Joshua 23:12
Joshua 23:12
"But if you turn away and ally yourselves with the survivors of these nations that remain among you and if you intermarry with them and associate with them,

"But if you turn away from him and cling to the customs of the survivors of these nations remaining among you, and if you intermarry with them,

For if you turn back and cling to the remnant of these nations remaining among you and make marriages with them, so that you associate with them and they with you,

"For if you ever go back and cling to the rest of these nations, these which remain among you, and intermarry with them, so that you associate with them and they with you,

Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you:

For if you turn away and cling to the rest of these nations remaining among you, and if you intermarry or associate with them and they with you,

because if you ever turn back and cling to those who remain of these nations by intermarrying with them and associating one with another,

But if you ever turn away and make alliances with these nations that remain near you, and intermarry with them and establish friendly relations with them,

"But if you turn away and go along with the other nations within your [borders], if you intermarry with them or associate with them,

Because if ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these Gentiles that remain among you and shall make marriages with them and go in unto them and they to you,

Else if you do in any way go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you:

Else if you do in any wise go back, and join to the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in to them, and they to you:

Else if ye do at all go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you;

But if you will embrace the errors of these nations that dwell among you, and make marriages with them, and join friendships:

For if ye in any wise go back, and cleave unto the residue of these nations, these that remain among you, and make marriages with them, and come in unto them and they unto you:

Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you:

Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave to the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and associate with them, and they with you:

"But if you do at all go back, and hold fast to the remnant of these nations, even these who remain among you, and make marriages with them, and go in to them, and they to you;

'But -- if ye at all turn back and have cleaved to the remnant of these nations, these who are left with you, and intermarried with them, and gone in to them, and they to you,

Jozueu 23:12
Por në rast se i shmangeni dhe bashkoheni me mbeturinat e këtyre kombeve që kanë mbetur midis jush dhe bashkoheni me anë martesash me ta dhe përziheni me ta dhe ata me ju,

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 23:12
ولكن اذا رجعتم ولصقتم ببقية هؤلاء الشعوب اولئك الباقين معكم وصاهرتموهم ودخلتم اليهم وهم اليكم

Dyr Josen 23:12
Denn wenntß enk öbbs Anders anfangtß und yn dene Dietn, wo bei enk non überblibn seind, naachhinlaaufftß, wenntß enk mit ien verschwaegertß und durchaynandkemmtß,

Исус Навиев 23:12
Иначе, ако се върнете някога назад та се привържете към остатъка на тия народи, към останалите между вас, и правите сватовство с тях, и се смесвате с тях и те с вас,

約 書 亞 記 23:12
你 們 若 稍 微 轉 去 , 與 你 們 中 間 所 剩 下 的 這 些 國 民 聯 絡 , 彼 此 結 親 , 互 相 往 來 ,

你 们 若 稍 微 转 去 , 与 你 们 中 间 所 剩 下 的 这 些 国 民 联 络 , 彼 此 结 亲 , 互 相 往 来 ,



Joshua 23:12
Jer ako se odmetnete i prionete uz ostatak onih naroda koji preostaše među vama i s njima se povežete tazbinom i pomiješate se s njima i oni s vama,

Jozue 23:12
Nebo jestliže předce se odvrátíte, a připojíte se k těm pozůstalým národům, k těm, kteříž zůstávají mezi vámi, a vejdete s nimi v příbuzenství a smísíte se s nimi a oni s vámi:

Josua 23:12
Thi dersom I falder fra og slutter eder til Levningerne af disse Folk, som er tilbage iblandt eder, og besvogrer eder med dem eller, indlader eder i Forbindelse med dem,

Jozua 23:12
Want zo gij enigszins afkeert, en het overige van deze volken aanhangt, van deze, die bij u overgebleven zijn, en u met hen verzwagert, en gij tot hen zult ingaan, en zij tot u;

