Numbers 18:11
Numbers 18:11
"This also is yours: whatever is set aside from the gifts of all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I give this to you and your sons and daughters as your perpetual share. Everyone in your household who is ceremonially clean may eat it.

"All the sacred offerings and special offerings presented to me when the Israelites lift them up before the altar also belong to you. I have given them to you and to your sons and daughters as your permanent share. Any member of your family who is ceremonially clean may eat of these offerings.

This also is yours: the contribution of their gift, all the wave offerings of the people of Israel. I have given them to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual due. Everyone who is clean in your house may eat it.

"This also is yours, the offering of their gift, even all the wave offerings of the sons of Israel; I have given them to you and to your sons and daughters with you as a perpetual allotment. Everyone of your household who is clean may eat it.

And this is thine; the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it.

The contribution of their gifts also belongs to you. I have given all the Israelites' presentation offerings to you and to your sons and daughters as a permanent statute. Every ceremonially clean person in your house may eat it.

The raised offering and wave offerings presented by the Israelis are yours, too. I've given them to you, to your sons, and to your daughters as a prescribed apportionment forever. Everyone who is clean in your household may eat it.

"And this is yours: the raised offering of their gift, along with all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I have given them to you and to your sons and daughters with you as a perpetual ordinance. Everyone who is ceremonially clean in your household may eat of it.

"The contributions that come as gifts taken from the offerings presented by the Israelites are also yours. I am giving these to you, your sons, and your daughters. They will always be yours. Anyone in your household who is clean may eat them.

This also shall be thine: the heave offering of their gifts. All the wave offerings of the sons of Israel, I have given them unto thee and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever; everyone that is clean in thy house shall eat of it.

And this is yours; the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, by a statute forever: everyone that is clean in your house shall eat of it.

And this is yours; the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them to you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, by a statute for ever: every one that is clean in your house shall eat of it.

And this is thine: the heave-offering of their gift, even all the wave-offerings of the children of Israel; I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, as a portion for ever; every one that is clean in thy house shall eat thereof.

But the firstfruits, which the children of Israel shall vow and offer, I have given to thee, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters, by a perpetual law. He that is clean in thy house, shall eat them.

And this shall be thine: the heave-offering of their gift, with all the wave-offerings of the children of Israel; I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by an everlasting statute; every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it.

And this is thine; the heave offering of their gift, even all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, as a due for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat thereof.

And this is thine; the heave-offering of their gift, with all the wave-offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them to thee, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it.

"This is yours, too: the wave offering of their gift, even all the wave offerings of the children of Israel. I have given them to you, and to your sons and to your daughters with you, as a portion forever. Everyone who is clean in your house shall eat of it.

And this is thine: the heave-offering of their gift, to all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel, to thee I have given them, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute age-during; every clean one in thy house doth eat it;

Numrat 18:11
Do të të përkasin ty edhe këto: dhuratat që bijtë e Izraelit do të paraqesin për ngritje dhe të gjitha ofertat e tyre të tundura; unë t'i jap ty, bijve të tu dhe bijave të tua, si një statut i përjetshëm. Kushdo që është i pastër në shtëpinë tënde mund t'i hajë.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 18:11
وهذه لك. الرفيعة من عطاياهم مع كل ترديدات بني اسرائيل. لك اعطيتها ولبنيك وبناتك معك فريضة دهرية. كل طاهر في بيتك ياكل منها.

De Zalrach 18:11
Dir ghoert aau ayn iede Höb von n Darschwung als ayn bständigs Anrecht, dir und deine Sün und Töchter. Ayn ieds Raine in n Haus derf daa öbbs össn.

Числа 18:11
И ето що е твое: възвишаемият принос от дара им, с всичките движими приноси на израилтяните; давам ги на тебе, на синовете ти и на дъщерите ти с тебе, като [ваше] вечно право. Който е чист у дома ти да ги яде.

