Joshua 22:27
Joshua 22:27
On the contrary, it is to be a witness between us and you and the generations that follow, that we will worship the LORD at his sanctuary with our burnt offerings, sacrifices and fellowship offerings. Then in the future your descendants will not be able to say to ours, 'You have no share in the LORD.'

but as a memorial. It will remind our descendants and your descendants that we, too, have the right to worship the LORD at his sanctuary with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and peace offerings. Then your descendants will not be able to say to ours, 'You have no claim to the LORD.'

but to be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we do perform the service of the LORD in his presence with our burnt offerings and sacrifices and peace offerings, so your children will not say to our children in time to come, “You have no portion in the LORD.”’

rather it shall be a witness between us and you and between our generations after us, that we are to perform the service of the LORD before Him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices and with our peace offerings, so that your sons will not say to our sons in time to come, "You have no portion in the LORD."'

But that it may be a witness between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no part in the LORD.

Instead, it is to be a witness between us and you, and between the generations after us, so that we may carry out the worship of the LORD in His presence with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and fellowship offerings. Then in the future, your descendants will not be able to say to our descendants, 'You have no share in the LORD!'

but instead it will serve as a reminder between us and you and between our generations after us, that we are to serve the LORD with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and peace offerings. That way your descendants will not say to our descendants in the future, "You have no allotment from the LORD."'

but as a reminder to us and you, and to our descendants who follow us, that we will honor the LORD in his very presence with burnt offerings, sacrifices, and tokens of peace. Then in the future your descendants will not be able to say to our descendants, 'You have no right to worship the LORD.'

but it will stand as a witness between us for generations to come. It will stand as a witness that we may worship in the presence of the LORD with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and fellowship offerings.' Then your descendants cannot say to our descendants, 'You have no connection with the LORD!'

but that it may be a witness between us and you and our generations after us, to do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings and with our sacrifices and with our peace offerings that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no part in the LORD.

But that it may be a witness between us and you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, you have no part in the LORD.

But that it may be a witness between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we might do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, You have no part in the LORD.

but it shall be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we may do the service of Jehovah before him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace-offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no portion in Jehovah.

But for a testimony between us and you, and our posterity and yours, that we may serve the Lord, and that we may have a right to offer both holocausts, and victims and sacrifices of peace offerings: and that your children to morrow may not say to our children: You have no part in the Lord.

but to be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we might do service to Jehovah before him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace-offerings; that your children may not say to our children in future, Ye have no portion in Jehovah.

but it shall be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we may do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no portion in the LORD.

But that it may be a witness between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we may do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace-offerings; that your children may not say to our children in time to come, Ye have no part in the LORD.

but it will be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we may perform the service of Yahweh before him with our burnt offerings, with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings;' that your children may not tell our children in time to come, 'You have no portion in Yahweh.'

but a witness it is between us and you, and between our generations after us, to do the service of Jehovah before Him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace-offerings, and your sons do not say hereafter to our sons, Ye have no portion in Jehovah.

Jozueu 22:27
por që të shërbejë si dëshmi midis jush dhe nesh dhe midis pasardhësve tanë pas nesh, në mënyrë që të mund të kryejmë shërbimin e Zotit përpara tij, me olokaustet tona, flijimet tona dhe ofertat tona të falënderimit, me qëllim që pasardhësit tuaj të mos u thonë një ditë pasardhësve tanë: Ju nuk keni asnjë pjesë tek Zoti".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 22:27
بل ليكون هو شاهدا بيننا وبينكم وبين اجيالنا بعدنا لكي نخدم خدمة الرب امامه بمحرقاتنا وذبائحنا وذبائح سلامتنا ولا يقول بنوكم غدا لبنينا ليس لكم قسم في الرب.

Dyr Josen 22:27
sundern als Zeugn zwischn üns und enk, aau für spaeterne Kunner, däß myr yn n Herrn an seinn Heiligtuem dienen derffend mit ünserne Brandopfer, Schlacht- und Heilsopfer. Dann künnend enkerne Kinder nit aynmaal zo ünserne Kinder sagn, mir haetnd mit n Herrn nix zo n Schaffen.

