Joshua 5:1
Joshua 5:1
Now when all the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings along the coast heard how the LORD had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over, their hearts melted in fear and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites.

When all the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings who lived along the Mediterranean coast heard how the LORD had dried up the Jordan River so the people of Israel could cross, they lost heart and were paralyzed with fear because of them.

As soon as all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan for the people of Israel until they had crossed over, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel.

Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard how the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the sons of Israel until they had crossed, that their hearts melted, and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the sons of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

When all the Amorite kings across the Jordan to the west and all the Canaanite kings near the sea heard how the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over, they lost heart and their courage failed because of the Israelites.

All the Amorite kings who lived across the Jordan River to the west and all the Canaanite kings by the Mediterranean Sea became discouraged as soon as they heard that the LORD had dried up the water of the Jordan River for the people of Israel until they had crossed it. They no longer had a will to fight because of the people of Israel.

When all the Amorite kings on the west side of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings along the seacoast heard how the LORD had dried up the water of the Jordan before the Israelites while they crossed, they lost their courage and could not even breathe for fear of the Israelites.

All the Amorite kings west of the Jordan River and all the Canaanite kings along the Mediterranean Sea heard that the LORD had dried up the Jordan River so that the Israelites could cross. So they lost heart and had no courage left to face the people of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, who were on the west side of the Jordan, and all the kings of the Canaanites, who were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the sons of Israel until we had passed, that their heart melted, and there was no more spirit in them before the sons of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, that were beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, that were by the sea, heard how that Jehovah had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

Now when all the kings of the Amorrhites, who dwelt beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of Chanaan, who possessed the places near the great sea, had heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the children of Israel, till they passed over, their heart failed them, and there remained no spirit in them, fearing the coming in of the children of Israel.

And it came to pass when all the kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, who were by the sea, heard that Jehovah had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel, until they had passed over, that their heart melted, and there was no spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were beyond Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard how that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites who were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we had passed over, that their heart melted; neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

It happened, when all the kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, who were by the sea, heard how that Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we had passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

And it cometh to pass when all the kings of the Amorite which are beyond the Jordan, towards the sea, and all the kings of the Canaanite which are by the sea, hear how that Jehovah hath dried up the waters of the Jordan at the presence of the sons of Israel till their passing over, that their heart is melted, and there hath not been in them any more spirit because of the presence of the sons of Israel.

Jozueu 5:1
Kur të gjithë mbretërit e Amorejve që ndodheshin matanë Jordanit në drejtim të perëndimit dhe tërë mbretërit e Kananejve që ishin pranë detit mësuan që Zoti kishte tharë ujërat e Jordanit para bijve

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 5:1
وعندما سمع جميع ملوك الاموريين الذين في عبر الاردن غربا وجميع ملوك الكنعانيين الذين على البحر ان الرب قد يبّس مياه الاردن من امام بني اسرائيل حتى عبرنا ذابت قلوبهم ولم تبق فيهم روح بعد من جراء بني اسرائيل

Dyr Josen 5:1
Alle Künig von de Ämaurer wöster n Jordn und allsand Käningerkünig an n Mör ghoernd, däß dyr Trechtein s Jordnwasser vor de Isryheeler ienerne Augn austrückln laassn hiet, hinst däß s umherzogn warnd; daa gverzagnd s weilete, und mit ienern Muet war s aus.

Исус Навиев 5:1
А когато всичките аморейски царе, които бяха оттатък Иордан на запад, и всичките ханаански царе, които бяха при морето, чуха, че Господ пресуши водата на Иордан пред израилтяните догде преминаха, сърцата им се стопиха, и душа не остана в тях поради израилтяните.

