Numbers 16:17
Numbers 16:17
Each man is to take his censer and put incense in it--250 censers in all--and present it before the LORD. You and Aaron are to present your censers also."

You and each of your 250 followers must prepare an incense burner and put incense on it, so you can all present them before the LORD. Aaron will also bring his incense burner."

And let every one of you take his censer and put incense on it, and every one of you bring before the LORD his censer, 250 censers; you also, and Aaron, each his censer.”

"Each of you take his firepan and put incense on it, and each of you bring his censer before the LORD, two hundred and fifty firepans; also you and Aaron shall each bring his firepan."

And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also, and Aaron, each of you his censer.

Each of you is to take his firepan, place incense on it, and present his firepan before the LORD--250 firepans. You and Aaron are each to present your firepan also."

Each man is to take a censer, put incense on it, and bring it into the LORD's presence, each man with his censer, for a total of 250 censers. You and Aaron are each to bring his own censer."

And each of you take his censer, put incense in it, and then each of you present his censer before the LORD: 250 censers, along with you, and Aaron--each of you with his censer."

Each man will take his incense burner and put incense in it. They will offer all 250 incense burners to the LORD. Then you and Aaron offer your incense burners."

and let each man take his censer and put incense in them and let each man bring his censer before the LORD, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also and Aaron, each of you with his censer.

And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; you also, and Aaron, each of you his censer.

And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring you before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; you also, and Aaron, each of you his censer.

and take ye every man his censer, and put incense upon them, and bring ye before Jehovah every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also, and Aaron, each his censer.

Take every one of you censers, and put incense upon them, offering to the Lord two hundred and fifty censers: let Aaron also hold his censer.

And take each his censer, and put incense thereon, and present before Jehovah every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; and thou, and Aaron, each his censer.

and take ye every man his censer, and put incense upon them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also, and Aaron, each his censer.

And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also and Aaron each of you his censer.

and each man take his censer, and put incense on them, and each man bring before Yahweh his censer, two hundred fifty censers; you also, and Aaron, each his censer."

and take ye each his censer, and ye have put on them perfume, and brought near before Jehovah, each his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; and thou and Aaron, each his censer.'

Numrat 16:17
dhe secili prej jush të marrë temjanicën e tij, t'i shtjerë temjan dhe secili të sjellë temjanicën e tij para Zotit; do të jenë dyqind e pesëdhjetë temjanica. Edhe ti dhe Aaroni do të merrni secili temjanicën e tij".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:17
وخذوا كل واحد مجمرته واجعلوا فيها بخورا وقدّموا امام الرب كل واحد مجمرته. مئتين وخمسين مجمرة. وانت وهرون كل واحد مجمرته.

De Zalrach 16:17
Nemtß enkerne Rauckfässln mit, tuetß aynn Weihrauck einhin und bringtß is vor n Herrn, ayn Ieder von enk Zwaihundertfuchzge dös Sein, und du und dyr Ären aau!"

Числа 16:17
и вземете всеки кадилницата си, турете в тях темян, и занесете пред Господа всеки кадилницата си, двеста и петдесет кадилници; също и ти и Аарон,- всеки своята кадилница.

民 數 記 16:17
各 人 要 拿 一 個 香 爐 , 共 二 百 五 十 個 , 把 香 放 在 上 面 , 到 耶 和 華 面 前 。 你 和 亞 倫 也 各 拿 自 己 的 香 爐 。

各 人 要 拿 一 个 香 炉 , 共 二 百 五 十 个 , 把 香 放 在 上 面 , 到 耶 和 华 面 前 。 你 和 亚 伦 也 各 拿 自 己 的 香 炉 。



Numbers 16:17
Neka svaki uzme svoj kadionik, stavi u nj tamjana i neka svaki donese svoj kadionik pred Jahvu - dvjesta i pedeset kadionika. A i ti i Aron donesite svaki svoj kadionik."

Numeri 16:17
A vezmouce jeden každý kadidlnici svou, dáte do nich kadidla, a postavíte se před Hospodinem, jeden každý s kadidlnicí svou; dvě stě a padesáte kadidlnic bude, ty také i Aron, každý s kadidlnicí svou.

4 Mosebog 16:17
og enhver af eder skal tage sin Pande, lægge Gløder paa og komme Røgelse paa og frembære sin Pande for HERRENS Aasyn, 250 Pander, du selv og Aron skal ogsaa tage hver sin Pande!«

Numberi 16:17
En neemt een ieder zijn wierookvat, en legt reukwerk daarin, en brengt voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, een ieder zijn wierookvat, tweehonderd en vijftig wierookvaten; ook gij, en Aaron, een ieder zijn wierookvat.

