Numbers 20:4
Numbers 20:4
Why did you bring the LORD's community into this wilderness, that we and our livestock should die here?

Why have you brought the congregation of the LORD's people into this wilderness to die, along with all our livestock?

Why have you brought the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness, that we should die here, both we and our cattle?

"Why then have you brought the LORD'S assembly into this wilderness, for us and our beasts to die here?

And why have ye brought up the congregation of the LORD into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there?

Why have you brought the LORD's assembly into this wilderness for us and our livestock to die here?

Why did you bring the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness? So we and our cattle could die here?

Why have you brought up the LORD's community into this wilderness? So that we and our cattle should die here?

Did you bring the LORD's assembly into this desert just to have us and our animals die here?

And why have ye caused the congregation of the LORD to come into this wilderness that we and our beasts should die here?

And why have you brought up the congregation of the LORD into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there?

And why have you brought up the congregation of the LORD into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there?

And why have ye brought the assembly of Jehovah into this wilderness, that we should die there, we and our beasts?

Why have you brought out the church of the Lord into the wilderness, that both we and our cattle should die?

And why have ye brought the congregation of Jehovah into this wilderness, that we should die there, we and our beasts?

And why have ye brought the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness, that we should die there, we and our cattle?

And why have ye brought the congregation of the LORD into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there?

Why have you brought the assembly of Yahweh into this wilderness, that we should die there, we and our animals?

and why have ye brought in the assembly of Jehovah unto this wilderness to die there, we and our beasts?

Numrat 20:4
Pse e çuat asamblenë e Zotit në këtë shkretëtirë që të vdesim, ne dhe bagëtia jonë?

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 20:4
لماذا أتيتما بجماعة الرب الى هذه البرية لكي نموت فيها نحن ومواشينا.

De Zalrach 20:4
Zwö habtß n yn n Trechtein sein Volk eyn dö Wüestn daa umhergfüert? Grad däß myr daader zamt ünserne Vicher eingeend?

Числа 20:4
Защо изведохте Господното общество в тая пустиня да измрем в нея, ние и добитъкът ни?

民 數 記 20:4
你 們 為 何 把 耶 和 華 的 會 眾 領 到 這 曠 野 、 使 我 們 和 牲 畜 都 死 在 這 裡 呢 ?

你 们 为 何 把 耶 和 华 的 会 众 领 到 这 旷 野 、 使 我 们 和 牲 畜 都 死 在 这 里 呢 ?



Numbers 20:4
Zašto ste doveli Jahvinu zajednicu u ovu pustinju da ovdje pomremo i mi i naša stoka?

Numeri 20:4
Proč jste jen uvedli shromáždění Hospodinovo na poušť tuto, abychom zde pomřeli i my i dobytek náš?

4 Mosebog 20:4
Hvorfor førte I HERRENS Forsamling ind i denne Ørken, naar vi skal dø her, baade vi og vort Kvæg?

Numberi 20:4
Waarom toch hebt gijlieden de gemeente des HEEREN in deze woestijn gebracht, dat wij daar sterven zouden, wij en onze beesten?

במדבר 20:4
וְלָמָ֤ה הֲבֵאתֶם֙ אֶת־קְהַ֣ל יְהוָ֔ה אֶל־הַמִּדְבָּ֖ר הַזֶּ֑ה לָמ֣וּת שָׁ֔ם אֲנַ֖חְנוּ וּבְעִירֵֽנוּ׃

ד ולמה הבאתם את קהל יהוה אל המדבר הזה למות שם אנחנו ובעירנו

ולמה הבאתם את־קהל יהוה אל־המדבר הזה למות שם אנחנו ובעירנו׃

4 Mózes 20:4
És miért hoztátok az Úrnak gyülekezetét e pusztába, hogy meghaljunk itt mi, és a mi barmaink?

Moseo 4: Nombroj 20:4
Kaj kial vi venigis la komunumon de la Eternulo en cxi tiun dezerton, por ke ni mortu cxi tie kune kun niaj brutoj?

Miksi olette vieneet tämän Herran Herran kansan tähän korpeen, kuolemaan täällä, sekä meitä että karjaamme.

