Nehemiah 12:44
Nehemiah 12:44
At that time men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, firstfruits and tithes. From the fields around the towns they were to bring into the storerooms the portions required by the Law for the priests and the Levites, for Judah was pleased with the ministering priests and Levites.

On that day men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the offerings, the first part of the harvest, and the tithes. They were responsible to collect from the fields outside the towns the portions required by the Law for the priests and Levites. For all the people of Judah took joy in the priests and Levites and their work.

On that day men were appointed over the storerooms, the contributions, the firstfruits, and the tithes, to gather into them the portions required by the Law for the priests and for the Levites according to the fields of the towns, for Judah rejoiced over the priests and the Levites who ministered.

On that day men were also appointed over the chambers for the stores, the contributions, the first fruits and the tithes, to gather into them from the fields of the cities the portions required by the law for the priests and Levites; for Judah rejoiced over the priests and Levites who served.

And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the offerings, for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

On that same day men were placed in charge of the rooms that housed the supplies, contributions, firstfruits, and tenths. The legally required portions for the priests and Levites were gathered from the village fields, because Judah was grateful to the priests and Levites who were serving.

Also at that time men were appointed over the storerooms for the contributions, for the first fruits, and for the tithes, so those portions required by the Law could be gathered from the fields adjacent to the towns to benefit the priests and descendants of Levi, for the people of Judah rejoiced over the priests and the descendants of Levi who were serving.

On that day men were appointed over the storerooms for the contributions, first fruits, and tithes, to gather into them from the fields of the cities the portions prescribed by the law for the priests and the Levites, for the people of Judah took delight in the priests and Levites who were ministering.

On that day men were put in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, the first produce harvested, and a tenth of the people's money. They stored in those rooms the gifts designated by Moses' Teachings for the priests and Levites from the fields around the cities. The people of Judah were pleased with the ministry of the priests and Levites.

And at that time men were appointed over the chambers of the treasures, of the offerings, of the firstfruits, and of the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the legal portions for the priests and the Levites; for the joy of Judah was upon the priests and the Levites that served.

And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the stores, for the offerings, for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions required by the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites who ministered.

And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the offerings, for the first fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

And on that day were men appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the heave-offerings, for the first-fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them, according to the fields of the cities, the portions appointed by the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

They appointed also in that day men over the storehouses of the treasure, for the libations, and for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, that the rulers of the city might bring them in by them in honour of thanksgiving, for the priests and Levites: for Juda was joyful in the priests and Levites that assisted.

And at that time men were appointed over the chambers of the treasures for the heave-offerings, for the first-fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them, out of the fields of the cities, the portions assigned by the law for the priests and the Levites; for Judah rejoiced over the priests, and over the Levites that waited.

And on that day were men appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the heave offerings, for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them, according to the fields of the cities, the portions appointed by the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the offerings, for the first-fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

On that day were men appointed over the rooms for the treasures, for the wave offerings, for the first fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them, according to the fields of the cities, the portions appointed by the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites who waited.

And certain are appointed on that day over the chambers for treasures, for heave-offerings, for first-fruits, and for tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for priests, and for Levites, for the joy of Judah is over the priests, and over the Levites, who are standing up.

Nehemia 12:44
Në atë kohë disa njerëz u caktuan për dhomat që shërbenin si magazina për ofertat, për prodhimet e para dhe për të dhjetat, për të mbledhur aty nga arat e qyteteve pjesët e caktuara nga ligji për

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 12:44
وتوكل في ذلك اليوم اناس على المخادع للخزائن والرفائع والاوائل الاعشار ليجمعوا فيها من حقول المدن انصبة الشريعة للكهنة واللاويين لان يهوذا فرح بالكهنة واللاويين الواقفين

Dyr Nehymies 12:44
Dyrselbn wurdnd Stadler bstallt, die wo d Lager mit de Vorraet, Höbn, Eerstlingsfrücht und yn n Zehet unter sir hietnd. In dene Städl gsammlnd s in de ainzlnen Stötn dönn Tail von n Fand, der wo yn de Priester und de Brender gschribn war. Dös taatnd d Judauer gern; so vil warnd ien de Priester und Brender schoon werd.

