Judges 18:14
Judges 18:14
Then the five men who had spied out the land of Laish said to their fellow Danites, "Do you know that one of these houses has an ephod, some household gods and an image overlaid with silver? Now you know what to do."

The five men who had scouted out the land around Laish explained to the others, "These buildings contain a sacred ephod, as well as some household idols, a carved image, and a cast idol. What do you think you should do?"

Then the five men who had gone to scout out the country of Laish said to their brothers, “Do you know that in these houses there are an ephod, household gods, a carved image, and a metal image? Now therefore consider what you will do.”

Then the five men who went to spy out the country of Laish said to their kinsmen, "Do you know that there are in these houses an ephod and household idols and a graven image and a molten image? Now therefore, consider what you should do."

Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said unto their brethren, Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what ye have to do.

The five men who had gone to scout out the land of Laish told their brothers, "Did you know that there are an ephod, household gods, and a carved image overlaid with silver in these houses? Now think about what you should do."

Then the five men who had gone to scout out the territory of Laish told their relatives, "Are you aware that in these houses there's an ephod, some household idols, a carved image, and a cast image? You know what you need to do."

The five men who had gone to spy out the land of Laish said to their kinsmen, "Do you realize that inside these houses are an ephod, some personal idols, a carved image, and a metal image? Decide now what you want to do."

Then the five men who had gone to spy throughout the land around Laish spoke up. They said to the other men of Dan, "Do you know that there's an ephod, a carved idol, a metal idol, and household idols in these houses? What do you think we should do?"

Then the five men that had gone to spy out the land of Laish said unto their brethren, Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod and teraphim and a graven image and a molten image? Now, therefore, consider what ye have to do.

Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said unto their brethren, Do you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and household gods, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what you have to do.

Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said to their brothers, Do you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what you have to do.

Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said unto their brethren, Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what ye have to do.

The five men, that before had been sent to view the land of Lais, said to the rest of their brethren: You know that in these houses there is an ephod, and theraphim, and a graven, and a molten god: see what you are pleased to do.

Then the five men who had gone to spy out the country of La'ish said to their brethren, "Do you know that in these houses there are an ephod, teraphim, a graven image, and a molten image? Now therefore consider what you will do."

Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said unto their brethren, Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what ye have to do.

Then answered the five men that went to explore the country of Laish, and said to their brethren, Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what ye have to do.

Then the five men who went to spy out the country of Laish answered, and said to their brothers, "Do you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and an engraved image, and a molten image? Now therefore consider what you have to do."

And the five men, those going to traverse the land of Laish, answer and say unto their brethren, 'Have ye known that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and graven image, and molten image? and now, know what ye do.'

Gjyqtarët 18:14
Atëherë të pesë burrat, që kishin shkuar të vëzhgonin vendin e Laishit, filluan t'u thonë vëllezërve të tyre: "A e dini ju që në këto shtëpi ka një efod, një shtëpi idhujsh, një shëmbëlltyrë të gdhendur

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 18:14
فاجاب الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس ارض لايش وقالوا لاخوتهم أتعلمون ان في هذه البيوت افودا وترافيم وتمثالا منحوتا وتمثالا مسبوكا. فالآن اعلموا ما تفعلون.

D Richter 18:14
Daa gsagnd die fümf Mänder, wo s Land ausgschnaickt hietnd, zo ienerne Stammsbrüeder: "Dös werdtß non gar nit wissn, däß der in dönn Haus ayn Humeral, Hausgötter und ayn Gotsbild haat? Also wiss myr, was myr tuend, older?"

Съдии 18:14
Тогава петимата мъже, които бяха ходили да съгледат местността Лаис, проговориха, казвайки на братята си: Знаете ли, че в тия къщи има ефод и домашни идоли, изваян идол и леян кумир? Сега, прочее, размислете, какво трябва да направите.

