Numbers 32:17
Numbers 32:17
But we will arm ourselves for battle and go ahead of the Israelites until we have brought them to their place. Meanwhile our women and children will live in fortified cities, for protection from the inhabitants of the land.

Then we will arm ourselves and lead our fellow Israelites into battle until we have brought them safely to their land. Meanwhile, our families will stay in the fortified towns we build here, so they will be safe from any attacks by the local people.

but we will take up arms, ready to go before the people of Israel, until we have brought them to their place. And our little ones shall live in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

but we ourselves will be armed ready to go before the sons of Israel, until we have brought them to their place, while our little ones live in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

But we will arm ourselves and be ready to go ahead of the Israelites until we have brought them into their place. Meanwhile, our dependents will remain in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

but we will keep ourselves armed and stay ready to go with the Israelis until we've brought them to their own places. Our families intend to live in fortified cities in the presence of the inhabitants of the land,

but we will maintain ourselves in armed readiness and go before the Israelites until whenever we have brought them to their place. Our descendants will be living in fortified towns as a protection against the inhabitants of the land.

Then we'll be ready [to march] in battle formation?to march[ ahead quickly."> ahead of the other Israelites until we have brought them to their land. Meanwhile our families will live in walled cities, safe from the other people who live here.]

but we ourselves will go arm ourselves and go with diligence before the sons of Israel until we have brought them unto their place, and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them to their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

but we ourselves will be ready armed to go before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

And we ourselves will go armed and ready for battle before the children of Israel, until we bring them in unto their places. Our little ones, and all we have, shall be in walled cities, for fear of the ambushes of the inhabitants.

but we ourselves will go with diligence armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them to their place; and our little ones shall dwell in the strong cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

but we ourselves will be ready armed to go before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them to their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities, because of the inhabitants of the land.

but we ourselves will be ready armed to go before the children of Israel, until we have brought them to their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

and we -- we are armed hasting before the sons of Israel till that we have brought them in unto their place; and our infants have dwelt in the cities of defence because of the inhabitants of the land;

Numrat 32:17
por ne jemi gati të marshojmë me armë në krye të bijve të Izraelit, deri sa t'i çojmë në vendin e tyre; ndërkaq të vegjlit tanë do të banojnë në qytetet e fortifikuara për shkak të banorëve të vendit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 32:17
واما نحن فنتجرد مسرعين قدام بني اسرائيل حتى نأتي بهم الى مكانهم ويلبث اطفالنا في مدن محصّنة من وجه سكان الارض.

De Zalrach 32:17
Mir selbn aber rüstnd üns und zieghnd sogar yn de Isryheeler voran, hinst däß myr s in iener Land brungen habnd. Dyrweil künnend ünserne Leut in dene Stötn wonen, die wo zo n Schuz vor de Eingebornen beföstigt seind.

Числа 32:17
а сами ние сме готови да вървим въоръжени пред израилтяните, догде ги заведем до мястото им; и челядите ни ще седят в укрепените градове [в безопасност] от местните жители.

民 數 記 32:17
我 們 自 己 要 帶 兵 器 行 在 以 色 列 人 的 前 頭 , 好 把 他 們 領 到 他 們 的 地 方 ; 但 我 們 的 婦 人 孩 子 , 因 這 地 居 民 的 緣 故 , 要 住 在 堅 固 的 城 內 。

我 们 自 己 要 带 兵 器 行 在 以 色 列 人 的 前 头 , 好 把 他 们 领 到 他 们 的 地 方 ; 但 我 们 的 妇 人 孩 子 , 因 这 地 居 民 的 缘 故 , 要 住 在 坚 固 的 城 内 。



Numbers 32:17
a sami ćemo pograbiti oružje i poći na čelu Izraelaca dok ih ne dovedemo na njihovo mjesto. Naša nejačad neka ostane - zbog stanovništva ove zemlje - u utvrđenim gradovima.

Numeri 32:17
Sami pak v odění pohotově budeme, statečně sobě počínajíce před syny Izraelskými, dokavadž jich neuvedeme na místo jejich; mezi tím zůstanou dítky naše v městech hrazených, pro bezpečnost před obyvateli země.

4 Mosebog 32:17
men selv vil vi ruste os til Kamp og drage i Spidsen for Israeliterne, til vi har bragt dem hen til deres Sted; imens skal vore Familier blive i de befæstede Byer i Ly for Landets Indbyggere.

Numberi 32:17
Maar wij zelven zullen ons toerusten, haastende voor het aangezicht der kinderen Israels, totdat wij hen aan hun plaats zullen gebracht hebben; en onze kinderen zullen blijven in de vaste steden, vanwege de inwoners des lands.

