Numbers 21:22
Numbers 21:22
"Let us pass through your country. We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will travel along the King's Highway until we have passed through your territory."

"Let us travel through your land. We will be careful not to go through your fields and vineyards. We won't even drink water from your wells. We will stay on the king's road until we have passed through your territory."

“Let me pass through your land. We will not turn aside into field or vineyard. We will not drink the water of a well. We will go by the King’s Highway until we have passed through your territory.”

"Let me pass through your land. We will not turn off into field or vineyard; we will not drink water from wells. We will go by the king's highway until we have passed through your border."

Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by the king's high way, until we be past thy borders.

Let us travel through your land. We won't go into the fields or vineyards. We won't drink any well water. We will travel the King's Highway until we have traveled through your territory."

"Permit us to pass through your land. We won't trespass in your fields or vineyards. We won't drink water from any well, and we'll only travel along the King's Highway until we've passed through your territory."

"Let us pass through your land; we will not turn aside into the fields or into the vineyards, nor will we drink water from any well, but we will go along the King's Highway until we pass your borders."

"Let us go through your country. We won't go through any of your fields or vineyards or drink any of the water from your wells. We'll stay on the king's highway until we've passed through your territory."

Let me pass through thy land; we will not turn into the fields or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the wells; but we will go along by the king's high way until we are past thy borders.

Let me pass through your land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by the king's highway, until we are past your borders.

Let me pass through your land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by the king's high way, until we be past your borders.

Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn aside into field, or into vineyard; we will not drink of the water of the wells: we will go by the king's highway, until we have passed thy border.

I beseech thee that I may have leave to pass through thy land: we will not go aside into the fields or the vineyards, we will not drink waters of the wells, we will go the king's highway, till we be past thy borders.

Let us pass through thy land; we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink water out of the wells; on the king's road will we go until we have passed thy border.

Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn aside into field, or into vineyard; we will not drink of the water of the wells: we will go by the king's high way, until we have passed thy border.

Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by the king's high-way, until we have past thy borders.

"Let me pass through your land: we will not turn aside into field, or into vineyard; we will not drink of the water of the wells: we will go by the king's highway, until we have passed your border."

'Let me pass through thy land, we do not turn aside into a field, or into a vineyard, we do not drink waters of a well; in the king's way we go, till that we pass over thy border.'

Numrat 21:22
Na lejoni të kalojmë nëpër vendin tënd; ne nuk do të hyjmë nëpër arat ose nëpër vreshtat, nuk do pimë ujin e puseve; do të ndjekim rrugën Mbretërore deri sa t'i kalojmë kufijtë e tu.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 21:22
دعني امرّ في ارضك. لا نميل الى حقل ولا الى كرم ولا نشرب ماء بئر. في طريق الملك نمشي حتى نتجاوز تخومك.

De Zalrach 21:22
"Mir truchend gern durch dein Land durchhin. Mir geend nindert eyn d Äcker und Weinleittnen einhin, und mir trinkend enk aus de Brünn kain Wasser wögg. Mir bleibnd auf dyr Haauptstraass, hinst däß myr durch dein Gebiet durchhin seind."

Числа 21:22
Остави ме да замина през земята ти; няма да свръщаме ни по нивите ни по лозята; не щем да пием вода от кладенците; през царевия друм ще вървим, докато преминем твоите предели.

民 數 記 21:22
求 你 容 我 們 從 你 的 地 經 過 ; 我 們 不 偏 入 田 間 和 葡 萄 園 , 也 不 喝 井 裡 的 水 , 只 走 大 道 ( 原 文 作 王 道 ) , 直 到 過 了 你 的 境 界 。

求 你 容 我 们 从 你 的 地 经 过 ; 我 们 不 偏 入 田 间 和 葡 萄 园 , 也 不 喝 井 里 的 水 , 只 走 大 道 ( 原 文 作 王 道 ) , 直 到 过 了 你 的 境 界 。



Numbers 21:22
Pusti da prođem preko tvoje zemlje. Nećemo zalaziti u polja i u vinograde, niti ćemo piti vode iz bunara. Ići ćemo Kraljevskim putem dok ne prođemo tvoje područje.

Numeri 21:22
Nechť jdeme skrze zemi tvou. Neuchýlíme se ani do pole, ani do vinic, ani z studnic vody píti nebudeme, ale cestou královskou půjdeme, dokavadž nepřejdeme pomezí tvého.

