Judges 2:17
Judges 2:17
Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. They quickly turned from the ways of their ancestors, who had been obedient to the LORD's commands.

Yet Israel did not listen to the judges but prostituted themselves by worshiping other gods. How quickly they turned away from the path of their ancestors, who had walked in obedience to the LORD's commands.

Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they whored after other gods and bowed down to them. They soon turned aside from the way in which their fathers had walked, who had obeyed the commandments of the LORD, and they did not do so.

Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed themselves down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the LORD; they did not do as their fathers.

And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; but they did not so.

but they did not listen to their judges. Instead, they prostituted themselves with other gods, bowing down to them. They quickly turned from the way of their fathers, who had walked in obedience to the LORD's commands. They did not do as their fathers did.

But they didn't listen to their leaders, because they were committing spiritual immorality by following other gods and worshiping them. They quickly turned away from the road on which their ancestors had walked in obedience to the commands of the LORD. They didn't follow their example.

But they did not obey their leaders. Instead they prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. They quickly turned aside from the path their ancestors had walked. Their ancestors had obeyed the LORD's commands, but they did not.

But the people wouldn't listen to the judges. The Israelites chased after other gods as though they were prostitutes and worshiped them. They quickly turned from the ways of their ancestors who had obeyed the LORD's commands. They refused to be like their ancestors.

And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they fornicated after other gods and bowed themselves unto them; they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers had walked hearing the commandments of the LORD; but they did not do so.

And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they played the harlot with other gods, and bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; but they did not so.

And yet they would not listen to their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves to them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; but they did not so.

And yet they hearkened not unto their judges; for they played the harlot after other gods, and bowed themselves down unto them: they turned aside quickly out of the way wherein their fathers walked, obeying the commandments of Jehovah; but they did not so.

Committing fornication with strange gods, and adoring them. They quickly forsook the way, in which their fathers had walked: and hearing the commandments of the Lord, they did all things contrary.

And yet they did not listen to their judges; for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed down to them; they soon turned aside from the way in which their fathers had walked, who had obeyed the commandments of the LORD, and they did not do so.

And yet they hearkened not unto their judges, for they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves down unto them: they turned aside quickly out of the way wherein their fathers walked, obeying the commandments of the LORD; but they did not so.

And yet they would not hearken to their judges, but they went astray after other gods, and bowed themselves to them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the LORD; but they did not so.

Yet they didn't listen to their judges; for they played the prostitute after other gods, and bowed themselves down to them: they turned aside quickly out of the way in which their fathers walked, obeying the commandments of Yahweh; [but] they didn't do so.

and also unto their judges they have not hearkened, but have gone a-whoring after other gods, and bow themselves to them; they have turned aside with haste out of the way in which their fathers walked to obey the commands of Jehovah -- they have not done so.

Gjyqtarët 2:17
Mjerisht ata nuk i dëgjonin as gjyqtarët e tyre, por kurvëroheshin përpara perëndive të tjera dhe binin përmbys para tyre. Ata braktisën shpejt rrugën e ndjekur nga etërit e tyre, të cilët u ishin bindur urdhrave të Zotit; por ata nuk vepruan ashtu.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 2:17
ولقضاتهم ايضا لم يسمعوا بل زنوا وراء آلهة اخرى وسجدوا لها. حادوا سريعا عن الطريق التي سار بها آباؤهم لسمع وصايا الرب. لم يفعلوا هكذا.

D Richter 2:17
Aber sö gfolgnd aau yn de Richter nity, sundern gaabnd si yn anderne Götter hin und warffend si vor ien nider. +Schnell warnd s wögg von dönn Wög von ienerne Vorvätter und yn n Trechtein seine Geboter.

Съдии 2:17
Но те и съдиите си не слушаха, а блудствуваха след други богове и кланяха им се; скоро се отклониха от пътя, в който ходиха бащите им, които слушаха Господните заповеди: те, [обаче], не направиха така.