במדבר 32:17
וַאֲנַ֜חְנוּ נֵחָלֵ֣ץ חֻשִׁ֗ים לִפְנֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֛ד אֲשֶׁ֥ר אִם־הֲבִֽיאֹנֻ֖ם אֶל־מְקֹומָ֑ם וְיָשַׁ֤ב טַפֵּ֙נוּ֙ בְּעָרֵ֣י הַמִּבְצָ֔ר מִפְּנֵ֖י יֹשְׁבֵ֥י הָאָֽרֶץ׃

יז ואנחנו נחלץ חשים לפני בני ישראל עד אשר אם הביאנם אל מקומם וישב טפנו בערי המבצר מפני ישבי הארץ

ואנחנו נחלץ חשים לפני בני ישראל עד אשר אם־הביאנם אל־מקומם וישב טפנו בערי המבצר מפני ישבי הארץ׃

4 Mózes 32:17
Magunk pedig felfegyverkezve, készséggel megyünk Izráel fiai elõtt, míg beviszszük õket az õ helyökre; gyermekeink pedig a kerített városokban maradnak e földnek lakosai miatt.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 32:17
sed ni mem rapidos armitaj antaux la Izraelidoj, gxis ni alkondukos ilin al iliaj lokoj; kaj niaj infanoj logxos en la fortikigitaj urboj pro la logxantoj de la lando.

Mutta me tahdomme olla joudukkaat varustettuina käymään Israelin lasten edellä, siihenasti että me johdatamme heitä sioillensa; vaan lapsemme ovat näissä vahvoissa kaupungeissa maan asuvaisten tähden.

Nombres 32:17
et nous nous équiperons promptement pour marcher devant les fils d'Israël, jusqu'à ce que nous les ayons introduits en leur lieu; et nos petits enfants habiteront dans les villes fortes, à cause des habitants du pays.

puis nous nous équiperons en hâte pour marcher devant les enfants d'Israël, jusqu'à ce que nous les ayons introduits dans le lieu qui leur est destiné; et nos petits enfants demeureront dans les villes fortes, à cause des habitants du pays.

Et nous nous équiperons pour marcher promptement devant les enfants d'Israël, jusqu'à ce que nous les ayons introduits en leur lieu; mais nos familles demeureront dans les villes murées, à cause des habitants du pays.

4 Mose 32:17
wir aber wollen uns rüsten vorn an vor die Kinder Israel, bis daß wir sie bringen an ihren Ort. Unsere Kinder sollen in den verschlossenen Städten bleiben um der Einwohner willen des Landes.

wir aber wollen uns rüsten vornan vor den Kindern Israel her, bis daß wir sie bringen an ihren Ort. Unsre Kinder sollen in den verschlossenen Städten bleiben um der Einwohner willen des Landes.

Wir selbst aber wollen kampfgerüstet an der Spitze der Israeliten einherziehen, bis wir sie in ihre Wohnsitze gebracht haben; unsere kleinen Kinder aber sollen wegen der Bewohner des Landes in den festen Städten bleiben.

Numeri 32:17
ma, quanto a noi, ci terremo pronti, in armi, per marciare alla testa de’ figliuoli d’Israele, finché li abbiam condotti ai luogo destinato loro; intanto, i nostri figliuoli dimoreranno nelle città forti a cagione degli abitanti del paese.

Ma noi ci metteremo in ordine, pronti per andar davanti a’ figliuoli d’Israele, infino a tanto che li abbiamo condotti al luogo loro; e in questo mezzo le nostre famiglie dimoreranno nelle città forti, per tema degli abitanti del paese.

Tetapi dengan berlengkap baik-baik dan bersegera juga hamba akan datang di hadapan bani Israel, sampai sudah hamba membawa akan mereka itu sekalian kepada tempatnya, tetapi dalam antara itu hendaklah kiranya anak-anak hamba duduk dalam negeri yang berkota benteng, supaya terpeliharalah mereka itu dari pada orang isi negeri ini.

민수기 32:17
이 땅 거민의 연고로 우리 유아들로 그 견고한 성읍에 거하게 한후에 우리는 무장하고 이스라엘 자손을 그 곳으로 인도하기까지 그들의 앞에 행하고

Numeri 32:17
nos autem ipsi armati et accincti pergemus ad proelium ante filios Israhel donec introducamus eos ad loca sua parvuli nostri et quicquid habere possumus erunt in urbibus muratis propter habitatorum insidias

Skaièiø knyga 32:17
mes gi patys apsiginklavę eisime į kovą izraelitų priekyje, kol įvesime juos į jų žemes. Tuo tarpu mūsų vaikai gyvens apmūrytuose miestuose dėl šio krašto gyventojų.