民 數 記 18:11
以 色 列 人 所 獻 的 舉 祭 並 搖 祭 都 是 你 的 ; 我 已 賜 給 你 和 你 的 兒 女 , 當 作 永 得 的 分 ; 凡 在 你 家 中 的 潔 淨 人 都 可 以 吃 。

以 色 列 人 所 献 的 举 祭 并 摇 祭 都 是 你 的 ; 我 已 赐 给 你 和 你 的 儿 女 , 当 作 永 得 的 分 ; 凡 在 你 家 中 的 洁 净 人 都 可 以 吃 。



Numbers 18:11
I ovo neka bude za te: ono što se uzima od izraelskih prinosa da se prinese kao prikaznica - trajnim zakonom predajem tebi, tvojim sinovima i tvojim kćerima s tobom. Svatko tko u tvome domu bude čist može od toga jesti.

Numeri 18:11
Tvá tedy bude obět darů jejich, kteráž vzhůru pozdvižena bývá; každou také obět synů Izraelských, kteráž sem i tam obracína bývá, tobě jsem dal a synům tvým, i dcerám tvým s tebou ustanovením věčným. Každý, kdož jest čistý v domě tvém, bude je jísti.

4 Mosebog 18:11
Fremdeles skal følgende tilfalde dig som Offerydelse af deres Gaver: Alle Gaver fra Israeliterne, hvormed der udføres Svingning, giver jeg dig tillige med dine Sønner og Døtre som en evig gyldig Rettighed; enhver, som er ren i dit Hus, maa spise deraf.

Numberi 18:11
Ook zal dit het uwe zijn: het hefoffer hunner gave, met alle beweegofferen der kinderen Israels; Ik heb ze aan u gegeven, en aan uw zonen, en aan uw dochteren met u, tot een eeuwige inzetting; al wie in uw huis rein is, zal dat eten.

במדבר 18:11
וְזֶה־לְּךָ֞ תְּרוּמַ֣ת מַתָּנָ֗ם לְכָל־תְּנוּפֹת֮ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵל֒ לְךָ֣ נְתַתִּ֗ים וּלְבָנֶ֧יךָ וְלִבְנֹתֶ֛יךָ אִתְּךָ֖ לְחָק־עֹולָ֑ם כָּל־טָהֹ֥ור בְּבֵיתְךָ֖ יֹאכַ֥ל אֹתֹֽו׃

יא וזה לך תרומת מתנם לכל תנופת בני ישראל--לך נתתים ולבניך ולבנתיך אתך לחק עולם  כל טהור בביתך יאכל אתו

וזה־לך תרומת מתנם לכל־תנופת בני ישראל לך נתתים ולבניך ולבנתיך אתך לחק־עולם כל־טהור בביתך יאכל אתו׃

4 Mózes 18:11
Ez is tiéd legyen, mint felemelt áldozat az õ ajándékukból, Izráel fiainak minden meglóbált áldozataival együtt; néked adtam azokat és a te fiaidnak, és a te leányaidnak, a kik veled vannak, örökkévaló rendelés szerint; mindenki, aki tiszta a te házadban, eheti azt:

Moseo 4: Nombroj 18:11
Kaj jen kio apartenas al vi:iliaj donacataj oferdonoj el cxiuj skuoferoj de la Izraelidoj; al vi Mi donis ilin kaj al viaj filoj kaj al viaj filinoj kune kun vi, per legxo eterna; cxiu pura en via domo povas tion mangxi.

Minä annoin myös sinulle ja sinun pojilles ja tyttärilles sinun kanssas heidän lahjansa ylennysuhrin, kaikissa Israelin lasten häälytysuhreissa, ijankaikkiseksi oikeudeksi. Jokainen puhdas sinun huoneessas syökään sitä.

Nombres 18:11
Et ceci sera à toi: les offrandes élevées de leurs dons, avec toutes les offrandes tournoyées des fils d'Israël; je te les ai données, et à tes fils et à tes filles avec toi, par statut perpétuel; quiconque sera pur dans ta maison en mangera.

Voici encore ce qui t'appartiendra: tous les dons que les enfants d'Israël présenteront par élévation et en les agitant de côté et d'autre, je te les donne à toi, à tes fils et à tes filles avec toi, par une loi perpétuelle. Quiconque sera pur dans ta maison en mangera.

