Numbers 14:35
Numbers 14:35
I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will surely do these things to this whole wicked community, which has banded together against me. They will meet their end in this wilderness; here they will die."

I, the LORD, have spoken! I will certainly do these things to every member of the community who has conspired against me. They will be destroyed here in this wilderness, and here they will die!"

I, the LORD, have spoken. Surely this will I do to all this wicked congregation who are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall come to a full end, and there they shall die.”

'I, the LORD, have spoken, surely this I will do to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against Me. In this wilderness they shall be destroyed, and there they will die.'"

I the LORD have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I, Yahweh, have spoken. I swear that I will do this to the entire evil community that has conspired against Me. They will come to an end in the wilderness, and there they will die."

I, the LORD, have spoken. I will indeed do this to this evil congregation, who gathered together against me. They'll be eliminated in this wilderness and will surely die."

I, the LORD, have said, "I will surely do so to all this evil congregation that has gathered together against me. In this wilderness they will be finished, and there they will die!"'"

I, the LORD, have spoken. I swear I will do these things to all the people in this whole wicked community who have joined forces against me. They will meet their end in this desert. Here they will die!"

I, the LORD, have spoken, I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me; in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I the LORD have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I the LORD have said, I will surely do it to all this evil congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I, Jehovah, have spoken, surely this will I do unto all this evil congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

For as I have spoken, so will I do to all this wicked multitude, that hath risen up together against me: in this wilderness shall it faint away and die.

I Jehovah have spoken; I will surely do it unto all this evil assembly which have gathered together against me! in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I the LORD have spoken, surely this will I do unto all this evil congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I the LORD have said, I will surely do it to all this evil congregation, that are gathered against me: in this wilderness, they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.

I, Yahweh, have spoken, surely this will I do to all this evil congregation, who are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die."

I am Jehovah, I have spoken; if I do not this to all this evil company who are meeting against me; -- in this wilderness they are consumed, and there they die.'

Numrat 14:35
Unë, Zoti, fola; me siguri, kështu do të veproj kundër gjithë kësaj asambleje të keqe që u mblodh kundër meje; në këtë shkretëtirë do të treten dhe këtu do të vdesin".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 14:35
انا الرب قد تكلمت لافعلنّ هذا بكل هذه الجماعة الشريرة المتفقة عليّ. في هذا القفر يفنون وفيه يموتون

De Zalrach 14:35
I, dyr Herr, haan gsprochen. Von dönn laaß i mi ietz niemer abbringen. Dös gantze Gschwerl, wo si gögn mi zammgrott haat, kimmt in derer Wüestn um; daa müessnd s sterbn.'"

Числа 14:35
Аз Господ говорих; наистина така ще направя на цялото това нечестиво общество, което се е събрало против Мене; в тая пустиня ще се довършат, и в нея ще измрат.

民 數 記 14:35
我 ─ 耶 和 華 說 過 , 我 總 要 這 樣 待 這 一 切 聚 集 敵 我 的 惡 會 眾 ; 他 們 必 在 這 曠 野 消 滅 , 在 這 裡 死 亡 。

我 ─ 耶 和 华 说 过 , 我 总 要 这 样 待 这 一 切 聚 集 敌 我 的 恶 会 众 ; 他 们 必 在 这 旷 野 消 灭 , 在 这 里 死 亡 。



Numbers 14:35
Ja, Jahve, to kažem: tako ću postupiti s ovom opakom zajednicom što se sjatila protiv mene. U ovoj istoj pustinji neka završi! Tu neka izgine."

Numeri 14:35
Já Hospodin mluvil jsem, že to učiním všemu tomuto množství zlému, kteréž se zrotilo proti mně; na poušti této do konce zhynou, a tu zemrou.

4 Mosebog 14:35
Jeg HERREN har sagt det: Sandelig, saaledes vil jeg handle med hele denne onde Menighed, der har rottet sig sammen imod mig; i Ørkenen her skal de gaa til Grunde, i den skal de dø!«

Numberi 14:35
Ik, de HEERE, heb gesproken: zo Ik dit aan deze ganse boze vergadering dergenen, die zich tegen Mij verzameld hebben, niet doe, zij zullen in deze woestijn te niet worden, en zullen daar sterven!

