Numbers 16:11
Numbers 16:11
It is against the LORD that you and all your followers have banded together. Who is Aaron that you should grumble against him?"

The LORD is the one you and your followers are really revolting against! For who is Aaron that you are complaining about him?"

Therefore it is against the LORD that you and all your company have gathered together. What is Aaron that you grumble against him?”

"Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD; but as for Aaron, who is he that you grumble against him?"

For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?

Therefore, it is you and all your followers who have conspired against the LORD! As for Aaron, who is he that you should complain about him?"

Therefore you and your group have conspired against the LORD and Aaron. What is it that causes you to complain against him?"

Therefore you and all your company have assembled together against the LORD! And Aaron--what is he that you murmur against him?"

So you and all your followers have joined forces against the LORD! Who is Aaron that you should complain about him?"

For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD, for what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?

For which cause both you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that you murmur against him?

For which cause both you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that you murmur against him?

Therefore thou and all thy company are gathered together against Jehovah: and Aaron, what is he that ye murmur against him?

And that all thy company should stand against the Lord ? for what is Aaron that you murmur against him?

For which cause thou and all thy band are banded together against Jehovah; and Aaron, who is he that ye murmur against him?

Therefore thou and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD: and Aaron, what is he that ye murmur against him?

For which cause both thou and all thy company are assembled against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?

Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against Yahweh: and Aaron, what is he that you murmur against him?"

Therefore, thou and all thy company who are met are against Jehovah; and Aaron, what is he, that ye murmur against him?'

Numrat 16:11
Për këtë arsye ti edhe tërë njerëzit e tu jeni mbledhur kundër Zotit. Dhe kush është Aaroni që të murmurisni kundër tij?".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:11
اذن انت وكل جماعتك متفقون على الرب. واما هرون فما هو حتى تتذمّروا عليه.

De Zalrach 16:11
Und dösswögn machtß aynn Aufruer gögn önn Trechtein? Wer ist n schoon dyr Ären selbn, däß enk dös nit pässt?"

Числа 16:11
Така, че ти и цялата ти дружина сте се събрали против Господа; защото кой е Аарон, та да роптаете против него?

民 數 記 16:11
你 和 你 一 黨 的 人 聚 集 是 要 攻 擊 耶 和 華 。 亞 倫 算 甚 麼 , 你 們 竟 向 他 發 怨 言 呢 ?

你 和 你 一 党 的 人 聚 集 是 要 攻 击 耶 和 华 。 亚 伦 算 甚 麽 , 你 们 竟 向 他 发 怨 言 呢 ?



Numbers 16:11
Ti i sva tvoja družina, dakle, sjatili ste se protiv Jahve; jer što je Aron da protiv njega rogoborite?"

Numeri 16:11
Protož věz, že ty a všickni tvoji jste ti, kteříž se rotíte proti Hospodinu; nebo Aron co jest, že jste reptali proti němu?

4 Mosebog 16:11
Derfor, du og alle dine Tilhængere, som har rottet eder sammen mod HERREN, hvad er Aron, at I vil knurre mod ham!«

Numberi 16:11
Daarom gij, en uw ganse vergadering, gij zijt vergaderd tegen den HEERE, want Aaron, wat is hij, dat gij tegen hem murmureert?

במדבר 16:11
לָכֵ֗ן אַתָּה֙ וְכָל־עֲדָ֣תְךָ֔ הַנֹּעָדִ֖ים עַל־יְהוָ֑ה וְאַהֲרֹ֣ן מַה־ה֔וּא כִּ֥י [תִלֹּונוּ כ] (תַלִּ֖ינוּ ק) עָלָֽיו׃

יא לכן אתה וכל עדתך--הנעדים על יהוה ואהרן מה הוא כי תלונו (תלינו) עליו

לכן אתה וכל־עדתך הנעדים על־יהוה ואהרן מה־הוא כי [תלונו כ] (תלינו ק) עליו׃

4 Mózes 16:11
Azért hát te és a te egész gyülekezeted az Úr ellen gyülekeztetek össze; mert Áron micsoda, hogy õ ellene zúgolódtok?

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:11
Tiamaniere vi kaj via tuta anaro ekribelis kontraux la Eternulo; sed kio estas Aaron, ke vi murmuras kontraux li?

Sinä ja kaikki sinun joukkos nostatte kapinan Herraa vastaan. Mikä Aaron on, että te napisette häntä vastaan?

Nombres 16:11
C'est pourquoi, toi et toute ton assemblée, vous vous êtes rassemblés contre l'Éternel; et Aaron, qui est-il, que vous murmuriez contre lui?

