Lamentations 2:13
Lamentations 2:13
What can I say for you? With what can I compare you, Daughter Jerusalem? To what can I liken you, that I may comfort you, Virgin Daughter Zion? Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?

What can I say about you? Who has ever seen such sorrow? O daughter of Jerusalem, to what can I compare your anguish? O virgin daughter of Zion, how can I comfort you? For your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?

What can I say for you, to what compare you, O daughter of Jerusalem? What can I liken to you, that I may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For your ruin is vast as the sea; who can heal you?

How shall I admonish you? To what shall I compare you, O daughter of Jerusalem? To what shall I liken you as I comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For your ruin is as vast as the sea; Who can heal you?

What thing shall I take to witness for thee? what thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?

What can I say on your behalf? What can I compare you to, Daughter Jerusalem? What can I liken you to, so that I may console you, Virgin Daughter Zion? For your ruin is as vast as the sea. Who can heal you?

What can be said about you? To what should you be compared, fair Jerusalem? To what may I liken you, so I may comfort you, fair one of Zion? Indeed, your wound is as deep as the sea— who can heal you?

With what can I equate you? To what can I compare you, O Daughter Jerusalem? To what can I liken you so that I might comfort you, O Virgin Daughter Zion? Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?

"What example can I give you? What parallel can I show you, people of Jerusalem? What comparison can I make that will comfort you, beloved people of Zion? Your wounds are as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?

Mem What witness shall I take to thee? Or unto whom shall I liken thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? Unto whom shall I compare thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is as great as the sea: who shall heal thee?

What thing shall I take to witness for you? what thing shall I liken to you, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to you, that I may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? for your ruin is vast as the sea: who can heal you?

What thing shall I take to witness for you? what thing shall I liken to you, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to you, that I may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? for your breach is great like the sea: who can heal you?

What shall I testify unto thee? what shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I compare to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? For thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?

Mem. To what shall I compare thee? or to what shall I liken thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? to what shall I equal thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Sion? for great as the sea is thy destruction: who shall heal thee?

What shall I take to witness for thee? what shall I liken unto thee, daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, virgin daughter of Zion? For thy ruin is great as the sea: who will heal thee?

What shall I testify unto thee? what shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?

What thing shall I take to witness for thee? what thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?

What shall I testify to you? what shall I liken to you, daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I compare to you, that I may comfort you, virgin daughter of Zion? For your breach is great like the sea: who can heal you?

What do I testify to thee, what do I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? What do I equal to thee, and I comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? For great as a sea is thy breach, Who doth give healing to thee?

Vajtimet 2:13
Si mund të të jap zemër? Në çfarë do të të ngjas, o bijë e Jeruzalemit? Çfarë gjë do të krahasoj me ty që të të ngushëlloj, o bijë e virgjër e Jeruzalemit? Sepse shkatërrimi yt është i madh si deti; kush mund të të shërojë?

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 2:13
بماذا انذرك بماذا احذرك. بماذا اشبهك يا ابنة اورشليم. بماذا اقايسك فاعزيك ايتها العذراء بنت صهيون. لان سحقك عظيم كالبحر. من يشفيك.

De Klaglieder 2:13
S werd kain Troost für di nit sein, wenn i sag: "Yso geet s vil!"? Daa hilfft s gantze Zuerödn nix. Nän, s ist waar, wie dir geet s niemdd! Weit faelt s; daa ist allssand z spaet.

Плач Еремиев 2:13
Какво да ти заявя? Какво сравнение да ти представя, ерусалимска дъщерьо? Кому да те оприлича, за да те утеша, девице сионова дъщерьо? Защото разорението ти е голямо като морето; кой може да те изцели?

耶 利 米 哀 歌 2:13
耶 路 撒 冷 的 民 哪 , 我 可 用 甚 麼 向 你 證 明 呢 ? 我 可 用 甚 麼 與 你 相 比 呢 ? 錫 安 的 民 哪 , 我 可 拿 甚 麼 和 你 比 較 , 好 安 慰 你 呢 ? 因 為 你 的 裂 口 大 如 海 , 誰 能 醫 治 你 呢 ?