Nombres 20:4
Et pourquoi avez-vous amené la congrégation de l'Éternel dans ce désert, pour y mourir, nous et nos bêtes?

Pourquoi avez-vous fait venir l'assemblée de l'Eternel dans ce désert, pour que nous y mourions, nous et notre bétail?

Et pourquoi avez-vous fait venir l'assemblée de l'Eternel dans ce désert, pour y mourir, nous et nos bêtes?

4 Mose 20:4
Warum habt ihr die Gemeine des HERRN in diese Wüste gebracht, daß wir hie sterben mit unserm Vieh?

Warum habt ihr die Gemeinde des HERRN in diese Wüste gebracht, daß wir hier sterben mit unserm Vieh?

Warum hast du doch die Volksgemeinde Jahwes in diese Steppe gebracht, daß wir hier sterben sollen samt unserem Vieh!

Numeri 20:4
E perché avete menato la raunanza dell’Eterno in questo deserto per morirvi noi e il nostro bestiame?

E perchè avete voi menata la raunanza del Signore in questo deserto, acciocchè noi e il nostro bestiame vi muoiamo?

Mengapa engkau telah membawa sidang Tuhan ke padang ini, supaya matikah di sini baik kami baik binatang kami?

민수기 20:4
너희가 어찌하여 여호와의 총회를 이 광야로 인도하여 올려서 우리와 우리 짐승으로 다 여기서 죽게 하느냐 ?

Numeri 20:4
cur eduxistis ecclesiam Domini in solitudinem ut et nos et nostra iumenta moriantur

Skaièiø knyga 20:4
Kodėl jūs atvedėte Viešpaties susirinkimą į šitą dykumą, kad mes ir mūsų gyvuliai čia numirtume?

Numbers 20:4
He aha hoki i kawea mai ai e korua te whakaminenga a Ihowa ki tenei koraha, kia mate tahi matou me a matou kararehe ki konei?

4 Mosebok 20:4
Hvorfor har I ført Herrens menighet inn i denne ørken, så vi må dø her, både vi og vår buskap?

Números 20:4
¿Por qué, pues, has traído al pueblo del SEÑOR a este desierto, para que nosotros y nuestros animales muramos aquí?

"¿Por qué, pues, has traído al pueblo del SEÑOR a este desierto, para que nosotros y nuestros animales muramos aquí?

Y ¿por qué hiciste venir la congregación de Jehová a este desierto, para que muramos aquí nosotros y nuestras bestias?

Y ¿por qué hiciste venir la congregación de Jehová á este desierto, para que muramos aquí nosotros y nuestras bestias?

Y ¿por qué hiciste venir la congregación del SEÑOR a este desierto, para que muramos aquí nosotros y nuestras bestias?

Números 20:4
Por que conduziste a assembleia do SENHOR a este deserto, para aqui morrermos, nós e os nossos animais?

Por que trouxestes a congregação do Senhor a este deserto, para que morramos aqui, nós e os nossos animais?   

Numeri 20:4
Pentruce aţi adus adunarea Domnului în pustia aceasta, ca să murim în ea, noi şi vitele noastre?

Числа 20:4
зачем вы привели общество Господне в эту пустыню, чтобы умереть здесь нам и скоту нашему?

зачем вы привели общество Господне в эту пустыню, чтобы умереть здесь нам и скоту нашему?[]

4 Mosebok 20:4
Varför haven I fört HERRENS församling in i denna öken, så att vi och vår boskap måste dö här?

Numbers 20:4
At bakit ninyo dinala ang kapulungan ng Panginoon sa ilang na ito, upang mamatay rito, kami at ang aming mga hayop?

กันดารวิถี 20:4

Çölde Sayım 20:4
‹‹RABbin topluluğunu neden bu çöle getirdiniz? Biz de hayvanlarımız da ölelim diye mi?[]

Daân-soá Kyù 20:4
Sao người đem hội chúng của Ðức Giê-hô-va vào đồng vắng nầy, làm cho chúng tôi và súc vật của chúng tôi phải chết?

Numbers 20:3
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