士 師 記 2:17
他 們 卻 不 聽 從 士 師 , 竟 隨 從 叩 拜 別   神 , 行 了 邪 淫 , 速 速 地 偏 離 他 們 列 祖 所 行 的 道 , 不 如 他 們 列 祖 順 從 耶 和 華 的 命 令 。

他 们 却 不 听 从 士 师 , 竟 随 从 叩 拜 别   神 , 行 了 邪 淫 , 速 速 地 偏 离 他 们 列 祖 所 行 的 道 , 不 如 他 们 列 祖 顺 从 耶 和 华 的 命 令 。



Judges 2:17
Ali oni ni svojih sudaca nisu slušali, nego se iznevjeriše s drugim bogovima te im se klanjahu. Brzo su zašli s puta kojim su išli oci njihovi slušajući Jahvine zapovijedi; oni nisu činili tako.

Soudců 2:17
Ale ani soudců svých neposlouchali, nebo smilnili, odcházejíce za bohy cizími, a klaněli se jim. Odcházeli rychle s cesty, po kteréž chodili otcové jejich, tak že poslouchati majíce přikázaní Hospodinových, nečinili toho.

Dommer 2:17
Dog heller ikke deres Dommere adlød de, men bolede med andre Guder og tilbad dem. Hurtig veg de bort fra den Vej, deres Fædre havde vandret paa i Lydighed mod HERRENS Bud; de slægtede dem ikke paa.

Richtere 2:17
Doch zij hoorden ook niet naar hun richteren, maar hoereerden andere goden na, en bogen zich voor die; haast weken zij af van den weg, dien hun vaders gewandeld hadden, horende de geboden des HEEREN; alzo deden zij niet.

שופטים 2:17
וְגַ֤ם אֶל־שֹֽׁפְטֵיהֶם֙ לֹ֣א שָׁמֵ֔עוּ כִּ֣י זָנ֗וּ אַֽחֲרֵי֙ אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים וַיִּֽשְׁתַּחֲו֖וּ לָהֶ֑ם סָ֣רוּ מַהֵ֗ר מִן־הַדֶּ֜רֶךְ אֲשֶׁ֨ר הָלְכ֧וּ אֲבֹותָ֛ם לִשְׁמֹ֥עַ מִצְוֹת־יְהוָ֖ה לֹא־עָ֥שׂוּ כֵֽן׃

יז וגם אל שפטיהם לא שמעו--כי זנו אחרי אלהים אחרים וישתחוו להם  סרו מהר מן הדרך אשר הלכו אבותם לשמע מצות יהוה--לא עשו כן

וגם אל־שפטיהם לא שמעו כי זנו אחרי אלהים אחרים וישתחוו להם סרו מהר מן־הדרך אשר הלכו אבותם לשמע מצות־יהוה לא־עשו כן׃

Birák 2:17
De bíráikra sem hallgattak, hanem más istenekkel paráználkodtak, és azoknak hajtották meg magukat, [és] hamar letértek az útról, a melyen atyáik jártak, kik az Úrnak parancsára hallgattak; õk nem cselekedtek így.

Juĝistoj 2:17
tamen ankaux la jugxistojn ili ne obeis, sed ili malcxastis kun aliaj dioj kaj adoris ilin, rapide deklinigxis de la vojo, kiun iris iliaj patroj, obeante la ordonojn de la Eternulo; ili tiel ne agis.

Niin ei he tuomareitansakaan totelleet, vaan huorin tekivät vierasten jumalain kanssa, ja kumarsivat niitä; he harhailivat nopiasti siltä tieltä, jota heidän isänsä olivat vaeltaneet, kuullaksensa Herran käskyjä: ei he niin tehneet.

Juges 2:17
Mais, même leurs juges, ils ne les écoutèrent pas; car ils se prostituèrent après d'autres dieux et se prosternèrent devant eux; ils se détournèrent vite du chemin où leurs pères avaient marché en écoutant les commandements de l'Éternel: ils ne firent pas ainsi.