Numbers 32:17
Ko matou ia ka haere me a matou patu i mua i nga tama a Iharaira, kia kawea ra ano ratou e matou ki te wahi mo ratou: a me noho a matou tamariki ki nga pa e whai taiepa ana, he wehi hoki i nga tangata o tenei whenua.

4 Mosebok 32:17
men selv vil vi skyndsomt væbne oss og dra frem foran Israels barn, til vi har ført dem dit de skal; men våre kvinner og barn skal bli i de faste byer, så de kan være trygge for landets innbyggere.

Números 32:17
pero nosotros nos armaremos para ir delante de los hijos de Israel hasta que los introduzcamos en su lugar, mientras que nuestros pequeños se quedarán en las ciudades fortificadas por causa de los habitantes de la tierra.

pero nosotros nos armaremos para ir delante de los Israelitas hasta que los introduzcamos en su lugar, mientras que nuestros pequeños se quedarán en las ciudades fortificadas por causa de los habitantes de la tierra.

y nosotros nos armaremos, e iremos con diligencia delante de los hijos de Israel, hasta que los metamos en su lugar; y nuestros niños se quedarán en las ciudades fortificadas a causa de los moradores del país.

Y nosotros nos armaremos, é iremos con diligencia delante de los hijos de Israel, hasta que los metamos en su lugar: y nuestros niños quedarán en ciudades fuertes á causa de los moradores del país.

y nosotros nos armaremos, e iremos con diligencia delante de los hijos de Israel, hasta que los metamos en su lugar; y nuestros niños quedarán en ciudades fuertes a causa de los moradores de la tierra.

Números 32:17
Nós, entretanto, nos armaremos fortemente e estaremos prontos para ir à frente dos nossos patrícios israelitas, até que consigamos fazê-los tomar posse da terra que lhes foi determinada.

nós, porém, nos armaremos, apressando-nos adiante dos filhos de Israel, até os levarmos ao seu lugar; e ficarão os nossos pequeninos nas cidades fortificadas, por causa dos habitantes da terra.   

Numeri 32:17
apoi ne vom înarma în grabă şi vom merge înaintea copiiilor lui Israel, pînă îi vom duce în locul care le este rînduit; şi pruncii noştri vor locui în aceste cetăţi întărite, din pricina locuitorilor ţării acesteia.

Числа 32:17
сами же мы первые вооружимся и пойдем пред сынами Израилевыми, доколе не приведем их в места их; а дети наши пусть останутся в укрепленных городах, для безопасности от жителей земли;

сами же мы первые вооружимся и пойдем пред сынами Израилевыми, доколе не приведем их в места их; а дети наши пусть останутся в укрепленных городах, [для безопасности] от жителей земли;[]

4 Mosebok 32:17
Själva vilja vi sedan skyndsamt väpna oss och gå åstad i spetsen för Israels barn, till dess vi hava fört dem dit de skola. Under tiden kunna våra kvinnor och barn bo i de befästa städerna och så vara skyddade mot landets inbyggare.

Numbers 32:17
Nguni't kami ay magsisipagalmas upang magpauna sa mga anak ni Israel hanggang sa aming maipasok sa kanilang dakong karoroonan: at ang aming mga bata ay magsisitahan sa mga bayang nakukutaan dahil sa mga nagsisitahan sa lupain.

กันดารวิถี 32:17
แต่เราทั้งหลายจะถืออาวุธพร้อมที่จะไปข้างหน้าคนอิสราเอล จนกว่าเราทั้งหลายจะนำเขาไปถึงที่ของเขา เด็กเล็กของเราจะได้อยู่ในเมืองที่มีกำแพงล้อมรอบเพราะกลัวชาวแผ่นดินนี้

Çölde Sayım 32:17
‹‹Kendimiz de hemen silahlanıp İsraillileri kendilerinin olacak ülkeye götürünceye dek onlara öncülük edeceğiz. Ülke halkı yüzünden çocuklarımız surlu kentlerde yaşayacak.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 32:17
rồi chúng tôi cầm binh khí lập tức đặng đi trước dân Y-sơ-ra-ên cho đến chừng nào đưa dân ấy vào cõi đã phân định cho họ. Còn con trẻ chúng tôi phải ở trong thành kiên cố, vì cớ dân bổn xứ.

Numbers 32:16
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