Numbers 3:1
Numbers 3:1
This is the account of the family of Aaron and Moses at the time the LORD spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai.

This is the family line of Aaron and Moses as it was recorded when the LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai:

These are the generations of Aaron and Moses at the time when the LORD spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.

Now these are the records of the generations of Aaron and Moses at the time when the LORD spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.

These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spake with Moses in mount Sinai.

These are the family records of Aaron and Moses at the time the LORD spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.

This is a record of the genealogies of Aaron and Moses current as of the day on which the LORD addressed Moses on Mount Sinai.

Now these are the records of Aaron and Moses when the LORD spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.

This is the list of Aaron and Moses' descendants at the time when the LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.

These also are the generations of Aaron and of Moses in the day that the LORD spoke with Moses in Mount Sinai.

These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spoke with Moses in mount Sinai.

These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spoke with Moses in mount Sinai.

Now these are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that Jehovah spake with Moses in mount Sinai.

These are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the Lord spoke to Moses in mount Sinai.

And these are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that Jehovah spoke with Moses on mount Sinai.

Now these are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spake with Moses in mount Sinai.

These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses, in the day that the LORD spoke with Moses in mount Sinai.

Now this is the history of the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that Yahweh spoke with Moses in Mount Sinai.

And these are births of Aaron and Moses, in the day of Jehovah's speaking with Moses in mount Sinai.

Numrat 3:1
Këta janë pasardhësit e Aaronit dhe të Moisiut në kohën kur Zoti i foli Moisiut në malin Sinai.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 3:1
وهذه تواليد هرون وموسى يوم كلم الرب موسى في جبل سيناء.

De Zalrach 3:1
Um de Zeit, wie dyr Herr mit n Mosenn auf n Berg Sinei spraach, hietnd dyr Ären und Mosen ja schoon Naachkemmling.

Числа 3:1
А ето поколенията на Аарона и Моисея във времето, когато Господ говори на Моисея на Синайската планина.

民 數 記 3:1
耶 和 華 在 西 乃 山 曉 諭 摩 西 的 日 子 , 亞 倫 和 摩 西 的 後 代 如 下 :

耶 和 华 在 西 乃 山 晓 谕 摩 西 的 日 子 , 亚 伦 和 摩 西 的 後 代 如 下 :



Numbers 3:1
Ovo je potomstvo Aronovo i Mojsijevo iz vremena kad je Jahve Mojsiju govorio na Sinajskom brdu.

Numeri 3:1
Tito jsou příběhové Aronovi a Mojžíšovi od toho dne, když mluvil Hospodin s Mojžíšem na hoře Sinai.

4 Mosebog 3:1
Følgende var Arons og Moses's Efterkommere, paa den Tid HERREN talede paa Sinaj Bjerg.

Numberi 3:1
Dit nu zijn de geboorten van Aaron en Mozes; ten dage als de HEERE met Mozes gesproken heeft op den berg Sinai.

במדבר 3:1
וְאֵ֛לֶּה תֹּולְדֹ֥ת אַהֲרֹ֖ן וּמֹשֶׁ֑ה בְּיֹ֗ום דִּבֶּ֧ר יְהוָ֛ה אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֖ה בְּהַ֥ר סִינָֽי׃

א ואלה תולדת אהרן ומשה  ביום דבר יהוה את משה--בהר סיני

ואלה תולדת אהרן ומשה ביום דבר יהוה את־משה בהר סיני׃

4 Mózes 3:1
Ezek pedig Áronnak és Mózesnek szülöttei azon a napon, a melyen szólott az Úr Mózesnek a Sinai hegyen;

Moseo 4: Nombroj 3:1
Kaj jen estas la genealogio de Aaron kaj Moseo en tiu tempo, kiam la Eternulo parolis al Moseo sur la monto Sinaj.

Nämät ovat Aaronin ja Moseksen sukukunnat siihen aikaan koska Herra puhui Mosekselle Sinain vuorella.