Mais ils n'écoutèrent pas même leurs juges, car ils se prostituèrent à d'autres dieux, se prosternèrent devant eux. Ils se détournèrent promptement de la voie qu'avaient suivie leurs pères, et ils n'obéirent point comme eux aux commandements de l'Eternel.

Mais ils ne voulaient pas même écouter leurs Juges, ils paillardaient après d'autres dieux; ils se prosternaient devant eux; ils se détournaient aussitôt du chemin par lequel leurs pères avaient marché, obéissant aux commandements de l'Eternel; mais eux ne faisaient pas ainsi.

Richter 2:17

so gehorchten sie den Richtern auch nicht, sondern liefen andern Göttern nach und beteten sie an und wichen bald von dem Weg, darauf ihre Väter gegangen waren, des HERRN Geboten zu gehorchen, und taten nicht wie dieselben.

Aber auch ihren Richtern gehorchten sie nicht, sondern trieben Abgötterei mit fremden Göttern und warfen sich vor ihnen nieder. Sie waren schnell von dem Weg abgewichen, den ihre Väter gewandelt waren, indem sie den Geboten Jahwes gehorchten: sie handelten nicht so.

Giudici 2:17
Ma neppure ai loro giudici davano ascolto, poiché si prostituivano ad altri dèi, e si prostravan dinanzi a loro. E abbandonarono ben presto la via battuta dai loro padri, i quali aveano ubbidito ai comandamenti dell’Eterno; ma essi non fecero così.

Ma non pure a’ lor Giudici ubbidivano; anzi andavano fornicando dietro ad altri dii, e li adoravano; subito si rivolgevano dalla via, per la quale erano camminati i lor padri, ubbidendo a’ comandamenti del Signore; essi non facevano già così.

Tetapi tiada juga didengarnya akan hakim-hakimnya, melainkan mereka itu berbuat zina menurut dewa-dewa sambil menyembah sujud kepadanya; maka dengan segera juga mereka itu undur dari pada jalan yang telah diturut oleh nenek moyangnya, yang mendengar akan segala firman Tuhan; maka mereka itu tiada berbuat demikian.

사사기 2:17
그들이 그 사사도 청종치 아니하고 돌이켜 다른 신들을 음란하듯 좇아 그들에게 절하고 여호와의 명령을 순종하던 그 열조의 행한 길을 속히 치우쳐 떠나서 그와 같이 행치 아니하였더라

Iudicum 2:17
fornicantes cum diis alienis et adorantes eos cito deseruerunt viam per quam ingressi fuerant patres eorum et audientes mandata Domini omnia fecere contraria

Teisëjø knyga 2:17
Bet jie neklausė teisėjų ir nuėjo paleistuvauti su svetimais dievais, ir lenkėsi jiems. Jie greitai nuklydo nuo kelio, kuriuo ėjo jų tėvai, kai klausė Viešpaties įsakymų.

Judges 2:17
Heoi kihai ano ratou i whakarongo ki o ratou kaiwhakarite; na kei te puremu, kei te whai ki nga atua ke, kei te koropiko ki a ratou: hohoro tonu to ratou peka ke i te ara i haere ai o ratou matua, ara i te whakarongo ki nga whakahau a Ihowa; kih ai ratou i pera.

Dommernes 2:17
Men heller ikke mot sine dommere var de lydige; de holdt sig med andre guder og tilbad dem; de vek snart av fra den vei deres fedre hadde vandret i lydighet mot Herrens bud, og gjorde ikke som de.

Jueces 2:17
Con todo no escucharon a sus jueces, porque se prostituyeron siguiendo a otros dioses, y se postraron ante ellos. Se apartaron pronto del camino en que sus padres habían andado en obediencia a los mandamientos del SEÑOR; no hicieron como sus padres.

