Lamentations 2:14
Lamentations 2:14
The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading.

Your prophets have said so many foolish things, false to the core. They did not save you from exile by pointing out your sins. Instead, they painted false pictures, filling you with false hope.

Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading.

Your prophets have seen for you False and foolish visions; And they have not exposed your iniquity So as to restore you from captivity, But they have seen for you false and misleading oracles.

Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment.

Your prophets saw visions for you that were empty and deceptive; they did not reveal your guilt and so restore your fortunes. They saw oracles for you that were empty and misleading.

Your prophets look on your behalf; they see false and deceptive visions. They did not expose your sins in order to restore what had been captured. Instead, they crafted oracles for you that are false and misleading.

Your prophets saw visions for you that were worthless lies. They failed to expose your sin so as to restore your fortunes. They saw oracles for you that were worthless lies.

Your prophets saw misleading visions about you. They painted a good picture of you. They didn't expose your guilt in order to make things better again. They gave you false prophecies that misled you.

Nun Thy prophets have preached vanity and foolishness unto thee; and they have not uncovered thine iniquity to turn away thy captivity but have preached unto thee vain prophecies and digressions.

Your prophets have seen vain and foolish things for you: and they have not uncovered your iniquity, to turn away your captivity; but have given you false oracles and causes of banishment.

Your prophets have seen vain and foolish things for you: and they have not discovered your iniquity, to turn away your captivity; but have seen for you false burdens and causes of banishment.

Thy prophets have seen for thee false and foolish visions; And they have not uncovered thine iniquity, to bring back thy captivity, But have seen for thee false oracles and causes of banishment.

Nun. Thy prophets have seen false and foolish things for thee: and they have not laid open thy iniquity, to excite thee to penance: but they have seen for thee false revelations and banishments.

Thy prophets have seen vanity and folly for thee; and they have not revealed thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee burdens of falsehood and causes of expulsion.

Thy prophets have seen visions for thee of vanity and foolishness; and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to bring again thy captivity: but have seen for thee burdens of vanity and causes of banishment.

Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not revealed thy iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment.

Your prophets have seen for you false and foolish visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, to bring back your captivity, but have seen for you false oracles and causes of banishment.

Thy prophets have seen for thee a false and insipid thing, And have not revealed concerning thine iniquity, To turn back thy captivity, And they see for thee false burdens and causes of expulsion.

Vajtimet 2:14
Profetët e tu kanë pasur për ty vegime të rreme dhe të paarsyeshme; nuk kanë zbuluar lakuriq paudhësinë tënde që të largojnë robërinë prej teje; ata kanë shqiptuar për ty profeci të rreme dhe mashtruese.

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 2:14
انبياؤك رأوا لك كذبا وباطلا ولم يعلنوا اثمك ليردوا سبيك بل رأوا لك وحيا كاذبا وطوائح.

De Klaglieder 2:14
Deine "Weissagn" warnd gar kain. Haetnd s dyr halt eyn s Gwissn grödt, däß s dyr doch non gwenddt haetnd s Gschick! Die gaabnd öbbs als Schauenn aus, was Betrug war und gverlaitt.

Плач Еремиев 2:14
Пророците ти видяха за тебе суетни и глупави видения, И не откриха беззаконието ти, за да те върнат от плен, Но видяха за тебе лъжливо наложени и прелъстителни пророчества.

耶 利 米 哀 歌 2:14
你 的 先 知 為 你 見 虛 假 和 愚 昧 的 異 象 , 並 沒 有 顯 露 你 的 罪 孽 , 使 你 被 擄 的 歸 回 ; 卻 為 你 見 虛 假 的 默 示 和 使 你 被 趕 出 本 境 的 緣 故 。

你 的 先 知 为 你 见 虚 假 和 愚 昧 的 异 象 , 并 没 有 显 露 你 的 罪 孽 , 使 你 被 掳 的 归 回 ; 却 为 你 见 虚 假 的 默 示 和 使 你 被 赶 出 本 境 的 缘 故 。



Lamentations 2:14
Viđenja tvojih proroka bijahu varka i laž, oni nisu objavili krivnju tvoju da te od izgnanstva odvrate. Varali su te utvarama lažnim i zamamnim.

Pláč Jeremiášův 2:14
Proroci tvoji předpovídali tobě lživé a ničemné věci, a neodkrývali nepravosti tvé, aby odvrátili zajetí tvé, ale předpovídali tobě těžkosti, oklamání a vyhnání.

Klagesangene 2:14
Profeternes Syner om dig var Tomhed og Løgn, de afsløred ikke din Skyld for at vende din Skæbne, Synerne gav dig kun tomme, vildende Udsagn.