士 師 記 18:14
從 前 窺 探 拉 億 地 的 五 個 人 對 他 們 的 弟 兄 說 : 這 宅 子 裡 有 以 弗 得 和 家 中 的 神 像 , 並 雕 刻 的 像 與 鑄 成 的 像 , 你 們 知 道 麼 ? 現 在 你 們 要 想 一 想 當 怎 樣 行 。

从 前 窥 探 拉 亿 地 的 五 个 人 对 他 们 的 弟 兄 说 : 这 宅 子 里 有 以 弗 得 和 家 中 的 神 像 , 并 雕 刻 的 像 与 铸 成 的 像 , 你 们 知 道 麽 ? 现 在 你 们 要 想 一 想 当 怎 样 行 。



Judges 18:14
A ona petorica što bijahu išla izviđati zemlju rekoše svojoj braći: "Znate li da u ovim kućama imaju efod, terafe i ljeveni idol? Sada pazite što ćete raditi."

Soudců 18:14
I mluvilo těch pět mužů, kteříž chodili k shlédnutí země Lais, a řekli bratřím svým: Víte-liž, že v domích těchto jest efod a terafim, a rytina a slitina? Protož nyní vězte, co máte činiti.

Dommer 18:14
tog de fem Mænd, der havde været henne at udspejde Landet, til Orde og sagde til deres Brødre: »Ved I, at der i Husene her findes en Efod, en Husgud og et udskaaret og støbt Billede? Saa indser I vel, hvad I har at gøre!«

Richtere 18:14
Toen antwoordden de vijf mannen, die gegaan waren om het land van Lais te verspieden, en zeiden tot hun broederen: Weet gijlieden ook, dat in die huizen een efod is, en terafim, en een gesneden en een gegoten beeld? Zo weet nu, wat u te doen zij.

שופטים 18:14
וַֽיַּעֲנ֞וּ חֲמֵ֣שֶׁת הָאֲנָשִׁ֗ים הַהֹלְכִים֮ לְרַגֵּל֮ אֶת־הָאָ֣רֶץ לַיִשׁ֒ וַיֹּֽאמְרוּ֙ אֶל־אֲחֵיהֶ֔ם הַיְדַעְתֶּ֗ם כִּ֠י יֵ֣שׁ בַּבָּתִּ֤ים הָאֵ֙לֶּה֙ אֵפֹ֣וד וּתְרָפִ֔ים וּפֶ֖סֶל וּמַסֵּכָ֑ה וְעַתָּ֖ה דְּע֥וּ מַֽה־תַּעֲשֽׂוּ׃

יד ויענו חמשת האנשים ההלכים לרגל את הארץ ליש ויאמרו אל אחיהם הידעתם כי יש בבתים האלה אפוד ותרפים ופסל ומסכה ועתה דעו מה תעשו

ויענו חמשת האנשים ההלכים לרגל את־הארץ ליש ויאמרו אל־אחיהם הידעתם כי יש בבתים האלה אפוד ותרפים ופסל ומסכה ועתה דעו מה־תעשו׃

Birák 18:14
És szólott az az öt férfiú, a ki elment kikémlelni Lais földét és monda atyjafiainak: Tudjátok-é, hogy ebben a házban efód és teráf, faragott és öntött bálvány van? Hát elgondolhatjátok, hogy mit cselekedjetek.

Juĝistoj 18:14
Kaj la kvin viroj, kiuj iris, por esplorrigardi la landon Laisx, diris al siaj fratoj:CXu vi scias, ke en cxi tiuj domoj trovigxas efodo kaj domaj dioj kaj figuro kaj idolo? pripensu do, kion vi devas fari.

Niin puhuivat ne viisi miestä, jotka läksivät Laikseen maata vakoomaan, ja sanoivat veljillensä: ettekö te tiedä, että näissä huoneissa on päällisvaate, pyhyys, kuvat ja epäjumalat? Nyt ajatelkaat, mitä te teette.

Juges 18:14
Et les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays de Laïs, prirent la parole et dirent à leurs frères: Savez-vous qu'il y a dans ces maisons un éphod, et des théraphim, et une image taillée, et une image de fonte? Et maintenant vous savez ce que vous avez à faire.

