Numbers 1:16
Numbers 1:16
These were the men appointed from the community, the leaders of their ancestral tribes. They were the heads of the clans of Israel.

These are the chosen leaders of the community, the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of the clans of Israel."

These were the ones chosen from the congregation, the chiefs of their ancestral tribes, the heads of the clans of Israel.

"These are they who were called of the congregation, the leaders of their fathers' tribes; they were the heads of divisions of Israel."

These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

These are the men called from the community; they are leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of Israel's clans."

These men were appointed from within their communities, since they were leaders of their ancestral houses and heads of the tribes of Israel.

These were the ones chosen from the community, leaders of their ancestral tribes. They were the heads of the thousands of Israel.

These were the men chosen from the community, the leaders of their ancestors' tribes, and heads of the divisions of Israel.

these were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, captains of the thousands of Israel.

These were the renowned of the congregation, leaders of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

These are they that were called of the congregation, the princes of the tribes of their fathers; they were the heads of the thousands of Israel.

These are the most noble princes of the multitude by their tribes and kindreds, and the chiefs of the army of Israel:

These were those summoned of the assembly, princes of the tribes of their fathers, the heads of the thousands of Israel.

These are they that were called of the congregation, the princes of the tribes of their fathers; they were the heads of the thousands of Israel.

These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

These are those who were called of the congregation, the princes of the tribes of their fathers; they were the heads of the thousands of Israel.

These are those called of the company, princes of the tribes of their fathers; they are heads of the thousands of Israel.

Numrat 1:16
Këta janë ata që u zgjodhën nga asambleja, prijësit e fiseve të etërve të tyre, krerët e divizioneve të Izraelit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 1:16
هؤلاء هم مشاهير الجماعة رؤساء اسباط آبائهم. رؤوس الوف اسرائيل.

De Zalrach 1:16
Dös seind die, wo von dyr Gmain gschickt wurdnd, Gwäpplte in ienerne Stämm und die, wo s Hörwösn daadl unter sir hietnd.

Числа 1:16
Тия бяха избраните от обществото, началници на бащините си племена, глави на Израилевите хиляди.

民 數 記 1:16
這 都 是 從 會 中 選 召 的 , 各 作 本 支 派 的 首 領 , 都 是 以 色 列 軍 中 的 統 領 。

这 都 是 从 会 中 选 召 的 , 各 作 本 支 派 的 首 领 , 都 是 以 色 列 军 中 的 统 领 。



Numbers 1:16
To bijahu sazivači zajednice, knezovi pradjedovskih plemena i glavari rodova izraelskih.

Numeri 1:16
Ti jsou slovoutní z lidu, knížata pokolení otců svých, ti jako hlavy tisíců Izraelských budou.

4 Mosebog 1:16
Det var de Mænd, der udtoges af Menigheden, Øversterne for deres Fædrenestammer, Overhovederne for Israels Stammer.

Numberi 1:16
Dezen waren de geroepenen der vergadering, de oversten der stammen hunner vaderen; zij waren de hoofden der duizenden van Israel.

במדבר 1:16
אֵ֚לֶּה [קְרִיאֵי כ] (קְרוּאֵ֣י ק) הָעֵדָ֔ה נְשִׂיאֵ֖י מַטֹּ֣ות אֲבֹותָ֑ם רָאשֵׁ֛י אַלְפֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל הֵֽם׃

טז אלה קריאי (קרואי) העדה נשיאי מטות אבותם  ראשי אלפי ישראל הם

אלה [קריאי כ] (קרואי ק) העדה נשיאי מטות אבותם ראשי אלפי ישראל הם׃

4 Mózes 1:16
Ezek a gyülekezetnek hivatalosai, az õ atyjok törzseinek fejei, Izráel ezereinek [is] fejei õk.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 1:16
Tio estas la distingitoj el la komunumo, la estroj de la triboj de siaj patroj, la cxefoj de la miloj de Izrael.

Nämät olivat kutsutut kansan seasta, isäinsä sukuin esimiehet, jotka olivat Israelin tuhanten päät.

Nombres 1:16
Ce sont là ceux qui furent les principaux de l'assemblée, les princes des tribus de leurs pères, les chefs des milliers d'Israël.

