Nehemiah 2:10
Nehemiah 2:10
When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about this, they were very much disturbed that someone had come to promote the welfare of the Israelites.

But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard of my arrival, they were very displeased that someone had come to help the people of Israel.

But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite servant heard this, it displeased them greatly that someone had come to seek the welfare of the people of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about it, it was very displeasing to them that someone had come to seek the welfare of the sons of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard that someone had come to seek the well-being of the Israelites, they were greatly displeased.

But when Sanballat the Horonite and his servant Tobiah the Ammonite heard of this, they were greatly distressed because someone had come to do good for the Israelis.

When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard all this, they were very displeased that someone had come to seek benefit for the Israelites.

But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite servant heard this, they were very upset that someone had come to give the people of Israel so much assistance.

When Sanballat, the Horonite, and Tobiah, the slave, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the sons of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there had come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

And when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly, for that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

And Sanaballat the Horonite, and Tobias the servant, the Ammonite, heard it, and it grieved them exceedingly, that a man was come, who sought the prosperity of the children of Israel.

And when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobijah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there had come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

And when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly, for that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there had come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly, because a man had come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

and Sanballat the Horonite heareth, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and it is evil to them -- a great evil -- that a man hath come in to seek good for the sons of Israel.

Nehemia 2:10
Por kur Sanballati, Horoniti dhe Tobiahu, shërbëtori i Amonit, e mësuan këtë gjë, u shqetësuan shumë, sepse kishte ardhur një burrë që kërkonte të mirën e bijve të Izraelit.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 2:10
ولما سمع سنبلط الحوروني وطوبيا العبد العموني ساءهما مساءة عظيمة لانه جاء رجل يطلب خيرا لبني اسرائيل

Dyr Nehymies 2:10
Dyr Horoner Sämbylätt und dyr ämmannische Amptner Tobies gakriegnd dös mit; und dös gapässt ien gar nit, däß daa ainer kaam, der wo öbbs für d Isryheeler tuen gwill.

Неемия 2:10
А когато аронецът Санавалат и слугата Товия, амонецът, чуха това, оскърбиха се твърде много за дето е дошъл човек да се застъпи за доброто на израилтяните.

尼 希 米 記 2:10
和 倫 人 參 巴 拉 , 並 為 奴 的 亞 捫 人 多 比 雅 , 聽 見 有 人 來 為 以 色 列 人 求 好 處 , 就 甚 惱 怒 。

和 伦 人 参 巴 拉 , 并 为 奴 的 亚 扪 人 多 比 雅 , 听 见 有 人 来 为 以 色 列 人 求 好 处 , 就 甚 恼 怒 。



Nehemiah 2:10
Kad to ču Sanbalat, Horonac, i sluga Tobija, Amonac, bi im vrlo mrsko što je došao čovjek da se zauzme za dobro Izraelaca.

Kinha Nehemiášova 2:10
To když uslyšel Sanballat Choronský, a Tobiáš služebník Ammonitský, velmi je to mrzelo, že přišel člověk, kterýž by obmýšlel dobré synů Izraelských.

Nehemias 2:10
Men da Horoniten Sanballat og den ammonitiske Træl Tobija hørte det, ærgrede de sig højligen over, at der var kommet en Mand for at arbejde paa Israeliternes Bedste.

Nehemia 2:10
Toen nu Sanballat, de Horoniet, en Tobia, de Ammonietische knecht dat hoorden, mishaagde het hun met groot mishagen, dat er een mens gekomen was, om wat goeds te zoeken voor de kinderen Israels.

נחמיה 2:10
וַיִּשְׁמַ֞ע סַנְבַלַּ֣ט הַחֹרֹנִ֗י וְטֹֽובִיָּה֙ הָעֶ֣בֶד הָֽעַמֹּנִ֔י וַיֵּ֥רַע לָהֶ֖ם רָעָ֣ה גְדֹלָ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־בָּ֥א אָדָ֔ם לְבַקֵּ֥שׁ טֹובָ֖ה לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

י וישמע סנבלט החרני וטוביה העבד העמני וירע להם רעה גדלה  אשר בא אדם לבקש טובה לבני ישראל

וישמע סנבלט החרני וטוביה העבד העמני וירע להם רעה גדלה אשר־בא אדם לבקש טובה לבני ישראל׃

Nehemiás 2:10
Mikor pedig a Horonból való Szanballat és az Ammonita Tóbiás, a szolga, meghallották ezt, nagy bosszúságot okozott nékik, hogy jött valaki, a ki Izráel fiainak javokat keresi.

Neĥemja 2:10
Kiam tion auxdis Sanbalat, la HXoronano, kaj Tobija, la sklavo Amonida, ili havis grandan cxagrenon, ke venis homo, por zorgi pri la bono de la Izraelidoj.

Mutta kuin Sanballat Horonilainen ja palvelia Tobia Ammonilainen sen kuulivat, panivat he pahaksensa sangen kovin, että joku ihminen tuli, joka Israelin lasten parasta katsoi.

Néhémie 2:10
Et quand Sanballat, le Horonite, et Tobija, le serviteur ammonite, l'apprirent, ils furent très-mécontents de ce qu'un homme fût venu pour chercher le bien des fils d'Israël.

Sanballat, le Horonite, et Tobija, le serviteur ammonite, l'ayant appris, eurent un grand déplaisir de ce qu'il venait un homme pour chercher le bien des enfants d'Israël.

Ce que Samballat, Horonite, et Tobija, serviteur hammonite, ayant appris, ils eurent un fort grand dépit de ce qu'il était venu quelqu'un pour procurer du bien aux enfants d'Israël.

