Nehemiah 4:11
Nehemiah 4:11
Also our enemies said, "Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put an end to the work."

Meanwhile, our enemies were saying, "Before they know what's happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work."

And our enemies said, “They will not know or see till we come among them and kill them and stop the work.”

Our enemies said, "They will not know or see until we come among them, kill them and put a stop to the work."

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

And our enemies said, "They won't know or see anything until we're among them and can kill them and stop the work."

Our enemies said, "Before they notice or see us, we'll penetrate their midst, kill them, and stop the work!"

Our adversaries also boasted, "Before they are aware or anticipate anything, we will come in among them and kill them, and we will bring this work to a halt!"

Our enemies said, "Before they know what is happening or see a thing, we will be right in the middle of them. We'll kill them and bring the work to an end."

And our adversaries said, They shall not know or see until we come in the midst among them and slay them and cause the work to cease.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the middle among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come into the midst of them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

And our enemies said: Let them not know, nor understand, till we come in the midst of them, and kill them, and cause the work to cease.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come into the midst of them and kill them, and put an end to the work.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come into the midst of them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.

Our adversaries said, "They shall not know, neither see, until we come into the midst of them, and kill them, and cause the work to cease."

And our adversaries say, 'They do not know, nor see, till that we come in to their midst, and have slain them, and caused the work to cease.'

Nehemia 4:11
Përveç kësaj kundërshtarët tanë thonin: "Ata nuk do të dinë dhe nuk do të shohin asgjë, deri sa ne do të sulemi në mes të tyre dhe do t'i vrasim; kështu do të bëjmë që të ndërpriten punimet".

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 4:11
وقال اعداؤنا لا يعلمون ولا يرون حتى ندخل الى وسطهم ونقتلهم ونوقف العمل.

Dyr Nehymies 4:11
Dyrweil gsagnd syr ünserne Feindd: "Die derffend nix von üns gspannen, hinst däß myr daa seind; und naacherd murx myr s ab, und mit dönn gantzn Werchl ist ayn Rue!"

Неемия 4:11
А неприятелите ни рекоха: Няма да усетят, нито да видят докле дойдем всред тях, та ги избием и спрем работата.

尼 希 米 記 4:11
我 們 的 敵 人 且 說 : 趁 他 們 不 知 不 見 , 我 們 進 入 他 們 中 間 , 殺 他 們 , 使 工 作 止 住 。

我 们 的 敌 人 且 说 : 趁 他 们 不 知 不 见 , 我 们 进 入 他 们 中 间 , 杀 他 们 , 使 工 作 止 住 。



Nehemiah 4:11
A naši neprijatelji rekoše: "Uvući ćemo se među njih prije nego što doznaju i opaze nas: tada ćemo ih poubijati i tako osujetiti pothvat!"

Kinha Nehemiášova 4:11
Anobrž i řekli nepřátelé naši: Nezvědíť, ani spatří, až vpadneme mezi ně, a pomordujeme je, aneb zastavíme to dílo.

Nehemias 4:11
Og vore Fjender sagde: De maa ikke mærke noget, før vi staar midt iblandt dem og hugger dem ned og saaledes faar Arbejdet til at gaa i Staa!

Nehemia 4:11
Nu hadden onze vijanden gezegd: Zij zullen het niet weten, noch zien, totdat wij in het midden van hen komen, en slaan hen dood; alzo zullen wij het werk doen ophouden.

נחמיה 4:11
וַיֹּאמְר֣וּ צָרֵ֗ינוּ לֹ֤א יֵדְעוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִרְא֔וּ עַ֛ד אֲשֶׁר־נָבֹ֥וא אֶל־תֹּוכָ֖ם וַהֲרַגְנ֑וּם וְהִשְׁבַּ֖תְנוּ אֶת־הַמְּלָאכָֽה׃

ה ויאמרו צרינו לא ידעו ולא יראו עד אשר נבוא אל תוכם והרגנום והשבתנו את המלאכה

ויאמרו צרינו לא ידעו ולא יראו עד אשר־נבוא אל־תוכם והרגנום והשבתנו את־המלאכה׃

Nehemiás 4:11
A mi ellenségeink pedig ezt mondották: Ingyen se tudják meg, se ne lássák, míg közikbe bemegyünk és õket leöljük, és megszüntetjük a munkát.

Neĥemja 4:11
Kaj niaj malamikoj diris:Ili ne scios kaj ne vidos, gxis ni venos en ilian mezon kaj mortigos ilin kaj cxesigos la laboradon.

Ja meidän vihollisemme sanoivat: ei heidän pidä tietämän eli näkemän, ennenkuin me olemme juuri heidän keskellänsä, tapamme heidät ja estämme työn.

Néhémie 4:11
Et nos ennemis disaient: Ils ne le sauront pas et ne le verront pas, jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions au milieu d'eux: et nous les tuerons, et nous ferons cesser l'ouvrage.

Et nos ennemis disaient: Ils ne sauront et ne verront rien jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions au milieu d'eux; nous les tuerons, et nous ferons ainsi cesser l'ouvrage.