Tels sont ceux qui furent convoqués à l'assemblée, princes des tribus de leurs pères, chefs des milliers d'Israël.

C'étaient là ceux qu'on appelait pour tenir l'assemblée; ils étaient les principaux des Tribus de leurs pères, chefs des milliers d'Israël.

4 Mose 1:16
Das sind die Vornehmsten der Gemeine, die Hauptleute unter den Stämmen ihrer Väter, die da Häupter und Fürsten in Israel waren.

Das sind die Vornehmsten der Gemeinde, die Fürsten unter den Stämmen ihrer Väter, die da Häupter über die Tausende in Israel waren.

Das waren die aus der Gemeinde Berufenen, die Fürsten ihrer väterlichen Stämme, die Häupter der Tausendschaften Israels.

Numeri 1:16
Questi furono i chiamati dal seno della raunanza, i principi delle tribù de’ loro padri, i capi delle migliaia d’Israele.

Costoro erano quelli che si chiamavano alla raunanza, principali delle tribù loro paterne, e capi delle migliaia d’Israele.

Maka sekalian inilah orang terpanggil kepada majelis besar dan kepala suku bangsanya dan penghulu-penghulu atas beribu-ribu orang Israel adanya.

민수기 1:16
그들은 회중에서 부름을 받은 자요 그 조상 지파의 족장으로서 이스라엘 천만인의 두령이라

Numeri 1:16
hii nobilissimi principes multitudinis per tribus et cognationes suas et capita exercitus Israhel

Skaièiø knyga 1:16
Šitie yra tautos išrinktieji, atskirų giminių kunigaikščiai ir Izraelio tūkstančių vadai.

Numbers 1:16
Ko nga mea whai ingoa enei o te whakaminenga, ko nga ariki o nga iwi o o ratou matua; ko ratou nga upoko o nga mano i roto i a Iharaira.

4 Mosebok 1:16
Dette var menighetens utkårne, høvdingene for sine fedrenestammer, overhodene for Israels tusener.

Números 1:16
Estos son los que fueron llamados de la congregación, los principales de las tribus de sus padres; ellos fueron los jefes de las divisiones de Israel.

"Estos son los que fueron llamados de la congregación, los principales de las tribus de sus padres; ellos eran los jefes de las divisiones de Israel."

Éstos eran los de renombre entre la congregación, príncipes de las tribus de sus padres, capitanes de los millares de Israel.

Estos eran los nombrados de la congregación, príncipes de las tribus de sus padres, capitanes de los millares de Israel.

Estos eran los nombrados de la congregación, príncipes de las tribus de sus padres, capitanes de los millares de Israel.

Números 1:16
Esses foram os homens escolhidos na comunidade; eram chefes da tribo de seu antepassado e esses eram os cabeças dos milhares de Israel.

São esses os que foram chamados da congregação, os príncipes das tribos de seus pais, os cabeças dos milhares de Israel.   

Numeri 1:16
Aceştia sînt cei ce au fost aleşi de adunare, mai marii seminţiilor părinţilor lor, căpeteniile miilor lui Israel.

Числа 1:16
Это – избранные мужи общества, начальники колен отцов своих, главытысяч Израилевых.

Это--избранные мужи общества, начальники колен отцов своих, главы тысяч Израилевых.[]

4 Mosebok 1:16
Dessa voro ombud för menigheten, hövdingar för sina fädernestammar, huvudmän för Israels ätter.

Numbers 1:16
Ito ang mga tinawag sa kapisanan, na mga prinsipe sa mga lipi ng kanikanilang mga magulang; sila ang mga pangulo ng libolibong taga Israel.

กันดารวิถี 1:16
คนเหล่านี้เป็นคนที่ชุมนุมชนเลือกให้เป็นประมุขแห่งตระกูลของบรรพบุรุษของเขา เป็นหัวหน้าคนอิสราเอลที่นับเป็นพันๆ

Çölde Sayım 1:16
Bunlar İsrail topluluğundan atanmış adamlardı; atalarının soyundan gelen oymak önderleri, İsrailin boy başlarıydı.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 1:16
Ðó là những người được gọi từ trong hội chúng, vốn là quan trưởng của các chi phái tổ phụ mình, và là quan tướng quân đội Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Numbers 1:15
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