Klaagliederen 2:14
Nun. Uw profeten hebben u ijdelheid en ongerijmdheid gezien, en zij hebben u uw ongerechtigheid niet geopenbaard, om uw gevangenis af te wenden, maar zij hebben voor u gezien ijdele lasten en uitstotingen.

איכה 2:14
נְבִיאַ֗יִךְ חָ֤זוּ לָךְ֙ שָׁ֣וְא וְתָפֵ֔ל וְלֹֽא־גִלּ֥וּ עַל־עֲוֹנֵ֖ךְ לְהָשִׁ֣יב [שְׁבִיתֵךְ כ] (שְׁבוּתֵ֑ךְ ק) וַיֶּ֣חֱזוּ לָ֔ךְ מַשְׂאֹ֥ות שָׁ֖וְא וּמַדּוּחִֽים׃ ס

יד נביאיך חזו לך שוא ותפל ולא גלו על עונך להשיב שביתך (שבותך) ויחזו לך משאות שוא ומדוחים  {ס}

נביאיך חזו לך שוא ותפל ולא־גלו על־עונך להשיב [שביתך כ] (שבותך ק) ויחזו לך משאות שוא ומדוחים׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 2:14
A te prófétáid hazugságot és bolondságot hirdettek néked, és nem fedték fel a te álnokságodat, hogy elfordították volna fogságodat; hanem láttak tenéked hazug és megtévelyítõ prófétálásokat.

Plorkanto de Jeremia 2:14
Viaj profetoj profetis al vi malverajxon kaj sensencajxon, Kaj ne montris al vi viajn malbonagojn, por antauxgardi vin kontraux kaptiteco; Ili predikis al vi viziojn malverajn, kiuj alportis al vi elpelon.

Sinun prophetas ovat sinulle saarnanneet turhuutta ja hulluja näkyjä, ja ei sinun pahoja tekojas sinulle ilmoittaneet, jolla he olisivat sinun vankiutes estää taitaneet, vaan ovat sinulle saarnanneet turhia saarnoja, joilla he saarnasivat sinun ulos maastas.

Lamentations 2:14
Tes prophètes ont vu pour toi la vanité et la folie, et ils n'ont pas mis à découvert ton iniquité pour détourner ta captivité; mais ils ont vu pour toi des oracles de vanité et de séduction.

Tes prophètes ont eu pour toi des visions vaines et fausses; Ils n'ont pas mis à nu ton iniquité, Afin de détourner de toi la captivité; Ils t'ont donné des oracles mensongers et trompeurs.

[Nun.] Tes Prophètes t’ont prévu des choses vaines et frivoles, et ils n’ont point découvert ton iniquité pour détourner ta captivité; mais ils t’ont prévu des charges vaines, et propres à te faire chasser.

Klagelieder 2:14
Deine Propheten haben dir lose und törichte Gesichte geprediget und dir deine Missetat nicht geoffenbaret, damit sie dein Gefängnis gewehret hätten, sondern haben dir geprediget lose Predigt, damit sie dich zum Land hinaus predigten.

Deine Propheten haben dir lose und törichte Gesichte gepredigt und dir deine Missetat nicht geoffenbart, damit sie dein Gefängnis abgewandt hätten, sondern haben dir gepredigt lose Predigt, damit sie dich zum Lande hinaus predigten.

Deine Propheten erschauten dir Trug und Ungesalzenes und deckten dir deine Schuld nicht auf, dein Geschick zu wenden, sondern erschauten dir Sprüche zu Trug und Verstoßung.

Lamentazioni 2:14
I tuoi profeti hanno avuto per te visioni vane e delusorie; non hanno messo a nudo la tua nequizia, per stornare da te la cattività; le profezie che hanno fatto a tuo riguardo non eran che oracoli vani e seduttori.

I tuoi profeti ti han vedute visioni di vanità, e di cose scempie; E non hanno scoperta la tua iniquità, Per ritrarti di cattività, E ti hanno veduti carichi di vanità, e traviamenti.

Bahwa kepadamu segala nabimu sudah bernubuat dusta dan barang yang bukan-bukan; tiada mereka itu menyatakan kesalahanmu kepadamu, supaya diundurkan dari padamu celaka besar itu; melainkan mereka itu sudah memberitahu kepadamu firman yang dusta dan penipu.

