Numbers 19:10
Numbers 19:10
The man who gathers up the ashes of the heifer must also wash his clothes, and he too will be unclean till evening. This will be a lasting ordinance both for the Israelites and for the foreigners residing among them.

The man who gathers up the ashes of the heifer must also wash his clothes, and he will remain ceremonially unclean until evening. This is a permanent law for the people of Israel and any foreigners who live among them.

And the one who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. And this shall be a perpetual statute for the people of Israel, and for the stranger who sojourns among them.

'The one who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening; and it shall be a perpetual statute to the sons of Israel and to the alien who sojourns among them.

And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, for a statute for ever.

Then the one who gathers up the cow's ashes must wash his clothes, and he will remain unclean until evening. This is a permanent statute for the Israelites and for the foreigner who resides among them."

Whoever gathers the ashes of the heifer is to wash his clothes and is to remain unclean until the evening. This ordinance is to remain for the benefit of both the Israelis and the resident aliens who live among them."

The one who gathers the ashes of the heifer must wash his clothes and be ceremonially unclean until evening. This will be a permanent ordinance both for the Israelites and the resident foreigner who lives among them.

The person who collected the ashes from the cow must also wash his clothes. He will be unclean until evening. This will be a permanent law for the Israelites and for the foreigners who live with them.

And he that gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening; and it shall be unto the sons of Israel and unto the stranger that sojourns among them for a perpetual statute.

And he that gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: and it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourns among them, for a statute forever.

And he that gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be to the children of Israel, and to the stranger that sojournes among them, for a statute for ever.

And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, for a statute for ever.

And when he that carried the ashes of the cow, hath washed his garments, he shall be unclean until the evening. The children of Israel, and the strangers that dwell among them, shall observe this for a holy thing by a perpetual ordinance.

And he that hath gathered the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even. And it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, an everlasting statute.

And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them, for a statute for ever.

And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: and it shall be to the children of Israel, and to the stranger that sojourneth among them, for a statute for ever.

He who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: and it shall be to the children of Israel, and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them, for a statute forever.

and he who is gathering the ashes of the heifer hath washed his garments, and is unclean till the evening; and it hath been to the sons of Israel, and to the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst, for a statute age-during.

Numrat 19:10
Dhe ai që ka grumbulluar hirin e mëshqerrës, duhet të lajë rrobat e tij dhe do të jetë i papastër deri në mbrëmje. Ky do të jetë një statut i përjetshëm për bijtë e Izraelit dhe për të huajin që banon midis tyre.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 19:10
والذي جمع رماد البقرة يغسل ثيابه ويكون نجسا الى المساء. فتكون لبني اسرائيل وللغريب النازل في وسطهم فريضة دهرية

De Zalrach 19:10
Der, wo önn Aschn von dyr Kue zammkräult haat, wascht syr aft s Gwand, bleibt aber hinst auf Nacht unrain. Für d Isryheeler und de Beisaessn giltt dös als föste Regl:

Числа 19:10
И оня, който събере пепелта от юницата, да изпере дрехите си, и да бъде нечист до вечерта; и това ще бъде вечен закон за израилтяните и за пришелците, които живеят между тях.

民 數 記 19:10
收 起 母 牛 灰 的 人 必 不 潔 淨 到 晚 上 , 要 洗 衣 服 。 這 要 給 以 色 列 人 和 寄 居 在 他 們 中 間 的 外 人 作 為 永 遠 的 定 例 。

收 起 母 牛 灰 的 人 必 不 洁 净 到 晚 上 , 要 洗 衣 服 。 这 要 给 以 色 列 人 和 寄 居 在 他 们 中 间 的 外 人 作 为 永 远 的 定 例 。



Numbers 19:10
I onaj koji skupi pepeo od junice neka opere svoju odjeću i bude nečist do večeri. Neka to bude trajan zakon i za Izraelce i za stranca koji među njima boravi."

Numeri 19:10
A ten, kdož by smetl popel té jalovice, zpéře roucha svá a nečistý bude až do večera. A budou to míti synové Izraelští i příchozí, kterýž jest pohostinu u prostřed nich, za ustanovení věčné.

4 Mosebog 19:10
Og den, der opsamler Kviens Aske, skal tvætte sine Klæder og være uren til Aften. For Israeliterne og den fremmede, der bor iblandt dem, skal dette være en evig gyldig Anordning:

Numberi 19:10
En die de as dezer vaars verzameld heeft, zal zijn klederen wassen, en onrein zijn tot aan den avond. Dit zal den kinderen Israels, en den vreemdeling, die in het midden van henlieden als vreemdeling verkeert, tot een eeuwige inzetting zijn.

