Leviticus 1:2
Leviticus 1:2
"Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When anyone among you brings an offering to the LORD, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock.

"Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. When you present an animal as an offering to the LORD, you may take it from your herd of cattle or your flock of sheep and goats.

“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When any one of you brings an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your offering of livestock from the herd or from the flock.

"Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'When any man of you brings an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.

Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When any of you brings an offering to the LORD from the livestock, you may bring your offering from the herd or the flock."

"Speak to the Israelis and tell them that when any person brings an offering to the LORD from among you, whether he brings on offering of animals from either cattle or flock,

"Speak to the Israelites and tell them, 'When someone among you presents an offering to the LORD, you must present your offering from the domesticated animals, either from the herd or from the flock.

"Tell the Israelites: If any of you bring a sacrifice to the LORD, you must offer an animal from your cattle, sheep, or goats.

Speak unto the sons of Israel and say unto them, When any of you offers an offering unto the LORD of animals, of cattle, even of the cows, or of the sheep ye shall make your offering.

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you brings an offering unto the LORD, you shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.

Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, If any man of you bring an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man of you offereth an oblation unto Jehovah, ye shall offer your oblation of the cattle, even of the herd and of the flock.

Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The man among you that shall offer to the Lord a sacrifice of the cattle, that is, offering victims of oxen and sheep,

Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, When any man of you presenteth an offering to Jehovah, ye shall present your offering of the cattle, of the herd and of the flock.

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man of you offereth an oblation unto the LORD, ye shall offer your oblation of the cattle, even of the herd and of the flock.

Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, If any man of you shall bring an offering to the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.

"Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, 'When anyone of you offers an offering to Yahweh, you shall offer your offering of the livestock, from the herd and from the flock.

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Any man of you when he doth bring near an offering to Jehovah, out of the cattle -- out of the herd, or out of the flock -- ye do bring near your offering.

Levitiku 1:2
Folu bijve të Izraelit dhe u thuaj atyre: Kur dikush nga ju sjell një ofertë për Zotin, sillni si fli tuajën një kafshë të marrë nga kopeja e bagëtisë së trashë ose të imët.

ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 1:2
كلم بني اسرائيل وقل لهم. اذا قرّب انسان منكم قربانا للرب من البهائم فمن البقر والغنم تقرّبون قرابينكم.

S Brendertuem 1:2
Richt dös yn de Isryheeler aus: Wenn öbber von enk yn n Herrn ayn Opfer darbringen will, kan yr ayn Rind, Schaaf older Hetl nemen.

Левит 1:2
Говори на израилтяните, казвайки им: Когато някой от вас принесе принос Господу, от добитъка нека принесе, от чердата или от стадата.

利 未 記 1:2
你 曉 諭 以 色 列 人 說 : 你 們 中 間 若 有 人 獻 供 物 給 耶 和 華 , 要 從 牛 群 羊 群 中 獻 牲 畜 為 供 物 。

你 晓 谕 以 色 列 人 说 : 你 们 中 间 若 有 人 献 供 物 给 耶 和 华 , 要 从 牛 群 羊 群 中 献 牲 畜 为 供 物 。



Leviticus 1:2
Govori Izraelcima i kaži im: 'Kad tko od vas želi prinijeti Jahvi žrtvu od stoke, prinijet će je ili od krupne ili od sitne stoke.

Leviticus 1:2
Mluv k synům Izraelským a rci jim: Když by kdo z vás obětoval obět Hospodinu, z hovad, totiž z volů aneb z drobného dobytka obětovati budete obět svou.

3 Mosebog 1:2
Tal til Israeliterne og sig til dem: Naar nogen af eder vil bringe HERREN en Offergave af Kvæget, da skal Offergaven, I vil bringe, tages at Hornkvæget eller Smaakvæget.

Leviticus 1:2
Spreek tot de kinderen Israels, en zeg tot hen: Als een mens uit u den HEERE een offerande zal offeren, gij zult uw offeranden offeren van het vee, van runderen en van schapen.

