Judges 9:5
Judges 9:5
He went to his father's home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers, the sons of Jerub-Baal. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerub-Baal, escaped by hiding.

He went to his father's home at Ophrah, and there, on one stone, they killed all seventy of his half brothers, the sons of Gideon. But the youngest brother, Jotham, escaped and hid.

And he went to his father’s house at Ophrah and killed his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, on one stone. But Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left, for he hid himself.

Then he went to his father's house at Ophrah and killed his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, on one stone. But Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left, for he hid himself.

And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: notwithstanding yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

He went to his father's house in Ophrah and killed his 70 brothers, the sons of Jerubbaal, on top of a large stone. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerubbaal, survived, because he hid himself.

to his father's house in Ophrah. There he murdered his own brothers, Jerubbaal's sons—all 70 of them—in one place. But Jerubbaal's youngest son Jotham survived by hiding himself.

He went to his father's home in Ophrah and murdered his half-brothers, the seventy legitimate sons of Jerub-Baal, on one stone. Only Jotham, Jerub-Baal's youngest son, escaped, because he hid.

Then he went to his father's home in Ophrah. There he executed his 70 brothers, Jerubbaal's sons. But Jotham, Jerubbaal's youngest son, survived because he hid.

And coming unto his father's house at Ophrah, he slew his brethren, the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy persons, upon a stone; yet Jotham, the youngest son of Jerubbaal, was left, for he hid himself.

And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: nevertheless yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

And he went to his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, being three score and ten persons, on one stone: notwithstanding yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

And he came to his father's house in Ephra, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerobaal, seventy men, upon one stone: and there remained only Joatham the youngest son of Jerobaal, who was hidden.

And he went to his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brothers the sons of Jerubba'al, seventy men, upon one stone; but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubba'al was left, for he hid himself.

And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

And he went to his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being seventy persons, upon one stone; notwithstanding, yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

He went to his father's house at Ophrah, and killed his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, being seventy persons, on one stone: but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

and he goeth into the house of his father at Ophrah, and slayeth his brethren, sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, on one stone; and Jotham, youngest son of Jerubbaal, is left, for he was hidden.

Gjyqtarët 9:5
Pastaj ai shkoi në shtëpinë e atit të tij në Ofrah dhe vrau mbi po atë gur vëllezërit e tij, të shtatëdhjetë bijtë e Jerubaalit. Por Jothami biri më i vogël i Jerubaalit, shpëtoi sepse ishte fshehur.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 9:5
ثم جاء الى بيت ابيه في عفرة وقتل اخوته بني يربعل سبعين رجلا على حجر واحد. وبقي يوثام بن يربعل الاصغر لانه اختبأ.

D Richter 9:5
Dann drang yr eyn sein Vaterhaus z Ofrau ein und brang seine sibzg Brüeder, also yn n Bäglstreit seine Sün, auf ainn Tush um. Grad dyr Jottäm, dyr Jüngste von n Bäglstreit, blib übrig, weil yr si verstöckt hiet.

Съдии 9:5
И, като отиде в бащиния си дом в Офра, изкла върху един камък братята си Еровааловите синове, седемдесет души; само че най-младият Ероваалов син, Иотам, оцеля, защото се скри.

士 師 記 9:5
他 往 俄 弗 拉 到 他 父 親 的 家 , 將 他 弟 兄 、 耶 路 巴 力 的 眾 子 七 十 人 都 殺 在 一 塊 磐 石 上 ; 只 剩 下 耶 路 巴 力 的 小 兒 子 約 坦 , 因 為 他 躲 藏 了 。

他 往 俄 弗 拉 到 他 父 亲 的 家 , 将 他 弟 兄 、 耶 路 巴 力 的 众 子 七 十 人 都 杀 在 一 块 磐 石 上 ; 只 剩 下 耶 路 巴 力 的 小 儿 子 约 坦 , 因 为 他 躲 藏 了 。



Judges 9:5
Onda dođe u kuću svoga oca u Ofri i pobi svoju braću, sinove Jerubaalove, sedamdeset ljudi, na jednom kamenu. Izmakao mu je samo Jotam, najmlađi sin Jerubaalov jer se bijaše sakrio.

Soudců 9:5
A přišed do domu otce svého do Ofra, zmordoval bratří své, syny Jerobálovy, sedmdesáte mužů, na jednom kameni; toliko zůstal Jotam syn Jerobálův nejmladší, nebo se byl skryl.

Dommer 9:5
Derpaa drog han til sin Faders Hus i Ofra og slog sine Brødre, Jerubba'als halvfjerdsindstyve Sønner, ihjel paa een Sten. Kun Jotam, Jerubba'als yngste Søn, blev tilbage, thi han havde skjult sig.

