Joshua 13:8
Joshua 13:8
The other half of Manasseh, the Reubenites and the Gadites had received the inheritance that Moses had given them east of the Jordan, as he, the servant of the LORD, had assigned it to them.

Half the tribe of Manasseh and the tribes of Reuben and Gad had already received their grants of land on the east side of the Jordan, for Moses, the servant of the LORD, had previously assigned this land to them.

With the other half of the tribe of Manasseh the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them:

With the other half-tribe, the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance which Moses gave them beyond the Jordan to the east, just as Moses the servant of the LORD gave to them;

With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

With the other half of the tribe, the Reubenites and Gadites had received the inheritance Moses gave them beyond the Jordan to the east, just as Moses the LORD's servant had given them:

The descendants of Reuben and descendants of Gad, along with the other half-tribe of Manasseh, received their inherited portion that Moses the servant of the LORD had given them to the east beyond the Jordan River.

The other half of Manasseh, Reuben, and Gad received their allotted tribal lands beyond the Jordan, just as Moses, the LORD's servant, had assigned them.

The tribes of Reuben and Gad with half of the tribe of Manasseh had received their inheritance east of the Jordan River, since the LORD's servant Moses had already given it to them.

for the other half received their inheritance with the Reubenites and the Gadites, which Moses gave them of the other side of the Jordan eastward, according as Moses the slave of the LORD gave them;

With the other half tribe, the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

With him the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of Jehovah gave them:

With whom Ruben and Gad have possessed the land, which Moses the servant of the Lord delivered to them beyond the river Jordan, on the east side.

with him the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, as Moses the servant of Jehovah gave them:

With him the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.

With him the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of Yahweh gave them:

with it the Reubenite, and the Gadite, have received their inheritance, which Moses hath given to them beyond the Jordan eastward, as Moses servant of Jehovah hath given to them;

Jozueu 13:8
Rubenitët dhe Gaditët, bashkë me gjysmën e fisit tjetër, kanë marrë trashëgiminë e tyre, që Moisiu u dha atyre matanë Jordanit, në lindje, ashtu siç ua kishte dhënë Moisiu, shërbëtor i Zotit;

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 13:8
معهم اخذ الرأوبينيون والجاديون ملكهم الذي اعطاهم موسى في عبر الاردن نحو الشروق كما اعطاهم موسى عبد الرب

Dyr Josen 13:8
De ander Hölftn von n Stamm Mantz und d Ruber und Gäder dyrmit hietnd ienern Örbbsiz schoon kriegt, wie n ien dyr Mosen, yn n Herrn sein Knecht, zuegwisn hiet,

Исус Навиев 13:8
А заедно с [другата] му [половина] рувимците и гадците взеха наследството си, което Моисей им даде оттатък Иордан, на изток, както Господният слуга Моисей им даде,

約 書 亞 記 13:8
瑪 拿 西 那 半 支 派 和 流 便 、 迦 得 二 支 派 已 經 受 了 產 業 , 就 是 耶 和 華 的 僕 人 摩 西 在 約 但 河 東 所 賜 給 他 們 的 :

玛 拿 西 那 半 支 派 和 流 便 、 迦 得 二 支 派 已 经 受 了 产 业 , 就 是 耶 和 华 的 仆 人 摩 西 在 约 但 河 东 所 赐 给 他 们 的 :



Joshua 13:8
Druga polovina plemena Manašeova, a s njome pleme Rubenovo i Gadovo, primiše svoju baštinu koju im je predao Mojsije preko Jordana, na istoku. Mojsije, sluga Jahvin, dodijelio im je ovako:

Jozue 13:8
Poněvadž druhá polovice a pokolení Rubenovo a Gádovo vzali díl svůj, kterýž jim dal Mojžíš před Jordánem k východu, jakož dal jim Mojžíš služebník Hospodinův,

Josua 13:8
saavel som Rubeniterne og Gaditerne havde nemlig faaet deres Arvelod, som Moses gav dem hinsides Jordan, paa Østsiden, saaledes som HERRENS Tjener Moses gav dem,

Jozua 13:8
Met denwelken de Rubenieten en Gadieten hun erfenis ontvangen hebben; dewelke Mozes hunlieden gaf aan gene zijde van de Jordaan tegen het oosten, gelijk als Mozes, de knecht des HEEREN, hun gegeven had:

