Numbers 16:30
Numbers 16:30
But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the realm of the dead, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."

But if the LORD does something entirely new and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them and all their belongings, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have shown contempt for the LORD."

But if the LORD creates something new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into Sheol, then you shall know that these men have despised the LORD.”

"But if the LORD brings about an entirely new thing and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that is theirs, and they descend alive into Sheol, then you will understand that these men have spurned the LORD."

But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

But if the LORD brings about something unprecedented, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them along with all that belongs to them so that they go down alive into Sheol, then you will know that these men have despised the LORD."

But if the LORD creates something new, so that the ground opens its mouth and swallows them and everything that belongs to them and they all descend directly to Sheol while still alive, then you'll know that these men have spurned the LORD."

But if the LORD does something entirely new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up along with all that they have, and they go down alive to the grave, then you will know that these men have despised the LORD!"

But if the LORD does something totally new-if the ground opens up, swallows them and everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive to their graves-then you'll know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."

But if the LORD does a new thing and the earth opens her mouth and swallows them up with all their things and they go down alive into Sheol, then ye shall know that these men have provoked the LORD.

But if the LORD makes a new thing, and the earth opens its mouth, and swallows them up, with all that belongs unto them, and they go down alive into the pit; then you shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down quick into the pit; then you shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

But if Jehovah make a new thing, and the ground open its mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down alive into Sheol; then ye shall understand that these men have despised Jehovah.

But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord.

but if Jehovah make a new thing, and the ground open its mouth, and swallow them up, and all that they have, and they go down alive into Sheol, then ye shall know that these men have despised Jehovah.

But if the LORD make a new thing, and the ground open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down alive into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have despised the LORD.

But if the LORD shall make a new thing, and the earth shall open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

But if Yahweh make a new thing, and the ground open its mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down alive into Sheol; then you shall understand that these men have despised Yahweh."

and if a strange thing Jehovah do, and the ground hath opened her mouth and swallowed them, and all that they have, and they have gone down alive to Sheol -- then ye have known that these men have despised Jehovah.'

Numrat 16:30
por në qoftë se Zoti bën diçka të re, në qoftë se toka hap gojën e saj dhe gëlltit ata dhe çdo gjë që ata kanë, dhe ata zbresin të gjallë në Sheol, atëherë do të pranoni që këta njerëz kanë përçmuar Zotin.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:30
ولكن ان ابتدع الرب بدعة وفتحت الارض فاها وابتلعتهم وكل ما لهم فهبطوا احياء الى الهاوية تعلمون ان هؤلاء القوم قد ازدروا بالرب

De Zalrach 16:30
Wenn si aber dyr Herr öbbs ganz öbbs Bsunders ausdenkt, wenn d Erdn irn Schlund auftuet, däß s löbndig eyn d Höll abhinfarnd mit alln, was ien ghoert, naacherd werdtß is schoon kennen, däß die Leut önn Herrn glöstert habnd."

Числа 16:30
но ако Господ направи ново нещо,- ако отвори земята устата си та погълне тях и всичко, което е тяхно, и те слязат живи в ада, тогава ще познаете, че тия човеци презряха Господа.

民 數 記 16:30
倘 若 耶 和 華 創 作 一 件 新 事 , 使 地 開 口 , 把 他 們 和 一 切 屬 他 們 的 都 吞 下 去 , 叫 他 們 活 活 的 墜 落 陰 間 , 你 們 就 明 白 這 些 人 是 藐 視 耶 和 華 了 。

倘 若 耶 和 华 创 作 一 件 新 事 , 使 地 开 口 , 把 他 们 和 一 切 属 他 们 的 都 吞 下 去 , 叫 他 们 活 活 的 坠 落 阴 间 , 你 们 就 明 白 这 些 人 是 藐 视 耶 和 华 了 。



Numbers 16:30
Ali ako Jahve učini nečuveno: ako zemlja rastvori svoje ralje i proguta ih sa svim što je njihovo te živi siđu u Šeol, onda znajte da su ovi ljudi prezreli Jahvu."

Numeri 16:30
Pakliť něco nového učiní Hospodin, a země, otevra ústa svá, požře je se vším, což mají, a sstoupí-li za živa do pekla, tedy poznáte, že jsou popouzeli muži ti Hospodina.

4 Mosebog 16:30
men hvis HERREN lader noget uhørt ske, saa Jorden spiler sit Gab op og sluger dem med alt, hvad der tilhører dem, saa de farer levende ned i Dødsriget, da skal I derpaa kende, at disse Mænd har haanet HERREN!«

Numberi 16:30
Maar indien de HEERE wat nieuws zal scheppen, en het aardrijk zijn mond zal opendoen, en verslinden hen met alles wat hunner is, en zij levend ter helle zullen nedervaren; alsdan zult gij bekennen, dat deze mannen de HEERE getergd hebben.

