Joshua 5:13
Joshua 5:13
Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?"

When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, "Are you friend or foe?"

When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?”

Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, "Are You for us or for our enemies?""

Now it happened that while Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and much to his amazement, he saw a man standing in front of him, holding a drawn sword in his hand! Joshua approached him and asked him, "Are you one of us, or are you with our enemies?"

When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him holding a drawn sword. Joshua approached him and asked him, "Are you on our side or allied with our enemies?"

When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you one of us or one of our enemies?"

And Joshua, being near Jericho, lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went unto him and said unto him, Art thou one of us or one of our adversaries?

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, are you for us, or for our adversaries?

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went to him, and said to him, Are you for us, or for our adversaries?

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

And when Josue was in the field of the city of Jericho, he lifted up his eyes, and saw a man standing over against him: holding a drawn sword, and he went to him, and said: Art thou one of ours, or of our adversaries?

And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there stood a man before him with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went to him, and said to him: Art thou for us, or for our enemies?

And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went to him, and said to him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

It happened, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man stood in front of him with his sword drawn in his hand. Joshua went to him, and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"

And it cometh to pass in Joshua's being by Jericho, that he lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, one standing over-against him, and his drawn sword in his hand, and Joshua goeth unto him, and saith to him, 'Art thou for us or for our adversaries?'

Jozueu 5:13
Por ndodhi që, ndërsa Jozueu ishte afër Jerikos, ngriti sytë dhe shikoi, dhe ja, një njeri i qëndronte përpara, me në dorë një shpatë të zhveshur. Jozueu i doli përballë dhe i tha: "A je ti për ne o për armiqtë tanë?".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 5:13
وحدث لما كان يشوع عند اريحا انه رفع عينيه ونظر واذا برجل واقف قبالته وسيفه مسلول بيده. فسار يشوع اليه وقال له هل لنا انت او لاعدائنا.

Dyr Josen 5:13
Wie dyr Josen bei Iereich war und umaynandgschaugt, saah yr plitzlich aynn Man mit n zucktn Schwert vor seiner. Dyr Josen gieng auf iem zue und gfraagt n: "Bist du ainer von de Ünsern, older ghoerst zo n Feind?"

Исус Навиев 5:13
И когато беше Исус при Ерихон, подигна очи и видя, и, ето, насреща му стоеше човек с измъкнат нож в ръка; и Исус пристъпи при него и му рече: Наш ли си, или от неприятелите ни?

約 書 亞 記 5:13
約 書 亞 靠 近 耶 利 哥 的 時 候 , 舉 目 觀 看 , 不 料 , 有 一 個 人 手 裡 有 拔 出 來 的 刀 , 對 面 站 立 。 約 書 亞 到 他 那 裡 , 問 他 說 : 你 是 幫 助 我 們 呢 , 是 幫 助 我 們 敵 人 呢 ?

约 书 亚 靠 近 耶 利 哥 的 时 候 , 举 目 观 看 , 不 料 , 有 一 个 人 手 里 有 拔 出 来 的 刀 , 对 面 站 立 。 约 书 亚 到 他 那 里 , 问 他 说 : 你 是 帮 助 我 们 呢 , 是 帮 助 我 们 敌 人 呢 ?



Joshua 5:13
Kad se Jošua približio gradu Jerihonu, podiže oči i ugleda čovjeka kako pred njim stoji s isukanim mačem u ruci. Jošua mu pristupi i upita ga: "Jesi li ti s nama ili s našim neprijateljima?"

Jozue 5:13
Stalo se pak, když byl Jozue na poli Jericha, že pozdvihl očí svých a viděl, an muž stojí naproti němu, maje v ruce meč dobytý. I šel Jozue k němu, a řekl jemu: Jsi-li náš, čili nepřátel našich?

Josua 5:13
Og det skete, medens Josua opholdt sig ved Jeriko, at han saa op og fik Øje paa en Mand, som stod foran ham med draget Sværd i Haanden. Josua gik da hen til ham og sagde: »Er du en af vore eller en af vore Fjender?«

Jozua 5:13
Voorts geschiedde het, als Jozua bij Jericho was, dat hij zijn ogen ophief, en zag toe, en ziet, er stond een Man tegenover hem, Die een uitgetogen zwaard in Zijn hand had. En Jozua ging tot Hem, en zeide tot Hem: Zijt Gij van ons, of van onze vijanden?

