Numbers 29:39
Numbers 29:39
"'In addition to what you vow and your freewill offerings, offer these to the LORD at your appointed festivals: your burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings and fellowship offerings.'"

"You must present these offerings to the LORD at your annual festivals. These are in addition to the sacrifices and offerings you present in connection with vows, or as voluntary offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, liquid offerings, or peace offerings."

“These you shall offer to the LORD at your appointed feasts, in addition to your vow offerings and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your grain offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.”

'You shall present these to the LORD at your appointed times, besides your votive offerings and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings and for your grain offerings and for your drink offerings and for your peace offerings.'"

These things ye shall do unto the LORD in your set feasts, beside your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meat offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.

You must offer these to the LORD at your appointed times in addition to your vow and freewill offerings, whether burnt, grain, drink, or fellowship offerings."

"Present these to the LORD at your appointed festival, in addition to your offerings in fulfillment of vows, free will offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and peace offerings."

"'These things you must present to the LORD at your appointed times, in addition to your vows and your freewill offerings, as your burnt offerings, your grain offerings, your drink offerings, and your peace offerings.'"

"These are the offerings you must bring to the LORD at your festivals. They are the offerings you must bring in addition to the offerings for anything you vowed to give to the LORD, your freewill offerings, your burnt offerings, your grain offerings, your wine offerings, and your fellowship offerings."

These things ye shall offer unto the LORD in your solemnities, besides your vows, and your freewill offerings, in your burnt offerings, and in your presents, and in your drink offerings, and in your peace offerings.

These things you shall do unto the LORD in your appointed feasts, besides your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your grain offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.

These things you shall do to the LORD in your set feasts, beside your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meat offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.

These ye shall offer unto Jehovah in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your freewill-offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your meal-offerings, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-offerings.

These things shall you offer to the Lord in your solemnities: besides your vows and voluntary oblations for holocaust, for sacrifice, for libation, and for victims of peace offerings.

These shall ye offer to Jehovah in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your voluntary-offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your oblations, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-offerings.

These ye shall offer unto the LORD in your set feasts, beside your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meal offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.

These things ye shall do to the LORD in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your free-will-offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your meat-offerings, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-offerings.

"'You shall offer these to Yahweh in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meal offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.'"

'These ye prepare to Jehovah in your appointed seasons, apart from your vows, and your free-will offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your presents, and for your libations, and for your peace-offerings.'

Numrat 29:39
Këto janë flijimet që do t'i ofroni Zotit në festat tuaja të caktuara (përveç ofertave për kushtet tuaja dhe ofertave tuaja vullnetare), si olokaustet dhe blatimet tuaja dhe si libacione dhe flijime tuaja të falënderimit".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 29:39
هذه تقرّبونها للرب في مواسمكم فضلا عن نذوركم ونوافلكم من محرقاتكم وتقدماتكم وسكائبكم وذبائح سلامتكم.

De Zalrach 29:39
Dös solltß zo n Herrn seiner Eer eyn de Feirtyg bringen, abgseghn von de Brand-, Speis-, Trank- und Heilsopfer, woß iem öbbenn glübt habtß older freiwillig non göbn wolltß.

Числа 29:39
Тия да принасяте Господу на празниците си,- в прибавка на обреците си и доброволните си приноси,- за всеизгарянията си, за хлебните си приноси, за възлиянията си, и за примирителните си приноси.

民 數 記 29:39
這 些 祭 要 在 你 們 的 節 期 獻 給 耶 和 華 , 都 在 所 許 的 願 並 甘 心 所 獻 的 以 外 , 作 為 你 們 的 燔 祭 、 素 祭 、 奠 祭 , 和 平 安 祭 。

这 些 祭 要 在 你 们 的 节 期 献 给 耶 和 华 , 都 在 所 许 的 愿 并 甘 心 所 献 的 以 外 , 作 为 你 们 的 燔 祭 、 素 祭 、 奠 祭 , 和 平 安 祭 。



Numbers 29:39
Na svoje određene blagdane prinesite to Jahvi osim svojih zavjetnica i svojih dragovoljnih žrtava, svojih paljenica, prinosnica, ljevanica i svojih pričesnica."

Numeri 29:39
Ty věci vykonávati budete Hospodinu při slavnostech vašich, kromě toho, což byste z slibu aneb z dobré vůle své obětovali, buď zápalné, aneb suché, aneb mokré, aneb pokojné oběti vaše.

4 Mosebog 29:39
Disse Ofre skal I bringe HERREN paa eders Højtider, bortset fra eders Løfte og Frivilligofre, hvad enten det nu er Brændofre, Afgrødeofre, Drikofre eller Takofre.

