Numbers 16:29
Numbers 16:29
If these men die a natural death and suffer the fate of all mankind, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die a natural death, or if nothing unusual happens, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die as all men die, or if they are visited by the fate of all mankind, then the LORD has not sent me.

"If these men die the death of all men or if they suffer the fate of all men, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.

If these men die naturally as all people would, and suffer the fate of all, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these people die a death similar to all other human beings, or if they are punished with a punishment common to other men, then the LORD didn't send me.

If these men die a natural death, or if they share the fate of all men, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die like all other people-if they die a natural death-then the LORD hasn't sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men or if they are visited after the visitation of all men, then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited with the fate of all men; then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD has not sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then Jehovah hath not sent me.

If these men die the common death of men, and if they be visited with a plague, wherewith others also are wont to be visited, the Lord did not send me.

if these men die as all men die, and are visited with the visitation of all men, Jehovah has not sent me;

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.

If these men shall die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.

If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then Yahweh hasn't sent me.

if according to the death of all men these die -- or the charge of all men is charged upon them -- Jehovah hath not sent me;

Numrat 16:29
Në qoftë se këta njerëz vdesin si vdesin gjithë njerëzit, në qoftë se fati i tyre është fati i përbashkët i të gjithë njerëzve, Zoti nuk më ka dërguar;

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:29
ان مات هؤلاء كموت كل انسان واصابتهم مصيبة كل انسان فليس الرب قد ارسلني.

De Zalrach 16:29
Wenn die Leut ganz gwon aynn uretignen Tood sterbnd und grad iewignwie haimgsuecht werdnd, dann haat mi dyr Herr aau nit gschickt.

Числа 16:29
ако тия човеци умрат, както умират всичките човеци, или ако им се въздаде, според както се въздава на всичките човеци, то Господ не ме е изпратил;

民 數 記 16:29
這 些 人 死 若 與 世 人 無 異 , 或 是 他 們 所 遭 的 與 世 人 相 同 , 就 不 是 耶 和 華 打 發 我 來 的 。

这 些 人 死 若 与 世 人 无 异 , 或 是 他 们 所 遭 的 与 世 人 相 同 , 就 不 是 耶 和 华 打 发 我 来 的 。



Numbers 16:29
ako ovi ljudi umru kao što umru i svi ljudi; ako ih pohodi sudbina kakva pohodi sve ljude, onda me Jahve nije poslao.

Numeri 16:29
Jestliže tak jako jiní lidé mrou, zemrou i tito, a navštívením obecným všechněm lidem jestliže navštíveni budou, neposlal mne Hospodin.

4 Mosebog 16:29
Dersom disse dør paa vanlig menneskelig Vis, og der ikke rammer dem andet, end hvad der rammer alle andre, saa har HERREN ikke sendt mig;

Numberi 16:29
Indien deze zullen sterven, gelijk alle mensen sterven, en over hen een bezoeking zal gedaan worden, naar aller mensen bezoeking, zo heeft mij de HEERE niet gezonden.

במדבר 16:29
אִם־כְּמֹ֤ות כָּל־הָֽאָדָם֙ יְמֻת֣וּן אֵ֔לֶּה וּפְקֻדַּת֙ כָּל־הָ֣אָדָ֔ם יִפָּקֵ֖ד עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם לֹ֥א יְהוָ֖ה שְׁלָחָֽנִי׃

כט אם כמות כל האדם ימתון אלה ופקדת כל האדם יפקד עליהם--לא יהוה שלחני

אם־כמות כל־האדם ימתון אלה ופקדת כל־האדם יפקד עליהם לא יהוה שלחני׃

4 Mózes 16:29
Ha úgy halnak meg ezek, a mint meghal minden [más] ember, és ha minden [más] ember büntetése szerint büntettetnek meg ezek: akkor nem az Úr küldött engemet.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:29
se per la ordinara morto de cxiuj homoj mortos cxi tiuj, aux ilin trafos la sorto, kiu povas trafi cxiun homon, tiam ne la Eternulo sendis min.

Jos he kuolevat niinkuin kaikki ihmiset kuolevat, eli kostetaan, niinkuin kaikille ihmisille kostetaan, niin ei Herra ole minua lähettänyt.

Nombres 16:29
si ceux-là meurent selon la mort de tout homme, et s'ils sont visités de la visitation de tout homme, l'Éternel ne m'a pas envoyé;

Si ces gens meurent comme tous les hommes meurent, s'ils subissent le sort commun à tous les hommes, ce n'est pas l'Eternel qui m'a envoyé;

Si ceux-là meurent comme tous les hommes meurent, et s'ils sont punis de la punition de tous les hommes, l'Eternel ne m'a point envoyé.

