Lamentations 4:10
Lamentations 4:10
With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.

Tenderhearted women have cooked their own children. They have eaten them to survive the siege.

The hands of compassionate women have boiled their own children; they became their food during the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of compassionate women Boiled their own children; They became food for them Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of compassionate women have cooked their own children; they became their food during the destruction of my dear people.

With their own hands, compassionate women boil their own children— they become their food— when my beloved people were destroyed.

The hands of tenderhearted women cooked their own children, who became their food, when my people were destroyed.

The hands of loving mothers cooked their own children. The children were used for food by my people when they were being destroyed [by a blockade].

Jod The hands of the compassionate women have cooked their own children; they were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the compassionate women have boiled their own children: they were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have boiled their own children; They were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

Jod. The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of pitiful women have boiled their own children: they were their meat in the ruin of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children; they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have boiled their own children: they were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of the pitiful women have boiled their own children; They were their food in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

The hands of merciful women have boiled their own children, They have been for food to them, In the destruction of the daughter of my people.

Vajtimet 4:10
Duart e grave të mëshirëshme kanë pjekur vetë fëmijët e tyre, të cilët u kanë shërbyer si ushqim, në shkatërrimin e bijës së popullit tim.

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 4:10
ايادي النساء الحنائن طبخت اولادهنّ. صاروا طعاما لهنّ في سحق بنت شعبي.

De Klaglieder 4:10
Müetter, früehers voller Lieb, kochend ietz de aignen Kindd. Ja, s ist waar, dös war ien Speis, daadl bei n Zammbruch von meinn Volk!

Плач Еремиев 4:10
Ръцете на милозливите жени свариха чадата им; Те им станаха храна при разорението на дъщерята на людете ми,

耶 利 米 哀 歌 4:10
慈 悲 的 婦 人 , 當 我 眾 民 被 毀 滅 的 時 候 , 親 手 煮 自 己 的 兒 女 作 為 食 物 。

慈 悲 的 妇 人 , 当 我 众 民 被 毁 灭 的 时 候 , 亲 手 煮 自 己 的 儿 女 作 为 食 物 。



Lamentations 4:10
Žene, tako nježne, kuhaše djecu svoju, njima se hraniše za propasti Kćeri naroda moga.

Pláč Jeremiášův 4:10
Ruce žen lítostivých vařily syny své, aby jim byli za pokrm v potření dcery lidu mého.

Klagesangene 4:10
Blide Kvinders Hænder kogte deres Børn; da mit Folks Datter brød sammen, blev de dem til Føde.

Klaagliederen 4:10
Jod. De handen der barmhartige vrouwen hebben haar kinderen gekookt; zij zijn haar tot spijze geworden in de verbreking der dochter mijns volks.

איכה 4:10
יְדֵ֗י נָשִׁים֙ רַחֲמָ֣נִיֹּ֔ות בִּשְּׁל֖וּ יַלְדֵיהֶ֑ן הָי֤וּ לְבָרֹות֙ לָ֔מֹו בְּשֶׁ֖בֶר בַּת־עַמִּֽי׃ ס

י ידי נשים רחמניות--בשלו ילדיהן היו לברות למו בשבר בת עמי  {ס}

ידי נשים רחמניות בשלו ילדיהן היו לברות למו בשבר בת־עמי׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 4:10
Irgalmas anyák kezei megfõzték gyermekeiket, hogy azok eledeleik legyenek az én népem leányának romlásakor.

Plorkanto de Jeremia 4:10
La manoj de kompatemaj virinoj kuiris iliajn infanojn; Kaj cxi tiuj farigxis ilia mangxajxo en la mizerego de la filino de mia popolo.

Laupiaammat vaimot ovat omia lapsiansa keittäneet ruaksensa, minun kansani tyttären surkeudessa.

Lamentations 4:10
Les mains des femmes tendres ont cuit leurs enfants, ils ont été leur viande dans la ruine de la fille de mon peuple.

Les femmes, malgré leur tendresse, Font cuire leurs enfants; Ils leur servent de nourriture, Au milieu du désastre de la fille de mon peuple.

[Jod.] Les mains des femmes, [naturellement] tendres, ont cuit leurs enfants, et ils leur ont été pour viande dans le temps de la calamité de la fille de mon peuple.

