Numbers 14:36
Numbers 14:36
So the men Moses had sent to explore the land, who returned and made the whole community grumble against him by spreading a bad report about it--

The ten men Moses had sent to explore the land--the ones who incited rebellion against the LORD with their bad report--

And the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation grumble against him by bringing up a bad report about the land—

As for the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land and who returned and made all the congregation grumble against him by bringing out a bad report concerning the land,

And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the land,

So the men Moses sent to scout out the land, and who returned and incited the entire community to complain about him by spreading a negative report about the land--

After this, the men whom Moses sent out to explore the land, who returned and made the whole congregation complain against him by bringing an evil report concerning the land,

The men whom Moses sent to investigate the land, who returned and made the whole community murmur against him by producing an evil report about the land,

So the men Moses sent to explore the land died in front of the LORD from a plague.

And the men, whom Moses had sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation to murmur against him by bringing up a slander upon the land,

And the men, whom Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the land,

And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander on the land,

And the men, whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up an evil report against the land,

Therefore all the men, whom Moses had sent to view the land, and who at their return had made the whole multitude to murmur against him, speaking ill of the land that it was naught,

And the men whom Moses had sent to search out the land, who returned, and made the whole assembly to murmur against him, by bringing up an evil report upon the land,

And the men, which Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up an evil report against the land,

And the men whom Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing a slander upon the land,

The men, whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up an evil report against the land,

And the men whom Moses hath sent to spy the land, and they turn back and cause all the company to murmur against him, by bringing out an evil account concerning the land,

Numrat 14:36
Njerëzit që Moisiu kishte dërguar për të vëzhguar vendin, mbas kthimit të tyre e kishin shtyrë tërë asamblenë të murmuriste kundër tij, duke paraqitur një raport të keq për vendin,

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 14:36
اما الرجال الذين ارسلهم موسى ليتجسّسوا الارض ورجعوا وسجّسوا عليه كل الجماعة باشاعة المذمة على الارض

De Zalrach 14:36
Die Mannen, wo dyr Mosen zo n Land Ausschnaicken gschickt hiet und wo aber dann, wie s wider dyrhaim warnd, s Volk zo n Murmern verlaitt hietnd,

Числа 14:36
И ония мъже, които Моисей изпрати да съгледат земята, които, като се върнаха, направиха цялото общество да роптае против него, и зле представиха земята,

民 數 記 14:36
摩 西 所 打 發 、 窺 探 那 地 的 人 回 來 , 報 那 地 的 惡 信 , 叫 全 會 眾 向 摩 西 發 怨 言 ,

摩 西 所 打 发 、 窥 探 那 地 的 人 回 来 , 报 那 地 的 恶 信 , 叫 全 会 众 向 摩 西 发 怨 言 ,



Numbers 14:36
A oni ljudi koje Mojsije bijaše poslao da istraže zemlju i koji su nakon povratka potakli svu zajednicu da rogobori protiv njega ozloglašujući zemlju;

Numeri 14:36
Muži pak ti, kteréž poslal byl Mojžíš k shlédnutí země té, a kteříž, navrátivše se, uvedli v reptání proti němu všecko množství to, haněním ošklivíce zemi,

4 Mosebog 14:36
Og de Mænd, Moses havde udsendt for at undersøge Landet, og som efter deres Tilbagekomst havde faaet hele Menigheden til at knurre imod ham ved at tale nedsættende om Landet,

Numberi 14:36
En die mannen, die Mozes gezonden had, om het land te verspieden, en wedergekomen zijnde, de ganse vergadering tegen hem hadden doen murmureren, een kwaad gerucht over dat land voortbrengende;

במדבר 14:36
וְהָ֣אֲנָשִׁ֔ים אֲשֶׁר־שָׁלַ֥ח מֹשֶׁ֖ה לָת֣וּר אֶת־הָאָ֑רֶץ וַיָּשֻׁ֗בוּ [וַיִּלֹּונוּ כ] (וַיַּלִּ֤ינוּ ק) עָלָיו֙ אֶת־כָּל־הָ֣עֵדָ֔ה לְהֹוצִ֥יא דִבָּ֖ה עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃

לו והאנשים אשר שלח משה לתור את הארץ וישבו וילונו (וילינו) עליו את כל העדה להוציא דבה על הארץ

והאנשים אשר־שלח משה לתור את־הארץ וישבו [וילונו כ] (וילינו ק) עליו את־כל־העדה להוציא דבה על־הארץ׃

4 Mózes 14:36
A férfiak azért, a kiket elküldött vala Mózes a földnek megkémlelésére, és visszatérének és felzúdíták ellene az egész gyülekezetet, rossz hírt terjesztvén arról a földrõl:

Moseo 4: Nombroj 14:36
Kaj la viroj, kiujn Moseo sendis, por esplorrigardi la landon, kaj kiuj revenis kaj murmurigis kontraux li la tutan komunumon, disvastigante malbonan famon pri la lando-

Ja ne miehet, jotka Moses lähetti maata vakoomaan ja palasivat, saattaen kaiken kansan napisemaan häntä vastaan, ja olivat tuottaneet pahan sanoman maasta,

Nombres 14:36
Et les hommes que Moïse avait envoyés pour reconnaître le pays, et qui revinrent et firent murmurer contre lui toute l'assemblée en décriant le pays,

Les hommes que Moïse avait envoyés pour explorer le pays, et qui, à leur retour, avaient fait murmurer contre lui toute l'assemblée, en décriant le pays;