Неемия 12:44
Тоже в същия ден се определиха човеци над стаите за влагалищата, за приносите, за първите плодове, и за десетъците, за да събират в тях от полетата на градовете дяловете узаконени за свещениците и левитите; защото Юда се радваше поради свещениците и левитите, които служеха.

尼 希 米 記 12:44
當 日 , 派 人 管 理 庫 房 , 將 舉 祭 、 初 熟 之 物 和 所 取 的 十 分 之 一 , 就 是 按 各 城 田 地 , 照 律 法 所 定 歸 給 祭 司 和 利 未 人 的 分 , 都 收 在 裡 頭 。 猶 大 人 因 祭 司 和 利 未 人 供 職 , 就 歡 樂 了 。

当 日 , 派 人 管 理 库 房 , 将 举 祭 、 初 熟 之 物 和 所 取 的 十 分 之 一 , 就 是 按 各 城 田 地 , 照 律 法 所 定 归 给 祭 司 和 利 未 人 的 分 , 都 收 在 里 头 。 犹 大 人 因 祭 司 和 利 未 人 供 职 , 就 欢 乐 了 。



Nehemiah 12:44
U to su vrijeme postavljeni ljudi da nadziru spremišta prinosa, prvina, desetina i da s polja uz gradove sabiru dijelove koje Zakon dodjeljuje svećenicima i levitima. Jer su se Judejci radovali svećenicima i levitima koji su bili u službi.

Kinha Nehemiášova 12:44
Mezi tím zřízeni jsou v ten den muži nad komorami k pokladům a k obětem, i k prvotinám a k desátkům, aby shromažďovali do nich s polí městských díly, zákonem vyměřené kněžím a Levítům; nebo veselil se Juda z kněží a Levítů přístojících,

Nehemias 12:44
Paa den Dag indsattes der Mænd til at have Tilsyn med de Kamre, der brugtes til Forraadene, Offerydelserne, Førstegrøden og Tienden, for i dem at opsamle de i Loven foreskrevne Afgifter til Præsterne og Leviterne fra de forskellige Bymarker, thi Juda glædede sig over Præsterne og Leviterne, der gjorde Tjeneste;

Nehemia 12:44
Ook werden ten zelfden dage mannen gesteld over de kameren, tot de schatten, tot de hefofferen, tot de eerstelingen en tot de tienden, om daarin uit de akkers der steden te verzamelen de delen der wet, voor de priesteren en voor de Levieten; want Juda was vrolijk over de priesteren en over de Levieten, die daar stonden.

נחמיה 12:44
וַיִּפָּקְד֣וּ בַיֹּום֩ הַה֨וּא אֲנָשִׁ֜ים עַל־הַנְּשָׁכֹ֗ות לָאֹ֨וצָרֹ֥ות לַתְּרוּמֹות֮ לָרֵאשִׁ֣ית וְלַמַּֽעַשְׂרֹות֒ לִכְנֹ֨וס בָּהֶ֜ם לִשְׂדֵ֤י הֶעָרִים֙ מְנָאֹ֣ות הַתֹּורָ֔ה לַכֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְלַלְוִיִּ֑ם כִּ֚י שִׂמְחַ֣ת יְהוּדָ֔ה עַל־הַכֹּהֲנִ֥ים וְעַל־הַלְוִיִּ֖ם הָעֹמְדִֽים׃

מד ויפקדו ביום ההוא אנשים על הנשכות לאוצרות לתרומות לראשית ולמעשרות--לכנוס בהם לשדי הערים מנאות התורה לכהנים וללוים  כי שמחת יהודה על הכהנים ועל הלוים העמדים

ויפקדו ביום ההוא אנשים על־הנשכות לאוצרות לתרומות לראשית ולמעשרות לכנוס בהם לשדי הערים מנאות התורה לכהנים וללוים כי שמחת יהודה על־הכהנים ועל־הלוים העמדים׃

