Joshua 22:28
Joshua 22:28
"And we said, 'If they ever say this to us, or to our descendants, we will answer: Look at the replica of the LORD's altar, which our ancestors built, not for burnt offerings and sacrifices, but as a witness between us and you.'

"If they say this, our descendants can reply, 'Look at this copy of the LORD's altar that our ancestors made. It is not for burnt offerings or sacrifices; it is a reminder of the relationship both of us have with the LORD.'

And we thought, ‘If this should be said to us or to our descendants in time to come, we should say, “Behold, the copy of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifice, but to be a witness between us and you.”’

"Therefore we said, 'It shall also come about if they say this to us or to our generations in time to come, then we shall say, "See the copy of the altar of the LORD which our fathers made, not for burnt offering or for sacrifice; rather it is a witness between us and you."'

Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say again, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us and you.

We thought that if they said this to us or to our generations in the future, we would reply: Look at the replica of the LORD's altar that our fathers made, not for burnt offering or sacrifice, but as a witness between us and you.

"That's also why we said, 'It may be if they say these things to us and to our descendants in the future, so we will respond, "Look at this replica of the altar of the LORD that our ancestors made, not for burnt offerings or sacrifice, but rather as a reminder between us and you.

We said, 'If in the future they say such a thing to us or to our descendants, we will reply, "See the model of the LORD's altar that our ancestors made, not for burnt offerings or sacrifices, but as a reminder to us and you."'

So we thought, if this statement is made to us or to our descendants in the future, we will answer, 'Look at the model of the LORD's altar our ancestors made. They didn't make it for burnt offerings or sacrifices but to stand as a witness between us.'

Therefore we said, that it shall be, if they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may reply, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings nor for sacrifices, but it is a witness between us and you.

Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say again, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us and you.

Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say again, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us and you.

Therefore said we, It shall be, when they so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we shall say, Behold the pattern of the altar of Jehovah, which our fathers made, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you.

And if they will say so, they shall answer them: Behold the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for holocausts, nor for sacrifice, but for a testimony between us and you.

And we said, If it shall be that in future they so say to us and to our generations, we will say, Behold the pattern of the altar of Jehovah which our fathers made, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice, but as a witness between us and you.

Therefore said we, It shall be, when they so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we shall say, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you.

Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they shall so say to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say, Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD, which our fathers made, not for burnt-offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between us and you.

"Therefore we said, 'It shall be, when they tell us or our generations this in time to come, that we shall say, "Behold the pattern of the altar of Yahweh, which our fathers made, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you."'

And we say, And it hath been, when they say so unto us, and unto our generations hereafter, that we have said, See the pattern of the altar of Jehovah, which our fathers made -- not for burnt-offering nor for sacrifice -- but a witness it is between us and you.

Jozueu 22:28
Prandaj thamë: Në rast se ndodh që një ditë të na thonë këtë neve ose pasardhësve tanë, atëherë do të përgjigjemi: Shikoni formën e altarit të Zotit që ndërtuan etërit tanë, jo për olokauste as për flijime, por që të shërbejë si dëshmitar midis nesh dhe jush.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 22:28
وقلنا يكون متى قالوا كذا لنا ولاجيالنا غدا اننا نقول. انظروا شبه مذبح الرب الذي عمل آباؤنا لا للمحرقة ولا للذبيحة بل هو شاهد بيننا وبينكم.

Dyr Josen 22:28
Mir habnd üns denkt, wenn s allssgfaer iewet yso gögnüber üns und ünserne Naachkemmen dyrherrödnd, naacherd künnend mir sagn: 'Schaugtß diend dönn Altter aynmaal gnaun an, wo ünserne Vätter yn n Herrn errichtt habnd; dös ist doch kainer für Brand- und Schlachtopfer, sundern däß yr ayn Zeug ist zwischn üns und enk!'

Исус Навиев 22:28
Затова рекохме, ако се случи утре да говорят [така] нам или на поколенията ни, тогава ще речем: Ето подобието на Господния олтар, който бащите ни издигнаха, не за всеизгаряне, нито за жертва, но за да бъде свидетелство между нас и вас.