יהושע 5:13
וַיְהִ֗י בִּֽהְיֹ֣ות יְהֹושֻׁעַ֮ בִּירִיחֹו֒ וַיִּשָּׂ֤א עֵינָיו֙ וַיַּ֔רְא וְהִנֵּה־אִישׁ֙ עֹמֵ֣ד לְנֶגְדֹּ֔ו וְחַרְבֹּ֥ו שְׁלוּפָ֖ה בְּיָדֹ֑ו וַיֵּ֨לֶךְ יְהֹושֻׁ֤עַ אֵלָיו֙ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לֹ֔ו הֲלָ֥נוּ אַתָּ֖ה אִם־לְצָרֵֽינוּ׃

יג ויהי בהיות יהושע ביריחו וישא עיניו וירא והנה איש עמד לנגדו וחרבו שלופה בידו וילך יהושע אליו ויאמר לו הלנו אתה אם לצרינו

ויהי בהיות יהושע ביריחו וישא עיניו וירא והנה־איש עמד לנגדו וחרבו שלופה בידו וילך יהושע אליו ויאמר לו הלנו אתה אם־לצרינו׃

Józsué 5:13
Lõn pedig, a mikor Józsué Jérikhónál vala, felemelé az õ szemeit, és látá, hogy íme egy férfiú áll vala elõtte meztelen karddal kezében. És hozzá méne Józsué, és monda néki: Közülünk való vagy-é te, vagy ellenségeink közül?

Josuo 5:13
Kaj okazis, ke kiam Josuo estis apud Jerihxo, li levis siajn okulojn, kaj ekvidis, ke jen viro staras antaux li kaj en sia mano li tenas nudigitan glavon. Kaj Josuo aliris al li, kaj diris al li:CXu vi estas nia, aux cxu el niaj malamikoj?

Ja tapahtui kuin Josua oli lähellä Jerihoa, nosti hän silmänsä ja näki: ja katso, mies seisoi siellä hänen edessänsä, ja oli avoin miekka hänen kädessänsä; ja Josua meni hänen tykönsä ja sanoi hänelle: oletko sinä meidän vai vihamiestemme puolella?

Josué 5:13
Et il arriva, comme Josué était près de Jéricho, qu'il leva ses yeux et vit; et voici, un homme se tenait debout devant lui, son épée nue dans sa main; et Josué alla vers lui et lui dit: Es-tu pour nous, ou pour nos ennemis?

Comme Josué était près de Jéricho, il leva les yeux, et regarda. Voici, un homme se tenait debout devant lui, son épée nue dans la main. Il alla vers lui, et lui dit: Es-tu des nôtres ou de nos ennemis?

Or il arriva, comme Josué était près de Jérico, qu'il leva les yeux, et regarda; et voici, vis-à-vis de lui, se tenait debout un homme qui avait son épée nue en sa main; et Josué alla vers lui, et lui dit : Es-tu des nôtres, ou de nos ennemis?

Josua 5:13
Und es begab sich, da Josua bei Jericho war, daß er seine Augen aufhub und ward gewahr, daß ein Mann gegen ihm stund und hatte ein bloß Schwert in seiner Hand. Und Josua ging zu ihm und sprach zu ihm: Gehörest du uns an, oder unsern Feinden?

Und es begab sich, da Josua bei Jericho war, daß er seine Augen aufhob und ward gewahr, daß ein Mann ihm gegenüberstand und hatte sein bloßes Schwert in seiner Hand. Und Josua ging zu ihm und sprach zu ihm: Gehörst du uns an oder unsern Feinden?

Während sich aber Josua bei Jericho befand, schaute er einst auf und sah, wie ein Mann mit einem gezückten Schwert in der Hand ihm gegenüberstand. Da ging Josua auf ihn zu und fragte ihn: Gehörst du zu uns oder zu unseren Feinden?

Giosué 5:13
Or avvenne, come Giosuè era presso a Gerico, ch’egli alzò gli occhi, guardò, ed ecco un uomo che gli stava ritto davanti, con in mano la spada snudata. Giosuè andò verso di lui, e gli disse: "Sei tu dei nostri, o dei nostri nemici?"

Or avvenne che, mentre Giosuè era presso a Gerico, egli alzò gli occhi, e riguardò, ed ecco, un uomo stava ritto davanti a lui, il quale avea la sua spada tratta in mano. E Giosuè andò a lui, e gli disse: Sei tu de’ nostri, ovvero dei nostri nemici?

YOSUA 5:13
Bermula, maka pada sekali peristiwa tatkala Yusak hampir dengan Yerikho, diangkatnya matanya, heran, maka terlihatlah ia akan seorang berdiri di hadapannya dan pada tangannya adalah sebilah pedang yang terhunus; maka Yusakpun pergi mendapatkan dia sambil katanya: Engkau dari pada kamikah? atau dari pada musuhkah?

여호수아 5:13
여호수아가 여리고에 가까왔을 때에 눈을 들어 본즉 한 사람이 칼을 빼어 손에 들고 마주 섰는지라 여호수아가 나아가서 그에게 묻되 '너는 우리를 위하느냐 ? 우리의 대적을 위하느냐 ?'

Iosue 5:13
cum autem esset Iosue in agro urbis Hiericho levavit oculos et vidit virum stantem contra se et evaginatum tenentem gladium perrexitque ad eum et ait noster es an adversariorum

Jozuës knyga 5:13
Jozuė, būdamas prie Jericho, pamatė prieš save stovintį vyrą, kuris rankoje laikė nuogą kardą. Jozuė priėjo ir jo paklausė: “Ar tu iš mūsų, ar iš mūsų priešų?”