במדבר 14:35
אֲנִ֣י יְהוָה֮ דִּבַּרְתִּי֒ אִם־לֹ֣א ׀ זֹ֣את אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֗ה לְכָל־הָעֵדָ֤ה הָֽרָעָה֙ הַזֹּ֔את הַנֹּועָדִ֖ים עָלָ֑י בַּמִּדְבָּ֥ר הַזֶּ֛ה יִתַּ֖מּוּ וְשָׁ֥ם יָמֻֽתוּ׃

לה אני יהוה דברתי אם לא זאת אעשה לכל העדה הרעה הזאת הנועדים עלי במדבר הזה יתמו ושם ימתו

אני יהוה דברתי אם־לא ׀ זאת אעשה לכל־העדה הרעה הזאת הנועדים עלי במדבר הזה יתמו ושם ימתו׃

4 Mózes 14:35
Én, az Úr, szólottam. Bizonyára ezt mívelem az egész gonosz gyülekezettel, a mely összegyülekezett vala ellenem; ebben a pusztában emésztetnek meg, és ugyanott halnak meg.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 14:35
Mi, la Eternulo, tion diris:tion Mi faros al tiu tuta malbona komunumo, kiu ribelis kontraux Mi; en cxi tiu dezerto ili pereos kaj cxi tie ili mortos.

Minä Herra olen sen puhunut, sen minä myös teen kaikelle tälle pahalle joukolle, joka on itsensä asettanut minua vastaan: tässä korvessa pitää heidän kuluman ja siinä kuoleman.

Nombres 14:35
Moi, l'Éternel, j'ai parlé; si je ne fais ceci à toute cette méchante assemblée qui s'est assemblée contre moi! Ils seront consumés dans ce désert, et ils y mourront.

Moi, l'Eternel, j'ai parlé! et c'est ainsi que je traiterai cette méchante assemblée qui s'est réunie contre moi; ils seront consumés dans ce désert, ils y mourront.

Je suis l'Eternel qui ai parlé, si je ne fais ceci à toute cette méchante assemblée, à ceux qui se sont assemblés contre moi; ils seront consumés en ce désert, et ils y mourront.

4 Mose 14:35
Ich, der HERR, hab's gesagt, das will ich auch tun aller dieser bösen Gemeine, die sich wider mich empöret hat. In dieser Wüste sollen sie alle werden und daselbst sterben.

Ich, der HERR, habe es gesagt; das will ich auch tun aller dieser bösen Gemeinde, die sich wider mich empört hat. In dieser Wüste sollen sie aufgerieben werden und daselbst sterben. {~} {~}

Ich, Jahwe, habe es gesagt: wahrlich, so will ich verfahren mit dieser ganzen bösen Gemeinde, die sich wider mich zusammengerottet hat; in dieser Steppe sollen sie aufgerieben werden, und da sollen sie sterben.

Numeri 14:35
Io, l’Eterno, ho parlato; certo, così farò a tutta questa malvagia raunanza, la quale s’è messa assieme contro di me; in questo deserto saranno consunti; quivi morranno".

Io il Signore ho parlato. Se io non fo questo a tutta questa malvagia raunanza, che si è convenuta contro a me; essi verranno meno in questo deserto, e vi morranno.

Bahwa Aku ini Tuhan yang telah berfirman. Jikalau tiada Aku berbuat akan segenap sidang orang jahat, yang telah bermufakat hendak melawan akan Daku! Maka di padang ini juga mereka itu akan dibinasakan kelak dan akan mati di sini.