יהושע 13:8
עִמֹּ֗ו הָרֽאוּבֵנִי֙ וְהַגָּדִ֔י לָקְח֖וּ נַחֲלָתָ֑ם אֲשֶׁר֩ נָתַ֨ן לָהֶ֜ם מֹשֶׁ֗ה בְּעֵ֤בֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן֙ מִזְרָ֔חָה כַּאֲשֶׁר֙ נָתַ֣ן לָהֶ֔ם מֹשֶׁ֖ה עֶ֥בֶד יְהוָֽה׃

ח עמו הראובני והגדי לקחו נחלתם--אשר נתן להם משה בעבר הירדן מזרחה כאשר נתן להם משה עבד יהוה

עמו הראובני והגדי לקחו נחלתם אשר נתן להם משה בעבר הירדן מזרחה כאשר נתן להם משה עבד יהוה׃

Józsué 13:8
Õ vele együtt a Rúben és Gád [nemzetségek] elvették örökségöket, a melyet adott vala nékik Mózes, túl a Jordánon, napkelet felé, a miképen adta vala nékik Mózes, az Úrnak szolgája.

Josuo 13:8
Kun cxi tiu tribo la Rubenidoj kaj la Gadidoj prenis sian heredan parton, kiun donis al ili Moseo transe de Jordan oriente, kiel donis al ili Moseo, servanto de la Eternulo;

Sillä Rubenilaiset ja Gadilaiset ovat toisen puolen Manassen sukukunnan kanssa saaneet perimisensä, jonka Moses heille oli antanut sillä puolella Jordania itään päin, niinkuin Herran palvelia Moses heille sen antanut oli:

Josué 13:8
Avec l'autre moitié de Manassé, les Rubénites et les Gadites ont reçu leur héritage, que Moïse leur a donné au delà du Jourdain, vers le levant, selon ce que Moïse, serviteur de l'Éternel, leur a donné,

Les Rubénites et les Gadites, avec l'autre moitié de la tribu de Manassé, ont reçu leur héritage, que Moïse leur a donné de l'autre côté du Jourdain, à l'orient, comme le leur a donné Moïse, serviteur de l'Eternel:

Avec laquelle les Rubénites et les Gadites ont pris leur héritage; lequel Moïse leur a donné au delà du Jourdain vers l'Orient, selon que Moïse serviteur de l'Eternel le leur a donné;

Josua 13:8
Denn die Rubeniter und Gaditer haben mit dem andern halben Manasse ihr Erbteil empfangen, das ihnen Mose gab jenseit des Jordans gegen dem Aufgang, wie ihnen dasselbe Mose, der Knecht des HERRN, gegeben hat:

Denn die Rubeniter und Gaditer haben mit dem andern halben Manasse ihr Erbteil empfangen, das ihnen Mose gab jenseit des Jordans, gegen Aufgang, wie ihnen dasselbe Mose, der Knecht des HERRN, gegeben hat,

Mit ihm haben die Rubeniten und die Gaditen ihren Erbbesitz empfangen, indem ihnen Mose denselben jenseits, östlich vom Jordan, anwies, wie ihn Mose, der Knecht Jahwes, ihnen angewiesen hatte,

Giosué 13:8
I Rubeniti e i Gaditi, con l’altra metà della tribù di Manasse, hanno ricevuto la loro eredità, che Mosè, servo del l’Eterno, diede loro di là dal Giordano, a oriente:

I Rubeniti, e i Gaditi, con l’altra metà della tribù di Manasse, hanno ricevuta la loro eredità, la quale Mosè ha data loro, di là dal Giordano, verso Oriente; secondo che Mosè, servitor del Signore, l’ha data loro;

YOSUA 13:8
Yang setengahnya beserta dengan orang Rubin dan orang Gad sudah beroleh milik pusakanya, yang diberikan Musa kepadanya di seberang Yarden pada sebelah timurnya, seperti yang telah ditentukan kepadanya oleh Musa, hamba Tuhan itu.

