Joshua 5:12
Joshua 5:12
The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate the produce of Canaan.

No manna appeared on the day they first ate from the crops of the land, and it was never seen again. So from that time on the Israelites ate from the crops of Canaan.

And the manna ceased the day after they ate of the produce of the land. And there was no longer manna for the people of Israel, but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

The manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year.

And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

And the day after they ate from the produce of the land, the manna ceased. Since there was no more manna for the Israelites, they ate from the crops of the land of Canaan that year.

The manna ceased on the day they ate the produce of the land. Since the Israelis no longer received manna, they ate crops from the land of Canaan that year.

The manna stopped appearing the day they ate some of the produce of the land; the Israelites never ate manna again.

The day after that, the manna stopped. The people of Israel never had manna again. That year they began to eat the crops that grew in Canaan.

And the manna ceased on the next day after they had begun to eat of the fruit of the land; and the sons of Israel never had manna again; but they ate of the fruits of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased the next day after they had eaten of the old grain of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased on the morrow, after they had eaten of the produce of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased after they ate of the corn of the land, neither did the children of Israel use that food any more, but they ate of the corn of the present year of the land of Chanaan.

And the manna ceased on the morrow, when they had eaten of the old corn of the land; and there was no more manna for the children of Israel; and they ate of the produce of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased on the morrow, after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

The manna ceased on the next day, after they had eaten of the produce of the land. The children of Israel didn't have manna any more; but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

and the manna doth cease on the morrow in their eating of the old corn of the land, and there hath been no more manna to the sons of Israel, and they eat of the increase of the land of Canaan in that year.

Jozueu 5:12
Të nesërmen hëngrën prodhime të vendit, mana mbaroi; kështu bijtë e Izraelit nuk patën më manë, por atë vit hëngrën frytet e vendit të Kanaanit.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 5:12
وانقطع المنّ في الغد عند اكلهم من غلّة الارض ولم يكن بعد لبني اسرائيل منّ. فاكلوا من محصول ارض كنعان في تلك السنة

Dyr Josen 5:12
Von n Tag drauf an, wie s öbbs von n dortignen Fand gössn hietnd, blib s Männen aus. Sö gyrnörnd si sels Jaar von dyr Ärn aus n Land Käning.

Исус Навиев 5:12
А на сутринта, като ядоха от житото на земята, манната престана; и израилтяните нямаха вече манна, но през тая година ядяха от рожбите на Ханаанската земя.

約 書 亞 記 5:12
他 們 吃 了 那 地 的 出 產 , 第 二 日 嗎 哪 就 止 住 了 , 以 色 列 人 也 不 再 有 嗎 哪 了 。 那 一 年 , 他 們 卻 吃 迦 南 地 的 出 產 。

他 们 吃 了 那 地 的 出 产 , 第 二 日 吗 哪 就 止 住 了 , 以 色 列 人 也 不 再 有 吗 哪 了 。 那 一 年 , 他 们 却 吃 迦 南 地 的 出 产 。



Joshua 5:12
I mÓana je prestala padati čim su počeli jesti plodove zemlje. Tako Izraelci nisu više imali mane, nego su se te godine hranili plodovima zemlje kanaanske.

Jozue 5:12
I přestala manna na zejtří, když jedli z obilé té země, a již více neměli synové Izraelští manny, ale jedli z úrod země Kananejské toho roku.

Josua 5:12
selv samme Dag hørte Mannaen op, da de nu spiste af Landets Afgrøde; Israeliterne fik ikke Manna mer, men spiste det Aar af Høsten i Kana'ans Land.

Jozua 5:12
En het Manna hield op des anderen daags, nadat zij van des lands overjarige koren gegeten hadden; en de kinderen Israels hadden geen Manna meer, maar zij aten in hetzelve jaar van de inkomst des lands Kanaan.