Nehemiás 12:44
És rendeltetének ama napon férfiak a kincseknek, felemelt áldozatoknak, elsõ zsengéknek és a tizedeknek tárházai fölé, hogy összegyûjtsék azokba a városok határaiból a törvény szerint való részöket a papoknak és a Lévitáknak, mert örvendeze Júda a papokon és a Lévitákon, a kik ott állának [tisztökben,]

Neĥemja 12:44
Kaj en tiu tago estis starigitaj homoj por la cxambroj de provizejo, por la oferdonoj, la unuaajxoj, la dekonajxoj, por kolekti en tiuj cxambroj el la kampoj de la urboj la preskribitajn partojn por la pastroj kaj la Levidoj; cxar la Judoj gxojis pri la pastroj kaj Levidoj, kiuj staris.

Siihen aikaan asetettiin miehet tavarakammioin päälle, joissa ylennykset, ensimäiset hedelmät ja kymmenykset olivat, joita heidän piti kokooman kaupunkein pelloista, papeille ja Leviläisille jaettaa lain jälkeen; sillä Juudalaisilla oli ilo papeista ja Leviläisistä, jotka seisoivat.

Néhémie 12:44
Et des hommes furent préposés, ce jour-là, sur les chambres des trésors pour les offrandes élevées, pour les prémices, et pour les dîmes, afin d'y recueillir, des champs des villes, les portions assignées par la loi aux sacrificateurs et aux lévites; car Juda se réjouissait à cause des sacrificateurs et des lévites qui se tenaient là;

En ce jour, on établit des hommes ayant la surveillance des chambres qui servaient de magasins pour les offrandes, les prémices et les dîmes, et on les chargea d'y recueillir du territoire des villes les portions assignées par la loi aux sacrificateurs et aux Lévites. Car Juda se réjouissait de ce que les sacrificateurs et les Lévites étaient à leur poste,

Et on établit en ce jour-là des hommes sur les chambres des trésors, des oblations, des prémices et des dîmes; pour rassembler du territoire des villes les portions ordonnées par la Loi aux Sacrificateurs et aux Lévites; car Juda fut dans la joie à cause des Sacrificateurs et des Lévites, qui se trouvaient là;

Nehemia 12:44
Zu der Zeit wurden verordnet Männer über die Schatzkasten, da die Heben, Erstlinge und Zehnten innen waren, daß sie sammeln sollten von den Äckern und um die Städte, auszuteilen nach dem Gesetz für die Priester und Leviten; denn Juda hatte eine Freude an den Priestern und Leviten, daß sie stunden

Zu der Zeit wurden verordnet Männer über die Vorratskammern, darin die Heben, Erstlinge und Zehnten waren, daß sie sammeln sollten von den Äckern um die Städte her, auszuteilen nach dem Gesetz für die Priester und Leviten; denn Juda hatte eine Freude an den Priestern und Leviten, daß sie standen{~}

Zu jener Zeit wurden Männer zu Aufsehern über die Zellen bestellt, die für die Hebeopfer, die Erstlinge und die Zehnten als Vorratskammern dienten, damit die gesetzlichen Abgaben für die Priester und die Leviten von den Feldmarken der Städte darin angesammelt würden; denn Juda hatte seine Freude an den Priestern und an den Leviten, die im Dienste standen.

Neemia 12:44
In quel tempo, degli uomini furon preposti alle stanze che servivan da magazzini delle offerte, delle primizie e delle decime, onde vi raccogliessero dai contadi delle città le parti assegnate dalla legge ai sacerdoti e ai Leviti; poiché i Giudei gioivano a vedere i sacerdoti ed i Leviti ai loro posti;

IN quel giorno ancora furono costituiti uomini sopra le camere dei magazzini delle offerte, primizie, e decime, per raccogliere in esse, dal contado della città, le porzioni assegnate per la Legge a’ sacerdoti, ed a’ Leviti; perciocchè Giuda ebbe una grande allegrezza per cagione de’ sacerdoti e dei Leviti che stavano al loro ufficio;

Maka pada hari itu juga ditentukan beberapa orang akan memerintahkan segala bilik perbekalan dan gedung perbendaharaan, supaya ditaruh dalamnya akan segala persembahan tatangan dan hulu hasil dan dalam sepuluh asa dari pada segala hasil tanah negeri-negeri itu, yaitu bahagian yang ditentukan dalam taurat bagi segala imam dan orang Lewi, karena bersukacitalah orang Yehuda akan pekerjaan yang diperbuat oleh segala imam dan orang Lewi itu.