約 書 亞 記 22:28
所 以 我 們 說 : 日 後 你 們 對 我 們 , 或 對 我 們 的 後 人 這 樣 說 , 我 們 就 可 以 回 答 說 , 你 們 看 我 們 列 祖 所 築 的 壇 是 耶 和 華 壇 的 樣 式 ; 這 並 不 是 為 獻 燔 祭 , 也 不 是 為 獻 別 的 祭 , 乃 是 為 作 你 我 中 間 的 證 據 。

所 以 我 们 说 : 日 後 你 们 对 我 们 , 或 对 我 们 的 後 人 这 样 说 , 我 们 就 可 以 回 答 说 , 你 们 看 我 们 列 祖 所 筑 的 坛 是 耶 和 华 坛 的 样 式 ; 这 并 不 是 为 献 燔 祭 , 也 不 是 为 献 别 的 祭 , 乃 是 为 作 你 我 中 间 的 证 据 。



Joshua 22:28
Ako bi kada tako rekli nama i potomcima našim, mogli bismo odgovoriti: 'Pogledajte slog žrtvenika Jahvina što su ga podigli oci naši ne za žrtve paljenice ni klanice, nego za svjedočanstvo između nas i vas.'

Jozue 22:28
Protož jsme řekli: Jestliže by potom mluvili nám neb potomkům našim, tedy odpovíme: Vizte podobenství oltáře Hospodinova, kterýž učinili otcové naši, ne pro zápaly ani oběti, ale aby byl na svědectví mezi námi a vámi.

Josua 22:28
Og vi tænkte: Hvis de i Fremtiden siger saaledes til os og vore Efterkommere, saa siger vi: Læg dog Mærke til, hvorledes det HERRENS Alter er bygget, som vore Forfædre rejste, ikke til Brændofre eller Slagtofre, men for at det kunne være Vidne mellem os og eder.

Jozua 22:28
Daarom zeiden wij: Wanneer het geschiedt, dat zij morgen alzo tot ons en tot onze geslachten zeggen zullen; zo zullen wij zeggen: Ziet de gedaante van het altaar des HEEREN, hetwelk onze vaderen gemaakt hebben, niet ten brandoffer, noch ten offer; maar het is een getuige tussen ons en tussen ulieden.

יהושע 22:28
וַנֹּ֕אמֶר וְהָיָ֗ה כִּֽי־יֹאמְר֥וּ אֵלֵ֛ינוּ וְאֶל־דֹּרֹתֵ֖ינוּ מָחָ֑ר וְאָמַ֡רְנוּ רְא֣וּ אֶת־תַּבְנִית֩ מִזְבַּ֨ח יְהוָ֜ה אֲשֶׁר־עָשׂ֣וּ אֲבֹותֵ֗ינוּ לֹ֤א לְעֹולָה֙ וְלֹ֣א לְזֶ֔בַח כִּי־עֵ֣ד ה֔וּא בֵּינֵ֖ינוּ וּבֵינֵיכֶֽם׃

כח ונאמר--והיה כי יאמרו אלינו ואל דרתינו מחר ואמרנו ראו את תבנית מזבח יהוה אשר עשו אבותינו לא לעולה ולא לזבח--כי עד הוא בינינו וביניכם

ונאמר והיה כי־יאמרו אלינו ואל־דרתינו מחר ואמרנו ראו את־תבנית מזבח יהוה אשר־עשו אבותינו לא לעולה ולא לזבח כי־עד הוא בינינו וביניכם׃

Józsué 22:28
Mondottuk azért: Ha így szólanának maholnap nékünk vagy a mi nemzetségeinknek, ezt mondjuk majd: Lássátok az Úr oltárának mássát, a melyet a mi atyáink készítettek, nem egészen égõáldozatra, sem nem véres áldozatra, hanem hogy bizonyság legyen mi közöttünk és ti közöttetek!

Josuo 22:28
Kaj ni pensis:Se ili diros tion al ni kaj al niaj estontaj generacioj, tiam ni diros:Vidu la similajxon de la altaro de la Eternulo, kiun faris niaj patroj, ne por brulofero nek por bucxofero, sed nur kiel ateston inter ni kaj vi.

JOOSUA 22:28
Sillä me sanoimme: se olkoon, kuin he niin sanovat meille, taikka meidän lapsillemme tästedes, niin me taidamme sanoa: katsokaat vertausta Herran alttariin, jonka meidän vanhempamme tehneet ovat, ei polttouhriksi taikka teurasuhriksi vaan todistukseksi teidän ja meidän vaiheellamme.

Josué 22:28
Et nous avons dit: S'il arrive qu'il nous disent cela, à nous et à nos générations dans l'avenir, nous leur dirons: Voyez la forme de l'autel de l'Éternel que nos pères ont fait, non pour des holocaustes, ni pour des sacrifices, mais comme témoin entre nous et vous.

Nous avons dit: S'ils tiennent dans l'avenir ce langage à nous ou à nos descendants, nous répondrons: Voyez la forme de l'autel de l'Eternel, qu'ont fait nos pères, non pour des holocaustes et pour des sacrifices, mais comme témoin entre nous et vous.