Richtere 9:5
En hij kwam in zijns vaders huis te Ofra, en doodde zijn broederen, de zonen van Jerubbaal, zeventig mannen, op een steen; doch Jotham, de jongste zoon van Jerubbaal werd overgelaten, want hij had zich verstoken.

שופטים 9:5
וַיָּבֹ֤א בֵית־אָבִיו֙ עָפְרָ֔תָה וַֽיַּהֲרֹ֞ג אֶת־אֶחָ֧יו בְּנֵֽי־יְרֻבַּ֛עַל שִׁבְעִ֥ים אִ֖ישׁ עַל־אֶ֣בֶן אֶחָ֑ת וַיִּוָּתֵ֞ר יֹותָ֧ם בֶּן־יְרֻבַּ֛עַל הַקָּטֹ֖ן כִּ֥י נֶחְבָּֽא׃ ס

ה ויבא בית אביו עפרתה ויהרג את אחיו בני ירבעל שבעים איש על אבן אחת ויותר יותם בן ירבעל הקטן--כי נחבא  {ס}

ויבא בית־אביו עפרתה ויהרג את־אחיו בני־ירבעל שבעים איש על־אבן אחת ויותר יותם בן־ירבעל הקטן כי נחבא׃ ס

Birák 9:5
És elméne atyjának házához Ofrába, és megölé testvéreit, Jerubbaál fiait, a hetven férfiút egy kövön, és csak Jóthám maradt meg, Jerubbaálnak legkisebb fia, mert ez elrejtõzött.

Juĝistoj 9:5
Kaj li venis en la domon de sia patro en Ofra, kaj mortigis siajn fratojn, la filojn de Jerubaal, sepdek homojn, sur unu sxtono; restis Jotam, la plej juna filo de Jerubaal, cxar li kasxigxis.

Ja hän tuli isänsä huoneesen Ophraan, ja murhasi seitsemänkymmentä veljeänsä, JerubBaalin poikaa, yhden kiven päällä. Mutta Jotam, nuorin JerubBaalin pojista jäi; sillä hän kätki itsensä.

Juges 9:5
Et il vint à la maison de son père, à Ophra, et tua sur une seule pierre ses frères, les fils de Jerubbaal, soixante-dix hommes; mais Jotham, le plus jeune fils de Jerubbaal, demeura de reste, car il s'était caché.

Il vint dans la maison de son père à Ophra, et il tua ses frères, fils de Jerubbaal, soixante-dix hommes, sur une même pierre. Il n'échappa que Jotham, le plus jeune fils de Jerubbaal, car il s'était caché.

Et il vint en la maison de son père à Hophra, et tua sur une même pierre ses frères, enfants de Jérubbahal, qui étaient soixante-dix hommes; mais Jotham, le plus petit fils de Jérubbahal, demeura de reste, parce qu'il s'était caché.

Richter 9:5

Und er kam in seines Vaters Haus gen Ophra und erwürgte seine Brüder, die Kinder Jerubbaals, siebzig Mann, auf einem Stein. Es blieb aber übrig Jotham, der jüngste Sohn Jerubbaals; denn er war versteckt.

Darauf begab er sich zum Palaste seines Vaters nach Ophra und ermordete seine Brüder, die Söhne Jerubbaals, siebzig Mann, auf einem Steine; nur Jerubbaals jüngster Sohn Jotham blieb übrig, da er sich versteckt hatte.

Giudici 9:5
Ed egli venne alla casa di suo padre, a Ofra, e uccise sopra un stessa pietra i suoi fratelli, figliuoli di Ierubbaal, settanta uomini; ma Jotham, figliuolo minore di Ierubbaal, scampò, perché s’era nascosto.

Ed egli venne in casa di suo padre, in Ofra, e uccise in su una stessa pietra i suoi fratelli, figliuoli di Ierubbaal, ch’erano settant’uomini; ma Giotam, figliuol minore di Ierubbaal, scampò; perchè s’era nascosto.

Maka masuklah ia ke dalam rumah bapanya yang di Ofera itu, dibunuhnya akan segala kakak adiknya, semuanya anak laki-laki Yerub-Baal, tujuh puluh orang, pada sebuah batu, tetapi Yotam, anak bungsu Yerub-Baal itu, tinggal dengan hidupnya, karena telah disembunyikannya dirinya.

사사기 9:5
오브라에 있는 그 아비의 집으로 가서 여룹바알의 아들 곧 자기 형제 칠십인을 한 반석 위에서 죽였으되 오직 여룹바알의 말째 아들 요담은 스스로 숨었으므로 남으니라

Iudicum 9:5
et venit in domum patris sui Ephra et occidit fratres suos filios Hierobbaal septuaginta viros super lapidem unum remansitque Ioatham filius Hierobbaal minimus et absconditus est

Teisëjø knyga 9:5
Atėjęs į savo tėvo namus Ofroje, nužudė savo brolius, Jerubaalio sūnus, septyniasdešimt vyrų, ant vieno akmens. Gyvas liko tik Jerubaalio jauniausiasis sūnus Jotamas, nes jis buvo pasislėpęs.