예레미아애가 2:14
네 선지자들이 네게 대하여 헛되고 어리석은 묵시를 보았으므로 네 죄악을 드러내어서 네 사로잡힌 것을 돌이키지 못하였도다 저희가 거짓 경고와 미혹케 할 것만 보았도다

Lamentationes 2:14
NUN prophetae tui viderunt tibi falsa et stulta nec aperiebant iniquitatem tuam ut te ad paenitentiam provocarent viderunt autem tibi adsumptiones falsas et eiectiones

Raudø knyga 2:14
Tavo pranašai pranašavo tuštybes ir kvailystes. Jie neatidengė tavo kalčių, kad apsaugotų nuo tremties. Jie matė melagingų regėjimų dėl tavęs ir apgaulę.

Lamentations 2:14
Ko nga mea i kitea e ou poropiti mou, he teka, he mea horihori; kihai ano i hurahia e ratou tou he, e hoki ai koe i te whakarau; heoi ano ta ratou i kite ai mou he poropititanga wairangi, he mea hei pana atu i a koe.

Klagesangene 2:14
Dine profeter har skuet for dig tomme og dårlige ting; de åpenbarte ikke din misgjerning for å avvende ditt fangenskap, men de forkynte dig tomme og villedende spådommer.

Lamentaciones 2:14
Tus profetas tuvieron para ti visiones falsas y necias, y no manifestaron tu iniquidad para que regresaras de tu cautiverio, sino que vieron para ti oráculos falsos y engañosos.

Tus profetas tuvieron para ti Visiones falsas y necias, Y no manifestaron tu iniquidad Para que regresaras de tu cautiverio, Sino que vieron para ti oráculos falsos y engañosos.

Tus profetas vieron para ti vanidad y locura; y no descubrieron tu pecado para impedir tu cautiverio, sino que te predicaron vanas profecías y extravíos.

Tus profetas vieron para ti vanidad y locura; Y no descubrieron tu pecado para estorbar tu cautiverio, Sino que te predicaron vanas profecías y extravíos.

Nun : Tus profetas te predicaron vanidad y locura; y no descubrieron tu pecado para estorbar tu cautiverio, sino que te predicaron vanas profecías y disgresiones.

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 2:14
Os teus profetas te anunciaram visões inverídicas e insanas e não denunciaram o teu pecado para evitar a tua prisão e exílio; mas anunciaram profecias falsas, inúteis e palavras que te conduziram ao desterro.

Os teus profetas viram para ti visões falsas e insensatas; e não manifestaram a tua iniqüidade, para te desviarem do cativeiro; mas viram para ti profecias vãs e coisas que te levaram ao exílio.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 2:14
Proorocii tăi ţi-au proorocit vedenii deşarte şi amăgitoare, nu ţi-au dat pe faţă nelegiuirea, ca să abată astfel robia dela tine, ci ţi-au făcut proorocii mincinoase şi înşelătoare.

Плач Иеремии 2:14
Пророки твои провещали тебе пустое и ложное и не раскрывали твоего беззакония, чтобы отвратить твое пленение, и изрекали тебе откровения ложные и приведшиетебя к изгнанию.

Пророки твои провещали тебе пустое и ложное и не раскрывали твоего беззакония, чтобы отвратить твое пленение, и изрекали тебе откровения ложные и приведшие тебя к изгнанию.[]

Klagovisorna 2:14
Dina profeters syner voro falskhet och flärd, de blottade icke för dig din missgärning, så att du kunde bliva upprättad; de utsagor de förkunnade för dig voro falskhet och förförelse.

Lamentations 2:14
Ang iyong mga propeta ay nakakita para sa iyo ng mga pangitain na walang kabuluhan at kamangmangan; at hindi nila inilitaw ang iyong kasamaan, upang bawiin ang iyong pagkabihag, kundi nakarinig para sa iyo ng mga hulang walang kabuluhan at mga kadahilanan ng pagkatapon.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 2:14
ผู้พยากรณ์ทั้งหลายของเจ้าได้เห็นสิ่งที่โง่เขลาและไร้สาระมาบอกเจ้า แทนที่เขาจะเผยความชั่วช้าของเจ้าออกมาให้ประจักษ์ เพื่อจะให้เจ้ากลับสู่สภาพดี เขาทั้งหลายกลับได้เห็นภาระที่เทียมเท็จอันเป็นเหตุให้เกิดการเนรเทศ

Ağıtlar 2:14
Peygamberlerin senin için boş ve anlamsız görümler gördüler.
Suçunu ortaya çıkarsalardı, eski gönencine kavuşabilirdin;
Oysa seni ayartacak boş görümler gördüler.[]

Ca-thöông 2:14
Các tiên tri ngươi xem cho ngươi những sự hiện thấy giả dối và ngu dại. Chẳng tỏ ra tội lỗi ngươi, đặng đem phu tù ngươi trở về. Chỉ thấy cho ngươi những lời tiên tri dối và sự làm cớ cho ngươi bị đuổi.

Lamentations 2:13
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