C'est pourquoi nous avons dit : Lorsqu'ils nous tiendront ce discours, ou à nos générations à l'avenir, nous leur dirons : Voyez la ressemblance de l'autel de l'Eternel que nos pères ont faite, non pour holocauste, ni pour sacrifice, mais afin qu'il soit témoin entre nous et vous.

Josua 22:28
Wenn sie aber also zu uns sagen würden oder zu unsern Nachkommen heute oder morgen, so könnten sie sagen: Sehet das Gleichnis des Altars des HERRN, den unsere Väter gemacht haben, nicht zum Opfer noch zum Brandopfer, sondern zum Zeugen zwischen uns und euch.

Wenn sie aber also zu uns sagen würden oder zu unsern Nachkommen heut oder morgen, so könnten wir sagen: Seht das Gleichnis des Altars des HERRN, den unsere Väter gemacht haben, nicht zum Brandopfer noch zu andern Opfern, sondern zum Zeugen zwischen uns und euch.

Wir dachten: wenn sie etwa künftig so zu uns oder zu unseren Nachkommen sprechen sollten, so wollen wir sagen: Betrachtet das Modell des Jahwe-Altars, den unsere Väter errichtet haben, nicht zum Zwecke von Brandopfern oder von Schlachtopfern, sondern Zeuge sollte er sein sowohl für uns, wie für euch.

Giosué 22:28
E abbiam detto: Se in avvenire essi diranno questo a noi o ai nostri discendenti, noi risponderemo: Guardate la forma dell’altare dell’Eterno che i nostri padri fecero, non per olocausti né per sacrifizi, ma perché servisse di testimonio fra noi e voi.

Abbiamo adunque detto: Quando per innanzi diranno così a noi, e alle nostre generazioni, noi diremo loro: Vedete la somiglianza dell’Altare del Signore, che i padri nostri hanno fatta, non per olocausto, nè per sacrificio; anzi acciocchè sia testimonio fra noi e voi.

YOSUA 22:28
Maka sebab itu kata kami: Jikalau kiranya besok demikianlah kata mereka itu kepada kami dan kepada anak cucu kami, maka kami akan menyahut: Tengoklah kamu akan turutan mezbah Tuhan ini, yang telah diperbuat oleh nenek moyang kami, bukannya akan korban bakaran, dan bukannya akan korban sembelihan, melainkan akan suatu kesaksian di antara kami dengan kamulah.

여호수아 22:28
우리가 말하였거니와 만일 그들이 후일에 우리에게나 우리 후대에게 이같이 말하면 우리가 말하기를 우리 열조가 지은 여호와의단 모형을 보라 이는 번제를 위한 것도 아니요 다른 제사를 위한것도 아니라 오직 우리와 너희 사이에 증거만 되게 할뿐이라

Iosue 22:28
quod si voluerint dicere respondebunt eis ecce altare Domini quod fecerunt patres nostri non in holocausta neque in sacrificium sed in testimonium vestrum ac nostrum

Jozuës knyga 22:28
Mes galvojome, jei ateityje jie taip sakys mums ar mūsų kartoms, tai mes atsakysime: ‘Pažiūrėkite į Viešpaties aukuro pavyzdį, kurį padarė mūsų tėvai; jis neskirtas deginamosioms ir padėkos aukoms, bet jis yra liudytojas tarp mūsų ir jūsų’.

Joshua 22:28
Koia matou i mea ai, Na tenei ake, kei ta ratou meatanga pera ki a tatou, ki o tatou uri ranei, na ka mea tatou, Titiro ki te mea e rite ana ki te aata a Ihowa, i hanga e o matou matua, ehara i te mea mo nga tahunga tinana, mo nga patunga tapu r anei; engari hei kaiwhakaatu i waenganui i a matou, i a koutou.

Josvas 22:28
Og vi sa: Hvis de engang skulde si noget sådant til oss og våre efterkommere, da vil vi svare: Se på den efterligning av Herrens alter som våre fedre gjorde, ikke til brennoffer eller til slaktoffer, men til et vidne mellem oss og eder!

Josué 22:28
Nosotros, pues, dijimos: ``Sucederá el día de mañana, que si nos dicen esto a nosotros o a nuestras generaciones, entonces diremos: `Ved la réplica del altar del SEÑOR que nuestros padres edificaron, no para holocaustos ni para sacrificios, sino más bien como testigo entre nosotros y vosotros.'

"Nosotros, pues, dijimos: 'Sucederá el día de mañana, que si nos dicen esto a nosotros o a nuestras generaciones, entonces diremos: "Vean la réplica del altar del SEÑOR que nuestros padres edificaron, no para holocaustos ni para sacrificios, sino más bien como testigo entre nosotros y ustedes."'