במדבר 16:17
וּקְח֣וּ ׀ אִ֣ישׁ מַחְתָּתֹ֗ו וּנְתַתֶּ֤ם עֲלֵיהֶם֙ קְטֹ֔רֶת וְהִקְרַבְתֶּ֞ם לִפְנֵ֤י יְהוָה֙ אִ֣ישׁ מַחְתָּתֹ֔ו חֲמִשִּׁ֥ים וּמָאתַ֖יִם מַחְתֹּ֑ת וְאַתָּ֥ה וְאַהֲרֹ֖ן אִ֥ישׁ מַחְתָּתֹֽו׃

יז וקחו איש מחתתו ונתתם עליהם קטרת והקרבתם לפני יהוה איש מחתתו חמשים ומאתים מחתת ואתה ואהרן איש מחתתו

וקחו ׀ איש מחתתו ונתתם עליהם קטרת והקרבתם לפני יהוה איש מחתתו חמשים ומאתים מחתת ואתה ואהרן איש מחתתו׃

4 Mózes 16:17
És kiki vegye az õ temjénezõjét, és tegyetek abba füstölõ szert, és vigyétek az Úr elé, kiki az õ temjénezõjét; kétszáz és ötven temjénezõt. Te is, és Áron is, kiki az õ temjénezõjét.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:17
Kaj prenu cxiu sian incensujon kaj metu sur gxin incenson, kaj alportu antaux la Eternulon cxiu sian incensujon, ducent kvindek incensujojn; ankaux vi kaj Aaron, cxiu sian incensujon.

Ja jokainen ottakoon savuastiansa, ja pankaan suitsutusta siihen, ja tuokaan Herran eteen, kukin savuastiansa, kaksisataa ja viisikymmentä savuastiaa, niin myös sinä ja Aaron kukin savuastianne.

Nombres 16:17
Et prenez chacun votre encensoir, et mettez de l'encens dessus; et présentez devant l'Éternel chacun votre encensoir, deux cent cinquante encensoirs; et toi, et Aaron, chacun son encensoir.

Prenez chacun votre brasier, mettez-y du parfum, et présentez devant l'Eternel chacun votre brasier: il y aura deux cent cinquante brasiers; toi et Aaron, vous prendrez aussi chacun votre brasier.

Et prenez chacun vos encensoirs, et mettez-y du parfum; et que chacun présente devant l'Eternel son encensoir, qui seront deux cent cinquante encensoirs; et toi et Aaron aussi, chacun avec son encensoir.

4 Mose 16:17
Und ein jeglicher nehme seine Pfanne und lege Räuchwerk drauf, und tretet herzu vor den HERRN, ein jeglicher mit seiner Pfanne, das sind zweihundertundfünfzig Pfannen.

Und ein jeglicher nehme seine Pfanne und lege Räuchwerk darauf, und tretet herzu vor den HERRN, ein jeglicher mit seiner Pfanne, das sind zweihundertundfünfzig Pfannen; auch Du Aaron, ein jeglicher mit seiner Pfanne.

Und nehmt ein jeder seine Räucherpfanne, thut Räucherwerk darauf und bringt dann ein jeder seine Räucherpfanne hin vor Jahwe - zweihundertundfünfzig Räucherpfannen; auch du und Aaron bringt ein jeder seine Räucherpfanne!

Numeri 16:17
e ciascun di voi prenda il suo turibolo, vi metta del profumo, e porti ciascuno il suo turibolo davanti all’Eterno: saranno duecentocinquanta turiboli. Anche tu ed Aaronne prenderete ciascuno il vostro turibolo".

E prenda ciascun di voi il suo turibolo, e mettavi del profumo, e rechi ciascuno il suo turibolo, davanti al Signore, che saranno dugencinquanta turiboli. Tu ancora, ed Aaronne, abbiate ciascuno il suo turibolo.

Dan masing-masing kamu hendaklah mengambil pedupaannya dan membubuh kemenyan di atasnya, lalu hendaklah masing-masing mempersembahkan pedupaannya di hadapan hadirat Tuhan, dua ratus lima puluh buah pedupaan, dan lagi engkau dan Harunpun masing-masing dengan pedupaannya.

민수기 16:17
너희는 각기 향로를 잡고 그 위에 향을 두고 각 사람이 그 향로를 여호와 앞으로 가져오라 향로는 모두 이백 오십이라 너와 아론도 각각 향로를 가지고 올지니라'

Numeri 16:17
tollite singuli turibula vestra et ponite super ea incensum offerentes Domino ducenta quinquaginta turibula Aaron quoque teneat turibulum suum

Skaièiø knyga 16:17
Imkite kiekvienas savo smilkytuvą, įdėkite į juos smilkalų ir atneškite smilkytuvus Viešpaties akivaizdon­du šimtus penkiasdešimt smilkytuvų; taip pat tu ir Aaronas atneškite savo smilkytuvus”.

