Joshua 24:20
Joshua 24:20
If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you."

If you abandon the LORD and serve other gods, he will turn against you and destroy you, even though he has been so good to you."

If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm and consume you, after having done you good.”

"If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you after He has done good to you."

If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

If you abandon the LORD and worship foreign gods, He will turn against you, harm you, and completely destroy you, after He has been good to you.""

If you abandon the LORD and serve foreign deities, then he will turn and do you harm, consuming you after all the good he has done for you."

If you abandon the LORD and worship foreign gods, he will turn against you; he will bring disaster on you and destroy you, though he once treated you well."

If you abandon the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you. He will destroy you, although he has been so good to you."

If ye forsake the LORD and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt and consume you, after he has done you good.

If you forsake the LORD, and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm, and consume you, after that he has done you good.

If you forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he has done you good.

If ye forsake Jehovah, and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

If you leave the Lord, and serve strange gods, he will turn, and will afflict you, and will destroy you after all the good he hath done you.

If ye forsake Jehovah, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.

If you forsake Yahweh, and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after he has done you good."

When ye forsake Jehovah, and have served gods of a stranger, then He hath turned back and done evil to you, and consumed you, after that He hath done good to you.'

Jozueu 24:20
Kur ta braktisni Zotin dhe t'u shërbeni perëndive të huaja, ai do të kthehet për t'ju bërë keq dhe për t'ju konsumuar pas aq të mirave që ju ka bërë".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 24:20
واذا تركتم الرب وعبدتم آلهة غريبة يرجع فيسيء اليكم ويفنيكم بعد ان احسن اليكم.

Dyr Josen 24:20
Wenntß önn Trechtein verlaasstß und yn fremde Götter dientß, dann wenddt yr si von enk ab, bringt Unglück über enk und macht enk ayn End, aau wenn yr enk zeerst öbbs Guets taan haat."

Исус Навиев 24:20
Защото, ако оставите Господа и служите на чужди богове тогава Той ще се обърне и ще ви стори зло и ще ви изтреби, въпреки доброто, което ви е сторил.

約 書 亞 記 24:20
你 們 若 離 棄 耶 和 華 去 事 奉 外 邦   神 , 耶 和 華 在 降 福 之 後 , 必 轉 而 降 禍 與 你 們 , 把 你 們 滅 絕 。

你 们 若 离 弃 耶 和 华 去 事 奉 外 邦   神 , 耶 和 华 在 降 福 之 後 , 必 转 而 降 祸 与 你 们 , 把 你 们 灭 绝 。



Joshua 24:20
Ako ostavite Jahvu da biste služili tuđim bogovima, okrenut će se protiv vas i uništit će vas, pošto vam je bio dobro činio."

Jozue 24:20
Jestliže byste opustíce Hospodina, sloužili bohům cizozemců, obrátí se a zle učiní vám, a zkazí vás, poněvadž prvé dobře učinil vám.

Josua 24:20
Naar I forlader HERREN og dyrker fremmede Guder, vil han vende sig bort og bringe Ulykke over eder og tilintetgøre eder, skønt han tidligere gjorde vel imod eder.«

Jozua 24:20
Indien gij den HEERE verlaten en vreemde goden dienen zult, zo zal Hij Zich omkeren, en Hij zal u kwaad doen, en Hij zal u verdoen, naar dat Hij u goed gedaan zal hebben.

יהושע 24:20
כִּ֤י תַֽעַזְבוּ֙ אֶת־יְהוָ֔ה וַעֲבַדְתֶּ֖ם אֱלֹהֵ֣י נֵכָ֑ר וְשָׁ֨ב וְהֵרַ֤ע לָכֶם֙ וְכִלָּ֣ה אֶתְכֶ֔ם אַחֲרֵ֖י אֲשֶׁר־הֵיטִ֥יב לָכֶֽם׃

כ כי תעזבו את יהוה ועבדתם אלהי נכר ושב והרע לכם וכלה אתכם אחרי אשר היטיב לכם

כי תעזבו את־יהוה ועבדתם אלהי נכר ושב והרע לכם וכלה אתכם אחרי אשר־היטיב לכם׃

Józsué 24:20
Hogyha elhagyjátok az Urat, és szolgáltok idegen isteneknek: akkor elfordul és roszszal illet benneteket, és megemészt titeket, minekutána jól cselekedett veletek.

Josuo 24:20
Se vi forlasos la Eternulon kaj servos al fremdaj dioj, tiam Li Sin turnos kaj faros al vi malbonon kaj ekstermos vin, post kiam Li faris al vi bonon.

JOOSUA 24:20
Kuin te hylkäätte Herran ja palvelette muukalaisia jumalia, niin hän kääntää hänensä, ja tekee teille pahaa, ja hukuttaa teitä sen jälkeen, kuin hän teille hyvää teki.

Josué 24:20
Si vous abandonnez l'Éternel, et si vous servez des dieux étrangers, alors il se retournera et vous fera du mal et vous consumera après vous avoir fait du bien.

Lorsque vous abandonnerez l'Eternel et que vous servirez des dieux étrangers, il reviendra vous faire du mal, et il vous consumera après vous avoir fait du bien.

Quand vous aurez abandonné l'Eternel, et que vous aurez servi les dieux des étrangers, il se retournera, et vous fera du mal, et il vous consumera après vous avoir fait du bien.