約 書 亞 記 5:1
約 但 河 西 亞 摩 利 人 的 諸 王 和 靠 海 迦 南 人 的 諸 王 , 聽 見 耶 和 華 在 以 色 列 人 前 面 使 約 但 河 的 水 乾 了 , 等 到 我 們 過 去 , 他 們 的 心 因 以 色 列 人 的 緣 故 就 消 化 了 , 不 再 有 膽 氣 。

约 但 河 西 亚 摩 利 人 的 诸 王 和 靠 海 迦 南 人 的 诸 王 , 听 见 耶 和 华 在 以 色 列 人 前 面 使 约 但 河 的 水 乾 了 , 等 到 我 们 过 去 , 他 们 的 心 因 以 色 列 人 的 缘 故 就 消 化 了 , 不 再 有 胆 气 。



Joshua 5:1
Pošto su čuli svi kraljevi amorejski na zapadnoj strani Jordana i svi kraljevi kanaanski koji bijahu uz more da je Jahve osušio Jordan pred Izraelcima dok ne prijeđoše, zastade im srce i nestade im junaštva pred Izraelcima.

Jozue 5:1
Stalo se pak, když uslyšeli všickni králové Amorejští, kteříž bydlili za Jordánem k západu, a všickni králové Kananejští, kteříž bydlili při moři, že vysušil Hospodin vody Jordánské před syny Izraelskými, dokudž ho nepřešli: zemdlelo srdce jejich, aniž zůstalo více v nich duše před tváří synů Izraelských.

Josua 5:1
Men da alle Amoriterkongerne vesten for Jordan og alle Kana'anæerkongerne ved Havet hørte, at HERREN havde ladet Jordans Vand tørre bort foran Israeliterne, indtil de var gaaet over, blev de slaget af Rædsel og tabte Modet over for Israeliterne.

Jozua 5:1
En het geschiedde, toen al de koningen der Amorieten, die aan deze zijde van de Jordaan westwaarts, en al de koningen der Kanaanieten, die aan de zee waren, hoorden, dat de HEERE de wateren van de Jordaan had uitgedroogd, voor het aangezicht der kinderen Israels, totdat wij daardoor gegaan waren; zo versmolt hun hart, en er was geen moed meer in hen, voor het aangezicht der kinderen Israels.

יהושע 5:1
וַיְהִ֣י כִשְׁמֹ֣עַ כָּל־מַלְכֵ֣י הָאֱמֹרִ֡י אֲשֶׁר֩ בְּעֵ֨בֶר הַיַּרְדֵּ֜ן יָ֗מָּה וְכָל־מַלְכֵ֤י הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עַל־הַיָּ֔ם אֵ֠ת אֲשֶׁר־הֹובִ֨ישׁ יְהוָ֜ה אֶת־מֵ֧י הַיַּרְדֵּ֛ן מִפְּנֵ֥י בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל עַד־ [עָבְרָנוּ כ] (עָבְרָ֑ם ק) וַיִּמַּ֣ס לְבָבָ֗ם וְלֹא־הָ֨יָה בָ֥ם עֹוד֙ ר֔וּחַ מִפְּנֵ֖י בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃ ס

א ויהי כשמע כל מלכי האמרי אשר בעבר הירדן ימה וכל מלכי הכנעני אשר על הים את אשר הוביש יהוה את מי הירדן מפני בני ישראל עד עברנו (עברם) וימס לבבם ולא היה בם עוד רוח מפני בני ישראל  {פ}

ויהי כשמע כל־מלכי האמרי אשר בעבר הירדן ימה וכל־מלכי הכנעני אשר על־הים את אשר־הוביש יהוה את־מי הירדן מפני בני־ישראל עד־ [עברנו כ] (עברם ק) וימס לבבם ולא־היה בם עוד רוח מפני בני־ישראל׃ ס

Józsué 5:1
Lõn pedig, a mint meghallák az Emoreusok minden királyai, a kik a Jordánon túl laknak napnyugot felé, és a Kananeusok minden királyai, a kik a tenger mellett laknak vala, hogy kiszáraztotta az Úr a Jordánnak vizét az Izráel fiai elõtt, a míg általjöttünk vala; megolvada az õ szívök, és nem vala többé bátorság bennök Izráel fiai miatt.

