Micah 3:3
Micah 3:3
who eat my people's flesh, strip off their skin and break their bones in pieces; who chop them up like meat for the pan, like flesh for the pot?"

Yes, you eat my people's flesh, strip off their skin, and break their bones. You chop them up like meat for the cooking pot.

who eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones in pieces and chop them up like meat in a pot, like flesh in a cauldron.

Who eat the flesh of my people, Strip off their skin from them, Break their bones And chop them up as for the pot And as meat in a kettle."

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

You eat the flesh of my people after you strip their skin from them and break their bones. You chop them up like flesh for the cooking pot, like meat in a cauldron."

You eat the flesh of my people, flaying their skin from them. You break their bones, chopping them in pieces like meat for a pot, like meat destined for a soup kettle.'

You devour my people's flesh, strip off their skin, and crush their bones. You chop them up like flesh in a pot--like meat in a kettle.

You eat my people's flesh. You strip off their skin. You break their bones to pieces. You chop them up like meat for a pot, like stew meat for a kettle.

and eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones and chop them in pieces as for the pot and as flesh within the caldron.

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

Who have eaten the flesh of my people, and have flayed their skin from off them: and have broken, and chopped their bones as for the kettle, and as flesh in the midst of the pot.

and who eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces as for the pot, and as flesh within the cauldron.

who also eat the flesh of my people; and they flay their skin from off them, and break their bones: yea, they chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

And who have eaten the flesh of My people, And their skin from off them have stript, And their bones they have broken, And they have spread them out as in a pot, And as flesh in the midst of a caldron.

Mikea 3:3
Ata hanë mishin e popullit tim, i heqin lëkurën nga trupi, i thyejnë kockat dhe e presin në copa sikur do të shkonte në tenxhere, si mishi që vihet në kazan.

ﻣﻴﺨﺎ 3:3
والذين ياكلون لحم شعبي ويكشطون جلدهم عنهم ويهشمون عظامهم ويشققون كما في القدر وكاللحم في وسط المقلى.

Dyr Michen 3:3
weilete, wie wenn s ayn Fleish wärnd. De Bainer zbröchtß ien, und zlögn tuetß is wie zo n Kochen older Braatn. Und drum macht myn s mit enk aft grad yso!

Михей 3:3
Които изяждате месото на людете Ми, И дерете кожата от тях,- Които трошите костите им, И ги насичате като за котел, И като месо за в гърнето?

彌 迦 書 3:3
吃 我 民 的 肉 , 剝 他 們 的 皮 , 打 折 他 們 的 骨 頭 , 分 成 塊 子 像 要 下 鍋 , 又 像 釜 中 的 肉 。

吃 我 民 的 肉 , 剥 他 们 的 皮 , 打 折 他 们 的 骨 头 , 分 成 块 子 像 要 下 锅 , 又 像 釜 中 的 肉 。



Micah 3:3
Oni proždiru tijelo moga naroda i deru mu kožu, lome kosti. Oni ih komadaju kao u loncu, kao meso u punom kotlu!

Micheáše 3:3
A jedí maso lidu mého, a kůži jejich s nich svláčejí, i kosti jejich rozlamují, a rozdělují jako do hrnce, a jako maso do kotlíku.

Mikas 3:3
æder mit Folks Kød og flænger dem Huden af Kroppen, sønderbryder deres Ben og breder dem som Kød i en Gryde, som Suppekød i en Kedel?

Micha 3:3
Ja, zij zijn het, die het vlees mijns volks eten, en hun huid afstropen, en hun beenderen verbreken; en vaneen leggen, gelijk als in een pot, en als vlees in het midden eens ketels.

מיכה 3:3
וַאֲשֶׁ֣ר אָכְלוּ֮ שְׁאֵ֣ר עַמִּי֒ וְעֹורָם֙ מֵעֲלֵיהֶ֣ם הִפְשִׁ֔יטוּ וְאֶת־עַצְמֹֽתֵיהֶ֖ם פִּצֵּ֑חוּ וּפָרְשׂוּ֙ כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר בַּסִּ֔יר וּכְבָשָׂ֖ר בְּתֹ֥וךְ קַלָּֽחַת׃

ג ואשר אכלו שאר עמי ועורם מעליהם הפשיטו ואת עצמתיהם פצחו ופרשו כאשר בסיר וכבשר בתוך קלחת

ואשר אכלו שאר עמי ועורם מעליהם הפשיטו ואת־עצמתיהם פצחו ופרשו כאשר בסיר וכבשר בתוך קלחת׃

Mikeás 3:3
A kik megeszik az én népemnek húsát, és lenyúzzák róluk bõrüket, és összetörik csontjaikat, és feldarabolják, akár csak a fazékba, és mint húst a tálba.

Miĥa 3:3
Kaj kiam ili mangxas la karnon de mia popolo, desxiras de ili ilian hauxton, rompas kaj dispecigas iliajn ostojn kvazaux por poto kaj la karnon kvazaux por kaldrono:

Ja syötte minun kansani lihan, ja kuin te olette heiltä nahan nylkeneet, niin te särjette heidän luunsa, ja hakkaatte rikki ne niinkuin pataan, ja niinkuin lihan kattilaan.

Michée 3:3
qui mangez la chair de mon peuple et ôtez leur peau de dessus eux, et qui brisez leurs os, et les mettez en morceaux comme dans une chaudière, et comme de la chair au milieu d'une marmite.

Ils dévorent la chair de mon peuple, Lui arrachent la peau, Et lui brisent les os; Ils le mettent en pièces comme ce qu'on cuit dans un pot, Comme de la viande dans une chaudière.