Judges 9:5
Na ka haere ia ki te whare o tona papa ki Opora, a patua iho e ia ona tuakana, ona teina, nga tama a Ierupaara, e whitu tekau nga tangata, i runga i te kohatu kotahi; otiia i mahue a Iotama te tama whakaotinga a Ierupaara; i piri hoki ia.

Dommernes 9:5
Og han kom til sin fars hus i Ofra og slo ihjel sine brødre, Jerubba'als sønner, sytti mann på én sten; men Jotam, Jerubba'als yngste sønn, blev igjen, for han hadde skjult sig.

Jueces 9:5
Luego fue a la casa de su padre en Ofra y mató a sus hermanos, los hijos de Jerobaal, setenta hombres, sobre una piedra. Pero Jotam, el hijo menor de Jerobaal, se libró porque se escondió.

Luego fue a la casa de su padre en Ofra y sobre una piedra mató a sus hermanos, los hijos de Jerobaal, setenta hombres. Pero Jotam, el hijo menor de Jerobaal, se libró porque se escondió.

Y viniendo a la casa de su padre en Ofra, mató a sus hermanos los hijos de Jerobaal, setenta varones, sobre una piedra; mas quedó Jotam, el hijo menor de Jerobaal, que se escondió.

Y viniendo á la casa de su padre en Ophra, mató á sus hermanos los hijos de Jerobaal, setenta varones, sobre una piedra: mas quedó Jotham, el más pequeño hijo de Jerobaal, que se escondió.

Y viniendo a la casa de su padre en Ofra, mató a sus hermanos los hijos de Jerobaal, setenta varones, sobre una piedra; mas quedó Jotam, el más pequeño hijo de Jerobaal, que se escondió.

Juízes 9:5
Em seguida Abimeleque rumou para a casa de seu pai em Ofra e matou seus setenta irmãos, filhos de Jerubaal, todos sobre uma rocha. Contudo, Jotão, o filho caçula de Jerubaal, escondeu-se e conseguiu escapar.

e foi à casa de seu pai, a Ofra, e matou a seus irmãos, os filhos de Jerubaal, setenta homens, sobre uma só pedra. Mas Jotão, filho menor de Jerubaal, ficou, porquanto se tinha escondido.   

Judecatori 9:5
A venit în casa tatălui său la Ofra, şi a ucis pe fraţii săi, fiii lui Ierubaal, şaptezeci de oameni, pe aceeaş peatră. N'a scăpat decît Iotam, cel mai tînăr fiu al lui Ierubaal, căci se ascunsese.

Книга Судей 9:5
И пришел он в дом отца своего в Офру и убил братьев своих, семьдесят сынов Иеровааловых, на одном камне. Остался только Иофам, младший сын Иероваалов, потому что скрылся.

И пришел он в дом отца своего в Офру и убил братьев своих, семьдесят сынов Иеровааловых, на одном камне. Остался только Иофам, младший сын Иероваалов, потому что скрылся.[]

Domarboken 9:5
Därefter begav han sig till sin faders hus i Ofra och dräpte där sina bröder, Jerubbaals söner, sjuttio män, och detta på en och samma sten; dock blev Jotam, Jerubbaals yngste son, vid liv, ty han hade gömt sig.

Judges 9:5
At siya'y naparoon sa bahay ng kaniyang ama sa Ophra, at pinatay ang kaniyang mga kapatid na mga anak ni Jerobaal, na pitong pung katao, sa ibabaw ng isang bato: nguni't si Jotham na bunsong anak ni Jerobaal ay nalabi; sapagka't siya'y nagtago.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 9:5
เขาจึงไปที่บ้านบิดาของเขาที่เมืองโอฟราห์ฆ่าพี่น้องของตน คือบุตรชายเยรุบบาอัลทั้งเจ็ดสิบคนที่ศิลาแผ่นเดียว เหลือแต่โยธามบุตรชายสุดท้องของเยรุบบาอัล เพราะเขาซ่อนตัวเสีย

Hakimler 9:5
Sonra Ofraya, babasının evine dönüp kardeşlerini, Yerubbaalın yetmiş oğlunu bir taşın üzerinde kesip öldürdü. Yalnız Yerubbaalın küçük oğlu Yotam kaçıp gizlendiği için sağ kaldı.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 9:5
Ðoạn, người đi đến nhà cha mình tại Oùp-ra, và trên một hòn đá, giết các anh em mình, tức những con trai của Giê-ru-ba-anh, số là bảy mươi người. Chỉ một mình Giô-tham, con út của Giê-ru-ba-anh, còn sống, bởi vì chàng ẩn mình.

Judges 9:4
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