여호수아 13:8
므낫세 반 지파와 함께 르우벤 사람과 갓 사람은 요단 동편에서 그 기업을 모세에게 받았는데 여호와의 종 모세가 그들에게 준 것은 이러하니

Iosue 13:8
cum qua Ruben et Gad possederunt terram quam tradidit eis Moses famulus Domini trans fluenta Iordanis ad orientalem plagam

Jozuës knyga 13:8
Kita pusė Manaso giminės, kartu su Rubeno ir Gado giminėmis jau gavo paveldėjimą, kurį jiems davė Viešpaties tarnas Mozė Jordano rytinėje pusėje:

Joshua 13:8
I whiwhi tahi ratou ko nga Reupeni, ko nga Kari ki to ratou wahi, i hoatu ra ki a ratou e Mohi ki tawahi o Horano whaka te rawhiti, ara ko ta Mohi, ko ta te pononga a Ihowa i hoatu ai ki a ratou;

Josvas 13:8
Sammen med Manasse* hadde rubenittene og gadittene fått sin arv, som Moses gav dem på østsiden av Jordan, således som Moses, Herrens tjener, gav dem den:

Josué 13:8
Los rubenitas y los gaditas con la otra media tribu habían recibido ya su heredad, la cual Moisés les había dado al otro lado del Jordán, hacia el oriente, tal como se la había dado Moisés, siervo del SEÑOR:

Los Rubenitas y los Gaditas con la otra media tribu habían recibido ya su heredad, la cual Moisés les había dado al otro lado del Jordán, hacia el oriente, tal como se la había dado Moisés, siervo del SEÑOR:

Porque la otra media recibió su heredad con los rubenitas y gaditas, la cual les dio Moisés al otro lado del Jordán al oriente, tal como se la dio Moisés siervo de Jehová;

Porque la otra media recibió su heredad con los Rubenitas y Gaditas, la cual les dió Moisés de la otra parte del Jordán al oriente, según que se la dió Moisés siervo de Jehová:

Porque la otra media recibió su heredad con los rubenitas y gaditas, la cual les dio Moisés del otro lado del Jordán al oriente, según que se la dio Moisés siervo del SEÑOR;

Josué 13:8
Com a outra metade da tribo de Manassés, as tribos de Rúben e de Gade já haviam recebido a herança a leste do Jordão, conforme Moisés, servo de Yahweh, lhes havia determinado.

Com a outra meia tribo os rubenitas e os gaditas já haviam recebido a sua herança do Jordão para o oriente, a qual Moisés, servo do Senhor, lhes tinha dado:   

Iosua 13:8
Rubeniţii şi Gadiţii, cu cealaltă jumătate din seminţia lui Manase, şi-au primit moştenirea, pe care le -a dat -o Moise de cealaltă parte a Iordanului, la răsărit, cum le -a dat -o Moise, robul Domnului:

Иисус Навин 13:8
А колено Рувимово и Гадово с другою половиною колена Манассиина получили удел свой от Моисея за Иорданом к востоку, как дал им Моисей, раб Господень,

А [колено] Рувимово и Гадово с другою половиною колена Манассиина получили удел свой от Моисея за Иорданом к востоку, как дал им Моисей, раб Господень,[]

Josuaé 13:8
Jämte Manasse hade ock rubeniterna och gaditerna fått sin arvedel, den som Mose gav dem på andra sidan Jordan, på östra sidan, just såsom HERRENS tjänare Mose gav den åt dem:

Joshua 13:8
Sa kaniya'y tinanggap ng mga Rubenita at ng mga Gadita, ang kanilang mana, na ibinigay sa kanila ni Moises, sa dako roon ng Jordan na dakong silanganan gaya ng ibinigay sa kanila ni Moises na lingkod ng Panginoon;

โยชูวา 13:8
ส่วนมนัสเสห์อีกครึ่งตระกูล คนรูเบน และคนกาดได้รับส่วนมรดกของเขา ซึ่งโมเสสได้มอบให้ทางฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างโน้นด้านตะวันออก ส่วนที่โมเสสผู้รับใช้ของพระเยโฮวาห์มอบให้เขาคือ

Yeşu 13:8
Manaşşe oymağının öbür yarısı ile Ruben ve Gad oymakları, RABbin kulu Musanın Şeria Irmağının doğusundaki toprakları kendilerine vermesiyle mülkten paylarını almışlardı.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 13:8
Người Ru-bên, người Gát, và phân nửa chi phái Ma-na-se đã lãnh bởi Môi-se phần sản nghiệp mình ở bên kia sông Giô-đanh về phía đông, y như Môi-se, tôi tớ Ðức Giê-hô-va, đã phát cho chúng nó;

Joshua 13:7
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