Numberi 29:39
Deze dingen zult gij den HEERE doen op uw gezette hoogtijden; behalve uw geloften, en uw vrijwillige offeren, met uw brandofferen, en met uw spijsofferen, en met uw drankofferen, en met uw dankofferen.

במדבר 29:39
אֵ֛לֶּה תַּעֲשׂ֥וּ לַיהוָ֖ה בְּמֹועֲדֵיכֶ֑ם לְבַ֨ד מִנִּדְרֵיכֶ֜ם וְנִדְבֹתֵיכֶ֗ם לְעֹלֹֽתֵיכֶם֙ וּלְמִנְחֹ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם וּלְנִסְכֵּיכֶ֖ם וּלְשַׁלְמֵיכֶֽם׃

לט אלה תעשו ליהוה במועדיכם--לבד מנדריכם ונדבתיכם לעלתיכם ולמנחתיכם ולנסכיכם ולשלמיכם

אלה תעשו ליהוה במועדיכם לבד מנדריכם ונדבתיכם לעלתיכם ולמנחתיכם ולנסכיכם ולשלמיכם׃

4 Mózes 29:39
Ezeket áldozzátok az Úrnak a ti ünnepeiteken, azokon kívül, a miket fogadásból, és szabad akaratból áldoztok, a ti egészen égõáldozataitokul, ételáldozataitokul, italáldozataitokul, és hálaáldozataitokul.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 29:39
Tion faru al la Eternulo en viaj festoj, krom viaj sanktaj promesitajxoj kaj viaj propravolaj donacoj, viaj bruloferoj kaj viaj farunoferoj kaj viaj versxoferoj kaj viaj pacoferoj.

Nämät pitää teidän tekemän Herralle juhlapäivinänne, paitsi mitä te mielellänne lupaatte ja hyvällä tahdollanne annatte polttouhriksenne, ruokauhriksenne, juomauhriksenne ja kiitosuhriksenne.

Nombres 29:39
Vous offrirez ces choses à l'Éternel dans vos jours solennels, outre vos voeux et vos offrandes volontaires en vos holocaustes et vos offrandes de gâteau, et vos libations, et vos sacrifices de prospérités.

Tels sont les sacrifices que vous offrirez à l'Eternel dans vos fêtes, outre vos holocaustes, vos offrandes et vos libations, et vos sacrifices de prospérité, en accomplissement d'un voeu ou en offrandes volontaires.

Vous offrirez ces choses à l'Eternel dans vos fêtes solennelles, outre vos vœux, et vos offrandes volontaires, selon vos holocaustes, vos gâteaux, vos aspersions, et vos sacrifices de prospérités.

4 Mose 29:39
Solches sollt ihr dem HERRN tun auf eure Feste, ausgenommen, was ihr gelobet und freiwillig gebet zu Brandopfern, Speisopfern, Trankopfern und Dankopfern.

Solches sollt ihr dem HERRN tun auf eure Feste, außerdem, was ihr gelobt und freiwillig gebt zu Brandopfern, Speisopfern, Trankopfern und Dankopfern.

Diese Opfer habt ihr Jahwe herzurichten an euren Festen, außer dem, was ihr an Brandopfern, Speisopfern, Trankopfern und Heilsopfern infolge von Gelübden oder als freiwillige Spende darbringen werdet.

Numeri 29:39
Tali sono i sacrifizi che offrirete all’Eterno nelle vostre solennità, oltre i vostri voti e le vostre offerte volontarie, sia che si tratti de’ vostri olocausti o delle vostre oblazioni o delle vostre libazioni o de’ vostri sacrifizi di azioni di grazie".

Offerite queste cose al Signore nelle vostre solennità, oltre a’ vostri voti, e le vostre offerte volontarie, de’ vostri olocausti, delle vostre offerte di panatica, delle vostre offerte da spandere, e dei vostri sacrificii da render grazie.

Maka sekalian ini hendaklah kamu sediakan bagi Tuhan pada segala masa rayamu, lain dari pada segala nazarmu dan segala persembahan dari keridlaan hatimu, baik persembahan bakaranmu baik persembahan makananmu baik persembahan minumanmu baik persembahan syukurmu.

민수기 29:39
너희가 이 절기를 당하거든 여호와께 이같이 드릴지니 이는 너희 서원제나 낙헌제외에 번제, 소제, 전제, 화목제를 드릴 것이니라

Numeri 29:39
haec offeretis Domino in sollemnitatibus vestris praeter vota et oblationes spontaneas in holocausto in sacrificio in libamine et in hostiis pacificis

Skaièiø knyga 29:39
Tai aukosite švenčių metu kaip priedą prie jūsų įžadų ir laisvos valios aukų, o taip pat deginamųjų, duonos, geriamųjų bei padėkos aukų”.