ויקרא 1:2
דַּבֵּ֞ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ וְאָמַרְתָּ֣ אֲלֵהֶ֔ם אָדָ֗ם כִּֽי־יַקְרִ֥יב מִכֶּ֛ם קָרְבָּ֖ן לַֽיהוָ֑ה מִן־הַבְּהֵמָ֗ה מִן־הַבָּקָר֙ וּמִן־הַצֹּ֔אן תַּקְרִ֖יבוּ אֶת־קָרְבַּנְכֶֽם׃

ב דבר אל בני ישראל ואמרת אלהם אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן ליהוה--מן הבהמה מן הבקר ומן הצאן תקריבו את קרבנכם

דבר אל־בני ישראל ואמרת אלהם אדם כי־יקריב מכם קרבן ליהוה מן־הבהמה מן־הבקר ומן־הצאן תקריבו את־קרבנכם׃

3 Mózes 1:2
Szólj Izráel fiainak, és mondd meg nékik: Ha valaki közületek áldozni akar az Úrnak: barmokból, tulok- és juhfélékbõl áldozzatok.

Moseo 3: Levidoj 1:2
Parolu al la Izraelidoj, kaj diru al ili:Se iu el vi volas alporti oferon al la Eternulo, el la brutoj, el la bovoj, kaj el la sxafoj alportu vian oferon.

Puhu Israelin lapsille, ja sano heille: joka teistä tahtoo uhrata Herralle, niin tehkäät teidän uhrinne eläimistä, karjasta ja lampaista.

Lévitique 1:2
Parle aux fils d'Israël, et dis-leur: Quand un homme d'entre vous présentera une offrande à l'Éternel, vous présenterez votre offrande de bétail, du gros ou du menu bétail.

Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et dis-leur: Lorsque quelqu'un d'entre vous fera une offrande à l'Eternel, il offrira du bétail, du gros ou du menu bétail.

Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et leur dis : Quand quelqu'un d'entre vous offrira à l'Eternel une offrande d'une bête à quatre pieds, il fera son offrande de gros ou de menu bétail.

3 Mose 1:2
Rede mit den Kindern Israel und sprich zu ihnen: Welcher unter euch dem HERRN ein Opfer tun will, der tue es von dem Vieh, von Rindern und Schafen.

Rede mit den Kindern Israel und sprich zu ihnen: Welcher unter euch dem HERRN ein Opfer tun will, der tue es von dem Vieh, von Rindern und Schafen.

Rede mit den Israeliten und befiehl ihnen: Wenn jemand unter euch Jahwe eine Opfergabe bringen will, so soll die Opfergabe, die ihr bringt, vom Vieh - von den Rindern oder dem Kleinvieh - genommen sein.

Levitico 1:2
Parla ai figliuoli d’Israele e di’ loro: Quando qualcuno tra voi recherà un’offerta all’Eterno, l’offerta che recherete sarà di bestiame: di capi d’armento o di capi di gregge.

Parla a’ figliuoli d’Israele, e di’ loro: Quando alcun di voi offerirà un’offerta al Signore, se quella è di animali, offerite le vostre offerte di buoi, o di pecore, o di capre.

Sampaikanlah kepada bani Israel perkataan ini: Jikalau barang seorang dari pada kamu hendak mempersembahkan kepada Tuhan suatu persembahan dari pada segala binatangnya, maka patutlah dipersembahkannya dari pada lembu atau kambingnya.

레위기 1:2
이스라엘 자손에게 고하여 이르라 너희 중에 누구든지 여호와께 예물을 드리려거든 생축 중에서 소나 양으로 예물을 드릴지니라 !

Leviticus 1:2
loquere filiis Israhel et dices ad eos homo qui obtulerit ex vobis hostiam Domino de pecoribus id est de bubus et ovibus offerens victimas

Kunigø knyga 1:2
“Sakyk izraelitams: ‘Jei kas iš jūsų norės aukoti Viešpačiui, teaukoja iš galvijų ir avių.