Исус Навиев 22:27
но за да бъде свидетелство между нас и вас, и между поколенията ни подир нас, че ние имаме право да вършим пред Господа службата му с всеизгарянията си, с жертвите си и с примирителните си приноси, та да не могат утре вашите чада да кажат на нашите чада: Вие нямате дял в Господа.

約 書 亞 記 22:27
乃 是 為 你 我 中 間 和 你 我 後 人 中 間 作 證 據 , 好 叫 我 們 也 在 耶 和 華 面 前 獻 燔 祭 、 平 安 祭 , 和 別 的 祭 事 奉 他 , 免 得 你 們 的 子 孫 日 後 對 我 們 的 子 孫 說 , 你 們 與 耶 和 華 無 分 了 。

乃 是 为 你 我 中 间 和 你 我 後 人 中 间 作 证 据 , 好 叫 我 们 也 在 耶 和 华 面 前 献 燔 祭 、 平 安 祭 , 和 别 的 祭 事 奉 他 , 免 得 你 们 的 子 孙 日 後 对 我 们 的 子 孙 说 , 你 们 与 耶 和 华 无 分 了 。



Joshua 22:27
nego da bude svjedočanstvo između nas i vas, među potomcima našim, da želimo služiti Jahvi paljenicama, klanicama i pričesnicama. Tako da ne mognu jednom vaši sinovi reći našima: Nemate dijela s Jahvom.'

Jozue 22:27
Ale aby byl svědkem mezi námi a vámi, a mezi potomky našimi po nás, k vykonávání služby Hospodinu před ním zápaly našimi, a obětmi našimi a pokojnými obětmi našimi, a aby neřekli potom synové vaši synům našim: Nemáte dílu v Hospodinu.

Josua 22:27
men for at det kan være Vidne mellem os og eder og mellem vore Efterkommere efter os om, at vi vil forrette HERRENS Tjeneste for hans Aasyn med vore Brændofre, Slagtofre og Takofre, for at eders Børn ikke engang i Fremtiden skal sige til vore: I har ingen Del i HERREN!

Jozua 22:27
Maar dat het een getuige zij tussen ons en tussen ulieden, en tussen onze geslachten na ons, opdat wij den dienst des HEEREN voor Zijn aangezicht dienen mochten met onze brandofferen, en met onze slachtofferen, en met onze dankofferen; en dat uw kinderen tot onze kinderen morgen niet zeggen: Gijlieden hebt geen deel aan den HEERE.

יהושע 22:27
כִּי֩ עֵ֨ד ה֜וּא בֵּינֵ֣ינוּ וּבֵינֵיכֶ֗ם וּבֵ֣ין דֹּרֹותֵינוּ֮ אַחֲרֵינוּ֒ לַעֲבֹ֞ד אֶת־עֲבֹדַ֤ת יְהוָה֙ לְפָנָ֔יו בְּעֹלֹותֵ֥ינוּ וּבִזְבָחֵ֖ינוּ וּבִשְׁלָמֵ֑ינוּ וְלֹא־יֹאמְר֨וּ בְנֵיכֶ֤ם מָחָר֙ לְבָנֵ֔ינוּ אֵין־לָכֶ֥ם חֵ֖לֶק בַּיהוָֽה׃

כז כי עד הוא בינינו וביניכם ובין דרותינו אחרינו לעבד את עבדת יהוה לפניו בעלותינו ובזבחינו ובשלמינו  ולא יאמרו בניכם מחר לבנינו אין לכם חלק ביהוה

כי עד הוא בינינו וביניכם ובין דרותינו אחרינו לעבד את־עבדת יהוה לפניו בעלותינו ובזבחינו ובשלמינו ולא־יאמרו בניכם מחר לבנינו אין־לכם חלק ביהוה׃

Józsué 22:27
Hanem hogy bizonyság legyen az mi közöttünk és ti közöttetek, és a mi utánunk való nemzetségeink között, hogy szolgálni akarjuk az Urat õ elõtte a mi egészen égõáldozatainkkal, véres áldozatainkkal és hálaáldozatainkkal, és hogy ne mondhassák a ti fiaitok maholnap a mi fiainknak: Nincs néktek részetek az Úrban.