Nombres 3:1
Et ce sont ici les générations d'Aaron et de Moïse, au jour que l'Éternel parla à Moïse sur la montagne de Sinaï.

Voici la postérité d'Aaron et de Moïse, au temps où l'Eternel parla à Moïse, sur la montagne de Sinaï.

Or ce sont ici les générations d'Aaron et de Moïse, au temps que l'Eternel parla à Moïse sur la montagne de Sinaï.

4 Mose 3:1
Dies ist das Geschlecht Aarons und Moses zu der Zeit, da der HERR mit Mose redete auf dem Berge Sinai.

Dies ist das Geschlecht Aarons und Mose's zu der Zeit, da der HERR mit Mose redete auf dem Berge Sinai.

Dies sind die Nachkommen Aarons und Moses, zu der Zeit, wo Jahwe mit Mose auf dem Berge Sinai redete.

Numeri 3:1
Or questi sono i discendenti di Aaronne e di Mosè nel tempo in cui l’Eterno parlò a Mosè sul monte Sinai.

OR queste sono le generazioni di Aaronne e di Mosè, al tempo che il Signore parlò con Mosè, nel monte di Sinai.

Sebermula, maka inilah Anak buah Harun dan Musa pada masa Tuhan berfirman kepada Musa di atas bukit Torsina.

민수기 3:1
여호와께서 시내 산에서 모세와 말씀하실 때에 아론과 모세의 낳은 자가 이러하니라

Numeri 3:1
haec sunt generationes Aaron et Mosi in die qua locutus est Dominus ad Mosen in monte Sinai

Skaièiø knyga 3:1
Tuo metu, kai Viešpats kalbėjo Sinajaus kalne, Aarono ir Mozės palikuonys buvo:

Numbers 3:1
Na ko nga whakatupuranga ano hoki enei a Arona raua ko Mohi i te ra i korero ai a Ihowa ki a Mohi i Maunga Hinai.

4 Mosebok 3:1
Dette var Arons og Moses' ætt på den tid Herren talte med Moses på Sinai berg.

Números 3:1
Y estos son los registros de los descendientes de Aarón y Moisés, el día en que el SEÑOR habló con Moisés en el monte Sinaí.

Y estos son los registros de los descendientes de Aarón y Moisés, el día en que el SEÑOR habló con Moisés en el Monte Sinaí.

Y éstas son las generaciones de Aarón y de Moisés, desde que Jehová habló a Moisés en el monte de Sinaí.

Y ESTAS son las generaciones de Aarón y de Moisés, desde que Jehová habló á Moisés en el monte de Sinaí.

Y éstas son las generaciones de Aarón y de Moisés, desde que el SEÑOR habló a Moisés en el monte de Sinaí.

Números 3:1
Eis a história da descendência de Arão e de Moisés, quando Yahweh falou a Moisés no monte Sinai.

Estas, pois, eram as gerações de Arão e de Moisés, no dia em que o Senhor falou com Moisés no monte Sinai.   

Numeri 3:1
Iată sămînţa lui Aaron şi a lui Moise, pe vremea cînd a vorbit Domnul cu Moise, pe muntele Sinai.

Числа 3:1
Вот родословие Аарона и Моисея, когда говорил Господь Моисею нагоре Синае,

Вот родословие Аарона и Моисея, когда говорил Господь Моисею на горе Синае,[]

4 Mosebok 3:1
Detta är berättelsen om Arons och Moses släkt, vid den tid då HERREN talade med Mose på Sinai berg.

Numbers 3:1
At ito ang mga lahi ni Aaron at ni Moises, nang araw na magsalita ang Panginoon kay Moises sa bundok ng Sinai.

กันดารวิถี 3:1

Çölde Sayım 3:1
RAB Sina Dağında Musaya seslendiği sırada Harunla Musanın çocukları şunlardı.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 3:1
Nầy là dòng dõi của A-rôn và Môi-se, về ngày Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cùng Môi-se tại trên núi Si-na -i.

Numbers 2:34
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