Alors les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays de Laïs prirent la parole et dirent à leurs frères: Savez-vous qu'il y a dans ces maisons-là un éphod, des théraphim, une image taillée et une image en fonte? Voyez maintenant ce que vous avez à faire.

Alors les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour reconnaître le pays de Laïs, prenant la parole, dirent à leurs frères : Savez-vous bien qu'en ces maisons il y a un Ephod et des Théraphims, une image de taille et une de fonte ? Voyez donc maintenant ce que vous aurez à faire.

Richter 18:14

Da antworteten die fünf Männer, die ausgegangen waren, das Land Lais zu erkunden, und sprachen zu ihren Brüdern: Wißt ihr auch, daß in diesen Häusern ein Leibrock, Hausgötzen, Bildnis und Abgott sind? Nun möget ihr denken, was euch zu tun ist.

Da ergriffen die fünf Männer, die nach Lais ausgezogen waren, um das Land zu erkunden, das Wort und sprachen zu ihren Stammesgenossen: Wißt ihr auch, daß sich in diesem Gehöft ein Ephod und Teraphim, ein Schnitz- und Gußbild befinden? Seht also zu, was ihr thun wollt!

Giudici 18:14
Allora cinque uomini ch’erano andati ad esplorare il paese di Lais, presero a dire ai loro fratelli: "Sapete voi che in queste case c’è un efod, ci son degl’idoli, un’immagine scolpita e un’immagine di getto? Considerate ora quel che dovete fare".

Allora, i cinque uomini ch’erano andati a spiare il paese di Lais, fecero motto a’ lor fratelli, e dissero loro: Sapete voi che in queste case vi è un Efod, e delle immagini, e una scultura, e una statua di getto? Ora dunque, considerate ciò che avete a fare.

Maka kata kelima orang yang telah pergi mengintai negeri Lais itu kepada saudara-saudaranya: Tahukah kamu akan hal di dalam rumah ini adalah suatu efod dan terafim dan seorang patung tuangan yang terukir? Maka sekarangpun hendaklah kamu tahu barang yang patut kamu perbuat.

사사기 18:14
전에 라이스 땅을 탐지하러 갔던 다섯 사람이 그 형제들에게 말하여 가로되 `이 집에 에봇과 드라빔과 새긴 신상과 부어만든 신상이 있는 줄을 너희가 아느냐 ? 그런즉 이제 너희는 마땅히 행할 것을 생각하라' 하고

Iudicum 18:14
dixerunt quinque viri qui prius missi fuerant ad considerandam terram Lais ceteris fratribus suis nostis quod in domibus istis sit ephod et therafin et sculptile atque conflatile videte quid vobis placeat

Teisëjø knyga 18:14
Tie penki vyrai, kurie išžvalgė Laišo šalį, tarė savo broliams: “Ar žinote, kad šiuose namuose yra efodas, terafimas ir drožtas bei lietas atvaizdai? Pagalvokite, ką reikėtų daryti”.

Judges 18:14
Na ko te ohonga o nga tangata tokorima i haere nei ki te tutei i te whenua o Raihi, ka mea ki o ratou tuakana, E mohio ana ranei koutou kei enei whare he epora, he terapimi, he whakapakoko whaowhao, me tetahi mea whakarewa? na ma koutou te whaka aro ki ta koutou e mea ai.

Dommernes 18:14
Og de fem menn som hadde draget avsted for å utspeide La'islandet, tok til orde og sa til sine brødre: Vet I at i disse hus er det en livkjortel og husguder og et utskåret billede med et støpt fotstykke til? Så skjønner I vel hvad I har å gjøre?

Jueces 18:14
Y los cinco hombres que fueron a reconocer la región de Lais, respondieron y dijeron a sus parientes: ¿No sabéis que en estas casas hay un efod, ídolos domésticos, una imagen tallada y una imagen de fundición? Ahora pues, considerad lo que debéis hacer.