Nosotros, pues, dijimos: Si aconteciere que tal digan a nosotros, o a nuestras generaciones en lo por venir, entonces responderemos: Mirad el símil del altar de Jehová, el cual hicieron nuestros padres, no para holocaustos o sacrificios, sino para que fuese testimonio entre nosotros y vosotros.

Nosotros, pues, dijimos: Si aconteciere que tal digan á nosotros, ó á nuestras generaciones en lo por venir, entonces responderemos: Mirad el símil del altar de Jehová, el cual hicieron nuestros padres, no para holocaustos ó sacrificios, sino para que fue

Nosotros , pues, dijimos: Si aconteciere que tal digan a nosotros, o a nuestras generaciones en lo por venir, entonces responderemos: Mirad el símil del altar del SEÑOR, el cual hicieron nuestros padres, no para holocaustos o sacrificios, sino para que fuese testimonio entre nosotros y vosotros.

Josué 22:28
Então imaginamos: Se um dia isso vier a ocorrer, os nossos descendentes poderão alegar em sua defesa: ‘Vede a réplica do altar de Yahwehque os nossos antepassados edificaram, não para holocaustos ou sacrifícios, mas como testemunho concreto entre nós e vós!’

Pelo que dissemos: Quando amanhã disserem assim a nós ou às nossas gerações, então diremos: Vede o modelo do altar do Senhor que os nossos pais fizeram, não para holocausto nem para sacrifício, porém para ser testemunho entre nós e vós,   

Iosua 22:28
Noi am zis: ,Dacă mai tîrziu ne vor vorbi astfel nouă sau urmaşilor noştri, vom răspunde: ,Priviţi chipul altarului Domnului, pe care l-au făcut părinţii noştri, nu pentru arderi de tot şi pentru jertfe, ci ca mărturie între noi şi voi.

Иисус Навин 22:28
Мы говорили: если скажут так нам и родам нашим в последующее время, то мы скажем: видите подобие жертвенника Господа, которое сделали отцы наши не для всесожжения и не для жертвы, но чтобы это было свидетелем между нами и вами.

Мы говорили: если скажут так нам и родам нашим в последующее время, то мы скажем: видите подобие жертвенника Господа, которое сделали отцы наши не для всесожжения и не для жертвы, но чтобы это было свидетелем между нами и вами.[]

Josuaé 22:28
Och vi tänkte: Om det i framtiden händer att de så säga till oss och våra efterkommande, då kunna vi svara: 'Sen på den bild av HERRENS altare, som våra fäder hava gjort, men icke till brännoffer eller till slaktoffer, utan till att vara ett vittne mellan oss och eder.'

Joshua 22:28
Kaya't sinabi namin, Mangyayari na pagka kanilang sasabihing gayon sa amin o sa aming lahi sa panahong darating, ay aming sasabihin, Narito ang anyo ng dambana ng Panginoon na ginawa ng aming mga magulang, hindi upang sa handog na susunugin, ni sa hain: kundi isang saksi sa pagitan namin at ninyo.

โยชูวา 22:28
และเราคิดว่า ถ้ามีใครพูดเช่นนี้กับเราหรือกับเชื้อสายของเราในเวลาข้างหน้า เราก็จะกล่าวว่า `ดูเถิด นั่นเป็นแท่นจำลองของแท่นแห่งพระเยโฮวาห์ บรรพบุรุษของเรากระทำไว้ มิใช่เพื่อถวายเครื่องเผาบูชาหรือเครื่องสัตวบูชา แต่เพื่อเป็นพยานระหว่างเรากับท่าน'

Yeşu 22:28
Şöyle düşündük: İlerde bize ya da gelecek kuşaklarımıza böyle bir şey diyecek olurlarsa, biz de, ‹Atalarımızın RAB için yaptığı sunağın örneğine bakın› deriz. ‹Yakmalık sunu ya da kurban sunmak için değildir bu. Sizinle bizim aramızdaki birliğin tanığıdır.›[]

Gioâ-sueâ 22:28
Lại chúng tôi có nói: Khi nào họ sẽ nói điều đó cùng chúng tôi, hay là nói cùng con cháu sau chúng tôi, thì chúng tôi sẽ nói: Hãy xem hình dạng bàn thờ Ðức Giê-hô-va, mà tổ phụ chúng ta đã lập, nào phải dùng cho của lễ thiêu hay là dâng hi sinh, nhưng để làm chứng giữa chúng tôi và các ngươi!

Joshua 22:27
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