4 Mosebog 21:22
»Lad mig faa Lov at drage igennem dit Land! Vi vil ikke dreje ind paa Marker eller i Vinhaver, vi vil ikke drikke Vand af Brøndene, vi vil følge Kongevejen, indtil vi er naaet igennem dit Land!«

Numberi 21:22
Laat mij door uw land trekken. Wij zullen niet afwijken in de akkers, noch in de wijngaarden; wij zullen het water der putten niet drinken; wij zullen op den koninklijken weg gaan, totdat wij uw landpale doorgetogen zijn.

במדבר 21:22
אֶעְבְּרָ֣ה בְאַרְצֶ֗ךָ לֹ֤א נִטֶּה֙ בְּשָׂדֶ֣ה וּבְכֶ֔רֶם לֹ֥א נִשְׁתֶּ֖ה מֵ֣י בְאֵ֑ר בְּדֶ֤רֶךְ הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ נֵלֵ֔ךְ עַ֥ד אֲשֶֽׁר־נַעֲבֹ֖ר גְּבֻלֶֽךָ׃

כב אעברה בארצך לא נטה בשדה ובכרם--לא נשתה מי באר  בדרך המלך נלך עד אשר נעבר גבלך

אעברה בארצך לא נטה בשדה ובכרם לא נשתה מי באר בדרך המלך נלך עד אשר־נעבר גבלך׃

4 Mózes 21:22
Hadd mehessek át a te földeden! Nem hajlunk mezõre, sem szõlõre, kútvizet sem iszunk; az országúton megyünk, míg átmegyünk a te határodon.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 21:22
Mi dezirus trairi vian landon; ni ne devojigxos sur kampon aux en vinbergxardenon, ni ne trinkos akvon el puto; laux la cxefa publika vojo ni iros, gxis ni trapasos viajn limojn.

Salli minun vaeltaa maakuntas lävitse: emme poikkee peltoihin, emmekä viinamäkiin, emmekä juo vettä kaivosta; maantietä myöten me vaellamme, siihenasti kuin me tulemme sinun maas ääristä ulos.

Nombres 21:22
Je passerai par ton pays: nous ne nous détournerons pas dans les champs, ni dans les vignes; nous ne boirons pas de l'eau des puits; nous marcherons par le chemin du roi, jusqu'à ce que nous ayons passé tes limites.

Laisse-moi passer par ton pays; nous n'entrerons ni dans les champs, ni dans les vignes, et nous ne boirons pas l'eau des puits; nous suivrons la route royale, jusqu'à ce que nous ayons franchi ton territoire.

Que je passe par ton pays; nous ne nous détournerons point dans les champs, ni dans les vignes, et nous ne boirons point des eaux de tes puits; mais nous marcherons par le chemin royal, jusqu'à ce que nous ayons passé tes limites.

4 Mose 21:22
Laß mich durch dein Land ziehen; wir wollen nicht weichen in die Acker noch in die Weingärten, wollen auch des Brunnenwassers nicht trinken; die Landstraße wollen wir ziehen, bis wir durch deine Grenze kommen.

Laß mich durch dein Land ziehen. Wir wollen nicht weichen in die Äcker noch in die Weingärten, wollen auch Brunnenwasser nicht trinken; die Landstraße wollen wir ziehen, bis wir durch deine Grenze kommen.

Laß mich durch dein Land ziehen; wir wollen weder auf einen Acker noch auf einen Weinberg abbiegen, noch Wasser aus den Brunnen trinken, sondern auf der Heerstraße ziehen, bis wir dein Gebiet durchzogen haben.

Numeri 21:22
Lasciami passare per il tuo paese; noi non ci svieremo per i campi né per le vigne, non berremo l’acqua dei pozzi; seguiremo la strada pubblica finché abbiamo oltrepassato i tuoi confini.

Lascia ch’io passi per lo tuo paese; noi non ci rivolgeremo nè in campi, nè in vigne, e non berremo alcun’acqua di pozzo; noi cammineremo per la strada reale, finchè siamo passati i tuoi confini.

Izinkanlah kami menerusi negerimu; bahwa tiada kami akan menyimpang kepada bendang atau kepada kebun anggur dan air perigi tiada akan kami minum, melainkan kami akan berjalan di jalan raja, sampai sudah kami melalui perhinggaan negerimu.