Or nos ennemis avaient dit : Qu'ils n'en sachent rien, et qu'ils n'en voient rien, jusqu'à ce que nous entrions au milieu d'eux, et que nous les mettions à mort, et fassions cesser l'ouvrage.

Nehemia 4:11
Unsere Widersacher aber gedachten: Sie sollen's nicht wissen noch sehen, bis wir mitten unter sie kommen und sie erwürgen und das Werk hindern.

Unsre Widersacher aber gedachten: Sie sollen's nicht wissen noch sehen, bis wir mitten unter sie kommen und sie erwürgen und das Werk hindern.

Unsere Widersacher aber dachten: Sie sollen nichts merken und nichts sehen, bis wir mitten unter sie kommen und sie niedermetzeln und dem Bau ein Ende bereiten!

Neemia 4:11
E i nostri avversari dicevano: "Essi non sapranno e non vedranno nulla, finché noi giungiamo in mezzo a loro; allora li uccideremo, e farem cessare i lavori".

Facciamo sì ch’essi non ne sappian nulla, e che non ci veggano, finchè non siamo entrati per mezzo loro; allora li uccideremo, e faremo cessar l’opera.

Setelah itu maka kata musuh kami: Jangan diketahuinya dan jangan dilihatnya sesuatu dahulu dari pada kami sudah masuk sampai ke tengah-tengah mereka itu dan membunuh mereka itu; maka demikian kami kelak membantutkan pekerjaan itu.

느헤미아 4:11
우리의 대적은 이르기를 `저희가 알지 못하고 보지 못하는 사이에 우리가 저희 중에 달려 들어가서 살륙하여 역사를 그치게 하리라' 하고

Nehemiae 4:11
et dixerunt hostes nostri nesciant et ignorent donec veniamus in medio eorum et interficiamus eos et cessare faciamus opus

Nehemijo knyga 4:11
O mūsų priešai kalbėjo: “Jie nesužinos ir nepastebės mūsų, kai mes, atsiradę tarp jų, išžudysime juos ir sustabdysime darbą”.

Nehemiah 4:11
I mea ano o matou hoariri, E kore ratou e mohio, e kore e kite, kia tae atu ra ano tatou ki waenganui i a ratou, ko reira tatou tukituki ai i a ratou, whakamutu ai hoki i te mahi.

Nehemias 4:11
Og våre motstandere sa: De må ikke få vite eller merke noget før vi står midt iblandt dem og hugger dem ned og således gjør ende på arbeidet.

Nehemías 4:11
Y nuestros enemigos decían: No sabrán ni verán hasta que entremos en medio de ellos y los matemos y hagamos cesar la obra.

Y nuestros enemigos decían: "No sabrán ni verán hasta que entremos en medio de ellos y los matemos y hagamos cesar la obra."

Y nuestros enemigos dijeron: No sepan, ni vean, hasta que entremos en medio de ellos, y los matemos, y hagamos cesar la obra.

Y nuestros enemigos dijeron: No sepan, ni vean, hasta que entremos en medio de ellos, y los matemos, y hagamos cesar la obra.

Y nuestros enemigos dijeron: No sepan, ni vean, hasta que entremos en medio de ellos, y los matemos, y hagamos cesar la obra.

Neemias 4:11
E os nossos inimigos ameaçavam: “Antes que percebam qualquer movimento ou sequer possam nos acompanhar com os olhos, estaremos bem ali, no centro da cidade, e vamos liquidá-los e destruir todo o trabalho deles!”

E os nossos inimigos disseram: Nada saberão nem verão, até que entremos no meio deles, e os matemos, e façamos cessar a obra.   

Neemia 4:11
Şi vrăjmaşii noştri ziceau: ,,Nu vor şti şi nu vor vedea nimic pînă vom ajunge în mijlocul lor; îi vom ucide şi vom face astfel să înceteze lucrarea.``

Неемия 4:11
А неприятели наши говорили: не узнают и не увидят, как вдруг мы войдем в средину их и перебьем их, и остановим дело.

А неприятели наши говорили: не узнают и не увидят, как [вдруг] мы войдем в средину их и перебьем их, и остановим дело.[]

Nehemja 4:11
Våra ovänner åter sade: »Innan de få veta eller se något, skola vi stå mitt ibland dem och dräpa dem; så skola vi göra slut på arbetet.»

Nehemiah 4:11
At sinabi ng aming mga kalaban: Sila'y hindi mangakakaalam, o mangakakakita man hanggang sa kami ay magsidating sa gitna nila, at patayin sila, at ipatigil ang gawain.

เนหะมีย์ 4:11
และศัตรูของเรากล่าวว่า "เขาจะไม่รู้ไม่เห็นจนกว่าเราจะเข้ามาท่ามกลางเขาและฆ่าเขา กับยับยั้งงานของเขา"

Nehemya 4:11
Düşmanlarımız ise, ‹‹Onlar anlamadan, bizi görmeden aralarına girip hepsini öldürerek bu işe son verelim›› diye düşünüyorlardı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 4:11
Các thù nghịch chúng tôi nói rằng: Chúng nó sẽ không hay không thấy điều đó, cho đến chừng chúng ta đến giữa chúng nó, giết chúng nó đi, và làm cho chúng nó ngưng công.

Nehemiah 4:10
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