Klagelieder 4:10
Es haben die barmherzigsten Weiber ihre Kinder selbst müssen kochen, daß sie zu essen hätten in dem Jammer der Tochter meines Volks.

Es haben die barmherzigsten Weiber ihre Kinder selbst müssen kochen, daß sie zu essen hätten im Jammer der Tochter meines Volks.

Weichherzige Frauen kochten mit eigenen Händen ihre Kinder; die dienten ihnen zur Nahrung beim Zusammenbruch der Tochter meines Volks.

Lamentazioni 4:10
Delle donne, pur sì pietose, hanno con le lor mani fatto cuocere i loro bambini, che han servito loro di cibo, nella ruina della figliuola del mio popolo.

Donne pietose, colle proprie mani, Hanno cotti i loro figliuoli: Quelli sono loro stati per cibo, Nella ruina della figliuola del mio popolo.

Tangan perempuan yang memang sayang perangainya, itu sudah merebus anaknya, dikenyangkannya dirinya dengan dagingnya pada masa kepecahan puteri bangsa-Ku.

예레미아애가 4:10
처녀 내 백성의 멸망할 때에 자비한 부녀가 손으로 자기 자녀를 삶아 식물을 삼았도다

Lamentationes 4:10
IOTH manus mulierum misericordium coxerunt filios suos facti sunt cibus earum in contritione filiae populi mei

Raudø knyga 4:10
Gailestingosios moterys virė ir valgė savo pačių vaikus; tai buvo jų maistas mano tautos sunaikinimo metu.

Lamentations 4:10
Ko nga wahine, ko te hunga aroha, kei te kohua i a ratou tamariki ki o ratou ringa: he kai era ma ratou i te wawahanga o te tamahine a toku iwi.

Klagesangene 4:10
Ømhjertede kvinner kokte selv sine egne barn, de tjente dem til føde da mitt folks datter gikk under.

Lamentaciones 4:10
Las manos de mujeres compasivas cocieron a sus propios hijos, que les sirvieron de comida a causa de la destrucción de la hija de mi pueblo.

Las manos de mujeres compasivas Cocieron a sus propios hijos, Que les sirvieron de comida A causa de la destrucción de la hija de mi pueblo (Jerusalén).

Las manos de las mujeres piadosas cocieron a sus propios hijos; les sirvieron de comida en el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

Las manos de las mujeres piadosas cocieron á sus hijos; Fuéronles comida en el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

Yod : Las manos de las mujeres piadosas cocieron a sus hijos; les fueron comida en el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo.

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 4:10
As mãos das mulheres, antes ternas e amorosas, acabaram de cozinhar alguns de seus próprios filhos, que serviram de alimento antes da morte e da completa destruição do meu povo.

As mãos das mulheres compassivas cozeram os próprios filhos; estes lhes serviram de alimento na destruição da filha do meu povo.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 4:10
Femeile, cu toată mila lor, îşi fierb copiii, cari le slujesc ca hrană, în mijlocul prăpădului fiicei poporului meu.

Плач Иеремии 4:10
Руки мягкосердых женщин варили детей своих, чтобы они были для них пищею во время гибели дщери народа моего.

Руки мягкосердых женщин варили детей своих, чтобы они были для них пищею во время гибели дщери народа моего.[]

Klagovisorna 4:10
Med egna händer måste ömsinta kvinnor koka sina barn för att hava dem till föda vid dottern mitt folks skada.

Lamentations 4:10
Ang mga kamay ng mga mahabaging babae ay nangagluto ng kanilang sariling mga anak; mga naging kanilang pagkain sa pagkapahamak ng anak na babae ng aking bayan.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 4:10
มือของหญิงที่ใจอ่อนกลับเอาลูกของตัวต้มกิน ลูกที่ถูกต้มเป็นอาหารนั้นกินกันเมื่อยามหายนะมาสู่ธิดาแห่งชนชาติของข้าพเจ้า

Ağıtlar 4:10
Merhametli kadınlar çocuklarını elleriyle pişirdiler,
Halkım kırılırken yiyecek oldu bu kendilerine.[]

Ca-thöông 4:10
Chính tay người đờn bà vẫn có lòng thương xót, nấu chín con cái mình, Dùng làm đồ ăn cho mình giữa khi con gái dân ta bị phá hại.

Lamentations 4:9
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