Numbers 11:8
Numbers 11:8
The people went around gathering it, and then ground it in a hand mill or crushed it in a mortar. They cooked it in a pot or made it into loaves. And it tasted like something made with olive oil.

The people would go out and gather it from the ground. They made flour by grinding it with hand mills or pounding it in mortars. Then they boiled it in a pot and made it into flat cakes. These cakes tasted like pastries baked with olive oil.

The people went about and gathered it and ground it in handmills or beat it in mortars and boiled it in pots and made cakes of it. And the taste of it was like the taste of cakes baked with oil.

The people would go about and gather it and grind it between two millstones or beat it in the mortar, and boil it in the pot and make cakes with it; and its taste was as the taste of cakes baked with oil.

And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

The people walked around and gathered it. They ground it on a pair of grinding stones or crushed it in a mortar, then boiled it in a cooking pot and shaped it into cakes. It tasted like a pastry cooked with the finest oil.

People would go out to gather it, then they would grind it in mills or pound it in mortars, and then they would boil it in pots or make cakes out of it that tasted like butter cakes.

And the people went about and gathered it, and ground it with mills or pounded it in mortars; they baked it in pans and made cakes of it. It tasted like fresh olive oil.

The people would go around and gather it, then grind it in a handmill or crush it in a mortar. They would cook it in a pot or make round loaves of bread out of it. It tasted like rich pastry made with olive oil.

And the people scattered about and gathered it and ground it in mills or beat it in a mortar and baked it in pans and made cakes of it, and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

The people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in mortars, and boiled it in pots, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

And the people went about, and gathering it, ground it in a mill, or beat it in a mortar, and boiled it in a pot, and made cakes thereof of the taste of bread tempered with oil.

The people went about, and gathered it, and ground it with hand-mills, or beat it in mortars, and boiled it in pots, and made cakes of it; and the taste of it was as the taste of oil-cakes.

The people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in mortars, and seethed it in pots, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

And the people went about, and gathered it and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

The people went around, gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in mortars, and boiled it in pots, and made cakes of it. Its taste was like the taste of fresh oil.

the people have turned aside and gathered it, and ground it with millstones, or beat it in a mortar, and boiled it in a pan, and made it cakes, and its taste hath been as the taste of the moisture of oil.

Numrat 11:8
Populli shkonte rreth e rrotull për ta mbledhur; pastaj e bënte miell me mokrat ose e shtypte në havan, e zinte në një tenxhere ose përgatiste kuleç, të cilët kishin shijen e kuleçëve me vaj.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 11:8
كان الشعب يطوفون ليلتقطوه ثم يطحنونه بالرحى او يدقونه في الهاون ويطبخونه في القدور ويعملونه ملات. وكان طعمه كطعم قطائف بزيت.

De Zalrach 11:8
D Leut gaklaubnd s allweil zamm, muelnd n s mit dyr Mül older gstampfend s und gakochend s und buechend Zelttn draus. Wie Ölkuechen gschmöckend die.

Числа 11:8
И людете се пръскаха наоколо та я събираха, мелеха я в мелници, или я чукаха в кутли, и варяха я в гърнета, и правеха пити от нея; а вкусът й беше като вкус на пити пържени в масло.

民 數 記 11:8
百 姓 周 圍 行 走 , 把 嗎 哪 收 起 來 , 或 用 磨 推 , 或 用 臼 搗 , 煮 在 鍋 中 , 又 做 成 餅 , 滋 味 好 像 新 油 。

百 姓 周 围 行 走 , 把 吗 哪 收 起 来 , 或 用 磨 推 , 或 用 臼 捣 , 煮 在 锅 中 , 又 做 成 饼 , 滋 味 好 像 新 油 。



Numbers 11:8
Narod išao naokolo, skupljao je, a onda tro kamenom na kamenoj ploči ili stÓupao u stÓupi. Kuhao ju je u loncu i od nje pravio kolače. Okus joj bijaše kao okus kolača zgotovljena u ulju.

Numeri 11:8
I vycházíval lid, a sbírali a mleli žernovy, neb tloukli v moždířích, a smažili na pánvici, aneb koláče podpopelné dělali z ní; chut pak její byla jako chut nového oleje.

4 Mosebog 11:8
Folket gik rundt og sankede den op; derpaa malede de den i Haandkværne eller stødte den i Mortere; saa kogte de den i Gryder og lavede Kager deraf; den smagte da som Bagværk tillavet i Olie.