耶 路 撒 冷 的 民 哪 , 我 可 用 甚 麽 向 你 证 明 呢 ? 我 可 用 甚 麽 与 你 相 比 呢 ? 锡 安 的 民 哪 , 我 可 拿 甚 麽 和 你 比 较 , 好 安 慰 你 呢 ? 因 为 你 的 裂 口 大 如 海 , 谁 能 医 治 你 呢 ?



Lamentations 2:13
S čime da te prispodobim? Na koga si nalik, Kćeri jeruzalemska? S kime da te usporedim, kako utješim, djevice, Kćeri sionska? Jer kao more tvoja je nesreća neizmjerna. Tko će te iscijeliti?

Pláč Jeremiášův 2:13
Kohoť za svědka přivedu? Koho připodobním k tobě, ó dcero Jeruzalémská? Koho tobě přirovnám, abych tě potěšil, panno dcero Sionská? Nebo veliké jest jako moře potření tvé. Kdož by tě zhojiti mohl?

Klagesangene 2:13
Med hvad skal jeg stille dig lige, Jerusalems Datter, hvormed skal jeg ligne og trøste dig, Zions Jomfru? Thi dit Sammenbrud er stort som Havet, hvo læger dig vel?

Klaagliederen 2:13
Mem. Wat getuigen zal ik u brengen, wat zal ik bij u vergelijken, gij dochter Jeruzalems? Wat zal ik bij u vergelijken, dat ik u trooste, gij jonkvrouw, dochter Sions, want uw breuk is zo groot als de zee, wie kan u helen?

איכה 2:13
מָֽה־אֲעִידֵ֞ךְ מָ֣ה אֲדַמֶּה־לָּ֗ךְ הַבַּת֙ יְר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם מָ֤ה אַשְׁוֶה־לָּךְ֙ וַאֲנַֽחֲמֵ֔ךְ בְּתוּלַ֖ת בַּת־צִיֹּ֑ון כִּֽי־גָדֹ֥ול כַּיָּ֛ם שִׁבְרֵ֖ךְ מִ֥י יִרְפָּא־לָֽךְ׃ ס

יג מה אעידך מה אדמה לך הבת ירושלם--מה אשוה לך ואנחמך בתולת בת ציון  כי גדול כים שברך מי ירפא לך  {ס}

מה־אעידך מה אדמה־לך הבת ירושלם מה אשוה־לך ואנחמך בתולת בת־ציון כי־גדול כים שברך מי ירפא־לך׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 2:13
Mivel bizonyítsak melletted, mihez hasonlítsalak, Jeruzsálem leánya, mivel mérjelek össze téged, hogy megvígasztaljalak, Sionnak szûz leánya?! Bizony nagy a te romlásod, mint a tenger: kicsoda gyógyít meg téged?!

Plorkanto de Jeremia 2:13
Kiun mi povas montri al vi, kun kiu mi povas kompari vin, ho filino de Jerusalem? Kiun similan mi povas montri al vi, por konsoli vin, ho virgulino-filino de Cion? CXar granda kiel la maro estas via malfelicxo; kiu vin resanigos?

Voi sinä Jerusalemin tytär, keneen minä vertaan sinun, eli minkä kaltaisena minä sinun pidän? sinä neitsy Zionin tytär, mihinkä minä sinua vertaan, jolla minä sinua lohduttaisin? sillä sinun hävintös on suuri niinkuin meri, kuka taitaa sinua parantaa?

Lamentations 2:13
Quel témoignage t'apporterai-je? Que comparerai-je à toi, fille de Jérusalem? Qui est-ce que j'égalerai à toi, afin que je te console, vierge, fille de Sion? car ta ruine est grande comme la mer: qui te guérira?

Que dois-je te dire? à quoi te comparer, fille de Jérusalem? Qui trouver de semblable à toi, et quelle consolation te donner, Vierge, fille de Sion? Car ta plaie est grande comme la mer: qui pourra te guérir?