민수기 14:35
나 여호와가 말하였거니와 모여 나를 거역하는 이 악한 온 회중에게 내가 단정코 이같이 행하리니 그들이 이 광야에서 소멸되어 거기서 죽으리라

Numeri 14:35
quoniam sicut locutus sum ita faciam omni multitudini huic pessimae quae consurrexit adversum me in solitudine hac deficiet et morietur

Skaièiø knyga 14:35
Kaip kalbėjau, taip ir padarysiu visai šiai piktai tautai, kuri sukilo prieš mane­visi mirs šioje dykumoje’ ”.

Numbers 14:35
Naku, na Ihowa te kupu, ina, ka meatia tenei e ahau ki tenei whakaminenga kino katoa, kua huihui nei ki te whakahe ki ahau: ka poto ratou ki tenei koraha, ka mate ano hoki ki konei.

4 Mosebok 14:35
Jeg, Herren, har sagt: Sannelig, således vil jeg gjøre med hele denne onde menighet, som har sammensvoret sig mot mig; her i ørkenen skal de gå til grunne, her skal de dø.

Números 14:35
``Yo, el SEÑOR, he hablado; ciertamente esto haré a toda esta perversa congregación que se han juntado contra mí. En este desierto serán destruidos, y aquí morirán.

'Yo, el SEÑOR, he hablado; ciertamente esto haré a toda esta perversa congregación que se han juntado contra mí. En este desierto serán destruidos, y aquí morirán.'"

Yo Jehová he hablado; así haré a toda esta multitud perversa que se ha juntado contra mí; en este desierto serán consumidos, y ahí morirán.

Yo Jehová he hablado; así haré á toda esta multitud perversa que se ha juntado contra mí; en este desierto serán consumidos, y ahí morirán.

Yo el SEÑOR he hablado; así haré a toda esta congregación perversa que se ha juntado contra mí; en este desierto serán consumidos, y allí morirán.

Números 14:35
Eu, o SENHOR, falei e certamente farei cumprir minhas determinações em relação a toda essa congregação desobediente e má, que teve a petulância de se revoltar contra a minha pessoa. Portanto, encontrarão seu fim neste deserto; aqui mesmo perecerão!”

Eu, o Senhor, tenho falado; certamente assim o farei a toda esta má congregação, aos que se sublevaram contra mim; neste deserto se consumirão, e aqui morrerão.   

Numeri 14:35
Eu, Domnul, am vorbit! În adevăr, aşa voi face acestei rele adunări, care s'a unit împotriva Mea; vor fi nimiciţi în pustia aceasta şi în ea vor muri.``

Числа 14:35
Я, Господь, говорю, и так и сделаю со всем сим злым обществом,восставшим против Меня: в пустыне сей все они погибнут и перемрут.

Я, Господь, говорю, и так и сделаю со всем сим злым обществом, восставшим против Меня: в пустыне сей все они погибнут и перемрут.[]

4 Mosebok 14:35
Jag, HERREN, talar; jag skall förvisso göra så med hela denna onda menighet, som har rotat sig samman mot mig; här i öknen skola de förgås, här skola de dö.»

Numbers 14:35
Akong Panginoon ang nagsalita, tunay na ito'y aking gagawin sa buong masamang kapisanang ito, na nagpipisan laban sa akin: sa ilang na ito matutunaw sila, at diyan sila mamamatay.

กันดารวิถี 14:35
เราผู้เป็นพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ลั่นวาจาแล้ว เราจะกระทำดังนั้นแก่บรรดาชุมนุมชนที่ชั่วร้ายซึ่งร่วมกันคิดต่อสู้เรา เขาจะสิ้นสุดลงในถิ่นทุรกันดาร เขาจะตายอยู่ที่นั่น"

Çölde Sayım 14:35
Ben RAB söyledim; bana karşı toplanan bu kötü topluluğa bunları gerçekten yapacağım. Bu çölde yıkıma uğrayacak, burada ölecekler.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 14:35
Ta, Ðức Giê-hô-va, đã phán: Ta sẽ làm điều nầy cho cả hội chúng hung dữ nầy đã hiệp lại nghịch cùng ta; chúng nó sẽ bị hao mòn và chết tại trong đồng vắng nầy.

Numbers 14:34
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