4 Mose 16:29
Werden sie sterben, wie alle Menschen sterben, oder heimgesucht, wie alle Menschen heimgesucht werden, so hat mich der HERR nicht gesandt.

werden sie sterben, wie alle Menschen sterben, oder heimgesucht, wie alle Menschen heimgesucht werden, so hat mich der HERR nicht gesandt;

Wenn diese sterben werden, wie alle Menschen sterben, und ihnen nur widerfährt, was allen Menschen zu widerfahren pflegt, so war es nicht Jahwe, der mich gesandt hat.

Numeri 16:29
Se questa gente muore come muoion tutti gli uomini, se la loro sorte è la sorte comune a tutti gli uomini, l’Eterno non mi ha mandato;

Se costoro muoiono nella maniera di tutti gli uomini, e son puniti come tutti gli altri uomini, il Signore non mi ha mandato.

Jikalau orang ini mati seperti mati segala orang lain, dan jikalau didatangkan segala kesukaran atas mereka ini seperti berlaku atas segala manusia, maka bukannya aku disuruhkan Tuhan.

민수기 16:29
곧 이 사람들의 죽음이 모든 사람과 일반이요 그들의 당하는 벌이 모든 사람의 당하는 벌과 일반이면 여호와께서 나를 보내심이 아니어니와

Numeri 16:29
si consueta hominum morte interierint et visitaverit eos plaga qua et ceteri visitari solent non misit me Dominus

Skaièiø knyga 16:29
Jei jie mirs paprasta mirtimi, kaip miršta visi žmonės, tai Viešpats manęs nesiuntė;

Numbers 16:29
Ki te mea ko te mate o nga tangata katoa te mate mo enei, ko te whiu ranei o nga tangata katoa te whiu mo ratou, kahore ahau i unga mai e Ihowa.

4 Mosebok 16:29
Dersom disse folk dør på samme måte som alle andre mennesker, eller de hjemsøkes på samme måte som alle andre mennesker, da har Herren ikke sendt mig;

Números 16:29
si éstos mueren como mueren todos los hombres o si sufren la suerte de todos los hombres, entonces el SEÑOR no me envió.

"Si éstos mueren como mueren todos los hombres o si sufren la suerte de todos los hombres, entonces el SEÑOR no me envió.

Si como mueren todos los hombres murieren éstos, o si fueren ellos visitados a la manera de todos los hombres, Jehová no me envió.

Si como mueren todos los hombres murieren éstos, ó si fueren ellos visitados á la manera de todos los hombres, Jehová no me envió.

Si como mueren todos los hombres murieren éstos, o si fueren ellos visitados a la manera de todos los hombres, el SEÑOR no me envió.

Números 16:29
se estas pessoas morrerem de morte natural, atingidas pela sentença comum a todos os seres humanos, então não foi o SENHOR que me enviou.

Se estes morrerem como morrem todos os homens, e se forem visitados como são visitados todos os homens, o Senhor não me enviou.   

Numeri 16:29
Dacă oamenii aceştia vor muri cum mor toţi oamenii şi dacă vor avea aceeaş soartă ca toţi oamenii, nu m'a trimes Domnul;

Числа 16:29
если они умрут, как умирают все люди, и постигнет их такое наказание, какое постигает всех людей, то не Господь послал меня;

если они умрут, как умирают все люди, и постигнет их такое наказание, какое [постигает] всех людей, то не Господь послал меня;[]

4 Mosebok 16:29
om dessa dö på samma sätt som andra människor dö, eller drabbas av hemsökelse på samma sätt som andra människor, så har HERREN icke sänt mig;

Numbers 16:29
Kung ang mga taong ito ay mamatay sa karaniwang kamatayan ng lahat ng tao, o kung sila'y dalawin ayon sa karaniwang pagdalaw sa lahat ng tao; ay hindi nga ako sinugo ng Panginoon.

กันดารวิถี 16:29
ถ้าคนเหล่านี้ตายอย่างคนธรรมดาทั้งปวง หรือเหตุการณ์อย่างคนธรรมดามาเยี่ยมเยียนเขา ก็หมายว่าพระเยโฮวาห์มิได้ทรงใช้ข้ามา

Çölde Sayım 16:29
Eğer bu adamlar herkes gibi doğal bir ölümle ölür, herkesin başına gelen bir olayla karşılaşırlarsa, bilin ki beni RAB göndermemiştir.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:29
Nếu các kẻ đó chết như mọi người khác chết, nếu họ đồng chịu số phận chung như mọi người, thì Ðức Giê-hô-va không có sai ta.

Numbers 16:28
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