Et ce qu'ils mangent; c'est la chair de mon peuple, et ils ont écorché leur peau de dessus eux, et ont cassé leurs os, et les ont mis par pièces comme dans un pot, et comme de la chair dans une chaudière.

Mica 3:3
und fresset das Fleisch meines Volks; und wenn ihr ihnen die Haut abgezogen habt, zerbrecht ihr ihnen auch die Beine und zerleget es wie in einen Topf und wie Fleisch in einen Kessel.

und fresset das Fleisch meines Volkes; und wenn ihr ihnen die Haut abgezogen habt, zerbrecht ihr ihnen auch die Gebeine und zerlegt's wie in einen Topf und wie Fleisch in einen Kessel.

Sie nähren sich von dem Fleische meines Volks; sie ziehen ihnen die Haut vom Leibe und zerbrechen ihnen die Knochen, zerlegen sie wie einen Braten im Topf, wie Fleisch im Kessel.

Michea 3:3
Costoro divorano la carne del mio popolo, gli strappan di dosso la pelle, gli fiaccan le ossa; lo fanno a pezzi, come ciò che si mette in pentola, come carne da metter nella caldaia.

E ciò che mangiano è la carne del mio popolo, e gli traggono la pelle d’addosso, e gli fiaccano le ossa; e tagliano quella a pezzi, come per metterla in una pignatta; ed a guisa di carne, che si mette in mezzo d’una pentola.

Bahkan, mereka itulah dia yang makan daging umat-Ku dan yang menguliti tubuhnya dan mematah-matahkan tulang-tulangnya, dibahagikannya dan diaturnya seperti daging dalam periuk dan seperti penggal-penggal daging dalam belanga.

미가 3:3
그들의 살을 먹으며 그 가죽을 벗기며 그 뼈를 꺾어 다지기를 남비와 솥 가운데 담을 고기처럼 하는도다

Michaeas 3:3
qui comederunt carnem populi mei et pellem eorum desuper excoriaverunt et ossa eorum confregerunt et conciderunt sicut in lebete et quasi carnem in medio ollae

Michëjo knyga 3:3
Jūs ėdate mano tautos kūną, nulupate jiems odą, sulaužote jų kaulus, sukapojate į gabalus kaip puodui, kaip mėsą katilui”.

Micah 3:3
E kai na hoki i nga kikokiko o taku iwi; e tihore na i to ratou kiri i o ratou tinana, e wawahi na i o ratou wheua: ae ra, e tapatapahia rawatia ana e ratou, ano he mea mo te kohua, ano he kikokiko i roto i te kohua nui.

Mika 3:3
I som eter mitt folks kjøtt og river huden av dem og knuser deres ben og breder dem ut likesom i en gryte og som kjøtt i en panne.

Miqueas 3:3
que coméis la carne de mi pueblo, les desolláis su piel, quebráis sus huesos, y los hacéis pedazos como para la olla, como carne dentro de la caldera.

Ustedes que comen la carne de mi pueblo, Les quitan su piel, Quiebran sus huesos, Y los hacen pedazos como para la olla, Como carne dentro de la caldera."

que coméis asimismo la carne de mi pueblo, y les desolláis su piel de sobre ellos y les quebráis sus huesos, y los hacéis pedazos como para la olla, y como carne en caldero.

Que comen asimismo la carne de mi pueblo, y les desuellan su piel de sobre ellos, y les quebrantan sus huesos y los rompen, como para el caldero, y como carnes en olla.

Y que comen la carne de mi pueblo, y les desuellan su cuero de sobre ellos, y les quebrantan sus huesos y los rompen, como para echar en caldero, y como carnes en olla.

Miquéias 3:3
Aqueles, pois, que se alimentam da carne da minha gente, arrancam a sua pele, despedaçam os seus ossos e os cortam como se fossem carne para a cozer em panela!

os que também comeis a carne do meu povo e lhes arrancais a pele, e lhes esmiuçais os ossos, e os repartis em pedaços como para a panela e como carne dentro do caldeirão.   

Mica 3:3
După ce au mîncat carnea poporului Meu, după ce -i jupoaie pielea, şi -i sfărîmă oasele; îl fac bucăţi; ca ceeace se fierbe într'o oală, ca şi carnea dintr'un cazan,

Михей 3:3
едите плоть народа Моего и сдираете с них кожу их, а кости их ломаете и дробите как бы в горшок, и плоть – как бы в котел.

едите плоть народа Моего и сдираете с них кожу их, а кости их ломаете и дробите как бы в горшок, и плоть--как бы в котел.[]

Mika 3:3
Men eftersom dessa äta mitt folks kött och riva huden av deras kropp och bryta sönder deras ben, för att stycka dem likasom det man kastar i grytan, ja, likasom kött som lägges i kitteln,

Micah 3:3
Kayo ring kumakain ng laman ng aking bayan, at lumalapnos ng kanilang balat, at bumabali ng kanilang mga buto, at kanilang pinagputolputol yaon, na wari'y para sa palyok, at parang laman sa loob ng caldera.

มีคาห์ 3:3
ผู้ที่กินเนื้อชนชาติของเรา และถลกหนังออกจากตัวเขาทั้งหลาย และหักกระดูกของเขา และสับเขาเป็นชิ้นๆ เหมือนกับทำไว้ใส่หม้อ และเหมือนเนื้อที่อยู่ในหม้อขนาดใหญ่

Mika 3:3
Halkımın derisini yüzer, etini yersiniz.
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Mi-cheâ 3:3
Các ngươi ăn thịt của dân ta, lột lấy da và bẻ lấy xương, xé ra từng mảnh như sắm cho nồi, như là thịt ở trong chảo.

Micah 3:2
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