יהושע 5:12
וַיִּשְׁבֹּ֨ת הַמָּ֜ן מִֽמָּחֳרָ֗ת בְּאָכְלָם֙ מֵעֲב֣וּר הָאָ֔רֶץ וְלֹא־הָ֥יָה עֹ֛וד לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל מָ֑ן וַיֹּאכְל֗וּ מִתְּבוּאַת֙ אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנַ֔עַן בַּשָּׁנָ֖ה הַהִֽיא׃ ס

יב וישבת המן ממחרת באכלם מעבור הארץ ולא היה עוד לבני ישראל מן ויאכלו מתבואת ארץ כנען בשנה ההיא  {ס}

וישבת המן ממחרת באכלם מעבור הארץ ולא־היה עוד לבני ישראל מן ויאכלו מתבואת ארץ כנען בשנה ההיא׃ ס

Józsué 5:12
És másnaptól kezdve, hogy ettek vala a föld termésébõl, megszûnék a manna, és nem volt többé mannájok az Izráel fiainak; hanem Kanaán földének gyümölcsébõl evének abban az esztendõben.

Josuo 5:12
Kaj la manao cxesis fali en la sekvanta tago, post kiam ili mangxis el la produktoj de la tero; kaj la Izraelidoj ne plu havis manaon, sed ili mangxis la produktojn de la lando Kanaana en tiu jaro.

Ja manna lakkasi toisena päivänä, sittekuin he syöneet olivat maan jyvistä, niin ettei Israelin lapsilla enää ollut mannaa, vaan he söivät Kanaanin maan hedelmää sinä vuonna.

Josué 5:12
Et la manne cessa dès le lendemain, après qu'ils eurent mangé du vieux blé du pays; et il n'y eut plus de manne pour les fils d'Israël; et ils mangèrent du cru du pays de Canaan cette année-là.

La manne cessa le lendemain de la Pâque, quand ils mangèrent du blé du pays; les enfants d'Israël n'eurent plus de manne, et ils mangèrent des produits du pays de Canaan cette année-là.

Et la Manne cessa dès le lendemain, après qu'ils eurent mangé du blé du pays; et les enfants d'Israël n'eurent plus de Manne, mais ils mangèrent du crû de la terre de Canaan cette année-là.

Josua 5:12
Und das Man hörete auf des andern Tages, da sie des Landes Getreide aßen, daß die Kinder Israel kein Man mehr hatten, sondern sie aßen des Getreides vom Lande Kanaan von demselben Jahr.

Und das Man hörte auf des andern Tages, da sie des Landes Getreide aßen, daß die Kinder Israel kein Man mehr hatten, sondern aßen vom Getreide des Landes Kanaan in demselben Jahr.

Am folgenden Tag aber hörte das Manna auf, indem sie nun von dem Ertrage des Landes aßen, und es wurde den Israeliten kein Manna mehr zu teil; so nährten sie sich nun in jenem Jahre von dem Ertrage des Landes Kanaan.

Giosué 5:12
E la manna cessò l’indomani del giorno in cui mangiarono de’ prodotti del paese; e i figliuoli d’Israele non ebbero più manna, ma mangiarono, quell’anno stesso, del frutto del paese di Canaan.

E il giorno appresso ch’ebber mangiato del grano del paese, la manna cessò; e i figliuoli d’Israele non ebbero più manna; anzi quell’anno mangiarono del frutto della terra di Canaan.

YOSUA 5:12
Maka pada keesokan harinyapun berhentilah manna itu setelah sudah mereka itu makan dari pada hasil tanah itu, tiada lagi manna bagi bani Israel, melainkan dimakannya hasil tanah Kanaan pada tahun itu juga.

여호수아 5:12
그 땅 소산을 먹은 다음 날에 만나가 그쳤으니 이스라엘 사람들이 다시는 만나를 얻지 못하였고 그 해에 가나안 땅의 열매를 먹었더라

Iosue 5:12
defecitque manna postquam comederunt de frugibus terrae nec usi sunt ultra illo cibo filii Israhel sed comederunt de frugibus praesentis anni terrae Chanaan

Jozuës knyga 5:12
Jiems pradėjus valgyti tos žemės derlių, mana liovėsi kritusi. Izraelitai nebeturėjo manos, bet tais metais valgė Kanaano krašto vaisius.