Numbers 16:17
A me mau e tenei, e tenei o koutou tana tahu kakara, ka mea he whakakakara ki runga, ka kawe ai tena i tana tahu kakara, i tana ki te aroaro o Ihowa, kia rua rau kia rima tekau nga tahu kakara: a koe me tau tahu kakara, a Arona hoki me tana.

4 Mosebok 16:17
Og I skal ta hver sitt ildkar og legge røkelse på dem, og I skal bære hver sitt ildkar frem for Herrens åsyn, to hundre og femti ildkar, og du og Aron skal og ta hver sitt ildkar.

Números 16:17
Cada uno de vosotros tome su incensario y ponga incienso en él, y cada uno de vosotros traiga su incensario delante del SEÑOR, doscientos cincuenta incensarios; tú también, y Aarón, cada uno traiga su incensario.

"Cada uno de ustedes tome su incensario y ponga incienso en él, y cada uno de ustedes traiga su incensario delante del SEÑOR, 250 incensarios; tú también, y Aarón, cada uno traiga su incensario."

Y tomad cada uno su incensario, y poned incienso en ellos, y acercaos delante de Jehová cada uno con su incensario; doscientos cincuenta incensarios; tú también, y Aarón, cada uno con su incensario.

Y tomad cada uno su incensario, y poned sahumerio en ellos, y allegad delante de Jehová cada uno su incensario: doscientos y cincuenta incensarios: tú también, y Aarón, cada uno con su incensario.

y tomad cada uno su incensario, y poned sahumerio en ellos, y allegad delante del SEÑOR cada uno su incensario, doscientos cincuenta incensarios; tú también, y Aarón, cada uno con su incensario.

Números 16:17
Cada homem tomará seu incensário, nele depositará incenso e o apresentará diante de Yahweh. Serão duzentos e cinquenta incensários ao todo. Tu e Arão, igualmente, apresentareis cada um o seu incensário!”

Tome cada um o seu incensário, e ponha nele incenso; cada um traga perante o Senhor o seu incensário, duzentos e cinqüenta incensários; também tu e Arão, cada qual o seu incensário.   

Numeri 16:17
Luaţi-vă fiecare cădelniţa lui, puneţi tămîie în ea, şi aduceţi fiecare înaintea Domnului cădelniţa lui: două sute cincizeci de cădelniţe; tu şi Aaron, să vă luaţi şi voi fiecare cădelniţa lui.``

Числа 16:17
и возьмите каждый свою кадильницу, и положите в них курения, и принесите пред лице Господне каждый свою кадильницу, двести пятьдесят кадильниц; ты и Аарон, каждый свою кадильницу.

и возьмите каждый свою кадильницу, и положите в них курения, и принесите пред лице Господне каждый свою кадильницу, двести пятьдесят кадильниц; ты и Аарон, каждый свою кадильницу.[]

4 Mosebok 16:17
Och var och en av eder må taga sitt fyrfat och lägga rökelse därpå, och sedan bära sitt fyrfat fram inför HERRENS ansikte, två hundra femtio fyrfat; du själv och Aron mån ock taga var sitt fyrfat.»

Numbers 16:17
At kumuha ang bawa't isa ng kaniyang suuban, at lagyan ninyo ng kamangyan, at dalhin ninyo sa harap ng Panginoon, na bawa't isa'y magdala ng kaniyang suuban, na dalawang daan at limang pung suuban; ikaw naman at si Aaron, bawa't isa sa inyo'y may kaniyang suuban.

กันดารวิถี 16:17
ให้ทุกคนนำกระถางไฟของตนไป ใส่เครื่องหอมในนั้น ให้ทุกคนนำกระถางไฟเข้าเฝ้าพระเยโฮวาห์ มีกระถางไฟสองร้อยห้าสิบด้วยกัน ตัวท่านด้วย และอาโรน ต่างจงเอากระถางไฟของตนไป"

Çölde Sayım 16:17
Herkes kendi buhurdanını alıp içine buhur koysun. İki_yüz elli kişi birer buhurdan alıp RABbin önüne getirsin. Harunla sen de buhurdanlarınızı getirin.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:17
Mỗi người hãy lấy lư hương mình bỏ hương ở trong, rồi mỗi người dâng lư hương mình trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va, tức là hai trăm năm mươi cái lư hương. Ngươi và A-rôn, mỗi người cũng phải có lư hương mình.

Numbers 16:16
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