Josuo 5:1
Kaj kiam cxiuj regxoj de la Amoridoj, kiuj logxis transe de Jordan okcidente, kaj cxiuj regxoj de la Kanaanidoj, kiuj logxis apud la maro, auxdis, ke la Eternulo elsekigis la akvon de Jordan antaux la Izraelidoj, gxis ili transiris, tiam ektimis ilia koro, kaj ili ne havis plu kuragxon antaux la Izraelidoj.

Kuin kaikki Amorilaisten kuninkaat, jotka toisella puolella Jordania länteen päin asuivat, ja kaikki Kanaanealaisten kuninkaat meren tykönä kuulivat, että Herra kuivasi Jordanin vedet Israelin lasten eteen, niinkauvan kuin he kävivät sen ylitse, niin heidän sydämensä raukesi ja ei ollut heissä enään yhtään miehuutta Israelin lasten edessä.

Josué 5:1
Et il arriva que, lorsque tous les rois des Amoréens qui étaient en deçà du Jourdain vers l'occident, et tous les rois des Cananéens qui étaient près de la mer, entendirent comment l'Éternel avait mis à sec les eaux du Jourdain devant les fils d'Israël jusqu'à ce que nous fussions passés, leur coeur se fondit, et il n'y eut plus de courage en eux, à cause des fils d'Israël.

Lorsque tous les rois des Amoréens à l'occident du Jourdain et tous les rois des Cananéens près de la mer apprirent que l'Eternel avait mis à sec les eaux du Jourdain devant les enfants d'Israël jusqu'à ce que nous eussions passé, ils perdirent courage et furent consternés à l'aspect des enfants d'Israël.

Or il arriva qu'aussitôt que tous les Rois des Amorrhéens qui [étaient] au deçà du Jourdain vers l'Occident, et tous les Rois des Cananéens qui étaient près de la mer, apprirent que l'Eternel avait fait tarir les eaux du Jourdain devant les enfants d'Israël, jusqu'à ce qu'ils fussent passés, leur cœur se fondit, et il n'y eut plus de courage en eux à cause des enfants d'Israël.

Josua 5:1
Da nun alle Könige der Amoriter, die jenseit des Jordans gegen Abend wohneten, und alle Könige der Kanaaniter am Meer höreten, wie der HERR das Wasser des Jordans hatte ausgetrocknet vor den Kindern Israel, bis daß sie hinübergingen, verzagte ihr Herz, und war kein Mut mehr in ihnen vor den Kindern Israel.

Da nun alle Könige der Amoriter, die jenseit des Jordans gegen Abend wohnten, und alle Könige der Kanaaniter am Meer hörten, wie der HERR das Wasser des Jordans hatte ausgetrocknet vor den Kindern Israel, bis sie hinübergingen, verzagte ihr Herz, und war kein Mut mehr in ihnen vor den Kindern Israel. {~} {~}

Als aber alle Könige der Amoriter jenseits des Jordan im Westen und alle Könige der Kanaaniter, die am Meere wohnten, vernahmen, daß Jahwe das Wasser des Jordan vor den Israeliten hatte vertrocknen lassen, bis sie hinübergezogen waren, wurden sie ganz verzagt und ließen den Mut vor den Israeliten sinken.

Giosué 5:1
Or come tutti i re degli Amorei che erano di là dal Giordano verso occidente e tutti i re dei Cananei che erano presso il mare udirono che l’Eterno aveva asciugate le acque del Giordano davanti ai figliuoli d’Israele finché fossero passati, il loro cuore si strusse e non rimase più in loro alcun coraggio di fronte ai figliuoli d’Israele.

Ora, come tutti re degli Amorrei che erano di qua dal Giordano, verso Ponente, e tutti i re de’ Cananei, ch’erano presso al mare, udirono che il Signore avea seccate le acque del Giordano davanti a’ figliuoli d’Israele, finchè fossero passati; il cuor loro divenne tutto fiacco, e non restò loro più alcun animo, per tema de’ figliuoli d’Israele.