במדבר 16:30
וְאִם־בְּרִיאָ֞ה יִבְרָ֣א יְהוָ֗ה וּפָצְתָ֨ה הָאֲדָמָ֤ה אֶת־פִּ֙יהָ֙ וּבָלְעָ֤ה אֹתָם֙ וְאֶת־כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר לָהֶ֔ם וְיָרְד֥וּ חַיִּ֖ים שְׁאֹ֑לָה וִֽידַעְתֶּ֕ם כִּ֧י נִֽאֲצ֛וּ הָאֲנָשִׁ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה אֶת־יְהוָֽה׃

ל ואם בריאה יברא יהוה ופצתה האדמה את פיה ובלעה אתם ואת כל אשר להם וירדו חיים שאלה--וידעתם כי נאצו האנשים האלה את יהוה

ואם־בריאה יברא יהוה ופצתה האדמה את־פיה ובלעה אתם ואת־כל־אשר להם וירדו חיים שאלה וידעתם כי נאצו האנשים האלה את־יהוה׃

4 Mózes 16:30
Ha pedig az Úr valami új dolgot cselekszik, és a föld megnyitja az õ száját, és elnyeli õket, és mindazt, a mi az övék, és elevenen szállanak alá pokolba: akkor megismeritek, hogy gyalázták ezek az emberek az Urat.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:30
Sed se novan aperon kreos la Eternulo, kaj la tero malfermos sian busxon, kaj englutos ilin, kaj cxion, kio apartenas al ili, kaj ili vivaj malsupreniros en SXeolon, tiam sciu, ke cxi tiuj homoj blasfemis kontraux la Eternulo.

Mutta jos Herra tässä jotakin uutta tekee, niin että maa avaa suunsa ja nielee heidät kaikkein kanssa, mitä heillä on, niin että he elävinä menevät helvettiin, niin teidän pitää tietämän, että nämät miehet pilkkasivat Herraa.

Nombres 16:30
mais si l'Éternel crée une chose nouvelle, et que le sol ouvre sa bouche et les engloutisse avec tout ce qui est à eux, et qu'ils descendent vivants dans le shéol, alors vous saurez que ces hommes ont méprisé l'Éternel.

mais si l'Eternel fait une chose inouïe, si la terre ouvre sa bouche pour les engloutir avec tout ce qui leur appartient, et qu'ils descendent vivants dans le séjour des morts, vous saurez alors que ces gens ont méprisé l'Eternel.

Mais si l'Eternel crée un cas tout nouveau, et que la terre ouvre sa bouche, et les engloutisse avec tout ce qui leur appartient, et qu'ils descendent tout vifs dans le gouffre; alors vous saurez que ces hommes-là ont irrité par mépris l'Eternel.

4 Mose 16:30
Wird aber der HERR etwas Neues schaffen, daß die Erde ihren Mund auftut und verschlinget sie mit allem, das sie haben, daß sie lebendig hinunter in die Hölle fahren, so werdet ihr erkennen, daß diese Leute den HERRN gelästert haben.

wird aber der HERR etwas Neues schaffen, daß die Erde ihren Mund auftut und verschlingt sie mit allem, was sie haben, daß sie lebendig hinunter in die Hölle fahren, so werdet ihr erkennen, daß diese Leute den HERRN gelästert haben.

Wenn aber Jahwe etwas Unerhörtes schafft, und die Erde ihren Mund aufthut und sie mit allem, was ihnen gehört, verschlingt, so daß sie lebendig in die Unterwelt hinabfahren, - dann werdet ihr erkennen, daß diese Männer Jahwe gelästert haben!

Numeri 16:30
ma se l’Eterno fa una cosa nuova, se la terra apre la sua bocca e li ingoia con tutto quello che appartiene loro e s’essi scendono vivi nel soggiorno de’ morti, allora riconoscerete che questi uomini hanno disprezzato l’Eterno".

Ma, se il Signore crea una cosa nuova, tal che la terra apra la sua bocca, e li tranghiottisca, insieme con tutto quello che appartiene loro, sì che scendano vivi nell’inferno, voi conoscerete che questi uomini hanno dispettato il Signore.

Tetapi jikalau diadakan Tuhan barang sesuatu yang dahulu tiada, dan jikalau bumi mengangakan mulutnya serta menelan akan mereka ini dan akan segala sesuatu yang ada padanya, dan jikalau dengan hidupnya mereka ini turun ke dalam keleburan, maka diketahuilah olehmu bahwa orang-orang ini telah mencelakan Tuhan.

민수기 16:30
만일 여호와께서 새 일을 행하사 땅으로 입을 열어 이 사람들과 그들의 모든 소속을 삼켜 산 채로 음부에 빠지게 하시면 이 사람들이 과연 여호와를 멸시한 것인 줄을 너희가 알리라'

Numeri 16:30
sin autem novam rem fecerit Dominus ut aperiens terra os suum degluttiat eos et omnia quae ad illos pertinent descenderintque viventes in infernum scietis quod blasphemaverint Dominum

Skaièiø knyga 16:30
bet jei Viešpats padarys naują dalyką, kad žemė atsivers ir prarys juos ir visa, kas jiems priklauso, ir jie gyvi pateks į mirusiųjų buveinę, žinokite, kad jie piktžodžiavo Viešpačiui”.