Leviticus 1:2
Korero ki nga tama a Iharaira, mea atu ki a ratou, Ki te kawea e tetahi tangata o koutou he whakahere ki a Ihowa, me kawe ta koutou whakahere i roto i nga kararehe, ara i roto i nga kau, i roto ranei i nga hipi.

3 Mosebok 1:2
Tal til Israels barn og si til dem: Når nogen av eder vil bære frem for Herren et offer av buskapen, så kan I ta eders offer enten av storfeet eller av småfeet.

Levítico 1:2
Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: ``Cuando alguno de vosotros traiga una ofrenda al SEÑOR, traeréis vuestra ofrenda de animales del ganado o del rebaño.

"Di a los Israelitas: 'Cuando alguien de ustedes traiga una ofrenda al SEÑOR, traerán su ofrenda de animales del ganado o del rebaño.

Habla a los hijos de Israel, y diles: Cuando alguno de entre vosotros ofreciere ofrenda a Jehová, de ganado vacuno u ovejuno haréis vuestra ofrenda.

Habla á los hijos de Israel, y diles: Cuando alguno de entre vosotros ofreciere ofrenda á Jehová, de ganado vacuno ú ovejuno haréis vuestra ofrenda.

Habla a los hijos de Israel, y diles: Cuando alguno de entre vosotros ofreciere ofrenda al SEÑOR de animales, de ganado vacuno u ovejuno haréis vuestra ofrenda.

Levítico 1:2
“Transmite aos filhos de Israel as seguintes orientações: Quando um de vós apresentar uma oferenda ao SENHOR, podereis fazer essa oferta tanto dos animais escolhidos entre o gado como do rebanho de ovelhas.

Fala aos filhos de Israel e dize-lhes: Quando algum de vós oferecer oferta ao Senhor, oferecereis as vossas ofertas do gado, isto é, do gado vacum e das ovelhas.   

Levitic 1:2
,,Vorbeşte copiilor lui Israel, şi spune-le: Cînd cineva dintre voi va aduce un dar Domnului, să -l aducă din vite, fie din cireadă fie din turmă.

Левит 1:2
объяви сынам Израилевым и скажи им: когда кто из вас хочет принести жертву Господу, то, если из скота, приносите жертву вашу из скота крупного и мелкого.

объяви сынам Израилевым и скажи им: когда кто из вас хочет принести жертву Господу, то, если из скота, приносите жертву вашу из скота крупного и мелкого.[]

3 Mosebok 1:2
Tala till Israels barn och säg till dem: När någon bland eder vill bära fram ett offer åt HERREN, skolen I taga edert offer av boskapen, antingen av fäkreaturen eller av småboskapen.

Leviticus 1:2
Salitain mo sa mga anak ni Israel at sabihin mo sa kanila, Pagka ang sinoman sa inyo ay naghahandog ng alay sa Panginoon, ang ihahandog ninyong alay ay galing sa mga hayop, sa mga bakahan at sa kawan.

เลวีนิติ 1:2
จงพูดกับคนอิสราเอลและกล่าวแก่เขาว่า เมื่อคนใดในพวกท่านนำเครื่องบูชามาถวายพระเยโฮวาห์ ให้นำสัตว์เลี้ยงอันเป็นเครื่องบูชาของท่านมาจากฝูงวัวหรือฝูงแพะแกะ

Levililer 1:2
‹‹İsrail halkıyla konuş, onlara de ki, ‹İçinizden biri RABbe sunu olarak bir hayvan sunacağı zaman, sığır ya da davar sunmalı. (bkz. Çık.33:7-10).[]

Leâ-vi Kyù 1:2
Hãy nói cùng dân Y-sơ-ra-ên rằng: Khi người nào trong vòng các ngươi dâng của lễ cho Ðức Giê-hô-va, thì phải dâng súc vật, hoặc bò, hoặc chiên.

Leviticus 1:1
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