Judges 20:8
Judges 20:8
All the men rose up together as one, saying, "None of us will go home. No, not one of us will return to his house.

And all the people rose to their feet in unison and declared, "None of us will return home! No, not even one of us!

And all the people arose as one man, saying, “None of us will go to his tent, and none of us will return to his house.

Then all the people arose as one man, saying, "Not one of us will go to his tent, nor will any of us return to his house.

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house.

Then all the people stood united and said, "None of us will go to his tent or return to his house.

Then the entire army stood up as a single unit and declared, "Nobody's going back to his tent, and nobody's going home!

All Israel rose up in unison and said, "Not one of us will go home! Not one of us will return to his house!

All the people stood united, saying, "None of us will go to his tent or return to his house.

Then all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house.

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house.

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn unto his house.

And all the people standing, answered as by the voice of one man: We will not return to our tents, neither shall any one of us go into his own house:

And all the people arose as one man, saying, "We will not any of us go to his tent, and none of us will return to his house.

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn unto his house.

And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house:

All the people arose as one man, saying, "We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn to his house.

And all the people rise as one man, saying, 'None of us doth go to his tent, and none of us doth turn aside to his house;

Gjyqtarët 20:8
Atëherë tërë populli u ngrit si një njeri i vetëm, duke thënë: "Asnjë prej nesh nuk do të kthehet në çadrën e tij, asnjë prej nesh nuk do të kthehet në shtëpinë e tij.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 20:8
فقام جميع الشعب كرجل واحد وقالوا لا يذهب احد منا الى خيمته ولا يميل احد الى بيته.

D Richter 20:8
Daa erhob si dös gantze Volk wie ain Mann und gsait: "Niemdd von üns geet ietz ainfach haim! Niemdd geet eyn sein Zeltt und Haus zrugg!

Съдии 20:8
Тогава всичките люде станаха като един човек и казаха: Никой от нас няма да отиде в шатъра си, нито ще се върне някой от нас в къщата си,

士 師 記 20:8
眾 民 都 起 來 如 同 一 人 , 說 : 我 們 連 一 人 都 不 回 自 己 帳 棚 、 自 己 房 屋 去 。

众 民 都 起 来 如 同 一 人 , 说 : 我 们 连 一 人 都 不 回 自 己 帐 棚 、 自 己 房 屋 去 。



Judges 20:8
Sav narod ustade kao jedan čovjek govoreći: "Neka se nitko od nas ne vraća svome šatoru, neka nitko ne ide svojoj kući!

Soudců 20:8
A povstav všecken lid jednomyslně, řekli: Nenavrátí se žádný z nás do příbytku svého, aniž odejde kdo do domu svého.

Dommer 20:8
Da rejste hele Folket sig som een Mand og sagde: »Ingen af os vil vende hjem, ingen af os vil begive sig til sit Hus!

Richtere 20:8
Toen maakte zich al het volk op, als een enig man, zeggende: Wij zullen niet gaan, een ieder naar zijn tent, noch wijken, een ieder naar zijn huis.

שופטים 20:8
וַיָּ֙קָם֙ כָּל־הָעָ֔ם כְּאִ֥ישׁ אֶחָ֖ד לֵאמֹ֑ר לֹ֤א נֵלֵךְ֙ אִ֣ישׁ לְאָהֳלֹ֔ו וְלֹ֥א נָס֖וּר אִ֥ישׁ לְבֵיתֹֽו׃

ח ויקם כל העם כאיש אחד לאמר  לא נלך איש לאהלו ולא נסור איש לביתו

ויקם כל־העם כאיש אחד לאמר לא נלך איש לאהלו ולא נסור איש לביתו׃

Birák 20:8
Ekkor felállott az egész nép, mint egy ember, mondván: Senki közülünk sátorába ne menjen, és senki házához ne térjen,

Juĝistoj 20:8
Kaj levigxis la tuta popolo kiel unu homo, kaj diris:Neniu el ni iros al sia tendo, kaj neniu el ni revenos al sia domo;

Niin kaikki kansa nousi niinkuin yksi mies ja sanoi: älkään meistä yksikään menkö majaansa eikä kenkään poiketko huoneesensa;

Juges 20:8
Et tout le peuple se leva comme un seul homme, disant: Aucun de nous n'ira à sa tente, et aucun de nous ne se retirera dans sa maison;

Tout le peuple se leva comme un seul homme, en disant: Nul de nous n'ira dans sa tente, et personne ne retournera dans sa maison.

Et tout le peuple se leva, comme si ce n'eût été qu'un seul homme, et ils dirent : Aucun de nous n'ira en sa tente, ni aucun de nous ne se retirera dans sa maison.