Josuo 22:27
sed nur por ke gxi estu atesto inter ni kaj vi kaj inter niaj estontaj generacioj, ke ni havas la rajton fari servon al la Eternulo antaux Li per niaj bruloferoj kaj per niaj bucxoferoj kaj per niaj pacoferoj, kaj por ke ne diru viaj filoj morgaux al niaj filoj:Vi ne havas parton en la Eternulo.

JOOSUA 22:27
Mutta todistukseksi meidän ja teidän vaiheellamme, ja meidän sukumme meidän jälkeemme, tehdäksemme Herran palvelusta hänen edessänsä meidän polttouhrillamme, kiitosuhrillamme ja muilla uhreillamme; ja teidän lapsenne ei pidä tästälähin sanoman meidän lapsillemme: ei ole teillä yhtään osaa Herrassa.

Josué 22:27
mais comme témoin entre nous et vous, et entre nos générations après nous, afin de faire le service de l'Éternel devant lui par nos holocaustes, et par nos sacrifices, et par nos sacrifices de prospérités; afin que vos fils ne disent pas dans l'avenir à nos fils: Vous n'avez point de part à l'Éternel.

mais comme un témoin entre nous et vous, entre nos descendants et les vôtres, que nous voulons servir l'Eternel devant sa face par nos holocaustes et par nos sacrifices d'expiation et d'actions de grâces, afin que vos fils ne disent pas un jour à nos fils: Vous n'avez point de part à l'Eternel!

Mais afin qu'il serve de témoignage entre nous et vous, et entre nos générations après nous, pour faire le service de l'Eternel devant lui en nos holocaustes et nos sacrifices, et en nos sacrifices de prospérités; et afin qu'à l'avenir vos enfants ne disent point à nos enfants : Vous n'avez point de part à l'Eternel.

Josua 22:27
sondern daß er ein Zeuge sei zwischen uns und euch und unsern Nachkommen, daß wir dem HERRN Dienst tun mögen vor ihm mit unsern Brandopfern, Dankopfern und andern Opfern, und eure Kinder heute oder morgen nicht sagen dürfen zu unsern Kindern: Ihr habt kein Teil an dem HERRN.

sondern daß er ein Zeuge sei zwischen uns und euch und unsern Nachkommen, daß wir dem HERRN Dienst tun mögen vor ihm mit unsern Brandopfern, Dankopfern und andern Opfern und eure Kinder heut oder morgen nicht sagen dürfen zu unsern Kindern: Ihr habt keinen Teil an dem HERRN. {~}

sondern Zeuge soll er sein sowohl für uns, wie für euch und für unsere Nachkommen, daß wir der Verehrung Jahwes vor seinem Angesicht obliegen wollen mit unseren Brandopfern, unseren Schlachtopfern und unseren Heilsopfern, und daß eure Nachkommen künftig nicht zu unseren Nachkommen sprechen können: Ihr habt keinen Anteil an Jahwe!

Giosué 22:27
ma perché serva di testimonio fra noi e voi e fra i nostri discendenti dopo noi, che vogliam servire l’Eterno, nel suo cospetto, coi nostri olocausti, coi nostri sacrifizi e con le nostre offerte di azioni di grazie, affinché i vostri figliuoli non abbiano un giorno a dire ai figliuoli nostri: Voi non avete parte alcuna nell’Eterno!

anzi, acciocchè sia un testimonio fra noi e voi, e fra le nostre generazioni dopo noi, che noi possiamo fare il servigio del Signore nel suo cospetto, ne’ nostri olocausti, ne’ nostri sacrificii, e nelle nostre offerte da render grazie; e che i vostri figliuoli per l’innanzi non dicano a’ nostri figliuoli: Voi non avete alcuna parte nel Signore.