Arakian, maka serta kedengaranlah kabar kepada segala raja orang Amori, yang pada sebelah barat Yarden, dan kepada segala raja orang Kanani, yang pada tepi laut, mengatakan Tuhan sudah mengeringkan air Yarden di hadapan bani Israel sampai sudah kami sekalian menyeberang, maka hilanglah hati mereka itu, tiada lagi nyawa dalamnya dari sebab takutnya akan bani Israel.

여호수아 5:1
요단 서편의 아모리 사람의 모든 왕과 해변의 가나안 사람의 모든 왕이 여호와께서 요단 물을 이스라엘 자손들 앞에서 말리시고 우리를 건네셨음을 듣고 마음이 녹았고 이스라엘 자손들의 연고로 정신을 잃었더라

Iosue 5:1
postquam ergo audierunt omnes reges Amorreorum qui habitabant trans Iordanem ad occidentalem plagam et cuncti reges Chanaan qui propinqua possidebant Magno mari loca quod siccasset Dominus fluenta Iordanis coram filiis Israhel donec transirent dissolutum est cor eorum et non remansit in eis spiritus timentium introitum filiorum Israhel

Jozuës knyga 5:1
Visi amoritų karaliai, kurie gyveno nuo Jordano į vakarus, ir visi kanaaniečių karaliai, kurie gyveno prie jūros, išgirdę, jog Viešpats išdžiovino Jordano vandenis prieš izraelitus, kad jie galėtų pereiti, nusiminė ir neteko drąsos.

Joshua 5:1
A, no te rongonga o nga kingi katoa o nga Amori, o era ki te taha ki te hauauru o Horano, me nga kingi katoa o nga Kanaani, o era i te moana, ki te whakamaroketanga a Ihowa i nga wai o Horano i te aroaro o nga tama a Iharaira a whiti noa matou, n a ka ngohe noa o ratou ngakau, kahore atu hoki o ratou wairua, i te wehi ki nga tama a Iharaira.

Josvas 5:1
Da nu alle amoritter-kongene som bodde på vestsiden av Jordan, og alle kana'anitter-kongene som bodde ved havet, hørte at Herren hadde latt Jordans vann tørke bort foran Israels barn inntil vi var kommet over, da blev deres hjerte fullt av angst, og de hadde ikke lenger mot til å møte Israels barn.

Josué 5:1
Y aconteció que cuando todos los reyes de los amorreos que estaban al otro lado del Jordán hacia el occidente, y todos los reyes de los cananeos que estaban junto al mar, oyeron cómo el SEÑOR había secado las aguas del Jordán delante de los hijos de Israel hasta que ellos habían pasado, sus corazones se acobardaron, y ya no había aliento en ellos a causa de los hijos de Israel.

Cuando todos los reyes de los Amorreos que estaban al otro lado del Jordán hacia el occidente, y todos los reyes de los Cananeos que estaban junto al mar, oyeron cómo el SEÑOR había secado las aguas del Jordán delante de los Israelitas hasta que ellos habían pasado, sus corazones se acobardaron, y ya no había ánimo en ellos a causa de los Israelitas.

Y aconteció que cuando todos los reyes de los amorreos, que estaban al otro lado del Jordán al occidente, y todos los reyes de los cananeos, que estaban cerca del mar, oyeron cómo Jehová había secado las aguas del Jordán delante de los hijos de Israel hasta que hubieron pasado, desfalleció su corazón, y no hubo más espíritu en ellos delante de los hijos de Israel.

Y CUANDO todos los reyes de los Amorrheos, que estaban de la otra parte del Jordán al occidente, y todos los reyes de los Cananeos, que estaban cerca de la mar, oyeron como Jehová había secado las aguas del Jordán delante de los hijos de Israel hasta que

Y cuando todos los reyes de los amorreos, que estaban al otro lado del Jordán al occidente, y todos los reyes de los cananeos, que estaban cerca del mar, oyeron como el SEÑOR había secado las aguas del Jordán delante de los hijos de Israel hasta que hubieron pasado, su corazón se les derritió, y no hubo más espíritu en ellos delante de los hijos de Israel.