Richter 20:8

Da machte sich alles Volk auf wie ein Mann und sprach: Es soll niemand in seine Hütte gehen noch in sein Haus kehren;

Da erhob sich das ganze Volk wie ein Mann und rief: Keiner von uns darf heimgehen, keiner sich nach seinem Hause begeben!

Giudici 20:8
Tutto il popolo si levò come un sol uomo, dicendo: "Nessun di noi tornerà alla sua tenda, nessun di noi rientrerà in casa sua.

E tutto il popolo si levò, come se non fosse stato che un uomo solo, dicendo: Noi non ce ne andremo ciascuno alla sua stanza, nè ci ritrarremo ciascuno in casa sua.

Maka bangkitlah segenap orang banyak itu seperti orang satu jua adanya serta katanya: Sekali-kali tiada kami mau pergi masing-masing ke kemahnya, sekali-kali tiada kami mau pulang masing-masing ke rumahnya.

사사기 20:8
모든 백성이 일제히 일어나며 가로되 `우리가 하나라도 자기 장막으로 돌아가지 아니하며 하나라도 자기 집으로 들어가지 아니하고

Iudicum 20:8
stansque omnis populus quasi unius hominis sermone respondit non recedemus in tabernacula nostra nec suam quisquam intrabit domum

Teisëjø knyga 20:8
Visa tauta vienu balsu pasisakė: “Nė vienas iš mūsų neisime į savo palapinę ir negrįšime į namus.

Judges 20:8
Na ka whakatika katoa te iwi ano he tangata kotahi, ka mea, E kore tetahi o tatou e haere ki tona teneti, e kore ano hoki tetahi o tatou e peka atu ki tona whare.

Dommernes 20:8
Da reiste hele folket sig som én mann og sa: Ingen av oss vil dra bort til sitt telt, og ingen av oss vil reise hjem til sitt hus.

Jueces 20:8
Entonces todo el pueblo se levantó como un solo hombre, diciendo: Ninguno de nosotros irá a su tienda, ni ninguno de nosotros volverá a su casa.

Entonces todo el pueblo se levantó como un solo hombre y dijeron: "Ninguno de nosotros irá a su tienda, ni ninguno de nosotros volverá a su casa.

Entonces todo el pueblo, como un solo hombre, se levantó, y dijeron: Ninguno de nosotros irá a su tienda, ni ninguno de nosotros volverá a su casa.

Entonces todo el pueblo, como un solo hombre, se levantó, y dijeron: Ninguno de nosotros irá á su tienda, ni nos apartaremos cada uno á su casa,

Entonces todo el pueblo, como un solo hombre, se levantó, y dijeron: Ninguno de nosotros irá a su tienda, ni nos apartaremos cada uno a su casa,

Juízes 20:8
Todo o povo se levantou como se fosse um só homem, e declarou: “Nenhum de nós retornará à sua tenda, nenhum de nós voltará à sua habitação!

Então todo o povo se levantou como um só homem, dizendo: Nenhum de nós irá à sua tenda, e nenhum de nós voltará a sua casa.   

Judecatori 20:8
Tot poporul s'a sculat ca un singur om, şi a zis: ,,Niciunul din noi să nu se ducă în cortul lui, şi nimeni să nu se întoarcă acasă.

Книга Судей 20:8
И восстал весь народ, как один человек, и сказал: не пойдем никто в шатер свой и не возвратимся никто в дом свой;

И восстал весь народ, как один человек, и сказал: не пойдем никто в шатер свой и не возвратимся никто в дом свой;[]

Domarboken 20:8
Då stod allt folket upp såsom en man och sade: »Ingen av oss må gå hem till sin hydda, ingen må begiva sig hem till sitt hus.

Judges 20:8
At ang buong bayan ay bumangong parang isang tao, na nagsasabi, Hindi na babalik ang sinoman sa amin sa kaniyang tolda, ni uuwi man ang sinoman sa amin sa kaniyang bahay.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 20:8
ประชาชนทุกคนก็ลุกขึ้นกล่าวเป็นใจเดียวกันว่า "พวกเราจะไม่กลับไปเต็นท์ของเรา เราจะไม่กลับไปเรือนของเรา

Hakimler 20:8
Oradakilerin hepsi ağız birliği etmişçesine, ‹‹Bizden hiç kimse çadırına gitmeyecek, evine dönmeyecek›› dediler,[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 20:8
Cả dân sự đứng dậy như một người mà rằng: Chẳng ai trong chúng ta sẽ trở lại trại mình; không ai rút về nhà mình.

Judges 20:7
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