19
ибо мы не возьмем с ними удела по ту сторону Иордана и далее, если удел нам достанется по эту сторону Иордана, к востоку.

ибо мы не возьмем с ними удела по ту сторону Иордана и далее, если удел нам достанется по эту сторону Иордана, к востоку.[]

4 Mosebok 32:19
Ty vi vilja icke taga vår arvedel jämte dem, på andra sidan Jordan och längre bort, utan vår arvedel har tillfallit oss här på andra sidan Jordan, på östra sidan.»

Numbers 32:19
Sapagka't hindi kami makikimana sa kanila sa kabilang ibayo ng Jordan, at sa dako pa roon; sapagka't tinaglay na namin ang aming mana rito sa dakong silanganan ng Jordan.

กันดารวิถี 32:19
เพราะเราจะมิได้รับมรดกกับเขาซึ่งอยู่ฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างโน้นและนอกออกไป เพราะว่ามรดกที่ตกทอดมาถึงเราอยู่ฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างตะวันออกนี้"

Çölde Sayım 32:19
Şeria Irmağının karşı yakasında onlarla birlikte mülk almayacağız, çünkü bizim payımız Şeria Irmağının doğu yakasına düştü.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 32:19
Chúng tôi sẽ chẳng được chi với dân Y-sơ-ra-ên về bên kia sông Giô-đanh hay là xa hơn, vì chúng tôi được sản nghiệp mình ở bên nầy sông Giô-đanh, về phía đông.

Numbers 32:18
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