YOSUA 22:27
melainkan supaya mezbah itu akan suatu kesaksian di antara kami dengan kamu dan di antara anak cucu kita yang kemudian dari pada kita kedua pihak, supaya kamipun boleh turut berbuat bakti kepada Tuhan di hadapan hadirat-Nya dengan korban bakaran kami dan dengan korban sembelihan kami dan dengan korban syukur kami, dan jangan besok kata anakmu kepada anak kami: Bahwa kamu tiada empunya bahagian dengan Tuhan!

여호수아 22:27
우리가 여호와 앞에서 우리 번제와 우리 다른 제사와 우리 화목제로 섬기는 것을 우리와 너희 사이와 우리의 후대 사이에 증거가 되게 할 뿐으로서 너희 자손으로 후일에 우리 자손에게 이르기를 너희는 여호와께 분의가 없다 못하게 하려 함이로라

Iosue 22:27
sed in testimonium inter nos et vos et subolem nostram vestramque progeniem ut serviamus Domino et iuris nostri sit offerre holocausta et victimas et pacificas hostias et nequaquam dicant cras filii vestri filiis nostris non est vobis pars in Domino

Jozuës knyga 22:27
bet kad jis būtų liudytojas ateityje mūsų ir jūsų kartoms. Kad mes galėtume tarnauti Viešpačiui savo deginamosiomis ir padėkos aukomis, kad ateityje jūsų vaikai nesakytų mūsų vaikams: ‘Jūs neturite dalies Viešpatyje’.

Joshua 22:27
Engari kia ai tena mea hei kaiwhakaatu ki a matou, ki a koutou, ki o tatou uri hoki i muri i a tatou, kia mahi ai tatou i nga mahi a Ihowa ki tona aroaro, i a tatou tahunga tinana, i a tatou patunga tapu, i a tatou whakahere mo te pai; kei mea a koutou tama ki a matou tama a ko ake nei, Kahore o koutou wahi i roto i a Ihowa.

Josvas 22:27
men det skal være et vidne mellem oss og eder og mellem våre efterkommere om at vi vil tjene Herren for hans åsyn med våre brennoffer og slaktoffer og takkoffer, forat ikke eders barn engang skal si til våre barn: I har ingen del i Herren.

Josué 22:27
sino para que sea testigo entre nosotros y vosotros, y entre nuestras generaciones después de nosotros, que hemos de cumplir el servicio del SEÑOR delante de El con nuestros holocaustos, con nuestros sacrificios y con nuestras ofrendas de paz, para que en el día de mañana vuestros hijos no digan a nuestros hijos: `No tenéis porción en el SEÑOR.'

sino para que sea testigo entre nosotros y ustedes, y entre nuestras generaciones después de nosotros, que hemos de cumplir el servicio del SEÑOR delante de El con nuestros holocaustos, con nuestros sacrificios y con nuestras ofrendas de paz, para que en el día de mañana los hijos de ustedes no digan a nuestros hijos: "No tienen porción en el SEÑOR."'

sino para que sea un testimonio entre nosotros y vosotros, y entre los que vendrán después de nosotros, de que podemos hacer el servicio de Jehová delante de Él con nuestros holocaustos, con nuestros sacrificios, y con nuestras ofrendas de paz; y no digan mañana vuestros hijos a los nuestros: Vosotros no tenéis parte en Jehová.

Sino para que sea un testimonio entre nosotros y vosotros, y entre los que vendrán después de nosotros, de que podemos hacer el servicio de Jehová delante de él con nuestros holocaustos, con nuestros sacrificios, y con nuestros pacíficos; y no digan mañan

sino para que sea un testimonio entre nosotros y vosotros, y entre los que vendrán después de nosotros, para que hagan el servicio del SEÑOR delante de él con nuestros holocaustos, con nuestros sacrificios, y con nuestros pacíficos; y no digan mañana vuestros hijos a los nuestros: Vosotros no tenéis parte en el SEÑOR.