Joshua 5:12
A i whakamutua te mana i te aonga ake o te ra, i muri i ta ratou kainga i te witi ake o te whenua; kahore atu hoki he mana ma nga tama a Iharaira; heoti, kai ana ratou i nga hua o te whenua o Kanaana i taua tau.

Josvas 5:12
Og mannaen hørte op dagen efter*, for nu åt de av landets grøde; Israels barn fikk ikke mere manna, men de åt det år av det som var avlet i Kana'ans land.

Josué 5:12
Y el maná cesó el día después que habían comido del producto de la tierra, y los hijos de Israel no tuvieron más maná, sino que comieron del producto de la tierra de Canaán durante aquel año.

El maná cesó el día después que habían comido del producto de la tierra, y los Israelitas no tuvieron más maná, sino que comieron del producto de la tierra de Canaán durante aquel año.

Y el maná cesó el día siguiente, desde que comenzaron a comer del fruto de la tierra; y los hijos de Israel nunca más tuvieron maná, sino que comieron de los frutos de la tierra de Canaán aquel año.

Y el maná cesó el día siguiente, desde que comenzaron á comer del fruto de la tierra: y los hijos de Israel nunca más tuvieron maná, sino que comieron de los frutos de la tierra de Canaán aquel año.

Y el maná cesó el día siguiente, desde que comenzaron a comer del fruto de la tierra; y los hijos de Israel nunca más tuvieron maná, sino que comieron de los frutos de la tierra de Canaán aquel año.

Josué 5:12
Ao comerem o fruto da nova terra, no dia seguinte, cessou o maná de cair do céu. E os filhos de Israel nunca mais tiveram o maná, todavia deste ano em diante começaram a se alimentar dos frutos da terra de Canaã.

E no dia depois de terem comido do produto da terra, cessou o maná, e os filhos de Israel não o tiveram mais; porém nesse ano comeram dos produtos da terra de Canaã.   

Iosua 5:12
Mana a încetat a doua zi de Paşte, cînd au mîncat din grîul ţării. Copiii lui Israel n'au mai avut mană, ci au mîncat din roadele ţării Canaanului în anul acela.

Иисус Навин 5:12
а манна перестала падать на другой день после того, как они стали есть произведения земли, и не было более манны у сынов Израилевых, но они ели в тот год произведения земли Ханаанской.

а манна перестала падать на другой день после того, как они стали есть произведения земли, и не было более манны у сынов Израилевых, но они ели в тот год произведения земли Ханаанской.[]

Josuaé 5:12
Och mannat upphörde dagen därefter, då de nu åto av landets säd, och Israels barn fingo icke manna mer, utan de åto det året av landet Kanaans avkastning.

Joshua 5:12
At ang mana ay naglikat nang kinabukasan, pagkatapos na sila'y makakain ng imbak na trigo ng lupain; at hindi naman nagkaroon pa ng mana ang mga anak ni Israel; kundi sila'y kumain ng bunga ng lupain ng Canaan ng taong yaon.

โยชูวา 5:12
ตั้งแต่วันรุ่งขึ้นมานาก็ขาดไป คือเมื่อเขาได้รับประทานผลจากแผ่นดิน คนอิสราเอลไม่มีมานาอีกเลย ในปีนั้นเขารับประทานผลจากแผ่นดินคานาอัน

Yeşu 5:12
Ülkenin ürününden yemeleri üzerine ertesi gün man kesildi. Man kesilince İsrailliler o yıl Kenan topraklarının ürünüyle beslendiler.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 5:12
Ngày mà chúng đã ăn lúa mì của xứ, thì đến sáng mai ma-na hết; vậy, dân Y-sơ-ra-ên không có ma-na nữa, nhưng trong năm đó ăn những thổ sản của Ca-na-an.

Joshua 5:11
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