Ceci aussi t'appartiendra, [savoir] les offrandes élevées qu'ils donneront de toutes les offrandes tournoyées des enfants d'Israël, je te les ai données et à tes fils et à tes filles avec toi, par ordonnance perpétuelle; quiconque sera net dans ta maison, en mangera.

4 Mose 18:11
Ich habe auch das Hebopfer ihrer Gabe an allen Webeopfern der Kinder Israel dir und deinen Söhnen und deinen Töchtern gegeben samt dir zum ewigen Recht; wer rein ist in deinem Hause, soll davon essen.

Ich habe auch das Hebopfer ihrer Gabe an allen Webeopfern der Kinder Israel dir gegeben und deinen Söhnen und Töchtern samt dir zum ewigen Recht; wer rein ist in deinem Hause, soll davon essen.

Und dies soll dir als Hebe von ihren übrigen Gaben zufallen, von allen Webeopfern der Israeliten: ich überweise sie dir und deinen Söhnen und Töchtern als eine allezeit fällige Gebühr; jeder, der rein ist in deiner Familie, darf es verzehren.

Numeri 18:11
Questo ancora ti apparterrà: i doni che i figliuoli d’Israele presenteranno per elevazione, e tutte le loro offerte agitate; io le do a te, ai tuoi figliuoli e alle tue figliuole con te, per legge perpetua. Chiunque sarà puro in casa tua ne potrà mangiare.

Questo ancora sia tuo, cioè: l’offerte elevate di tutte le cose che i figliuoli d’Israele avranno presentate in dono, e di tutte le loro offerte dimenate; io dono quelle a te, e a’ tuoi figliuoli, e alle tue figliuole, teco, per istatuto perpetuo; mangine chiunque sarà netto in casa tua.

Maka dari pada segala persembahannya yang menjadi persembahan tatangan bagimu inilah: segala persembahan timang-timangan bani Israel telah Kukaruniakan kepadamu dan kepada anakmu laki-laki dan perempuanpun sertamu akan hukum yang kekal; barangsiapa yang suci dalam rumahmu itu boleh makan dia.

민수기 18:11
내게 돌릴 것이 이것이니 곧 이스라엘 자손의 드리는 거제물과 모든 요제물이라 내가 그것을 너와 네 자손에게 영영한 응식으로 주었은즉 네 집의 정결한 자마다 먹을 것이니라

Numeri 18:11
primitias autem quas voverint et obtulerint filii Israhel tibi dedi et filiis ac filiabus tuis iure perpetuo qui mundus est in domo tua vescetur eis

Skaièiø knyga 18:11
Visas izraelitų siūbuojamąsias aukas duodu tau, tavo sūnums ir dukterims amžina teise: kas tavo namuose nesuteptas, valgys jas.

Numbers 18:11
Mau ano tenei; ko nga whakahere hapahapai e homai ana e ratou me nga whakahere poipoi katoa a nga tama a Iharaira: kua hoatu aua mea e ahau ki a koe, ki a koutou ko au tama, ko au tamahine, he tikanga pumau: e kainga tena e nga mea pokekore kato a o tou whare.

4 Mosebok 18:11
Likeledes skal dette høre dig til som de gaver de skal avgi: Alle Israels barns svingegaver, dem har jeg gitt dig og dine sønner og dine døtre som en evig rettighet; enhver i ditt hus som er ren, kan ete av det.

Números 18:11
Esto también será para ti: la ofrenda de sus dádivas, todas las ofrendas mecidas de los hijos de Israel; las he dado a ti, a tus hijos y a tus hijas contigo, como porción perpetua. Todo el que esté limpio en tu casa podrá comerla.

"Esto también será para ti: la ofrenda de sus dádivas, todas las ofrendas mecidas de los Israelitas; las he dado a ti, a tus hijos y a tus hijas contigo, como porción perpetua. Todo el que esté limpio en tu casa podrá comerla.