느헤미아 12:44
그 날에 사람을 세워 곳간을 맡기고 제사장들과 레위 사람들에게 돌릴 것 곧 율법에 정한대로 거제물과 처음 익은 것과 십일조를 모든 성읍 밭에서 거두어 이 곳간을 쌓게 하였노니 이는 유다 사람이 섬기는 제사장들과 레위 사람들을 인하여 즐거워함을 인함이라

Nehemiae 12:44
(12-43) recensuerunt quoque in die illa viros super gazofilacia thesauri ad libamina et ad primitias et ad decimas ut introferrent per eos principes civitatis in decore gratiarum actionis sacerdotes et Levitas quia laetatus est Iuda in sacerdotibus et Levitis adstantibus

Nehemijo knyga 12:44
Tuo metu buvo paskirti žmonės prižiūrėti sandėliams, kurie buvo įrengti atsargoms, vaisių pirmienoms ir dešimtinėms, kas buvo surinkta iš miestų ir kaimų, pagal įstatymą išlaikyti kunigus ir levitus. Judo gyventojai džiaugėsi kunigais ir levitais.

Nehemiah 12:44
I whakaritea ano i taua wa etahi kaitirotiro i nga ruma mo nga taonga, mo nga whakahere hapahapai, mo nga hua matamua, mo nga whakatekau; ma ratou e kohikohi ki reira i nga mara o nga pa, nga wahi i whakaritea e te ture ma nga tohunga ratou ko n ga Riwaiti: i koa hoki a Hura ki nga tohunga, ki nga Riwaiti, ki nga mea e minita ana.

Nehemias 12:44
Samme dag blev det innsatt menn som skulde ha tilsyn med forrådskammerne for de hellige gaver, førstegrøden og tiendene; der skulde de samle fra bymarkene det som efter loven tilkom prestene og levittene; for det var glede i Juda over at prestene og levittene nu utførte sin tjeneste.

Nehemías 12:44
Aquel día fueron designados hombres a cargo de las cámaras destinadas a almacenes de las contribuciones, de las primicias y de los diezmos, para que recogieran en ellas, de los campos de las ciudades, las porciones dispuestas por la ley para los sacerdotes y levitas. Pues Judá se regocijaba por los sacerdotes y levitas que servían.

Aquel día fueron designados hombres a cargo de las cámaras destinadas a almacenes de las contribuciones, de las primicias y de los diezmos, para que de los campos de las ciudades, recogieran en ellas las porciones dispuestas por la ley para los sacerdotes y Levitas. Pues Judá se regocijaba por los sacerdotes y Levitas que servían.

Y en aquel día fueron puestos varones sobres las cámaras de los tesoros, de las ofrendas, de las primicias, y de los diezmos, para juntar en ellas de los campos de las ciudades las porciones legales para los sacerdotes y levitas; porque era grande el gozo de Judá con respecto a los sacerdotes y levitas que servían.

Y en aquel día fueron puestos varones sobres las cámaras de los tesoros, de las ofrendas, de las primicias, y de los diezmos, para juntar en ellas, de los campos de la ciudades, las porciones legales para los sacerdotes y Levitas: porque era grande el goz

Y en aquel día fueron puestos varones sobres las cámaras de los tesoros, de las ofrendas, de las primicias, y de los diezmos; para juntar en ellas, de los campos de la ciudades, las porciones legales para los sacerdotes y para los levitas; porque la alegría de Judá era sobre los sacerdotes y levitas que servían.