Numberi 11:8
Het volk liep hier en daar, en verzamelde het, en maalde het met molens, of stiet het in mortieren, en zood het in potten, en maakte daarvan koeken; en zijn smaak was als de smaak van de beste vochtigheid der olie.

במדבר 11:8
שָׁטוּ֩ הָעָ֨ם וְלָֽקְט֜וּ וְטָחֲנ֣וּ בָרֵחַ֗יִם אֹ֤ו דָכוּ֙ בַּמְּדֹכָ֔ה וּבִשְּׁלוּ֙ בַּפָּר֔וּר וְעָשׂ֥וּ אֹתֹ֖ו עֻגֹ֑ות וְהָיָ֣ה טַעְמֹ֔ו כְּטַ֖עַם לְשַׁ֥ד הַשָּֽׁמֶן׃

ח שטו העם ולקטו וטחנו ברחים או דכו במדכה ובשלו בפרור ועשו אתו עגות והיה טעמו כטעם לשד השמן

שטו העם ולקטו וטחנו ברחים או דכו במדכה ובשלו בפרור ועשו אתו עגות והיה טעמו כטעם לשד השמן׃

4 Mózes 11:8
Kiomol vala pedig a nép, és szedik vala [a mannát], és õrlik vala kézimalmokban, vagy megtörik vala mozsárban, és megfõzik vala fazékban, és csinálnak vala abból pogácsákat: az íze pedig olyan vala, mint az olajos kalácsé.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 11:8
La popolo disiradis kaj kolektadis kaj mueladis per muelsxtonoj aux pistadis en pistujo, kaj kuiradis en kaldrono kaj faradis el gxi kukojn; kaj gxia gusto estis kiel la gusto de oleaj kukoj.

Ja kansa juoksi sinne ja tänne, ja kokosi sitä, ja jauhoi myllyllä eli survoi rikki huhmaressa, ja keitti padassa, ja teki itsellensä siitä paistinkakkuja, ja ne maistivat niinkuin öljyleivät.

Nombres 11:8
Le peuple se dispersait et la ramassait; et ils la broyaient sous la meule ou la pilaient dans le mortier; et ils la cuisaient dans des pots, et en faisaient des gâteaux; et son goût était comme le goût d'un gâteau à l'huile.

Le peuple se dispersait pour la ramasser; il la broyait avec des meules, ou la pilait dans un mortier; il la cuisait au pot, et en faisait des gâteaux. Elle avait le goût d'un gâteau à l'huile.

Le peuple se dispersait, et la ramassait, puis il la moulait aux meules, ou la pilait dans un mortier, et la faisait cuire dans un chauderon, et en faisait des gâteaux, dont le goût était semblable à celui d'une liqueur d'huile fraîche.

4 Mose 11:8
Und das Volk lief hin und her und sammelte und stieß es mit Mühlen und zerrieb's in Mörsern und kochte es in Töpfen und machte ihm Aschenkuchen draus; und es hatte einen Geschmack wie ein Ölkuchen.

Und das Volk lief hin und her und sammelte und zerrieb es mit Mühlen und stieß es in Mörsern und kochte es in Töpfen und machte sich Aschenkuchen daraus; und es hatte einen Geschmack wie ein Ölkuchen. {~}

Die Leute streiften umher, lasen es auf und mahlten es in der Handmühle oder zerstießen es im Mörser. Dann kochten sie es im Topf und bereiteten daraus Fladen; es schmeckte aber wie Ölkuchen.

Numeri 11:8
Il popolo andava attorno a raccoglierla; poi la riduceva in farina con le macine o la pestava nel mortaio, la faceva cuocere in pentole o ne faceva delle focacce, e aveva il sapore d’una focaccia con l’olio.

E il popolo si spandeva, e la raccoglieva; poi la macinava con le macine, o la pestava nel mortaio; e la coceva in pentole, o ne facea delle focaccie; e il sapore di essa era come il sapor di pastello oliato.

Maka orang banyak itu berjalan ke sana ke mari akan memungut dia, lalu dikisarnya dengan kisaran atau ditumbuknya dalam lesung dan dimasaknya dalam periuk atau diperbuatnya penganan; maka rasanya seakan-akan penganan manis yang digoreng dengan minyak.

