Nehemiah 11:23
Nehemiah 11:23
The musicians were under the king's orders, which regulated their daily activity.

Their daily responsibilities were carried out according to the terms of a royal command.

For there was a command from the king concerning them, and a fixed provision for the singers, as every day required.

For there was a commandment from the king concerning them and a firm regulation for the song leaders day by day.

For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

There was, in fact, a command of the king regarding them, and an ordinance regulating the singers' daily tasks.

They were subject to the commands of the king, who provided for the singers daily.

For they were under royal orders which determined their activity day by day.

They were under orders from the king, orders that determined which duties they should perform day by day.

For there was a commandment of the king concerning them and a determination of the singers for each day.

For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, as required every day.

For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

For there was a commandment from the king concerning them, and a settled provision for the singers, as every day required.

For the king's commandment was concerning them, and an order among the singing men day by day.

For it was the king's commandment concerning them, and there was a settled portion for the singers, due for each day.

For there was a commandment from the king concerning them, and a settled provision for the singers, as every day required.

For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.

For there was a commandment from the king concerning them, and a settled provision for the singers, as every day required.

for the command of the king is upon them, and support is for the singers, a matter of a day in its day.

Nehemia 11:23
Përsa u përket atyre, në fakt mbreti kishte dhënë urdhër që çdo ditë t'i jepej këngëtarëve një furnizim i caktuar

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 11:23
لان وصية الملك من جهتهم كانت ان للمرنمين فريضة امر كل يوم فيوم.

Dyr Nehymies 11:23
Daa gaab s nömlich ayn künigliche Vorschrift, was d Sönger an de ainzlen Täg zo n Singen hietnd.

Неемия 11:23
Защото имаше царска заповед за тях, и определен дял за певците според нуждата на всеки ден.

尼 希 米 記 11:23
王 為 歌 唱 的 出 命 令 , 每 日 供 給 他 們 必 有 一 定 之 糧 。

王 为 歌 唱 的 出 命 令 , 每 日 供 给 他 们 必 有 一 定 之 粮 。



Nehemiah 11:23
Jer je za njih bila kraljeva zapovijed i uredba za svakodnevnu službu.

Kinha Nehemiášova 11:23
Nebo poručení královské bylo o nich, a stálé odměření pro zpěváky na každý den.

Nehemias 11:23
Der var nemlig udstedt en kongelig Befaling om dem, og der var tilsikret Sangerne dagligt Underhold.

Nehemia 11:23
Want er was een gebod des konings van hen, te weten, een zeker onderhoud voor de zangers, van elk dagelijks op zijn dag.

נחמיה 11:23
כִּֽי־מִצְוַ֥ת הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וַאֲמָנָ֥ה עַל־הַמְשֹׁרְרִ֖ים דְּבַר־יֹ֥ום בְּיֹומֹֽו׃

כג כי מצות המלך עליהם ואמנה על המשררים דבר יום ביומו

כי־מצות המלך עליהם ואמנה על־המשררים דבר־יום ביומו׃

Nehemiás 11:23
Mert õk, [a Léviták], a király parancsolata szerint, az énekesek pedig kötés szerint [végezék] naponként való teendõjüket;

Neĥemja 11:23
CXar pri ili estis ordono de la regxo, kaj por la kantistoj estis difinita cxiutaga salajro.

Sillä se oli kuninkaan käsky heille, että veisaajille piti oleman päiväinen määrä.

Néhémie 11:23
Car c'était le commandement du roi à leur égard, et il y avait un fixe pour les chantres, pour chaque jour ce qu'il fallait.

car il y avait un ordre du roi concernant les chantres, et un salaire fixe leur était accordé pour chaque jour.

Car il y avait aussi un commandement du Roi qui les regardait, et il y avait un état assuré pour les chantres chaque jour.

Nehemia 11:23
Denn es war des Königs Gebot über sie, daß die Sänger treulich handelten, einen jeglichen Tag seine Gebühr.

Denn es war des Königs Gebot über sie, daß man den Sängern treulich gäbe, einen jeglichen Tag seine Gebühr. {~}

Denn es war ihretwegen eine Verordnung des Königs ergangen, indem den Sängern die Lieferung ihres Bedarfs für jeden einzelnen Tag fest zugesichert war.

Neemia 11:23
poiché v’era un ordine del re che concerneva i cantori, e v’era una provvisione assicurata loro giorno per giorno.

Perciocchè v’era per li cantori ordine del re, e vi era una provvisione assegnata per loro, giorno per giorno.

Maka sebab itu adalah titah baginda akan hal mereka itu menentukan penghidupan segala biduan itu pada tiap-tiap hari.

느헤미아 11:23
이는 왕의 명대로 노래하는 자에게 날마다 양식을 정하여 주는 것이 있음이며

Nehemiae 11:23
praeceptum quippe regis super eos erat et ordo in cantoribus per dies singulos

Nehemijo knyga 11:23
Karaliaus įsakymu giedotojai gavo išlaikymą kiekvieną dieną.

Nehemiah 11:23
Na te kingi hoki te tikanga mo ratou, kia tuturu te wahi ma nga kaiwaiata, he mea tatau a rangi tonu.

Nehemias 11:23
For det var utstedt en befaling av kongen om dem, og likeledes var det fastsatt for sangerne hvad de hver dag hadde å gjøre.

Nehemías 11:23
porque había un mandato del rey acerca de ellos y un reglamento fijo para los cantores de cada día.

Porque había un mandato del rey acerca de ellos y un reglamento fijo para los cantores de cada día.

Porque había mandamiento del rey acerca de ellos, y determinación acerca de los cantores para cada día.

Porque había mandamiento del rey acerca de ellos, y determinación acerca de los cantores para cada día.

Porque había mandamiento del rey acerca de ellos, y determinación acerca de los cantores para cada día.

Neemias 11:23
Entretanto, eles estavam sujeitos às ordens e normas da parte do rei a respeito das atividades religiosas que realizavam todos os dias.

Pois havia uma ordem da parte do rei acerca deles, e uma norma para os cantores, estabelecendo o dever de cada dia.   

Neemia 11:23
căci era o poruncă a împăratului cu privire la cîntăreţi, şi li se dădea o parte hotărîtă pe fiecare zi.

Неемия 11:23
потому что от царя было о них особое повеление, и назначено было на каждый день для певцов определенное содержание.

потому что от царя [было] о них [особое] повеление, и назначено было на каждый день для певцов определенное содержание.[]

Nehemja 11:23
Ty ett kungligt påbud var utfärdat angående dem, och en bestämd utanordning var för var dag fastställd för sångarna.

Nehemiah 11:23
Sapagka't may utos na mula sa hari tungkol sa kanila, at takdang pagkain na ukol sa mga mangaawit, ayon sa kailangan sa bawa't araw.

เนหะมีย์ 11:23
เพราะมีพระบัญชาจากกษัตริย์ถึงเรื่องเขา และมีของปันส่วนที่ได้ตกลงกันไว้สำหรับนักร้อง ตามที่ต้องการทุกๆวัน

Nehemya 11:23
Pers Kralının ezgicilerle ilgili buyruğu vardı. Düzenli olarak her gün ücretlerini alacaklardı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 11:23
Vì có lịnh vua truyền về việc của chúng, và có một phần lương định cấp cho những kẻ ca hát, ngày nào cần dùng theo ngày nấy.

Nehemiah 11:22
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