Sin embargo no escucharon a sus jueces, porque se prostituyeron siguiendo a otros dioses, y se postraron ante ellos. Se apartaron pronto del camino en que sus padres habían andado en obediencia a los mandamientos del SEÑOR. No hicieron como sus padres.

Y tampoco oyeron a sus jueces, sino que fornicaron tras dioses ajenos, a los cuales adoraron; se apartaron pronto del camino en que anduvieron sus padres obedeciendo a los mandamientos de Jehová; pero ellos no hicieron así.

Y tampoco oyeron á sus jueces, sino que fornicaron tras dioses ajenos, á los cuales adoraron: apartáronse bien presto del camino en que anduvieron sus padres obedeciendo á los mandamientos de Jehová; mas ellos no hicieron así.

Y tampoco oyeron a sus jueces, sino que fornicaron tras dioses ajenos, a los cuales adoraron; y se apartaron presto del camino en que anduvieron sus padres escuchando los mandamientos del SEÑOR; mas ellos no hicieron así.

Juízes 2:17
Mas não escutavam nem mesmo aos seus juízes, e se prostituíram a outros deuses, e se prostraram diante deles. Depressa se afastaram do Caminho que seus pais haviam seguido, obedientes aos mandamentos do SENHOR, e não acompanharam a devoção de seus antepassados.

Contudo, não deram ouvidos nem aos seus juízes, pois se prostituíram após outros deuses, e os adoraram; depressa se desviaram do caminho, por onde andaram seus pais em obediência aos mandamentos do Senhor; não fizeram como eles.   

Judecatori 2:17
Dar ei n'au ascultat nici de judecătorii lor, căci au curvit cu alţi dumnezei şi s'au închinat înaintea lor. În curînd s'au abătut dela calea pe care o urmaseră părinţii lor, şi n'au ascultat de poruncile Domnului, ca şi ei.

Книга Судей 2:17
но и судей они не слушали, а ходили блудно вслед других богов и поклонялись им, скоро уклонялись от пути, коим ходили отцы их, повинуясь заповедям Господним. Они так не делали.

но и судей они не слушали, а ходили блудно вслед других богов и поклонялись им, скоро уклонялись от пути, коим ходили отцы их, повинуясь заповедям Господним. Они так не делали.[]

Domarboken 2:17
Men de hörde icke heller på sina domare, utan lupo i trolös avfällighet efter andra gudar och tillbådo dem; de veko med hast av ifrån den väg som deras fäder hade vandrat, i lydnad för HERRENS bud, och gjorde icke såsom de.

Judges 2:17
At gayon ma'y hindi nila dininig ang kanilang mga hukom: sapagka't sila'y sumamba sa ibang mga dios, at kanilang niyukuran ang mga yaon: sila'y nagpakaligaw na madali sa daan na nilakaran ng kanilang mga magulang, na sumunod ng mga utos ng Panginoon; nguni't hindi sila gumawa ng gayon.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 2:17
แต่เขาทั้งหลายก็ยังไม่เชื่อฟังผู้วินิจฉัยทั้งหลายของเขา เพราะเขาทั้งหลายเล่นชู้กับพระอื่นและกราบไหว้พระอื่น ไม่ช้าเขาก็หันไปเสียจากทางซึ่งบรรพบุรุษของเขาได้ดำเนิน ผู้ได้เชื่อฟังพระบัญญัติของพระเยโฮวาห์ แต่เขาทั้งหลายมิได้กระทำตาม

Hakimler 2:17
Ama hakimlerini de dinlemediler. RABbe vefasızlık ederek başka ilahlara taptılar. RABbin buyruklarını yerine getiren ataları gibi davranmadılar, onların izlediği yoldan çabucak saptılar.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 2:17
Nhưng chúng cũng không nghe các quan xét vì chúng hành dâm cùng các thần khác, và quì lạy trước mặt các thần ấy. Chúng vội xây bỏ con đường mà tổ phụ mình đã đi, chẳng bắt chước theo tổ phụ vâng giữ các điều răn của Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Judges 2:16
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