민수기 11:8
백성이 두루 다니며 그것을 거두어 맷돌에 갈기도 하며 절구에 찧기도 하고 가마에 삶기도 하여 과자를 만들었으니 그 맛이 기름 섞은 과자맛 같았더라

Numeri 11:8
circuibatque populus et colligens illud frangebat mola sive terebat in mortario coquens in olla et faciens ex eo tortulas saporis quasi panis oleati

Skaièiø knyga 11:8
Žmonės vaikščiojo aplinkui ir ją rinkosi, malė girnomis ar susitrindavo grūstuvuose, virė puoduose ir kepė iš jos papločius; jos skonis buvo panašus į ragaišio su aliejumi skonį.

Numbers 11:8
I kopikopiko te iwi ki te kohi, a hurihia ana e ratou ki nga mira, i tukia ranei ki te kumete, a tunua ana e ratou ki te kohua, hanga ana hoki hei keke: ko tona reka kei to te hinu hou.

4 Mosebok 11:8
Folket løp hit og dit og sanket og malte den på håndkvern eller støtte den i morter og kokte den i gryter eller bakte kaker av den, og den smakte som oljekake.

Números 11:8
El pueblo iba, lo recogía y lo molía entre dos piedras de molino, o lo machacaba en el mortero, y lo hervía en el caldero y hacía tortas con él; y tenía el sabor de tortas cocidas con aceite.

El pueblo iba, lo recogía y lo molía entre dos piedras de molino, o lo machacaba en el mortero, y lo hervía en el caldero y hacía tortas con él; y tenía el sabor de tortas cocidas con aceite.

Y el pueblo se esparcía y lo recogía, y lo molía en molinos o lo majaba en morteros, y lo cocía en caldera, o hacía de él tortas; y su sabor era como sabor de aceite nuevo.

Derrámabase el pueblo, y recogían, y molían en molinos, ó majaban en morteros, y lo cocían en caldera, ó hacían de él tortas: y su sabor era como sabor de aceite nuevo.

El pueblo se esparcía, y lo recogía, y lo molía en molinos, o lo majaba en morteros, y lo cocía en caldera, o hacía de él tortas; y su sabor era como sabor de aceite nuevo.

Números 11:8
O povo espalhava-se pelo arraial para recolhê-lo; e o triturava num moinho manual ou socava-o em um pilão; depois cozinhava o maná e com ele fazia bolos. Tinha gosto de bolo amassado com azeite de oliva.

O povo espalhava-se e o colhia, e, triturando-o em moinhos ou pisando-o num gral, em panelas o cozia, e dele fazia bolos; e o seu sabor era como o sabor de azeite fresco.   

Numeri 11:8
Poporul se risipea şi o strîngea, o măcina la rîşniţă, sau o pisa într'o piuă; o fierbea în oală, şi făcea turte din ea. Mana avea gustul unei turte făcute cu untdelemn.

Числа 11:8
народ ходил и собирал ее, и молол в жерновах или толок в ступе, и варил в котле, и делал из нее лепешки; вкусже ее подобен был вкусу лепешек с елеем.

народ ходил и собирал ее, и молол в жерновах или толок в ступе, и варил в котле, и делал из нее лепешки; вкус же ее подобен был вкусу лепешек с елеем.[]

4 Mosebok 11:8
Folket gick omkring och samlade sådant, och malde det därefter på handkvarn eller stötte sönder det i mortel, och kokte det sedan i gryta och bakade kakor därav; och det smakade såsom fint bakverk med olja.

Numbers 11:8
Ang bayan ay dumadaan sa palibot, at pinupulot yaon, at kanilang ginigiling sa mga gilingan, o kanilang dinidikdik sa mga lusong, at kanilang niluluto sa mga palyok, at ginagawa nilang munting tinapay at ang lasa ay gaya ng lasa ng bagong langis.

กันดารวิถี 11:8
ประชาชนก็เที่ยวออกไปเก็บมาโม่หรือตำในครกและใส่หม้อต้มทำขนม รสของมานาเหมือนรสน้ำมันสด

Çölde Sayım 11:8
Halk çıkıp onu toplar, değirmende öğütür ya da havanda döverdi. Çömlekte haşlayıp pide yaparlardı. Tadı zeytinyağında pişirilmiş yiyeceklere benzerdi.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 11:8
Dân sự đi tản ra và hốt lấy, rồi nghiền bằng cối xay, hay là giã bằng cối giã, nấu trong một cái nồi và làm bánh; nếm giống như bánh nhỏ có pha dầu.

Numbers 11:7
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