Les hommes donc que Moïse avait envoyés pour épier le pays, et qui étant de retour avaient fait murmurer contre lui toute l'assemblée, en diffamant le pays;

4 Mose 14:36
Also starben durch die Plage vor dem HERRN alle die Männer, die Mose gesandt hatte, das Land zu erkunden, und wiederkommen waren und dawider murren machten die ganze Gemeine,

Also starben durch die Plage vor dem HERRN alle die Männer, die Mose gesandt hatte, das Land zu erkunden, und wiedergekommen waren und wider ihn murren machten die ganze Gemeinde, {~} {~} {~}

Die Männer aber, die Mose ausgesandt hatte, das Land auszukundschaften, und die nach ihrer Rückkehr die ganze Gemeinde dazu gebracht hatten, wider ihn zu murren, indem sie schlimme Dinge über das Land berichteten, -

Numeri 14:36
E gli uomini che Mosè avea mandato ad esplorare il paese e che, tornati, avean fatto mormorare tutta la raunanza contro di lui screditando il paese,

E quegli uomini che Mosè avea mandati per ispiare il paese, i quali, essendo tornati, aveano fatta mormorar tutta la raunanza contro a lui, infamando quel paese;

Bermula, maka adapun segala orang yang telah disuruhkan Musa mengintai negeri dan yang menyebabkan segenap sidang itu bersungut-sungut akan Dia, karena setelah sudah pulang dipecahkannya kabar jahat dari hal negeri itu,

민수기 14:36
모세의 보냄을 받고 땅을 탐지하고 돌아와서 그 땅을 악평하여 온 회중으로 모세를 원망케 한 사람

Numeri 14:36
igitur omnes viri quos miserat Moses ad contemplandam terram et qui reversi murmurare fecerant contra eum omnem multitudinem detrahentes terrae quod esset mala

Skaièiø knyga 14:36
Vyrai, kuriuos Mozė buvo išsiuntęs išžvalgyti žemę, ir kurie grįžę sukurstė tautą murmėti prieš Viešpatį, blogai kalbėdami apie kraštą

Numbers 14:36
Na, ko nga tangata i unga e Mohi hei tutei mo te whenua, i hoki mai nei, i mea nei kia amuamutia ia e te whakaminenga katoa, i ta ratou kawenga mai i te korero kino mo te whenua,

4 Mosebok 14:36
De menn som Moses hadde sendt for å utspeide landet, og som var kommet tilbake og hadde fått hele menigheten til å knurre mot ham ved å tale ille om landet,

Números 14:36
En cuanto a los hombres a quienes Moisés envió a reconocer la tierra, y que volvieron e hicieron a toda la congregación murmurar contra él dando un mal informe acerca de la tierra,

En cuanto a los hombres a quienes Moisés envió a reconocer la tierra, y que volvieron e hicieron murmurar contra él a toda la congregación dando un mal informe acerca de la tierra,

Y los varones que Moisés envió a reconocer la tierra, que volvieron he hicieron murmurar contra él a toda la congregación, desacreditando aquel país,

Y los varones que Moisés envió á reconocer la tierra, y vueltos habían hecho murmurar contra él á toda la congregación, desacreditando aquel país,

Y los varones que Moisés envió a reconocer la tierra, y que al volver habían hecho murmurar contra él a toda la congregación, desacreditando la tierra,

Números 14:36
Os homens enviados por Moisés em missão de reconhecimento daquela terra retornaram e mobilizaram toda a comunidade de Israel a murmurarem contra ele, ao espalharem um relatório amedrontador, desacreditando a posse da terra;

Ora, quanto aos homens que Moisés mandara a espiar a terra e que, voltando, fizeram murmurar toda a congregação contra ele, infamando a terra,   

Numeri 14:36
Bărbaţii pe cari îi trimesese Moise să iscodească ţara, şi cari, la întoarcerea lor, făcuseră ca toată adunarea să cîrtească împotriva lui, înegrind ţara;

Числа 14:36
И те, которых посылал Моисей для осмотрения земли, и которые, возвратившись, возмутили против него все сие общество, распуская худую молву о земле,

И те, которых посылал Моисей для осмотрения земли, и которые, возвратившись, возмутили против него все сие общество, распуская худую молву о земле,[]

4 Mosebok 14:36
Och de män som Mose hade sänt åstad för att bespeja landet, och som vid sin återkomst hade förlett hela menigheten att knorra mot honom, därigenom att de talade illa om landet,

Numbers 14:36
At ang mga lalake, na sinugo ni Moises upang tumiktik ng lupain, na nagsipagbalik, at nagpaupasala ng buong kapisanan laban sa kaniya sa paghahatid ng masamang balita laban sa lupain,

กันดารวิถี 14:36
คนที่โมเสสใช้ไปสอดแนมที่แผ่นดิน ผู้ที่กลับมาเล่าความใส่ร้ายแผ่นดินนั้น ซึ่งกระทำให้บรรดาชุมนุมชนบ่นว่าโมเสส

Çölde Sayım 14:36
Musanın ülkeyi araştırmak üzere gönderdiği adamlar geri dönüp ülke hakkında kötü haber yayarak bütün topluluğun RABbe söylenmesine neden oldular.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 14:36
Những người mà Môi-se đã sai đi do thám xứ, khi trở về có xui cho cả hội chúng lằm bằm cùng Môi-se,

Numbers 14:35
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