Matthew 16:23
Matthew 16:23
Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's."

But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."

But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

But He turned and told Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me because you're not thinking about God's concerns, but man's."

But Jesus turned and told Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an offense to me, because you are not thinking God's thoughts but human thoughts!"

But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but on man's."

But he turned and said to Kaypha, “Get behind me, Satan; you are a stumbling block to me because you do not reason of God but of humans.”

But Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get out of my way, Satan! You are tempting me to sin. You aren't thinking the way God thinks but the way humans think."

But he turned and said unto Peter, Remove thyself from before me, Satan; thou art an offence unto me, for thou dost not understand that which is of God, but that which is of men.

But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get you behind me, Satan: you are an offense unto me: for you consider not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

But he turned, and said to Peter, Get you behind me, Satan: you are an offense to me: for you mind not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art a stumbling-block unto me: for thou mindest not the things of God, but the things of men.

Who turning, said to Peter: Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.

But turning round, he said to Peter, Get away behind me, Satan; thou art an offence to me, for thy mind is not on the things that are of God, but on the things that are of men.

But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art a stumbling-block unto me: for thou mindest not the things of God, but the things of men.

But he turned, and said to Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art an offense to me: for thou savorest not the things that are of God, but those that are of men.

But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Adversary; you are a hindrance to me, because your thoughts are not God's thoughts, but men's."

But he turned, and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of men."

and he having turned, said to Peter, 'Get thee behind me, adversary! thou art a stumbling-block to me, for thou dost not mind the things of God, but the things of men.'

Mateu 16:23
Por ai u kthye dhe i tha Pjetrit: ''Shporru prej meje, o Satan! Ti je një skandal për mua, sepse s'ke ndër mënd punët e Perëndisë, por punët e njerëzve''.

ﻣﺘﻰ 16:23
فالتفت وقال لبطرس اذهب عني يا شيطان. انت معثرة لي لانك لا تهتم بما لله لكن بما للناس

Ինք ալ դառնալով՝ Պետրոսի ըսաւ. «Ետե՛ւս գնա, Սատանա՛յ, դուն գայթակղութիւն ես ինծի. որովհետեւ ո՛չ թէ Աստուծոյ բաները կը մտածես, հապա՝ մարդոց բաները»:

Euangelioa S. Mattheuen araura.  16:23
Eta harc itzuliric erran cieçón Pierrisi, Guibelerat adi eneganic Satan, empatchu atzait: ecen eztituc aditzen Iaincoaren diraden gauçác, baina guiçonén diradenac.

Dyr Mathäus 16:23
Dyr Iesen aber gwenddt si um und spraach zo n Peetersn: "Wögg mit dir, Antsacher; gee myr aus de Augn! Du willst mi z Fall bringen, denn du haast nit yn n +Herrgot seinn Willn eyn n Sin, sundern dös, was d Menschn wollnd."

Матей 16:23
А Той се обърна и рече на Петра: Махни се зад Мене, Сатано; ти си Ми съблазън; защото не мислиш за Божиите неща, а за човешките.

馬 太 福 音 16:23
耶 穌 轉 過 來 , 對 彼 得 說 : 撒 但 , 退 我 後 邊 去 罷 ! 你 是 絆 我 腳 的 ; 因 為 你 不 體 貼 神 的 意 思 , 只 體 貼 人 的 意 思 。

耶 稣 转 过 来 , 对 彼 得 说 : 撒 但 , 退 我 後 边 去 罢 ! 你 是 绊 我 脚 的 ; 因 为 你 不 体 贴 神 的 意 思 , 只 体 贴 人 的 意 思 。





Evanðelje po Mateju 16:23
Isus se okrene i reče Petru: Nosi se od mene, sotono! Sablazan si mi jer ti nije na pameti što je Božje, nego što je ljudsko!

Matouš 16:23
Kterýžto obrátiv se, řekl Petrovi: Jdiž za mnou, satane, ku pohoršení jsi mi; nebo nechápáš těch věcí, kteréž jsou Boží, ale kteréž jsou lidské.

Matthæus 16:23
Men han vendte sig og sagde til Peter: »Vig bag mig, Satan! du er mig en Forargelse; thi du sanser ikke, hvad Guds er, men hvad Menneskers er.«

Mattheüs 16:23
Maar Hij, Zich omkerende, zeide tot Petrus: Ga weg achter Mij, satanas! gij zijt Mij een aanstoot, want gij verzint niet de dingen, die Gods zijn, maar die der mensen zijn.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλον εἶ ἐμοῦ, ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλον εἶ ἐμοῦ, ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλον εἶ ἐμοῦ, ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

Ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἴπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ, Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ, σκάνδαλόν μου εἴ· ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπε τῷ Πέτρῳ· Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλόν μου εἶ· ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ· ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλον εἶ ἐμοῦ, ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπε τῷ Πέτρῳ, Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ, σκάνδαλόν μου εἶ· ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

ὁ δὲ στραφεὶς εἶπεν τῷ Πέτρῳ Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου Σατανᾶ· σκάνδαλον μου, εἶ ὅτι οὐ φρονεῖς τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ ἀλλὰ τὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων

ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον ει εμου οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον ει εμου οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον μου ει οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

ο δε στραφεις ειπε τω Πετρω, Υπαγε οπισω μου, Σατανα, σκανδαλον μου ει· οτι ου φρονεις τα του Θεου, αλλα τα των ανθρωπων.

ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον μου ει οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον ει εμου οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

ho de strapheis eipen tō Petrō Hypage opisō mou, Satana; skandalon ei emou, hoti ou phroneis ta tou Theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn.

ho de strapheis eipen to Petro Hypage opiso mou, Satana; skandalon ei emou, hoti ou phroneis ta tou Theou alla ta ton anthropon.

ho de strapheis eipen tō Petrō Hypage opisō mou, Satana; skandalon ei emou, hoti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn.

ho de strapheis eipen to Petro Hypage opiso mou, Satana; skandalon ei emou, hoti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta ton anthropon.

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon mou ei oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

o de strapheis eipen tō petrō upage opisō mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tōn anthrōpōn

o de strapheis eipen tO petrO upage opisO mou satana skandalon ei emou oti ou phroneis ta tou theou alla ta tOn anthrOpOn

Máté 16:23
Õ pedig megfordulván, monda Péternek: Távozz tõlem Sátán; bántásomra vagy nékem; mert nem gondolsz az Isten dolgaira, hanem az emberi dolgokra.

La evangelio laŭ Mateo 16:23
Sed turninte sin, li diris al Petro:Iru malantaux min, Satano; vi estas faligilo por mi, cxar vi havas pensojn ne laux Dio, sed laux homoj.

Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 16:23
Niin hän käänsi itsensä ympäri ja sanoi Pietarille: mene pois minun tyköäni, saatana! sinä olet minulle pahennukseksi: ettes ymmärrä niitä, jotka Jumalan ovat, mutta ne, jotka ihmisen ovat.

Matthieu 16:23
Mais lui, se retournant, dit à Pierre: Va arrière de moi, Satan, tu m'es en scandale; car tes pensées ne sont pas aux choses de Dieu, mais à celles des hommes.

Mais Jésus, se retournant, dit à Pierre: Arrière de moi, Satan! tu m'es en scandale; car tes pensées ne sont pas les pensées de Dieu, mais celles des hommes.

Mais lui s'étant retourné, dit à Pierre : retire-toi de moi, Satan, tu m'es en scandale; car tu ne comprends pas les choses qui sont de Dieu, mais celles qui sont des hommes.

Matthaeus 16:23
Aber er wandte sich um und sprach zu Petrus: Heb dich, Satan, von mir! Du bist mir ärgerlich; denn du meinest nicht, was göttlich, sondern was menschlich ist.

Aber er wandte sich um und sprach zu Petrus: Hebe dich, Satan, von mir! du bist mir ärgerlich; denn du meinst nicht was göttlich, sondern was menschlich ist.

Er aber wandte sich und sagte zu Petrus: weiche hinter mich, Satan; du bist mir ein Aergernis, du denkst nicht was Gott ansteht, sondern was den Menschen.

Matteo 16:23
Ma Gesù, rivoltosi, disse a Pietro: Vattene via da me, Satana; tu mi sei di scandalo. Tu non hai il senso delle cose di Dio, ma delle cose degli uomini.

Ma egli, rivoltosi, disse a Pietro: Vattene indietro da me, Satana; tu mi sei in iscandalo, perciocchè tu non hai il senso alle cose di Dio, ma alle cose degli uomini.

MATIUS 16:23
Tetapi berpalinglah Yesus sambil berkata kepada Petrus, "Pergilah ke belakang Aku, hai Iblis! Engkaulah menjadi suatu penyesat bagi-Ku, karena bukannya engkau memikirkan barang daripada Allah, melainkan barang daripada manusia."

Matthew 16:23
Sidna Ɛisa idewweṛ ɣuṛ-es, yenna-yas : Beɛɛed akkin fell-i a Cciṭan ! Tebɣiḍ aț-țiliḍ d ugur deg webrid-iw ! Ixemmimen-ik ur d-kkan ara s ɣuṛ Ṛebbi, lameɛna d ixemmimen n yemdanen.

마태복음 16:23
예수께서 돌이키시며 베드로에게 이르시되 사단아 ! 내 뒤로 물러가라 너는 나를 넘어지게 하는 자로다 네가 하나님의 일을 생각지 아니하고 도리어 사람의 일을 생각하는도다 하시고

Matthaeus 16:23
qui conversus dixit Petro vade post me Satana scandalum es mihi quia non sapis ea quae Dei sunt sed ea quae hominum

Sv. Matejs 16:23
Viņš pagriezās un sacīja Pēterim: Atkāpies no manis, sātan! Tu esi man par apgrēcību, jo tu nedomā to, kas ir Dieva, bet kas cilvēcīgs.

Evangelija pagal Matà 16:23
Bet Jis atsisukęs pasakė Petrui: “Eik šalin, šėtone! Tu man papiktinimas, nes mąstai ne apie tai, kas Dievo, o kas žmonių”.