Josua 24:20
Wenn ihr aber den HERRN verlasset und einem fremden Gott dienet, so wird er sich wenden und euch plagen und euch umbringen, nachdem er euch Gutes getan hat.

Wenn ihr aber den HERRN verlaßt und fremden Göttern dient, so wird er sich wenden und euch plagen und euch umbringen, nachdem er euch Gutes getan hat. {~}

Wenn ihr Jahwe verlassen und ausländischen Göttern dienen werdet, so wird er sich abwenden und euch Unheil widerfahren lassen und euch vertilgen, nachdem er es euch hatte wohl gehen lassen.

Giosué 24:20
Quando abbandonerete l’Eterno e servirete dèi stranieri, egli vi si volterà contro, vi farà del male e vi consumerà, dopo avervi fatto tanto bene".

Perciocchè voi abbandonerete il Signore, e servirete ad altri dii; laonde egli si rivolgerà, e vi farà del male e vi consumerà, dopo avervi fatto del bene.

YOSUA 24:20
jikalau kamu meninggalkan Tuhan dan berbuat bakti kepada dewa-dewa, maka Iapun akan berpaling diri-Nya dan mendatangkan jahat atas kamu, sekadar dibuat-Nya baik akan kamu dahulu, sampai binasalah kamu!

여호수아 24:20
만일 너희가 여호와를 버리고 이방 신들을 섬기면 너희에게 복을 내리신 후에라도 돌이켜 너희에게 화를 내리시고 너희를 멸하시리라'

Iosue 24:20
si dimiseritis Dominum et servieritis diis alienis convertet se et adfliget vos atque subvertet postquam vobis praestiterit bona

Jozuës knyga 24:20
Jei apleisite Viešpatį ir tarnausite svetimiems dievams, tai Jis baus jus ir sunaikins, iki tol jums daręs gera”.

Joshua 24:20
Ki te whakarere koutou i a Ihowa, a ka mahi ki nga atua ke, na ka tahuri mai ia ka whakawhiu i a koutou, ka huna hoki i a koutou, i muri iho i tana mahi pai ki a koutou.

Josvas 24:20
Når I forlater Herren og dyrker fremmede guder, da vil han vende sig bort og la det gå eder ille og tilintetgjøre eder, efterat han før har gjort vel mot eder.

Josué 24:20
Si abandonáis al SEÑOR y servís a dioses extranjeros, El se volverá y os hará daño, y os consumirá después de haberos hecho bien.

"Si abandonan al SEÑOR y sirven a dioses extranjeros, El se volverá y les hará daño, y los consumirá después de haberlos tratado bien."

Si dejareis a Jehová y sirviereis a dioses ajenos, Él se volverá y os hará daño; y os consumirá, después que os ha hecho bien.

Si dejareis á Jehová y sirviereis á dioses ajenos, se volverá, y os maltratará, y os consumirá, después que os ha hecho bien.

Si dejaréis al SEÑOR y sirviereis a dioses ajenos, se volverá, y os maltratará, y os consumirá, después que os ha hecho bien.

Josué 24:20
Se abandonardes a Deus, o SENHOR, e cultuardes aos deuses dos pagãos, Ele se voltará contra vós e vos castigará. Mesmo depois de ter sido misericordioso e generoso para convosco, eles vos fará grande mal e os exterminará da terra!”

Se abandonardes ao Senhor e servirdes a deuses estranhos, então ele se tornará, e vos fará o mal, e vos consumirá, depois de vos ter feito o bem.   

Iosua 24:20
Cînd veţi părăsi pe Domnul, şi veţi sluji unor dumnezei străini, El Se va întoarce, şi vă va face rău, şi vă va nimici, după ce v'a făcut bine``.

Иисус Навин 24:20
Если вы оставите Господа и будете служить чужим богам, то Он наведет на вас зло и истребит вас, после того как благотворил вам.

Если вы оставите Господа и будете служить чужим богам, то Он наведет на вас зло и истребит вас, после того как благотворил вам.[]

Josuaé 24:20
Om I övergiven HERREN och tjänen främmande gudar, så skall han vända sig bort och låta det gå eder illa och förgöra eder, i stället för att han hittills har låtit det gå eder väl.»

Joshua 24:20
Kung inyong pabayaan ang Panginoon, at maglingkod sa ibang mga dios: ay hihiwalay nga siya at gagawan kayo ng kasamaan at lilipulin kayo pagkatapos na kaniyang nagawan kayo ng mabuti.

โยชูวา 24:20
ถ้าท่านทั้งหลายละทิ้งพระเยโฮวาห์ไปปรนนิบัติพระอื่น แล้วพระองค์จะทรงหันกลับและกระทำอันตรายแก่ท่าน และผลาญท่านเสีย หลังจากที่พระองค์ทรงกระทำดีต่อท่านแล้ว"

Yeşu 24:20
RABbi bırakıp yabancı ilahlara kulluk ederseniz, RAB daha önce size iyilik etmişken, bu kez size karşı döner, sizi felakete uğratıp yok eder.››[]

Gioâ-sueâ 24:20
Nếu các ngươi bỏ Ðức Giê-hô-va, đi hầu việc các thần ngoại bang, thì Ngài sẽ trở lòng giáng họa cho các ngươi sau khi đã làm ơn cho các ngươi.

Joshua 24:19
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