במדבר 19:10
וְ֠כִבֶּס הָאֹסֵ֨ף אֶת־אֵ֤פֶר הַפָּרָה֙ אֶת־בְּגָדָ֔יו וְטָמֵ֖א עַד־הָעָ֑רֶב וְֽהָיְתָ֞ה לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וְלַגֵּ֛ר הַגָּ֥ר בְּתֹוכָ֖ם לְחֻקַּ֥ת עֹולָֽם׃

י וכבס האסף את אפר הפרה את בגדיו וטמא עד הערב והיתה לבני ישראל ולגר הגר בתוכם--לחקת עולם

וכבס האסף את־אפר הפרה את־בגדיו וטמא עד־הערב והיתה לבני ישראל ולגר הגר בתוכם לחקת עולם׃

4 Mózes 19:10
És az, a ki felszedi a tehénnek hamvát, mossa meg az õ ruháit, és tisztátalan legyen estvéig; és legyen ez Izráel fiainak és a köztök tartózkodó jövevénynek örök rendelésül.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 19:10
Kaj la kolektinto de la cindro de la bovino lavu siajn vestojn, kaj li restos malpura gxis la vespero. Tio estos legxo eterna por la Izraelidoj, kaj por la fremduloj, kiuj logxas inter ili.

Ja se, joka lehmän tuhan kokosi, pitää pesemän vaatteensa ja oleman saastainen ehtoosen asti. Tämä pitää oleman ijankaikkinen sääty Israelin lapsille, ja muukalaisille, jotka heidän seassansa asuvat.

Nombres 19:10
Et celui qui aura ramassé la cendre de la génisse lavera ses vêtements, et sera impur jusqu'au soir. Ce sera un statut perpétuel pour les fils d'Israël et pour l'étranger qui séjourne au milieu d'eux.

Celui qui aura recueilli la cendre de la vache lavera ses vêtements, et sera impur jusqu'au soir. Ce sera une loi perpétuelle pour les enfants d'Israël et pour l'étranger en séjour au milieu d'eux.

Et celui qui aura ramassé les cendres de la jeune vache, lavera ses vêtements, et sera souillé jusqu'au soir; et ceci sera une ordonnance perpétuelle aux enfants d'Israël, et à l'étranger qui fait son séjour parmi eux.

4 Mose 19:10
Und derselbe, der die Asche der Kuh aufgeraffet hat, soll seine Kleider waschen und unrein sein bis an den Abend. Dies soll ein ewiges Recht sein den Kindern Israel und den Fremdlingen, die unter euch wohnen.

Und derselbe, der die Asche der Kuh aufgerafft hat, soll seine Kleider waschen und unrein sein bis an den Abend. Dies soll ein ewiges Recht sein den Kindern Israel und den Fremdlingen, die unter euch wohnen.

Und derjenige, der die Asche der Kuh gesammelt hat, muß seine Kleider waschen und bleibt unrein bis zum Abend. Es soll aber den Israeliten und dem Fremden, der sich unter ihnen aufhält, als eine allezeit zu beobachtende Satzung gelten:

Numeri 19:10
E colui che avrà raccolto le ceneri della giovenca si laverà le vesti e sarà impuro fino alla sera. E questa sarà una legge perpetua per i figliuoli d’Israele e per lo straniero che soggiornerà da loro:

E lavisi colui che avrà raccolta la cenere della giovenca i vestimenti, e sia immondo infino alla sera. E sia questo uno statuto perpetuo a’ figliuoli d’Israele, e al forestiere che dimorerà fra loro.

Maka orang yang telah mengumpulkan abu lembu muda itu hendaklah membasuhkan pakaian dan tinggal najis ia sampai masuk matahari, maka inilah hukum yang kekal selama-lamanya bagi segala bani Israel dan bagi segala orang dagang yang menumpang di antaranya.

민수기 19:10
암송아지의 재를 거둔 자도 그 옷을 빨 것이며 저녁까지 부정하리라 이는 이스라엘 자손과 그 중에 우거하는 외인에게 영원한 율례니라

Numeri 19:10
cumque laverit qui vaccae portaverat cineres vestimenta sua inmundus erit usque ad vesperum habebunt hoc filii Israhel et advenae qui habitant inter eos sanctum iure perpetuo

Skaièiø knyga 19:10
Kuris susems karvės pelenus, plaus savo drabužius ir bus nešvarus iki vakaro. Tai bus izraelitams ir tarp jų gyvenantiems ateiviams amžinas įstatymas.