Joshua 5:13
A, i a Hohua i Heriko, na ka anga ake ona kanohi, ka titiro, na he tangata e tu mai ana i tona aroaro, ko tana hoari hoki i tona ringa, unu rawa: na ka haere atu a Hohua ki a ia, ka mea ki a ia, mo matou ranei koe, mo o matou hoariri ranei?

Josvas 5:13
Mens Josva var ved Jeriko, hendte det at han løftet op sine øine og fikk se en mann som stod foran ham med et draget sverd i sin hånd; og Josva gikk bort til ham og sa: Hører du til oss eller til våre fiender?

Josué 5:13
Y sucedió que cuando Josué estaba cerca de Jericó, levantó los ojos y miró, y he aquí, un hombre estaba frente a él con una espada desenvainada en la mano, y Josué fue hacia él y le dijo: ¿Eres de los nuestros o de nuestros enemigos?

Cuando Josué estaba ya cerca de Jericó, levantó los ojos y vio que un hombre estaba frente a él con una espada desenvainada en la mano, y Josué fue hacia él y le dijo: "¿Es usted de los nuestros o de nuestros enemigos?"

Y sucedió que cuando Josué estaba cerca de Jericó, alzó sus ojos y miró, y he aquí, un varón estaba delante de él con su espada desenvainada en su mano. Y Josué fue hacia Él y le dijo: ¿Eres de los nuestros, o de nuestros enemigos?

Y estando Josué cerca de Jericó, alzó sus ojos, y vió un varón que estaba delante de él, el cual tenía una espada desnuda en su mano. Y Josué yéndose hacia él, le dijo: ¿Eres de los nuestros, ó de nuestros enemigos?

Y estando Josué cerca de Jericó, alzó sus ojos, y vio un varón que estaba delante de él, el cual tenía una espada desnuda en su mano. Y Josué yéndose hacia él, le dijo: ¿Eres de los nuestros, o de nuestros enemigos?

Josué 5:13
Encontrando-se Josué já nas proximidades de Jericó; de repente, ao olhar para cima, viu um homem em pé, empunhando uma espada. Aproximou-se dele e perguntou-lhe: “És tu dos nossos ou dos nossos adversários?”

Ora, estando Josué perto de Jericó, levantou os olhos, e olhou; e eis que estava em pé diante dele um homem que tinha na mão uma espada nua. Chegou-se Josué a ele, e perguntou-lhe: És tu por nós, ou pelos nossos adversários?   

Iosua 5:13
Pe cînd Iosua era lîngă Ierihon, a ridicat ochii, şi s'a uitat. Şi iată un om stătea în picioare înaintea lui, cu sabia scoasă din teacă în mînă. Iosua s'a dus spre el, şi i -a zis: ,,Eşti dintre ai noştri sau dintre vrăjmaşii noştri?``

Иисус Навин 5:13
Иисус, находясь близ Иерихона, взглянул, и видит, и вот стоит пред ним человек, и в руке его обнаженный меч. Иисус подошел к нему исказал ему: наш ли ты, или из неприятелей наших?

Иисус, находясь близ Иерихона, взглянул, и видит, и вот стоит пред ним человек, и в руке его обнаженный меч. Иисус подошел к нему и сказал ему: наш ли ты, или из неприятелей наших?[]

Josuaé 5:13
Och medan Josua var vid Jeriko, hände sig att han, i det han lyfte upp sina ögon, fick se en man stå där framför sig med ett draget svärd i sin hand. Då gick Josua fram till honom och frågade honom: »Tillhör du oss eller våra ovänner?»

Joshua 5:13
At nangyari, nang si Josue ay malapit sa Jerico, na kaniyang itiningin ang kaniyang mga mata at tumingin, at, narito, nakatayo ang isang lalake sa tapat niya na may kaniyang tabak sa kaniyang kamay na bunot: at si Josue ay naparoon sa kaniya, at sinabi sa kaniya, Ikaw ba'y sa amin, o sa aming mga kaaway?

โยชูวา 5:13
ต่อมาเมื่อโยชูวาอยู่ข้างเมืองเยรีโค ท่านก็เงยหน้าขึ้นมองดู และดูเถิด มีชายคนหนึ่งชักดาบออกมาถือยืนอยู่ตรงหน้าท่าน โยชูวาเข้าไปหาชายนั้น กล่าวแก่เขาว่า "ท่านอยู่ฝ่ายเราหรืออยู่ฝ่ายศัตรู"

Yeşu 5:13
Yeşu Erihanın yakınındaydı. Başını kaldırınca önünde, kılıcını çekmiş bir adam gördü. Ona yaklaşarak, ‹‹Sen bizden misin, karşı taraftan mı?›› diye sordu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 5:13
Xảy khi Giô-suê ở gần Giê-ri-cô, ngước mắt lên mà nhìn, bèn thấy một người đứng cầm gươm trần đối diện cùng mình. Giô-suê đi lại người và nói rằng: Ngươi là người của chúng ta hay là người của kẻ thù nghịch chúng ta?

Joshua 5:12
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