Nehemia 2:10
Da aber das hörete Saneballat, der Horoniter, und Tobia, ein ammonitischer Knecht, verdroß es sie sehr, daß ein Mensch kommen wäre, der Gutes suchte für die Kinder Israel.

Da aber das hörten Saneballat, der Horoniter, und Tobia, der ammonitische Knecht, verdroß es sie sehr, daß ein Mensch gekommen wäre, der Gutes suchte für die Kinder Israel. {~}

Als aber Sanballat, der Horoniter, und Tobia, der ammonitische Knecht, davon vernahmen, da verdroß es sie schwer, daß jemand angekommen war, um für das Wohlergehen der Israeliten Sorge zu tragen.

Neemia 2:10
E quando Samballat, lo Horonita, e Tobia, il servo Ammonita, furono informati del mio arrivo, ebbero gran dispiacere della venuta d’un uomo che procurava il bene de’ figliuoli d’Israele.

Quando Samballat Horonita; e Tobia, servo Ammonita, ebbero udite queste cose, ebbero gran dispiacere che fosse venuto alcuno per procacciar del bene a’ figliuoli d’Israele.

Adapun serta Sanbalat, orang Horoni, dan Tobia, hamba Ammoni, mendengar perkara itu, maka sangat seganlah keduanya akan hal ini, yaitu adalah datang seorang yang menuntut baiknya bani Israel.

느헤미아 2:10
호론 사람 산발랏과 종 되었던 암몬 사람 도비야가 이스라엘 자손을 흥왕케 하려는 사람이 왔다 함을 듣고 심히 근심하더라

Nehemiae 2:10
et audierunt Sanaballat Horonites et Tobias servus ammanites et contristati sunt adflictione magna quod venisset homo qui quaereret prosperitatem filiorum Israhel

Nehemijo knyga 2:10
Sanbalatas iš Horono ir Tobija, tarnas iš Amono, sužinoję, kad atvyko besirūpinąs izraelitų gerove žmogus, buvo labai nepatenkinti.

Nehemiah 2:10
A, no te rongonga o Hanaparata Horoni raua ko te pononga, ko Topia Amoni, nui rawa te kino i kino ai ki a raua; no te mea kua tae he tangata hei rapu i te pai mo nga tama a Iharaira.

Nehemias 2:10
Men da horonitten Sanballat og den ammonittiske tjener Tobias hørte det, syntes de meget ille om at det var kommet en som vilde arbeide for Israels barns vel.

Nehemías 2:10
Cuando se enteraron Sanbalat horonita y Tobías el oficial amonita, les disgustó mucho que alguien hubiera venido a procurar el bienestar de los hijos de Israel.

Cuando se enteraron Sanbalat el Horonita y Tobías el oficial Amonita, les disgustó mucho que alguien hubiera venido a procurar el bienestar de los Israelitas.

Y oyéndolo Sanbalat horonita, y Tobías, el siervo amonita, les desagradó en extremo que viniese alguno para procurar el bien de los hijos de Israel.

Y oyéndolo Sanballat Horonita, y Tobías, el siervo Ammonita, disgustóles en extremo que viniese alguno para procurar el bien de los hijos de Israel.

Y oyéndolo Sanbalat horonita, y Tobías, el siervo amonita, les disgustó en extremo que viniese alguno para procurar el bien de los hijos de Israel.

Neemias 2:10
Sambalate, o horonita, e Tobias, o oficial amonita, não esconderam seu profundo desagrado assim que notaram que havia alguém interessado no bem dos israelitas.

O que ouvindo Sambalate, o horonita, e Tobias, o servo amonita, ficaram extremamente agastados de que alguém viesse a procurar o bem dos filhos de Israel.    

Neemia 2:10
Sanhalat, Horonitul, şi Tobia, slujitorul Amonit, cînd au auzit lucrul acesta, nu le -a plăcut deloc că venea un om să caute binele copiilor lui Israel.

Неемия 2:10
Когда услышал сие Санаваллат, Хоронит и Товия, Аммонитский раб, то им было весьма досадно, что пришел человекзаботиться о благе сынов Израилевых.

Когда услышал [сие] Санаваллат, Хоронит и Товия, Аммонитский раб, то им было весьма досадно, что пришел человек заботиться о благе сынов Израилевых.[]

Nehemja 2:10
Men då horoniten Sanballat och Tobia, den ammonitiske tjänstemannen, hörde detta, förtröt det dem högeligen att någon hade kommit för att se Israels barn till godo.

Nehemiah 2:10
At nang mabalitaan ni Sanballat na Horonita, at ni Tobias na lingkod, na Ammonita, ay namanlaw na mainam, sapagka't may naparoong isang lalake upang hanapin ang ikagagaling ng mga anak ni Israel.

เนหะมีย์ 2:10
แต่เมื่อสันบาลลัทชาวโฮโรนาอิม และโทบีอาห์คนอัมโมนข้าราชการได้ยินเรื่องนี้ เป็นเรื่องที่ไม่พอใจเขาอย่างยิ่งที่มีคนมาหาความสุขให้คนอิสราเอล

Nehemya 2:10
Horonlu Sanballat ile Ammonlu görevlilerden Toviya, İsrail halkının iyiliği için birinin çalışmaya geldiğini duyunca çok sıkıldılar.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 2:10
Khi San-ba-lát, người Hô-rôn, và Tô-bi-gia, là kẻ tôi tớ Am-môn, hay điều đó, thì lấy làm bất bình vì có người đến đặng tìm kiếm sự hưng thạnh của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Nehemiah 2:9
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