Numbers 29:39
Ko enei a koutou e mea ai ki a Ihowa i a koutou hakari nunui, haunga a koutou ki taurangi, me a koutou tahunga tinana, me a koutou whakahere totokore, a koutou ringihanga, me a koutou whakahere mo te pai.

4 Mosebok 29:39
Disse offer skal I ofre Herren på eders høitider, foruten eders lovede og eders frivillige offer, enten det er brennoffer eller matoffer eller drikkoffer eller takkoffer.

Números 29:39
``Esto prepararéis para el SEÑOR en vuestras fechas señaladas, además de vuestras ofrendas votivas y de vuestras ofrendas de buena voluntad, para vuestros holocaustos, para vuestras ofrendas de cereal, para vuestras libaciones y para vuestras ofrendas de paz.

'Esto prepararán para el SEÑOR en sus fechas señaladas, además de sus ofrendas votivas (de sus votos) y de sus ofrendas de buena voluntad, para sus holocaustos, para sus ofrendas de cereal, para sus libaciones y para sus ofrendas de paz.'"

Estas cosas ofreceréis a Jehová en vuestras solemnidades, además de vuestros votos, y de vuestras ofrendas libres, para vuestros holocaustos, y para vuestros presentes, y para vuestras libaciones y para vuestras ofrendas de paz.

Estas cosas ofreceréis á Jehová en vuestras solemnidades, además de vuestros votos, y de vuestras ofrendas libres, para vuestros holocaustos, y para vuestros presentes, y para vuestras libaciones y para vuestras paces.

Estas cosas ofreceréis al SEÑOR en vuestras solemnidades, además de vuestros votos, y de vuestras ofrendas libres, en vuestros holocaustos, y en vuestros presentes, y en vuestras libaciones y en vuestras ofrendas de paz.

Números 29:39
Portanto, isso é o que oferecereis a Yahweh, nas vossas solenidades, além das vossas oferendas por causa dos votos que fizestes, das vossas ofertas voluntárias, dos vossos holocaustos, oblações e libações, e dos vossos sacrifícios de paz e comunhão!”

Oferecereis essas coisas ao Senhor nas vossas festas fixas, além dos vossos votos, e das vossas ofertas voluntárias, tanto para os vossos holocaustos, como para as vossas ofertas de cereais, as vossas ofertas de libações e os vossos sacrifícios de ofertas pacíficas.   

Numeri 29:39
Acestea sînt jertfele pe cari să le aduceţi Domnului la sărbătorile voastre, afară de arderile voastre de tot, de darurile voastre de mîncare şi de jertfele voastre de băutură, şi de jertfele voastre de mulţămire, ca împlinire a unei juruinţe sau ca daruri de bună voie.``

Числа 29:39
Приносите это Господу в праздники ваши, сверх приносимых вами, по обету или по усердию, всесожжений ваших и хлебных приношений ваших, и возлияний ваших и мирных жертв ваших.

Приносите это Господу в праздники ваши, сверх [приносимых] вами, по обету или по усердию, всесожжений ваших и хлебных приношений ваших, и возлияний ваших и мирных жертв ваших.[]

4 Mosebok 29:39
Dessa offer skolen I offra åt HERREN vid edra högtider, förutom edra löftesoffer och frivilliga offer, dessa må nu vara brännoffer eller spisoffer eller drickoffer eller tackoffer.

Numbers 29:39
Ang mga ito ay inyong ihahandog sa Panginoon sa inyong mga takdang kapistahan, bukod pa sa inyong mga panata, at sa inyong mga kusang handog, na mga pinakahandog ninyong susunugin, at ang inyong mga pinakahandog na harina, at ang inyong mga pinakainuming handog, at ang inyong mga pinakahandog tungkol sa kapayapaan.

กันดารวิถี 29:39
สิ่งเหล่านี้เจ้าทั้งหลายจงถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ตามเทศกาลกำหนดของเจ้า เพิ่มเข้ากับการถวายตามคำปฏิญาณของเจ้า และการถวายด้วยใจสมัครของเจ้า เป็นเครื่องเผาบูชาของเจ้า เครื่องธัญญบูชาของเจ้า เครื่องดื่มบูชาของเจ้า และเครื่องสันติบูชาของเจ้า"

Çölde Sayım 29:39
‹‹ ‹Adadığınız adaklar ve gönülden verdiğiniz sunuların yanısıra, bayramlarınızda RABbe yakmalık, tahıl, dökmelik ve esenlik sunularınız olarak bunları sunun.› ››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 29:39
Ðó là những lễ vật mà các ngươi phải dâng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va trong những ngày lễ trọng thể mình, đặng làm của lễ thiêu, của lễ chay, lễ quán, và làm của lễ thù ân, ngoài những của lễ hứa nguyện, và những của lễ lạc ý của các ngươi.

Numbers 29:38
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