[Mem] Qui prendrai-je à témoin envers toi? Qui comparerai-je avec toi, fille de Jérusalem, et qui est-ce que je t’égalerai, afin que je te console, vierge fille de Sion; car ta plaie est grande comme une mer? Qui est celui qui te guérira?

Klagelieder 2:13
Ach, du Tochter Jerusalem, wem soll ich dich gleichen und wofür soll ich dich rechnen, du Jungfrau Tochter Zion? Wem soll ich dich vergleichen, damit ich dich trösten möchte? Denn dein Schaden ist groß, wie ein Meer; wer kann dich heilen?

Ach du Tochter Jerusalem, wem soll ich dich vergleichen, und wofür soll ich dich rechnen? Du Jungfrau Tochter Zion, wem soll ich dich vergleichen, damit ich dich trösten möchte? Denn dein Schaden ist groß wie ein Meer; wer kann dich heilen?

Was soll ich als Beispiel für dich nennen, womit dich vergleichen, du Tochter Jerusalem? Was stell' ich dir gleich, um dich zu trösten, jungfräuliche Tochter Zion? Ja, groß wie das Meer ist deine Wunde; wer könnte dich heilen?

Lamentazioni 2:13
Che ti dirò? A che ti paragonerò, o figliuola di Gerusalemme? Che troverò di simile a te per consolarti, o vergine figliuola di Gerusalemme? Poiché la tua ferita è larga quanto il mare; chi ti potrà guarire?

Con che ti scongiurerò? a che ti assomiglierò, figliuola di Gerusalemme? A che ti agguaglierò, per consolarti, Vergine, figliuola di Sion? Conciossiachè il tuo fiaccamento sia grande come il mare: chi ti medicherà?

Apakah boleh kukatakan kepadamu? bagaimana boleh aku mempersenangkan dikau, hai puteri Yeruzalem! bagaimana boleh aku mendiamkan dan menghiburkan dikau, hai tuan puteri Sion, karena besarlah lukamu seperti laut, siapa gerangan dapat mengobati dikau?

예레미아애가 2:13
처녀 예루살렘이여 내가 무엇으로 네게 증거하며 무엇으로 네게 비유할꼬 처녀 시온이여, 내가 무엇으로 네게 비교하여 너를 위로 할꼬 너의 파괴됨이 바다 같이 크니 누가 너를 고칠소냐

Lamentationes 2:13
MEM cui conparabo te vel cui adsimilabo te filia Hierusalem cui exaequabo te et consolabor te virgo filia Sion magna enim velut mare contritio tua quis medebitur tui

Raudø knyga 2:13
Jeruzale, kuo paguosiu ir kam prilyginsiu tavo kančias? Siono dukterie, kuo pastiprinsiu tave? Tavo žaizda yra didelė kaip jūra. Kas gali pagydyti tave?

Lamentations 2:13
Ko te aha taku hei whakaatu ki a koe? ko te aha e waiho e ahau hei ahua mou, e te tamahine a Hiruharama? Ko wai e waiho e ahau hei rite ki a koe, e whakamarie ai ahau i a koe, e te tamahine wahine a Hiona? He nui hoki tou pakaru, koia ano kei te moana; ko wai hei rongoa i a koe?

Klagesangene 2:13
Hvad skal jeg vidne for dig, hvad skal jeg ligne dig med, du Jerusalems datter? Hvad skal jeg stille ved siden av dig, så jeg kunde trøste dig, du jomfru, Sions datter? For stor som havet er din skade; hvem kan læge dig?

Lamentaciones 2:13
¿Cómo he de amonestarte? ¿A qué te compararé, hija de Jerusalén? ¿A qué te igualaré al consolarte, virgen hija de Sion? Porque grande como el mar es tu ruina, ¿quién te podrá sanar?

¿Cómo he de amonestarte? ¿A qué te compararé, Hija de Jerusalén? ¿A qué te igualaré al consolarte, Virgen hija de Sion? Porque grande como el mar es tu ruina; ¿Quién te podrá sanar?