Matthew 16:23
Na ka tahuri ia, ka mea ki a Pita, Haere ki muri i ahau, e Hatana: he tutukitanga waewae koe ki ahau: kahore hoki ou ngakau ki nga mea a te Atua, engari ki a te tangata.

Matteus 16:23
Men han vendte sig og sa til Peter: Vik bak mig, Satan! du er mig til anstøt; for du har ikke sans for det som hører Gud til, men bare for det som hører menneskene til.

Mateo 16:23
Pero volviéndose El, dijo a Pedro: ¡Quítate de delante de mí, Satanás! Me eres piedra de tropiezo; porque no estás pensando en las cosas de Dios, sino en las de los hombres.

Pero volviéndose El, dijo a Pedro: "¡Quítate de delante de Mí, Satanás! Me eres piedra de tropiezo; porque no estás pensando en las cosas de Dios, sino en las de los hombres."

Entonces Él, volviéndose, dijo a Pedro: Quítate de delante de mí Satanás; me eres tropiezo; porque no piensas en las cosas de Dios, sino en las de los hombres.

Entonces él, volviéndose, dijo á Pedro: Quítate de delante de mí, Satanás; me eres escándalo; porque no entiendes lo que es de Dios sino lo que es de los hombres.

Entonces él, volviéndose, dijo a Pedro: Quítate de delante de mí, Satanás; me eres estorbo; porque no entiendes lo que es de Dios, sino lo que es de los hombres.

Mateus 16:23
E virando-se Jesus repreendeu a Pedro: “Para trás de mim, Satanás! Tu és uma pedra de tropeço, uma cilada para mim, pois tua atitude não reflete a Deus, mas, sim, os homens”.

Ele, porém, voltando-se, disse a Pedro: Para trás de mim, Satanás, que me serves de escândalo; porque não estás pensando nas coisas que são de Deus, mas sim nas que são dos homens.   

Matei 16:23
Dar Isus S'a întors, şi a zis lui Petru: ,,Înapoia Mea, Satano: tu eşti o piatră de poticnire pentru Mine! Căci gîndurile tale nu sînt gîndurile lui Dumnezeu, ci gînduri de ale oamenilor.``

От Матфея 16:23
Он же, обратившись, сказал Петру: отойди от Меня, сатана! ты Мне соблазн! потому что думаешь не о том, что Божие, но что человеческое.

Он же, обратившись, сказал Петру: отойди от Меня, сатана! ты Мне соблазн! потому что думаешь не о том, что Божие, но что человеческое.

Matthew 16:23
Jesus ayanmatar Pφtrun Tφmiayi "Werumta, Satanßsa. Yajauch awajtame. Ameka Yus wakeramu Enentßimtsume. Antsu J· nunkanam Enentßimainia ainis Enentßimme."

Matteus 16:23
Men han vände sig om och sade till Petrus: »Gå bort, Satan, och stå mig icke i vägen; du är för mig en stötesten, ty dina tankar äro icke Guds tankar, utan människotankar.»

Matayo 16:23
Lakini Yesu akageuka, akamwambia Petro, "Ondoka mbele yangu Shetani! Wewe ni kikwazo kwangu. Mawazo yako si ya mungu bali ni ya kibinadamu!"

Mateo 16:23
Datapuwa't lumingon siya, at sinabi kay Pedro, Lumagay ka sa likuran ko, Satanas: ikaw ay tisod sa akin: sapagka't hindi mo pinagiisip ang mga bagay ng Dios, kundi ang mga bagay ng tao.

มัทธิว 16:23
พระองค์จึงหันพระพักตร์ตรัสกับเปโตรว่า "อ้ายซาตาน จงถอยไปข้างหลังเรา เจ้าเป็นเครื่องกีดขวางเรา เพราะเจ้ามิได้คิดตามพระดำริของพระเจ้า แต่ตามความคิดของมนุษย์"

Matta 16:23
Ama İsa Petrusa dönüp, ‹‹Çekil önümden, Şeytan!›› dedi, ‹‹Bana engel oluyorsun. Düşüncelerin Tanrıya değil, insana özgüdür.››

Матей 16:23
Він же обернувсь і рече до Петра: Геть від мене, сатано! ти блазниш мене, бо не гадаєш про Боже, а про чоловіче.

Matthew 16:23
Hampe'ili' Yesus mpo'uli' -ki Petrus: "Palai-ko topesori! Doko' nulawa' -a, bona ngalai' neo' -a mpotuku' konoa Tuama-ku? Pekiri-nu tetu-le pekiri manusia', bela pekiri Alata'ala."

Ma-thi-ô 16:23
Nhưng Ngài xây mặt lại mà phán cùng Phi -e-rơ rằng: Ớ Sa-tan, hãy lui ra đằng sau ta! Ngươi làm gương xấu cho ta; vì ngươi chẳng nghĩ đến việc Ðức Chúa Trời, song nghĩ đến việc người ta.

Matthew 16:22
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