Esto también será tuyo: la ofrenda elevada de sus dones, y todas las ofrendas mecidas de los hijos de Israel, he dado a ti, y a tus hijos, y a tus hijas contigo, por estatuto perpetuo: todo limpio en tu casa comerá de ellas.

Esto también será tuyo: la ofrenda elevada de sus dones, y todas las ofrendas agitadas de los hijos de Israel, he dado á ti, y á tus hijos, y á tus hijas contigo, por estatuto perpetuo: todo limpio en tu casa comerá de ellas.

Esto también será tuyo: la ofrenda elevada de sus dones. Todas las ofrendas mecidas de los hijos de Israel, he dado a ti, y a tus hijos, y a tus hijas contigo, por estatuto de siglo; todo limpio en tu casa comerá de ellas.

Números 18:11
De igual modo, concedo a ti, e a teus filhos e filhas, por decreto perpétuo, as contribuições que lhes cabe de todas as ofertas dos filhos de Israel e que devem ser ritualmente movidas. Todas as pessoas da tua família que estiverem cerimonialmente puras poderão comê-las.

Também isto será teu: a oferta alçada das suas dádivas, com todas as ofertas de movimento dos filhos de Israel; a ti, a teus filhos, e a tuas filhas contigo, as tenho dado como porção, para sempre. Todo o que na tua casa estiver limpo, comerá delas.   

Numeri 18:11
Iată ce va mai fi al tău: toate darurile pe cari le vor aduce copiii lui Israel prin ridicare şi legănîndu-le într'o parte şi în alta, ţi le dau ţie, fiilor tăi şi fiicelor tale împreună cu tine, printr'o lege vecinică. Oricine va fi curat în casa ta să mănînce din ele.

Числа 18:11
И вот, что тебе из возношений даров их: все возношения сынов Израилевых Я дал тебеи сынам твоим и дочерям твоим с тобою, уставом вечным; всякий чистый в доме твоем может есть это.

И вот, что тебе из возношений даров их: все возношения сынов Израилевых Я дал тебе и сынам твоим и дочерям твоим с тобою, уставом вечным; всякий чистый в доме твоем может есть это.[]

4 Mosebok 18:11
Och detta är rad som skall tillhöra dig såsom en gärd av Israels barns gåvor, så ofta de frambära viftoffer; åt dig och åt dina söner och döttrar jämte dig giver jag det till en evärdlig rätt; var och en i ditt hus som är ren må äta det:

Numbers 18:11
At ito ay iyo; ang handog na itinaas na kanilang kaloob, sa makatuwid baga'y ang lahat ng mga handog na inalog ng mga anak ni Israel: aking ibinigay sa iyo, at sa iyong mga anak na lalake at babae na kasama mo na marapat na bahagi magpakailan man: bawa't malinis sa iyong bahay ay kakain niyaon.

กันดารวิถี 18:11
สิ่งต่อไปนี้ก็เป็นของเจ้าด้วย คือของให้ที่เขาถวาย บรรดาเครื่องบูชาแกว่งถวายของคนอิสราเอล เราได้ให้ไว้แก่เจ้าและแก่บุตรชายหญิงซึ่งอยู่กับเจ้าเป็นกฎเกณฑ์ถาวร ทุกคนที่สะอาดอยู่ในครอบครัวของเจ้ารับประทานได้

Çölde Sayım 18:11
‹‹Ayrıca şunlar da senin olacak: İsraillilerin sunduğu sallamalık sunuların bağış kısımlarını sonsuza dek pay olarak sana, oğullarına ve kızlarına veriyorum. Ailende dinsel açıdan temiz olan herkes onları yiyebilir.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 18:11
Vật nầy cũng sẽ thuộc về ngươi: Phàm lễ vật nào mà dân Y-sơ-ra-ên dâng giơ lên và đưa qua đưa lại, thì ta cứ một lệ định đời đời mà ban cho ngươi và các con trai con gái ngươi. Ai trong nhà ngươi tinh sạch sẽ được ăn các món đó.

Numbers 18:10
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