Josué 22:27
Pelo contrário, queríamos que fosse um marco indelével entre nós e vós e entre nossos descendentes depois de nós, como um testemunho perene de que prestamos culto a Yahweh com nossas ofertas a serem completamente queimadas, com sacrifícios de animais e com ofertas de paz e comunhão, na presença do Eterno. Sendo assim, os vossos filhos jamais poderão protestar contra os nossos argumentando: ‘Vós não tendes relação alguma com o SENHOR’.

mas para que, entre nós e vós, e entre as nossas gerações depois de nós, nos sirva de testemunho para podermos fazer o serviço do Senhor diante dele com os nossos holocaustos, com os nossos sacrifícios e com as nossas ofertas pacíficas; para que vossos filhos não digam amanhã a nossos filhos: Não tendes parte no Senhor.   

Iosua 22:27
ci ca o mărturie între noi şi voi, între urmaşii noştri şi ai voştri, că voim să slujim Domnului, înaintea Feţei Lui, prin arderile noastre de tot şi prin jertfele noastre de ispăşire şi de mulţămiri, ca să nu zică fiii voştri într'o zi fiilor noştri: ,Voi n'aveţi parte de Domnul!`

Иисус Навин 22:27
но чтобы он между нами и вами, между последующими родами нашими, был свидетелем, что мы можем служитьГосподу всесожжениями нашими и жертвами нашими и благодарениями нашими, и чтобы в последующее время не сказали ваши сыны сынам нашим: „нет вам части в Господе".

но чтобы он между нами и вами, между последующими родами нашими, был свидетелем, что мы можем служить Господу всесожжениями нашими и жертвами нашими и благодарениями нашими, и чтобы в последующее время не сказали ваши сыны сынам нашим: `нет вам части в Господе`.[]

Josuaé 22:27
utan till att vara ett vittne mellan oss och eder, och mellan bådas efterkommande efter oss, att vi vilja förrätta HERRENS tjänst inför hans ansikte med våra brännoffer och slaktoffer och tackoffer, så att edra barn i framtiden icke kunna säga till våra barn: 'I haven ingen del i HERREN.'

Joshua 22:27
Kundi magiging saksi sa pagitan namin at ninyo, at sa pagitan ng ating mga lahi pagkamatay natin, upang aming magawa ang paglilingkod sa Panginoon sa harap niya ng aming mga handog na susunugin at ng aming mga hain at ng aming mga handog tungkol sa kapayapaan; upang huwag masabi ng inyong mga anak sa aming mga anak sa panahong darating, Kayo'y walang bahagi sa Panginoon.

โยชูวา 22:27
แต่เพื่อเป็นพยานระหว่างเรากับท่านทั้งหลาย และระหว่างคนชั่วอายุต่อจากเราว่า เราทั้งหลายจะกระทำการปรนนิบัติพระเยโฮวาห์ต่อพระพักตร์ของพระองค์ ด้วยเครื่องเผาบูชา และเครื่องสัตวบูชา และเครื่องสันติบูชา ด้วยเกรงว่าลูกหลานของท่านจะกล่าวแก่ลูกหลานของเราในเวลาต่อไปว่า "เจ้าไม่มีส่วนในพระเยโฮวาห์"'

Yeşu 22:27
yalnız sizinle bizim aramızda ve bizden sonra gelecek kuşaklar arasında bir tanık olması için yaptık. Böylece RABbin Tapınağında yakmalık sunularla, kurbanlarla ve esenlik sunularıyla RABbe tapınacağız. Oğullarınız da ilerde bizim oğullarımıza, ‹RABde hiçbir payınız yok› diyemeyecekler.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 22:27
nhưng để làm chứng giữa chúng tôi và anh em cùng con cháu sau chúng ta rằng chúng tôi dùng của lễ thiêu, của lễ chuộc tội, và của lễ thù ân mà giữ cuộc thờ phượng của Ðức Giê-hô-va trước mặt Ngài; hầu cho về sau con cháu anh em không nói cùng con cháu chúng tôi rằng: Các ngươi không có phần nơi Ðức Giê-hô-va!

Joshua 22:26
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