민수기 21:22
`우리로 당신의 땅을 통과하게 하소서 우리가 밭에든지 포도원에든지 들어가지 아니하며 우물물도 공히 마시지 아니하고 우리가 당신의 지경에서 다 나가기까지 왕의 대로로만 통행하리이다'하나

Numeri 21:22
obsecro ut transire mihi liceat per terram tuam non declinabimus in agros et vineas non bibemus aquas ex puteis via regia gradiemur donec transeamus terminos tuos

Skaièiø knyga 21:22
“Leisk mums pereiti per tavo žemę, mes nenukrypsime į dirvas ir vynuogynus, negersime vandens iš tavo šulinių, eisime vieškeliu, kol pereisime per tavo kraštą”.

Numbers 21:22
Tukua atu ahau na tou whenua; e kore matou e peka ki nga mara, ki nga mara waina ranei; e kore matou e inu i te wai o nga puna: ka haere matou na te huanui o te kingi, kia pahemo ra ano ou rohe i a matou.

4 Mosebok 21:22
La mig få dra gjennem ditt land! Vi skal ikke komme inn på akrene eller i vingårdene, heller ikke drikke vann av nogen brønn; efter kongeveien vil vi dra, til vi er kommet gjennem ditt land.

Números 21:22
Déjame pasar por tu tierra. No nos desviaremos, ni por campos ni por viñedos, ni beberemos agua de pozo. Iremos por el camino real hasta que hayamos cruzado tus fronteras.

"Déjeme pasar por su tierra. No nos desviaremos, ni por campos ni por viñedos, ni beberemos agua de pozo. Iremos por el camino real hasta que hayamos cruzado sus fronteras."

Pasaré por tu tierra: no nos apartaremos por los labrados, ni por las viñas; no beberemos las aguas de los pozos: por el camino real iremos, hasta que pasemos tu término.

Pasaré por tu tierra: no nos apartaremos por los labrados, ni por las viñas; no beberemos las aguas de los pozos: por el camino real iremos, hasta que pasemos tu término.

Pasaré por tu tierra; no nos apartaremos por los labrados, ni por las viñas; no beberemos las aguas de los pozos; por el camino real iremos, hasta que pasemos tu término.

Números 21:22
“Desejo atravessar tua terra. Não nos desviaremos pelos campos nem pelas vinhas; não beberemos a água dos teus poços; seguiremos a estrada do rei, a principal, até que tenhamos atravessado todo o teu território.”

Deixa-me passar pela tua terra; não nos desviaremos para os campos nem para as vinhas; as águas dos poços não beberemos; iremos pela estrada real até que tenhamos passado os teus termos.   

Numeri 21:22
,,Lasă-mă să trec prin ţara ta; nu vom intra nici în ogoare, nici în vii, şi nu vom bea apă din fîntîni; vom ţinea drumul împărătesc, pînă vom trece de ţinutul tău.``

Числа 21:22
позволь мне пройти землею твоею; не будем заходить в поля и виноградники, не будем пить воды из колодезей твоих , а пойдем путем царским, доколе не перейдем пределов твоих.

позволь мне пройти землею твоею; не будем заходить в поля и виноградники, не будем пить воды из колодезей [твоих], а пойдем путем царским, доколе не перейдем пределов твоих.[]

4 Mosebok 21:22
»Låt mig taga genom ditt land. Vi skola icke vika av ifrån vägen in i åkrar eller vingårdar, och icke dricka vatten ur brunnarna. Stora vägen skola vi gå, till dess vi hava kommit igenom ditt område.»

Numbers 21:22
Paraanin mo ako sa iyong lupain: kami ay hindi liliko sa bukid, ni sa ubasan; kami ay hindi iinom ng tubig ng mga balon: kami ay magdadaan sa maluwang na lansangan, hanggang sa aming maraanan ang iyong hangganan.

กันดารวิถี 21:22
ขอให้ข้าพเจ้าผ่านแผ่นดินของท่าน พวกเราจะไม่เลี้ยวเข้าไปในนาหรือในสวนองุ่น เราจะไม่ดื่มน้ำจากบ่อ เราจะเดินไปตามทางหลวงจนเราได้ผ่านพรมแดนเมืองของท่าน

Çölde Sayım 21:22
‹‹İzin ver, ülkenden geçelim. Tarlalardan, bağlardan geçmeyeceğiz, hiçbir kuyudan su içmeyeceğiz. Sınırından geçinceye dek, Kral yolundan yolumuza devam edeceğiz.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 21:22
Xin cho phép chúng tôi đi ngang qua xứ vua, chúng tôi sẽ không xây vào đồng ruộng, hay là vào vườn nho, và chúng tôi cũng sẽ không uống nước các giếng, cứ đi đường cái của vua cho đến chừng nào qua khỏi bờ cõi vua.

Numbers 21:21
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