C'est à cause de cela que toi et toute ta troupe, vous vous assemblez contre l'Eternel! car qui est Aaron, pour que vous murmuriez contre lui?

C'est pourquoi toi, et tous ceux qui sont assemblés avec toi, vous vous [êtes] assemblés contre l'Eternel; car qui est Aaron que vous murmuriez contre lui?

4 Mose 16:11
Du und deine ganze Rotte machet einen Aufruhr wider den HERRN. Was ist Aaron, daß ihr wider ihn murret?

Du und deine ganze Rotte macht einen Aufruhr wider den HERRN. Was ist Aaron, daß ihr wider ihn murrt? {~}

Somit rottet ihr euch wider Jahwe zusammen, du und deine ganze Rotte, - denn was ist Aaron, daß ihr wider ihn murrt?

Numeri 16:11
E per questo tu e tutta la gente che è teco vi siete radunati contro l’Eterno! poiché chi è Aaronne che vi mettiate a mormorare contro di lui?"

Perciò, tu, e tutto il tuo seguito, siete quelli che si son convenuti contro al Signore; e che cosa è Aaronne, che voi mormorate contro a lui?

Sebab itu engkau dan segala orang yang sefakat dengan dikau itu sudah mendurhaka kepada Tuhan, karena adapun Harun, siapakah dia, maka kamu bersungut-sungut akan dia?

민수기 16:11
이를 위하여 너와 너의 무리가 다 모여서 여호와를 거스리는도다 아론은 어떠한 사람이관대 너희가 그를 원망하느냐 ?'

Numeri 16:11
et omnis globus tuus stet contra Dominum quid est enim Aaron ut murmuretis contra eum

Skaièiø knyga 16:11
Kodėl sukilote tu ir tavo pasekėjai prieš Viešpatį? Kas gi yra Aaronas, kad prieš jį murmate?”

Numbers 16:11
Koia koutou ko tau hui katoa ka huihui nei ki a Ihowa: ko Arona hoki, he ha ia, i amauamu ai koutou ki a ia?

4 Mosebok 16:11
Derfor er du og hele din flokk oprørere mot Herren; for hvad er Aron, at I knurrer mot ham?

Números 16:11
Por tanto, tú y toda tu compañía os habéis juntado contra el SEÑOR; pues en cuanto a Aarón, ¿quién es él para que murmuréis contra él?

"Por tanto, tú y toda tu compañía se han juntado contra el SEÑOR; pues en cuanto a Aarón, ¿quién es él para que murmuren contra él?"

Por lo cual, tú y todo tu séquito os juntáis contra Jehová, pues Aarón, ¿qué es, para que contra él murmuréis?

Por tanto, tú y todo tu séquito sois los que os juntáis contra Jehová: pues Aarón, ¿qué es para que contra él murmuréis?

Por tanto, tú y todo tu séquito sois los que os juntáis contra el SEÑOR; pues Aarón, ¿qué es, para que contra él murmuréis?

Números 16:11
Vós conspirastes contra Deus, tu e a tua assembleia: quem é Arão, para que murmureis contra ele?”

Pelo que tu e toda a tua companhia estais congregados contra o Senhor; e Arão, quem é ele, para que murmureis contra ele?   

Numeri 16:11
De aceea te aduni tu şi ceata ta împotriva Domnului! Căci cine este Aaron, ca să cîrtiţi împotriva lui?``

Числа 16:11
Итак ты и все твое общество собрались против Господа. Что Аарон, что вы ропщете на него?

Итак ты и все твое общество собрались против Господа. Что Аарон, что вы ропщете на него?[]

4 Mosebok 16:11
Därför, tagen eder till vara, du och hela din hop, I som haven rotat eder samman mot HERREN -- ty vad är Aron, att I knorren mot honom?»

Numbers 16:11
Kaya't ikaw at ang iyong buong pulutong ay napipisan laban sa Panginoon: at si Aaron, ano nga't siya'y inyong inupasala?

กันดารวิถี 16:11
เพราะฉะนั้นที่ท่านและพรรคพวกทั้งหมดของท่านได้ประชุมกันก็เป็นการต่อสู้พระเยโฮวาห์ ส่วนอาโรนเป็นอะไรเล่าที่ท่านได้บ่นว่าเขา"

Çölde Sayım 16:11
Ey Korah, senin ve yandaşlarının böyle toplanması RABbe karşı gelmektir. Harun kim ki, ona dil uzatıyorsunuz?››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:11
Vì vậy, ngươi và toàn bè đảng của ngươi đều hiệp lại nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va! Vì A-rôn là ai mà các ngươi lằm bằm cùng người?

Numbers 16:10
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