Numbers 16:30
Tena ko tenei, ka pokaia houtia e Ihowa he mahi hou, a ka hamama te waha o te oneone, a ka horomia ratou me a ratou me katoa, a ka heke ora ratou ki te rua; katahi koutou ka mohio i whakahawea enei tangata ki a Ihowa.

4 Mosebok 16:30
men dersom Herren gjør noget som ikke før er hendt - dersom jorden lukker op sin munn og sluker dem og alle deres, så de farer levende ned i dødsriket, da vet I at disse menn har foraktet Herren.

Números 16:30
Pero si el SEÑOR hace algo enteramente nuevo y la tierra abre su boca y los traga con todo lo que les pertenece, y descienden vivos al Seol, entonces sabréis que estos hombres han menospreciado al SEÑOR.

"Pero si el SEÑOR hace algo enteramente nuevo y la tierra abre su boca y los traga con todo lo que les pertenece, y descienden vivos al Seol (región de los muertos), entonces sabrán que estos hombres han despreciado al SEÑOR."

Mas si Jehová hiciere una nueva cosa, y la tierra abriere su boca y los tragare con todas sus cosas, y descendieren vivos al abismo, entonces conoceréis que estos hombres irritaron a Jehová.

Mas si Jehová hiciere una nueva cosa, y la tierra abriere su boca, y los tragare con todas sus cosas, y descendieren vivos al abismo, entonces conoceréis que estos hombres irritaron á Jehová.

Mas si el SEÑOR hiciere una nueva cosa, y la tierra abriere su boca, y los tragare con todas sus cosas, y descendieren vivos al infierno, entonces conoceréis que estos hombres irritaron al SEÑOR.

Números 16:30
Entretanto, se o SENHOR fizer acontecer algo extraordinário, inusitado; se a terra abrir sua boca e os engolir, toda essa gente ímpia juntamente com seus pertences, e se descerem vivos ao Sheol, sabereis com certeza que essas pessoas desprezaram a Yahweh!”

Mas, se o Senhor criar alguma coisa nova, e a terra abrir a boca e os tragar com tudo o que é deles, e vivos descerem ao Seol, então compreendereis que estes homens têm desprezado o Senhor.   

Numeri 16:30
dar dacă Domnul va face un lucru ne mai auzit, dacă pămîntul îşi va deschide gura ca să -i înghită cu tot ce au, aşa încît se vor pogorî de vii în locuinţa morţilor, -atunci veţi şti că oamenii aceştia au hulit pe Domnul.``

Числа 16:30
а если Господь сотворит необычайное, и земля разверзет уста своии поглотит их и все, что у них, и они живые сойдут в преисподнюю, то знайте, что люди сии презрели Господа.

а если Господь сотворит необычайное, и земля разверзет уста свои и поглотит их и все, что у них, и они живые сойдут в преисподнюю, то знайте, что люди сии презрели Господа.[]

4 Mosebok 16:30
men om HERREN här låter något alldeles nytt ske, i det att marken öppnar sin mun och uppslukar dem med allt vad de hava, så att de levande fara ned i dödsriket, då skolen I därav veta att dessa människor hava föraktat HERREN.»

Numbers 16:30
Nguni't kung ang Panginoon ay lumikha ng isang bagong bagay, na anopa't ibuka ng lupa ang kaniyang bibig, at sila'y lamunin, sangpu ng buong nauukol sa kanila, at sila'y ibabang mga buhay sa Sheol; ay inyo ngang mapagkikilala na minungkahi ng mga taong ito ang Panginoon.

กันดารวิถี 16:30
แต่ถ้าพระเยโฮวาห์บันดาลอะไรใหม่เกิดขึ้นและแผ่นธรณีอ้าปากกลืนคนเหล่านี้เข้าไปพร้อมกับข้าวของทั้งหมดของเขา และเขาทั้งหลายลงไปสู่แดนคนตายทั้งเป็น ท่านทั้งหลายจงทราบเถิดว่า คนเหล่านี้ได้สบประมาทพระเยโฮวาห์"

Çölde Sayım 16:30
Ama RAB yepyeni bir olay yaratırsa, yer yarılıp onları ve onlara ait olan her şeyi yutarsa, ölüler diyarına diri diri inerlerse, bu adamların RABbe saygısızlık ettiklerini anlayacaksınız.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:30
Nhưng nếu Ðức Giê-hô-va làm một sự thật mới, nếu đất hả miệng ra nuốt họ và mọi món chi thuộc về họ, nếu họ còn đương sống mà xuống âm phủ, thì các ngươi sẽ biết rằng những người nầy có khinh bỉ Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Numbers 16:29
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