Josué 5:1
Aconteceu que todos os reis amorreus que habitavam a oeste do Jordão e todos os reis cananeus que viviam ao longo do litoral do mar Mediterrâneo foram informados de como Yahwehtinha secado o Jordão diante dos filhos de Israel até que tivessem passado, e ficaram apavorados e sem coragem para enfrentar os israelitas.

Quando, pois, todos os reis dos amorreus que estavam ao oeste do Jordão, e todos os reis dos cananeus que estavam ao lado do mar, ouviram que o Senhor tinha secado as águas do Jordão de diante dos filhos de Israel, até que passassem, derreteu-se-lhes o coração, e não houve mais ânimo neles, por causa dos filhos de Israel.   

Iosua 5:1
Cînd au auzit toţi împăraţii Amoriţilor dela apusul Iordanului, şi toţi împăraţii Cananiţilor de lîngă mare că Domnul secase apele Iordanului înaintea copiilor lui Israel pînă am trecut, li s'a tăiat inima şi au rămas îngroziţi înaintea copiilor lui Israel.

Иисус Навин 5:1
Когда все цари Аморрейские, которые жили по эту сторону Иордана к морю, и все цари Ханаанские, которые при море, услышали, что Господь иссушил воды Иордана пред сынами Израилевыми, доколе переходили они, тогда ослабело сердце их, и не стало уже в них духапротив сынов Израилевых.

Когда все цари Аморрейские, которые жили по эту сторону Иордана к морю, и все цари Ханаанские, которые при море, услышали, что Господь иссушил воды Иордана пред сынами Израилевыми, доколе переходили они, тогда ослабело сердце их, и не стало уже в них духа против сынов Израилевых.[]

Josuaé 5:1
Då nu alla amoréernas konungar på andra sidan Jordan, på västra sidan, och alla kananéernas konungar vid havet hörde huru HERREN hade låtit vattnet i Jordan torka ut framför Israels barn, medan vi gingo över den, blevo deras hjärtan förfärade, och de hade icke längre mod att stå emot Israels barn.

Joshua 5:1
At nangyari, nang mabalitaan ng lahat ng mga hari ng mga Amorrheo na nasa dako roon ng Jordan sa dakong kalunuran, at ng lahat ng mga hari ng mga Cananeo, na nangasa tabi ng dagat, kung paanong tinuyo ng Panginoon ang tubig ng Jordan sa harap ng mga anak ni Israel, hanggang sa kami ay nangakatawid, na nanglumo ang kanilang puso, at sila'y nawalan ng loob dahil sa mga anak ni Israel.

โยชูวา 5:1
ต่อมาเมื่อบรรดากษัตริย์ของคนอาโมไรต์ซึ่งอยู่ฟากจอร์แดนข้างตะวันตก และบรรดากษัตริย์ของคนคานาอัน ซึ่งอยู่ใกล้ทะเล ได้ยินว่าพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบันดาลให้น้ำในจอร์แดนแห้งไปต่อหน้าคนอิสราเอล ให้เราข้ามฟากไปได้หมดแล้ว จิตใจของเขาก็ละลายไป ไม่มีกำลังใจในตัวอีกต่อไปเหตุเพราะคนอิสราเอล

Yeşu 5:1
RABbin Şeria Irmağının sularını İsraillilerin önünde, halkın geçişi boyunca nasıl kuruttuğunu duyan batı yakasındaki Amorlu krallarla Akdeniz kıyısındaki Kenanlı krallar, İsraillilerden ötürü can derdine düştüler; korkudan dizlerinin bağı çözüldü.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 5:1
Vả, các vua A-mô-rít ở bên kia sông Giô-đanh về phía tây, và các vua Ca-na-an ở gần biển vừa hay rằng Ðức Giê-hô-va đã làm cho nước sông Giô-đanh bày khô trước mặt dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, cho đến chừng đã đi qua khỏi, thì lòng họ kinh khiếp và nao sờn vì cớ dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Joshua 4:24
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