יהושע 23:12
כִּ֣י ׀ אִם־שֹׁ֣וב תָּשׁ֗וּבוּ וּדְבַקְתֶּם֙ בְּיֶ֙תֶר֙ הַגֹּויִ֣ם הָאֵ֔לֶּה הַנִּשְׁאָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה אִתְּכֶ֑ם וְהִֽתְחַתַּנְתֶּ֥ם בָּהֶ֛ם וּבָאתֶ֥ם בָּהֶ֖ם וְהֵ֥ם בָּכֶֽם׃

יב כי אם שוב תשובו ודבקתם ביתר הגוים האלה הנשארים האלה אתכם והתחתנתם בהם ובאתם בהם והם בכם

כי ׀ אם־שוב תשובו ודבקתם ביתר הגוים האלה הנשארים האלה אתכם והתחתנתם בהם ובאתם בהם והם בכם׃

Józsué 23:12
Mert ha elfordulván elfordultok [tõle] és ragaszkodtok e népek maradékaihoz, a melyek itt maradtak ti közöttetek; és sógorságot köttök õ velök és összeelegyedtek velök és õk veletek:

Josuo 23:12
CXar se vi forklinigxos, kaj aligxos al tiuj restintaj popoloj, kiuj restis kun vi, kaj vi boparencigxos kun ili, kaj vi iros al ili kaj ili al vi:

JOOSUA 23:12
Mutta jos te käännätte teitänne pois ja pidätte teitänne jääneiden kansain tykö, ja yhdistätte teitänne naimisessa heidän kanssansa, niin että te tulette heidän ja he teidän sekaanne,

Josué 23:12
Car si vous retournez en arrière, et que vous vous attachiez au reste de ces nations, à celles qui sont demeurées parmi vous, et que vous vous alliiez par mariage avec elles, et que vous entriez parmi elles et elles parmi vous,

Si vous vous détournez et que vous vous attachiez au reste de ces nations qui sont demeurées parmi vous, si vous vous unissez avec elles par des mariages, et si vous formez ensemble des relations,

Autrement si vous vous en détournez en aucune manière et que vous vous attachiez au reste de ces nations, [savoir] à ceux qui sont demeurés de reste avec vous, et que vous fassiez alliance avec eux, et que vous vous mêliez avec eux, et eux avec vous;

Josua 23:12
Wo ihr euch aber umwendet und diesen übrigen Völkern anhanget und euch mit ihnen verheiratet, daß ihr unter sie und sie unter euch kommen,

Denn wo ihr euch umwendet und diesen Völkern anhangt und euch mit ihnen verheiratet, daß ihr unter sie und sie unter euch kommen: {~} {~} {~}

Denn wenn ihr etwa abtrünnig werden und euch dem Überreste dieser Völker, die da noch bei euch übrig geblieben sind, anschließen wolltet, indem ihr euch mit ihnen verschwägertet und ihr euch so gegenseitig miteinander vermischtet,

Giosué 23:12
Perché, se vi ritraete da lui e v’unite a quel che resta di queste nazioni che son rimaste fra voi e v’imparentate con loro e vi mescolate con esse ed esse con voi,

Perciocchè, se pur voi vi rivoltate, e vi congiungete col rimanente di queste genti, che son rimaste appresso di voi, e v’imparentate con loro, ed entrate da loro, ed esse entrano da voi,

YOSUA 23:12
Karena jikalau kiranya kamu berundur-unduran dan berdamping dengan sisa bangsa-bangsa ini, yang lagi tinggal sertamu, dan kamu kawin dengan mereka itu dan berjinak-jinakkan dengan mereka itu, dan mereka itupun dengan kamu,

여호수아 23:12
너희가 만일 퇴보하여 너희 중에 빠져 남아 있는 이 민족들을 친근히 하여 더불어 혼인하며 피차 왕래하면

Iosue 23:12
quod si volueritis gentium harum quae inter vos habitant erroribus adherere et cum eis miscere conubia atque amicitias copulare

Jozuës knyga 23:12
Jei nuo Jo nutolsite ir susimaišysite su pasilikusiomis tautomis, kurios tebegyvena tarp jūsų, ir susigiminiuosite vedybomis, eidami pas juos, o jie pas jus,