¿Qué testigo te traeré, o a quién te haré semejante, hija de Jerusalén? ¿A quién te compararé para consolarte, oh virgen hija de Sión? Porque tu quebrantamiento es grande como el mar; ¿quién te sanará?

¿Qué testigo te traeré, ó á quién te haré semejante, hija de Jerusalem? ¿A quién te compararé para consolarte, oh virgen hija de Sión? Porque grande es tu quebrantamiento como la mar: ¿quién te medicinará?

Mem : ¿Qué testigo te traeré, o a quién te haré semejante, oh hija de Jerusalén? ¿A quién te compararé para consolarte, oh Virgen hija de Sion? Porque grande es tu quebrantamiento como el mar; ¿quién te medicinará?

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 2:13
Que testemunho te darei, a que te compararei, ó cidade de Jerusalém? A quem te assemelharei para te consolar, ó cidade de Sião? Pois a tua ferida é tão grande como o mar; quem poderá te curar?

Que testemunho te darei, a que te compararei, ó filha de Jerusalém? A quem te assemelharei, para te consolar, ó virgem filha de Sião? pois grande como o mar é a tua ferida; quem te poderá curar?   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 2:13
,,Cu ce să te îmbărbătez şi cu ce să te asemăn, fiica Ierusalimului? Cu cine să te pun alături, şi cu ce să te mîngîi, fecioară, fiica Sionului? Căci rana ta este mare ca marea: cine va putea să te vindece?

Плач Иеремии 2:13
Что мне сказать тебе, с чем сравнить тебя, дщерь Иерусалима? чему уподобить тебя, чтобы утешить тебя, дева, дщерь Сиона? ибо рана твоя велика, как море; кто может исцелить тебя?

Что мне сказать тебе, с чем сравнить тебя, дщерь Иерусалима? чему уподобить тебя, чтобы утешить тебя, дева, дщерь Сиона? ибо рана твоя велика, как море; кто может исцелить тебя?[]

Klagovisorna 2:13
Vad jämförligt skall jag framlägga för dig, du dotter Jerusalem? Vilket liknande öde kan jag draga fram till din tröst, du jungfru dotter Sion? Din skada är ju stor såsom ett hav; vem kan hela dig?

Lamentations 2:13
Ano ang aking patototohanan sa iyo? sa ano kita iwawangis, Oh anak na babae ng Jerusalem? Ano ang ihahalintulad ko sa iyo, upang maaliw kita, Oh anak na dalaga ng Sion? Sapagka't ang iyong sira ay malaking parang dagat: sinong makapagpapagaling sa iyo?

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 2:13
โอ ธิดาแห่งเยรูซาเล็มเอ๋ย ข้าพเจ้าจะเอาอะไรมาเป็นพยานฝ่ายเจ้าได้ ข้าพเจ้าจะเปรียบเจ้ากับอะไร โอ ธิดาพรหมจารีแห่งศิโยนเอ๋ย ข้าพเจ้าจะหาอะไรที่มาเทียบกับเจ้าได้เล่า เพื่อข้าพเจ้าจะเล้าโลมเจ้าได้ เพราะความอับปางของเจ้าก็ใหญ่เทียมเท่าสมุทร ผู้ใดจะรักษาเจ้าได้เล่า

Ağıtlar 2:13
Senin için ne diyeyim?
Ey Yeruşalim kızı, seni neye benzeteyim?
Ey Siyonun erden kızı, sana neyi örnek göstereyim de
Seni avutayım?
Sendeki gedik deniz kadar büyük,
Kim sana şifa verebilir?[]

Ca-thöông 2:13
Ta làm chứng gì cho ngươi? Hỡi gái Giê-ru-sa-lem, ta kể thí dụ chi? Ta lấy gì sánh cùng ngươi đặng yên ủi ngươi, hỡi con gái đồng trinh Si-ôn? Sự phá hại ngươi to như biển: ai sửa sang lại được?

Lamentations 2:12
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