Y los cinco hombres que fueron a reconocer la región de Lais, les dijeron a sus parientes: "¿No saben que en estas casas hay un efod, ídolos domésticos, una imagen tallada y una imagen de fundición? Ahora pues, consideren lo que deben hacer."

Entonces aquellos cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra de Lais, dijeron a sus hermanos: ¿No sabéis como en estas casas hay efod y terafim, e imagen de talla y de fundición? Mirad pues, lo que habéis de hacer.

Entonces aquellos cinco hombres que habían ido á reconocer la tierra de Lais, dijeron á sus hermanos: ¿No sabéis como en estas casas hay ephod y teraphim, é imagen de talla y de fundición? Mirad pues lo que habéis de hacer.

Entonces aquellos cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra de Lais, dijeron a sus hermanos: ¿No sabéis como en estas casas hay efod y terafines, e imagen de talla y de fundición? Mirad, pues, lo que habéis de hacer.

Juízes 18:14
Aqueles cinco homens que haviam ido espiar a terra ao redor de Laís disseram aos companheiros: “Sabeis que há aqui, numa destas casas, um efod, manto sacerdotal, e terafim, ídolos da família, uma imagem esculpida e um ídolo de metal fundido? Agora, portanto, pensai no que deveis fazer!”

Então os cinco homens que tinham ido espiar a terra de Laís disseram a seus irmãos: Sabeis vós que naquelas casas há um éfode, e terafins, e uma imagem esculpida e uma de fundição? Considerai, pois, agora o que haveis de fazer.   

Judecatori 18:14
Atunci cei cinci oameni cari se duseseră să iscodească ţara Lais, au luat cuvîntul şi au zis fraţilor lor: ,,Ştiţi că în casele acestea este un efod, terafimi, un chip cioplit şi un chip turnat? Vedeţi acum ce aveţi de făcut.``

Книга Судей 18:14
И сказали те пять мужей, которые ходили осматривать землю Лаис, братьям своим: знаете ли, что в одном из домов сих есть ефод, терафим, истукан и литый кумир? итак подумайте, что сделать.

И сказали те пять мужей, которые ходили осматривать землю Лаис, братьям своим: знаете ли, что в одном из домов сих есть ефод, терафим, истукан и литый кумир? итак подумайте, что сделать.[]

Domarboken 18:14
De fem män som hade varit åstad för att bespeja Lais' land togo då till orda och sade till sina bröder: »I mån veta att här i husen finnas en efod och husgudar och en skuren och en gjuten Gudabild. Så betänken nu vad I bören göra.»

Judges 18:14
Nang magkagayo'y sumagot ang limang lalake na tumiktik ng lupain ng Lais, at sinabi sa kanilang mga kapatid, Nalalaman ba ninyo na mayroon sa mga bahay na ito na isang epod, at mga terap, at isang larawang inanyuan, at isang larawang binubo? ngayon nga'y akalain ninyo ang marapat ninyong gawin.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 18:14
แล้วชายทั้งห้าคนที่ไปสอดแนมดูเมืองลาอิชก็บอกแก่พี่น้องของตนว่า "ท่านทราบไหมว่าในบ้านเหล่านี้มีรูปเอโฟด รูปพระ รูปแกะสลัก และรูปหล่อ ฉะนั้นขอใคร่ครวญว่าท่านทั้งหลายจะทำประการใด"

Hakimler 18:14
Layiş yöresini araştırmaya gitmiş olan beş adam soydaşlarına, ‹‹Bu evlerden birinde bir efod, özel aile putları, bir oyma, bir de dökme put olduğunu biliyor musunuz?›› dediler, ‹‹Ne yapacağınıza siz karar verin.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 18:14
Bấy giờ, năm người đã đi do thám xứ La-ít cất tiếng nói cùng anh em mình rằng: Trong nhà nầy có một cái ê-phót, những thê-ra-phim, và một tượng chạm với chơn bằng vàng gang; anh em có biết chăng? Vậy, bây giờ hãy xem điều anh em phải làm.

Judges 18:13
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