Numbers 19:10
Me horoi ano hoki ona kakahu e te kaiamene i nga pungarehu o te kau, ka poke hoki ia a ahiahi noa: me waiho ano tena hei tikanga tuturu ma nga tama a Iharaira, ma te manene hoki e noho manene ana i roto i a ratou.

4 Mosebok 19:10
Og den som sanker sammen asken av kvigen, skal tvette sine klær og være uren til om aftenen. Dette skal være en evig lov for Israels barn og for den fremmede som bor iblandt dem.

Números 19:10
``Y el que haya recogido las cenizas de la novilla lavará su ropa y quedará inmundo hasta el atardecer; y será un estatuto perpetuo para los hijos de Israel y para el extranjero que reside entre ellos.

'Y el que haya recogido las cenizas de la novilla lavará su ropa y quedará inmundo hasta el atardecer; y será un estatuto perpetuo para los Israelitas y para el extranjero que reside entre ellos.

Y el que recogió las cenizas de la vaca, lavará sus vestiduras, y será inmundo hasta la tarde: y será para los hijos de Israel, y para el extranjero que peregrina entre ellos, por estatuto perpetuo.

Y el que recogió las cenizas de la vaca, lavará sus vestidos, y será inmundo hasta la tarde: y será á los hijos de Israel, y al extranjero que peregrina entre ellos, por estatuto perpetuo.

Y el que recogió las cenizas de la vaca, lavará sus vestidos, y será inmundo hasta la tarde; y será a los hijos de Israel, y al extranjero que mora entre ellos, por estatuto perpetuo.

Números 19:10
Aquele que tiver recolhido as cinzas da novilha lavará suas vestes e ficará impuro até a tarde. Tanto para os filhos de Israel como para o estrangeiro que habita entre eles, este será um decreto perpétuo.

E o que recolher a cinza da novilha lavará as suas vestes e será imundo até a tarde; isto será por estatuto perpétuo aos filhos de Israel e ao estrangeiro que peregrina entre eles.   

Numeri 19:10
Celce va strînge cenuşa vacii, să-şi spele hainele, şi să fie necurat pînă seara. Aceasta să fie o lege vecinică atît pentru copiii lui Israel cît şi pentru străinul care locuieşte în mijlocul lor.

Числа 19:10
и собиравший пепел телицы пусть вымоет одежды свои, и нечист будет до вечера. Это для сынов Израилевых и для пришельцев, живущих у них, да будет уставом вечным.

и собиравший пепел телицы пусть вымоет одежды свои, и нечист будет до вечера. Это для сынов Израилевых и для пришельцев, живущих у них, да будет уставом вечным.[]

4 Mosebok 19:10
Och mannen som samlade ihop askan efter kon skall två sina kläder och vara oren ända till aftonen. Detta skall vara en evärdlig stadga för Israels barn och för främlingen som bor ibland dem.

Numbers 19:10
At yaong pumulot ng mga abo ng guyang bakang babae ay maglalaba ng kaniyang mga suot, at magiging marumi hanggang sa hapon; at sa mga anak ni Israel at sa taga ibang bayan na nakikipamayan sa kanila, ay magiging isang palatuntunan magpakailan man.

กันดารวิถี 19:10
และคนที่เก็บขี้เถ้าของวัวตัวเมียต้องซักเสื้อผ้าของตน และเขาจะเป็นมลทินอยู่จนถึงเวลาเย็น จะเป็นอย่างนี้แก่คนอิสราเอล และแก่คนต่างด้าวผู้อาศัยอยู่ท่ามกลางเขา เป็นกฎเกณฑ์ถาวร

Çölde Sayım 19:10
İneğin külünü toplayan adam giysilerini yıkayacak, akşama dek kirli sayılacak. Bu kural hem İsrailliler, hem de aralarında yaşayan yabancılar için kalıcı olacaktır.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 19:10
Kẻ nào hốt tro con bò cái tơ phải giặt áo xống mình và bị ô uế đến chiều tối. Ðiều nầy sẽ làm một lệ định đời đời cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên và cho khách ngoại bang kiều ngụ giữa dân đó.

Numbers 19:9
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