Joshua 23:12
Ki te anga hoki koutou ki te hoki atu, ki te awhi ki nga toenga o enei iwi, o enei ka mahue nei i roto i a koutou, a ka marenatia ki a ratou, ka whakauru hoki ki a ratou, me ratou hoki ki a koutou:

Josvas 23:12
For dersom I vender eder bort fra ham og holder eder til disse folk, de av dem som ennu er tilbake hos eder, og inngår svogerskap med dem og gir eder i lag med dem, og de med eder,

Josué 23:12
Porque si os volvéis, y os unís al resto de estos pueblos que permanecen entre vosotros, y contraéis matrimonio con ellos, y os juntáis con ellos, y ellos con vosotros,

"Porque si se vuelven, y se unen al resto de estos pueblos que permanecen entre ustedes, y contraen matrimonio con ellos, y se juntan con ellos, y ellos con ustedes,

Porque si os apartareis, y os uniereis a lo que resta de estas naciones que han quedado con vosotros, y si concertareis con ellas matrimonios, y entrareis a ellas, y ellas a vosotros;

Porque si os apartareis, y os allegareis á lo que resta de aquestas gentes que han quedado con vosotros, y si concertareis con ellas matrimonios, y entrareis á ellas, y ellas á vosotros;

Porque si os apartaréis, y os allegaréis a lo que resta de aquellos gentiles que han quedado con vosotros, y si concertaréis con ellos matrimonios, y entrareis a ellas, y ellas a vosotros;

Josué 23:12
Entretanto, se acontecer de vos desviardes e vos ajuntardes ao restante destas nações pagãs que ficaram ainda ao redor de vós, se vos envolverdes em matrimônio com essa gente, e com elas vos misturardes e elas convosco,

Porque se de algum modo vos desviardes, e vos apegardes ao resto destas nações que ainda ficam entre vós, e com elas contrairdes matrimônio, e entrardes a elas, e elas a vós,   

Iosua 23:12
Dacă vă veţi abate şi vă veţi alipi de neamurile acestea cari au rămas printre voi, dacă vă veţi uni cu ele prin căsătorii, şi dacă veţi intra în legături cu ele,

Иисус Навин 23:12
Если же вы отвратитесь и пристанете к оставшимся из народов сих,которые остались между вами, и вступите в родство с ними и будете ходить к ним и они к вам,

Если же вы отвратитесь и пристанете к оставшимся из народов сих, которые остались между вами, и вступите в родство с ними и будете ходить к ним и они к вам,[]

Josuaé 23:12
Ty om I vänden eder bort ifrån honom, och hållen eder till återstoden av dessa folk som ännu äro kvar här jämte eder, och befrynden eder med dem, så att I träden i gemenskap med dem och de med eder,

Joshua 23:12
Kung inyo ngang tatalikuran sa anomang paraan at lalakip sa nangalabi sa mga bansang ito, sa mga ito na nangalabi sa gitna ninyo, at kayo'y magaasawa sa kanila, at kayo'y lalakip sa kanila, at sila sa inyo:

โยชูวา 23:12
เพราะว่าถ้าท่านหันกลับและเข้าร่วมกับประชาชาติเหล่านี้ที่เหลืออยู่ในหมู่พวกท่านโดยแต่งงานกับเขา คือท่านแต่งงานกับหญิงของเขา และเขาแต่งงานกับหญิงของท่าน

Yeşu 23:12
Çünkü Ona sırt çevirir, sağ kalıp aranızda yaşayan bu uluslarla birlik olur, onlara kız verip onlardan kız alır, onlarla oturup kalkarsanız,[]

Gioâ-sueâ 23:12
Vả, nếu các ngươi trở lòng và hiệp với phần còn lại của các dân tộc này ở giữa các ngươi, nếu các ngươi làm sui gia cùng chúng nó, hoặc các ngươi xen vào cùng chúng nó, và chúng nó cùng các ngươi,

Joshua 23:11
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