Neemias 12:44
No mesmo dia foram nomeados responsáveis pelos celeiros e câmaras dos tesouros a fim de poderem receber as ofertas de cereais, os primeiros frutos e os dízimos. Dos campos em volta das cidades deveriam recolher as porções designadas pela Torá, Lei, para os sacerdotes e levitas. Pois Judá expressava sua grande satisfação ao ver os sacerdotes e levitas em seus postos de serviço,

No mesmo dia foram nomeados homens sobre as câmaras do tesouro para as ofertas alçadas, as primícias e os dízimos, para nelas recolherem, dos campos, das cidades, os quinhões designados pela lei para os sacerdotes e para os levitas; pois Judá se alegrava por estarem os sacerdotes e os levitas no seu posto,   

Neemia 12:44
În ziua aceea, s'au rînduit oameni cari să privegheze asupra odăilor cari slujeau de cămări pentru darurile de mîncare, cele dintîi roade şi zeciuieli. Ei au fost însărcinaţi să adune în ele, din ţinutul cetăţilor, părţile hotărîte de Lege preoţilor şi Leviţilor. Căci Iuda se bucura că preoţii şi Leviţii erau la locul lor,

Неемия 12:44
В тот же день приставлены были люди к кладовым комнатам для приношений начатков и десятин, чтобы собирать с полей при городах части, положенные законом для священников и левитов, потому что Иудеям радостно было смотреть на стоящих священников и левитов,

В тот же день приставлены были люди к кладовым комнатам для приношений начатков и десятин, чтобы собирать с полей при городах части, положенные законом для священников и левитов, потому что Иудеям радостно было [смотреть] на стоящих священников и левитов,[]

Nehemja 12:44
Vid samma tid tillsattes män som skulle förestå förrådskamrarna där offergärder, förstling och tionde nedlades; de skulle i dem hopsamla från stadsåkrarna det som efter lagen tillkom prästerna och leviterna. Ty glädje rådde i Juda över att prästerna och leviterna nu gjorde sin tjänst.

Nehemiah 12:44
At nang araw na yaon ay nahalal ang ilan sa mga lalake sa mga silid na ukol sa mga kayamanan, sa mga handog na itataas, sa mga unang bunga, at sa mga ikasangpung bahagi, upang pisanin sa mga yaon, ayon sa mga bukid ng mga bayan, na mga bahaging takda ng kautusan sa mga saserdote at mga Levita: sapagka't kinagagalakan ng Juda ang mga saserdote at mga Levita na nagsitayo.

เนหะมีย์ 12:44
ในวันนั้น เขาแต่งตั้งบางคนให้ดูแลห้องสำหรับพัสดุ ของบริจาค ผลไม้รุ่นแรก ส่วนสิบชักหนึ่ง ให้รวบรวมปันส่วนซึ่งกำหนดไว้ในพระราชบัญญัติสำหรับปุโรหิตและคนเลวีเข้ามาไว้ในนั้น ตามไร่นาในหัวเมืองเหล่านั้น เพราะยูดาห์เปรมปรีดิ์ด้วยเรื่องบรรดาปุโรหิต และคนเลวีผู้ปรนนิบัติอยู่นั้น

Nehemya 12:44
Bu arada bağışların, ilk ürünlerin ve ondalıkların konacağı ambarları gözetecek bazı kişiler görevlendirildi. Bunlar Kutsal Yasanın kâhinler ve Levililer için öngördüğü yardımları kentlerin çevresindeki kırsal bölgelerden toplayıp ambarlara getirmekle sorumluydu. Yahudalılar kâhinlerle Levililerin hizmetinden hoşnuttu.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 12:44
Trong ngày đó, người ta lập kẻ coi sóc các phóng kho tàng về của lễ dâng giơ lên, về của đầu mùa, về thuế một phần mười, đặng thâu vào nó, tùy theo đồng của các thành, phần của những thầy tế lễ và người Lê-vi, mà luật pháp đã chỉ định; vì Giu-đa vui mừng nhơn những thầy tế lễ và người Lê-vi đứng hầu việc.

Nehemiah 12:43
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